Am I Too Evil? [MHA Isekai]

Chapter 9: There are problems which are not my own.

"I'm so sorry!" Rimi gave the best bow she could to the boy in front of her, who stood with his arms crossed. Yuudai sneers down at the girl, turning his head away from her with a 'hmph'.

"Sorry, huh?" Yuudai is less than happy about the way Rimi had treated him for the past year. Even though he was older than her, she was now the one bowing in front of him, begging for forgiveness. "I've been eating alone all this time because of you!"

Yuudai could easily make new friends with his intelligence, but, Rimi was the one friend he had who he couldn't give up. If she weren't around, things wouldn't be the same; conversations would be bland.

But, with everything Rimi made him go through, he refused to let the girl off with a simple apology. "I won't forgive you so easily," he says, shaking his head. "If you want to make it up to me, you're gonna owe me some favors." Yuudai couldn't think of anything right now, but he does plan on putting Rimi through some uncomfortable circumstances as payback for her harsh words toward him.

"I'll do whatever you ask me to! I promise!" In the last few days, Rimi's insanity has lessened to the point where she can actually sleep at night. While the voices are still in her mind, and she can still see those shadowy entities; the fear of hurting or losing her loved ones has lessened. If she wants to protect everyone, she must first understand their feelings. Neglecting them is not the way to keep them safe, rather, she should also lean on them: this is what her mother taught her.

Yuudai huffs, leaving the two in silence while his foot taps the ground. "Alright, fine. We'll start tomorrow." There's a sudden mischievous grin on the boy's face. Tomorrow, it'll be Monday, and they'll be returning to kindergarten.

Rimi sweats nervously, thinking about what the boy could be planning. She'll have to endure the punishment.

Besides apologizing to Yuudai, there's another thing that's caught her attention at her friend's house. The man her father was chatting with, Yuuichi Yokota, was Yuudai's father. Something about him left Rimi feeling unsettled to her core. It was hard to explain, but Yuudai talked about his father many times around Rimi. He brags about how cool he is and how he'd get animals to do tricks, even the wildest of beasts like bears or lions.

At that time, Rimi just thought that he was a busy man or a deadbeat father. Now that Rimi is sharing a room with that tall, lanky man, she was conscious of the aura the man gave off, one that was hard to ignore. The child didn't dare address it either. Something told her that if she brought it up, things would become complicated and dangerous fast.

'Mom...' When Rimi looks in her mother's direction, she's a bit surprised to see that her mother's trained her eyes on the man as well. His hair was not blonde like Yuudai's, but oak-colored. 'Just like Lerisa.' Rimi isn't sure why she's thought of that child predator, but something about the man is similar to her. It isn't that he secretly likes children, but instead...

The child shakes her head.

A massive shadow falls over Rimi and Yuudai, and the girl already knows who it is. When she turns around, her sister's black-streaked hair is already falling into her face as she leans in. "So, now that you two have made up, come play with me!" Madoka says with a gleeful expression, just like usual. Her sister has returned to normal... for the most part.

Rimi still doesn't know how to bring up her sister's choice of schooling. Maybe it comes with maturing, but Madoka's abandonment of attending U.A. has stuck with her. Rimi wants to talk to her about it, but she also doesn't feel like she has the right. Who is she to decide another person's future?

"I refuse." Yuudai and Rimi spoke in unison, taking a step away from the joyous Madoka.

The girl frowns, fixing her posture so that she can stand upright. "Don't be like that! Come play with your big sister!" This was directed at both Rimi and Yuudai. The two were so close, Madoka considered Yuudai to be her brother from another mother!

Now that she is in her teen years, Rimi can acknowledge that she and Madoka really will be quite the eyecatchers once they're finished growing. Their mother's genetics have already begun to overwhelm Madoka's shape, and most importantly, the height factor. Kimiko is a tall woman, one who's taller than her husband. Madoka is no exception. She was not a giant, but she was certainly taller than most other girls her age would be; in Japan anyhow.

Her hair is also much longer, which makes things difficult because she refuses to cut it. Every time she sneaks up on Rimi and picks her up, her hair never fails to whip the child in her face.

More importantly, Madoka's quirk has developed nicely. The range of her search has increased, and within a certain distance, she no longer suffers from headaches. Furthermore, several heroes have approached her and asked for her assistance in finding lost items or criminals.

'Her quirk is terrifying in the right situation. If she's nearby, there isn't a soul or thing that can hide from her.' With just a loose idea of what she's looking for, Madoka can precisely find it as long as it's within 4 miles of herself.

Rimi and Yuudai share a glance with each other. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows by, and the two are gone. "Wha-? Rimi!" Madoka screams, looking around to see where her little sister has taken her friend.

Although Rimi struggled mentally, in the last few years, she learned basic uses of her quirk, like protecting herself or moving short distances in record-breaking time. Granted, she'll suffer from incredible nausea after, motion sickness is no joke.

Outside, having taken the two through an open window, Rimi was holding in the urge to vomit on the grass. Yuudai was patting the girl on her back since his quirk helped him avoid any motion sickness. "That quirk is pretty useful, isn't it?" Yuudai remarks, rubbing her back in a circle.

Rimi looks like she wants to respond, but before she can, the girl quickly slouches over and vomits on the grass. "Figures," Yuudai says.

After a minute or so, Rimi finally finishes emptying her stomach and catching her breath. "Haa... It's difficult, but yeah, it's useful." Rimi's control over her quirk wasn't as masterful as when she awakened it. It wasn't like when it felt natural—comparable to breathing—now it felt more complicated; Rimi needed to think more when using it.

"It's easier to move myself and inanimate things in a straight line, turning is a hassle." The last time Rimi tried to use her quirk to turn herself, she crashed into her ceiling. Of course, she was scolded, but since it was during the time that she was turning her family down, she didn't bother thinking about it too much.

Now that the former issue has passed, Rimi has decided that she can focus her efforts on mastering her quirk. If she can learn how to use at least one of the several aspects her quirk offered, she'd be more comfortable confronting anyone who proves to be a threat to her and her loved ones.

As she learned recently, she should put more faith in her family too. Her father is a police officer, he is clearly a capable fighter compared to the average criminal. Koji often tells Rimi not to worry about her mother, since she's "stronger than anyone". The child only shrugged her shoulders whenever she heard that.

"Still useful." Yuudai compliments as the two start walking, watching their step to avoid planting their feet in Rimi's mess.

"Well, yeah, everything is useful if you know how to use it right. I don't think I do." Rimi's been informed about her quirk being related to 'vectors', but as a child who hadn't even heard of such things in her past life, she's been stuck trying to research the topic when her only access to that knowledge comes in the form of her mother, father, and eccentric sister who'll never stop teasing her for coming to her for help.

"Don't stress about it," Yuudai reassures her, punching her shoulder, "you're smart, you'll figure it out."

Rimi appreciates his words of encouragement, but they do little actually help her understand her ability more. For now, Rimi's become satisfied with her small progress, but in the future, she'll hope to understand her ability more.

"Anyway, what's your plan?" Yuudai continues, turning to look at the girl as they walk. Rimi looks confused by the question, lifting her brow.

Yuudai, catching on to her question, elaborates further, "What's the plan for getting away from Madoka?" The question makes Rimi's heart skip a beat. Several thoughts run through the child's mind as she becomes alerted of her crucial error.

First, although Rimi used her ability to take the two out of the window at a high speed, they are still within the boundaries of Yuudai's home.

Second, the two let their guard down briefly while they were walking and talking, meaning they could miss minor details like steps in the grass.

Finally, Madoka can easily locate the two of them with her quirk with minimal effort.

That leads us to the present, where a chill runs up the two children's spines. "Ah! We're playing tag!? Why didn't you say so!?" The shadow of who they'd already identified as Madoka has been cast over them, and the two know that they've made a mistake.

Without saying a word, the two start to sprint at full speed, but they aren't fast enough to get away from her without Rimi's quirk. Before she can even think of using it, she's been swept off of the ground, and Yuudai followed shortly after.

The children squirm and protest as Madoka carries them away, but they can't seem to get out of her powerful grasp. Not even Yuudai seems to be able to get out of her grip. 'Scary.' Both of the children thought the same thing, seeing her barely budge in their attempt at breaking free.

Madoka would make sure that she mercilessly prattled with the children while the adults spoke inside. They'd asked her to watch the two while they were outside, so she immediately recognized that they wanted to speak in private.

* * * *

Inside the home, while Madoka torments the children outside, an interesting conversation is being had amongst the parents in the room.

"I'm not in the mood for games, Yuuichi!" Hiroko shouts at her husband, her hand slamming down on the kitchen table in front of herself. Behind her, Kimiko and Koji were seated with their arms folded, tentatively mediating their argument.

Unlike when the children are around, there isn't a hint of bonhomie among the group. Yuuichi's messy oak-stained hair had a peculiar scent that the children didn't seem to notice—or they just didn't mention it—and the adults recognized it immediately.

"It's not that big of a detail, hun-" Before he can finish, Yuuichi is cut off by Hiroko's hand pounding on the table a second time.

"Don't call me that! Not now! You came to visit your son with the smell of blood in your hair, Yuu! We're not stupid! All of us know what you do, and it's a miracle that Koji hasn't arrested you for working with that group!"

Yuuichi's next set of words is caught in his throat. He wanted to retort, but there is nothing he can say that'd prove her wrong.

Without Yuuichi to counter, Hiroko continued, "You're meretricious, Yuu! I thought I'd married a man of value! Someone who'd look after his son, like he promised, but everything you said and showed didn't even add up! And yet somehow, that boy still loves you!"

Yuuichi's relationship with the criminal group, Unlit Torches, is not a mystery to the parents in the room. Koji, who worked for law enforcement, couldn't bring himself to steal Yuudai's father away from him. Kimiko, who could easily get the man to confess, cared more for Hiroko's well-being and was willing to turn the man in at any moment.

Hiroko, however, was more seraphic than either of the two. Even with her husband's mistakes, she'd constantly scold him, then add a bit of her faith to his hands. Deep down, she hoped that her husband who came to visit their son for a week, every few months, would cease these insipid criminal activities.

"What will I say to Yuudai if you're caught, Yuu!? If you insist on doing these terrible, unforgivable acts, how will I explain to your son that the man who he looks up to is a piece of shit!?" A slap pitches itself across the room as Hiroko's hand strikes the man's face.

No matter how much she begged him to stay with her, and no matter how many times his son asked him to visit sooner, Yuuichi remained contumacious. The man never backed down, even when faced with death. Hiroko truly wanted to believe that her husband became committed to this life of crime for their safety; that he'd inure himself to their pleas so that he could return with prizes that his son could smile at.

Deep down, she knew that she was too hopeful. "Where have you been all year, Yuu? Huh!? The heroes tore your group apart, and then you suddenly started popping up again, giving your son more hope—then you have the audacity to disappear again! Do you know how Yuudai feels!?" Her son was far more hopeful than she was.

'Dad's going to come back with a giant bird this time! Last time, he let me ride it up to the mountains!' She remembers her son saying proudly, only to wait three months before his father showed his face again. He stayed for six hours that time, only arriving to collect a few things from their home.

"I've..." Yuuichi struggles to find the words he can use to calm his wife's anger. He couldn't prevaricate, he knew she'd see through any of his lies. "I've been working, Hiroko. I can't tell you everything, but please, just trust me here!" In his attempt at ingratiating Hiroko, he only seems to anger her further.

"Get out." In her tone, there was a hint of compunction, but she drowned it out with her rationality. When Yuuichi's face twisted into a confused expression, she became more strident. "I said get out, Yuu!"

After a moment of silence, Yuuichi gave in to his wife's demands, not wishing to anger her further. Without saying anything, he rises to his feet and gathers his belongings before leaving. He was not courageous enough to declare that everything he did was for his family, because he knew that his family would never approve of his actions. He killed people and committed crimes for his family, but these actions only brought them more pain.

As he came to learn early on, he was already captured by the lifestyle that he could no longer escape.

Once he was gone, Hiroko sat down with trembling legs, ruminating on the past and present. 'What could I have done differently? What did I see in that man? Why didn't I stop him when I noticed something was wrong years ago!? Why did I shout at him!? Why couldn't I just support him, I know it's wrong, but...'

While she was deep in thought, a pair of amicable arms warmly wrap around Hiroko, pulling her into a woman's comforting embrace.

Kimiko stood over Hiroko, hugging the girl by her head as her friend's eyes slowly started to water. Tears stream down Hiroko's face, and in a few moments, she unleashes her muffled sobs into her friend's chest. Just as Hiroko has stood by Kimiko's side during her complications with Rimi, Kimiko has also stood by Hiroko's side during her complications with her husband.

In Yuuichi's case, a sense of untamable guilt has slowly overwhelmed him. But, he will not stop going down this path. He has already walked further. His son has faced the consequences of his decisions, and his wife has suffered because of her refusal to let him go. 'Just a bit longer,' he thought to himself. It was something he'd been repeating since before his son was born.

Outside, Yuudai and Rimi were hiding from Madoka inside a bush. The girl promised not to use her quirk to find them, so it'd take a bit more effort for her to find them.

In an odd turn of events, Rimi ended up asking her friend something. "Hey, Yuu." She whispers to him, nudging his shoulder, but moving carefully to avoid the bush rattling and exposing their location.

Yuudai carefully turns his head to look in her direction, taking routine glances through the cracks of the greenery to check Madoka's position. "Yeah?" Once he's sure she's not close enough to hear them, he whispers back to the girl.

"You love your dad, don't you?" Rimi, who'd been convinced that Yuuichi was a deadbeat until now, was curious about how Yuudai could maintain such a mindless sense of admiration for that man. "He doesn't seem like a good dad." Rimi was blunt with her opinion, in typical fashion. Hearing that he's usually gone for months on end, in her eyes, the man was deliberately aiming to remiss his fatherly duties.

Yuudai lets out a quiet chuckle, much to Rimi's surprise. He turns his head away from her for a moment as if he's deep in thought. Then, he turns back to the girl. "I hate him." The child admits, shocking Rimi further.

"I hear him and my mom argue all the time. I don't think they know I can, but I hear every time they complain about each other, every call my dad's had... the terrible things he's done."

Rimi thought about it for a moment and realized that Yuudai's quirk likely adapted to heighten his hearing whenever his parents were arguing. She didn't need to ask him to confirm it since she could tell from the rancor brewing in his eyes.

"He lies to me and mom, all the time. He hurts people for us, even when we don't ask him to. Then, he barely ever shows up for me."

It seems that even this 6-year-old boy is aware of how specious his father is. As though it were genetic, he too could deceive his parents into thinking he's utterly clueless about his household's turmoil.

"But, I also love him. He does terrible things, but the whole time, he's thinking of me and mom. He tries his hardest to spend time with me, even though he selfishly leaves after." With every word, Rimi can feel the hatred lingering behind them like a poisonous venom.

Rimi finally speaks, "How can you love him if he's done terrible things?" She asks, muddled by the fact that a boy his age could thoughtlessly forgive his father even when he's aware of his criminal deeds. Though, Rimi's own mother was similar; forgiving her daughter even after causing the death of dozens, and waiting 3 years to embrace the child when she needed it the most.

Yuudai thinks for a while, unsure how he could love the man himself. "I don't know, it's just a feeling. He's doing terrible things for me because he loves me that much. I don't think I can't love him."

His words brought many thoughts to Rimi's head. What would she do if she discovered her mother was killing for her sake? Would she be able to forgive her mother? Would she accept the fact that her mother was becoming a monster just to make sure that she could live comfortably?

Yuudai adds a final note to their conversation. "I hope he stops before he gets hurt. I really do." Yuudai is an intrepid child, but even he fears the thought of his selfish father being hurt or killed. He feels that if he waits a bit longer, and grows just a bit more, he'll be able to talk his father off of this gruesome path.

During their conversation, the two children lost track of Madoka without even realizing it, and were snapped out of their senses when a pair of hands reaches through the bush from behind them. Both of the children are grabbed a pulled from the inside of the bush, held in the air by Madoka who had the most innocuous grin. "Found you!"

Madoka's grin quickly turns into a dreadful expression when she realizes the state the two children are in. Having crawled into the bush and then been pulled out, both of the children were lathered by dirt, wood, and leaves. It was a common thing for kids to get dirtied during their playtime, but they both looked like seasoned soldiers returning from a battlefield. "Did you two try to hide in the dirt or something!?" She shouts.

Rimi and Yuudai share a glance before they both burst into a fit of hysterical laughter. Just now, they'd had a serious conversation, and as if they both remembered they were children, they took the time to laugh at Madoka's bewildered face. It was a truly rich sight!

And, while they would never admit it, they had attempted to bury themselves in the dirt to hide from the girl.

I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter! I wanted to put the spotlight on the Yokota household, who have a household more complicated than what some might've originally thought!

It didn't seem necessary to make another chapter dedicated to Rimi's growth or anything, so I felt that it'd be better to create a more casual chapter without blood, fighting, or anything too dark.

Familial problems are quite a prominent thing in MHA, I figured that this dynamic would be both familiar and interesting!

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