Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 4: Preparation for the Plan (Part 2)

Amelia took a deep breath as she was walking back toward the academy dorm, her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the plan and the many things that needed to be done in the time span Ophelia had given her. The time frame she was given was a little over four months until the Andrean Eclipse, the event would permanently cut off the tracking magic placed upon her by Jacon and thus allow her to escape with the entire dutchy without anyone finding out where they went. But to ensure that everything went to plan, they needed some help from outside the dutchy, and thankfully for Amelia, she had a friend whose father and mother were saddled with the titles of duke and duchess. To Amelia’s knowledge, the Grand Duke and Duchess titles were ones that the emperor personally administered to nobles who had performed greatly, they were the close confidants of the imperial family and were nobles that held power second to only the imperial family itself. 

This made all nobles who had the highest title of duke all the way down to the title of baron subservient under them, the title also gave them the power to oppose the succession of the throne directly if they saw that the current heir was not worthy. But now that there was no one left with the title, many nobles had begun trying to win over Visnet and his twin brothers in order to strengthen their positions in the empire. To Amelia, the throne mattered little as she had no reason to stick around if what she was told by Ophelia was true, that being Visnet would make a horrible emperor and him and those under him would lead the future into nothing but a war that would end with many dead. Most of which were the people she carried very dearly about.


A/N: Sorry again for the later-than-usual upload, this one was a bit tricky to write as I did not want to reveal a lot of information. feel free to tell me ur thoughts in the comments!


This gave Amelia the drive she needed to not only finish the plan but ensure that everyone got out, This included her friend who had not only been the one who had stayed by Amelia since her first year but also had trusted Amelia when Ophelia was being accused by the school through their fourth year. 

‘Alright then, now where is she?’ 

Amelia thought as she passed by many of her schoolmates, many of them laughing and talking to one another as she made her way toward the dorm, she greeted those who had passed her by and soon found herself at the door to her room. She was about to enter but before she could reach the handle, she heard two voices speaking inside. Sharon’s voice and the voice of an older woman, 

“So tell me, Sharon, I heard that you’re a B-Rank adventurer, to be honest, my daughter. I believe that being a B-Rank won’t be enough when we leave, from what I have been told, most of the nobles and knights there in the Kingdom of June are either A-Rank or S” The older voice said, concern in her voice as she did so.

“I have a plan for that mother” Sharon replied with confidence

“You know the Saintess no?” she asked

“Yes I have heard of her, and I saw her earlier during the ceremony” Sharon’s mother replied

“Well, I also bet you haven't heard that she is an SS-Rank adventurer. Specifically, the SS-Rank adventurer named “Leviathan”” Sharon added 

An audible gasp was heard from in the room as Sharon’s mother heard the info, Amelia smirked from outside the room as she heard it, she felt the presence of a soundproofing barrier that was most likely placed by Sharon’s mother, but since Amelia was an SS-Rank she could easily get through it. 

She smiled to herself as she took a breath and knocked on the door, 

“Coming in Sharon” 

Before heading inside. 

When she opened the door, she was greeted by the sight of Sharon and her mother sitting on Sharon’s bed, both of them looking straight at Amelia as she entered. An awkward smile on her face as she saw that Sharon and her mother had shocked and surprised expressions on theirs. Both of them rose from the bed and Amelia gave a short bow

“Greetings, I am Amelia Rothild. A pleasure to meet Sharon’s mother” Amelia said as she bowed

“The pleasure is mine miss Saintess, I am Ilena Hlafriva. My daughter has been talking about you” Ilena replied with a bow of her own and a smile on her face 

“I know my lady, I heard you from outside” Amelia said with a smirk 


At that answer, both Sharon and Ilena had shocked expressions on their faces, Ilena had the power comparable to an A-Rank adventurer and prided herself on creating strong barriers, but the fact that someone younger than her had easily overcome them without her noticing really cemented the fact that what her daughter said about the Saintess being an SS-Rank herself. She looked at Sharon who gave her mother a smile before clearing her voice

“Amelia, this is my mother. And as you have said, she is the duchess of the Halfriva dutchy. May I ask how much did you hear?” Sharon asked

“The part where you revealed my identity and rank as an adventurer” Amelia replied, a smile on her face

“Ah, since you have, then can I ask a favor?” Sharon said as she walked toward Amelia

“If you do something for me in return Sharon” Amelia replied, 

“If it within my power” 

“It will involve your family just to let you know”


Sharon’s eyes widened at those words and looked at her mother, her gaze asking what to do. 

Ilena simply nodded in response, this reassured her and she brought her gaze back to Amelia. 

“Alright then, my request is very simple. I need to get stronger within the next four months. I need to be an S-Rank by the end. And to do that, I need you to teach me” Sharon said, a serious look on her face as she locked her gaze with Amelia. 

“I see, four months…hmm” Amelia placed her hand on her chin and looked as if she was thinking it over for a few minutes before giving a small sigh 

“I accept” she answered 

A smile appeared on Sharon’s face as her hopes for her friend had not been let down, she hugged Amelia and then quickly pulled back as she remembered Amelia had yet to name her request. She saw on Amelia’s face that she knew it too and a wry smile with a worried look came over Sharon.

“So…what is your request?” she asked hesitantly 

“It will need a while to explain” Amelia answered

The next few hours were spent hashing out the details of Amelia’s request as it had shocked the mother and daughter. Many questions were passed around and both parties had piled on more and more requests on one another, thankfully everything was sorted out in the end and both parties were going to get what they wanted. 

Soon it was 6:00 in the evening, and as Amelia looked out the dorm window she turned to face the mother and daughter across from her

“Are you attending the afterparty?” she asked 

Sharon shook her head as she answered

“No, we won’t. We need to leave now and…to be honest, I kinda don’t want to attend” 

“I agree with my daughter, I too do not want to attend. There are many nobles there that will no doubt try to get close to me. If they find out my true identity then it will cause unforeseen problems down the line” Ilena answered as well, an annoyed look on her face as she thought of the afterparty. 


Amelia then suddenly stood up and rushed to the entrance of the door, her sudden and impossible-to-follow movements gave a slight scare to Sharon and her mother, to them, Amelia was in one place and then suddenly into another without even looking as if she moved. Their gazes turned to the door and saw that Amelia had already had one of her daggers clutched into one of her hands. The ornately decorated dagger was as sharp as was it beautiful. 

Amelia motioned with her free hand to both of them to move away from the window and the center of the room, making both of them stick to the right side of the room, their backs to the walls. They tensed up as they saw that Amelia’s expression had changed to a cold and expressionless one as she drew out the second dagger. Her eyes darting back and forth between the door and the window, there was a creaking sound from above and outside the door which caused Sharon and Ilena to also ready themselves for what was coming. 

[Two people, assassins, A-Rank and S-Rank. The S-Rank is out on top]

Sharon and Ilena’s eyes widened as they suddenly heard Amelia’s voice in their heads

[Don’t mind it. Something I picked up as an adventurer. I will take the one on top, both of you can handle the A-Rank right? Just nod if yes] 

Both of them nodded and Amelia nodded back. 

[Good, here they come, leave no survivors] 

The mother and daughter nodded as they steeled themselves, unbenounced to them, Amelia casted a silencing barrier around the room.

Suddenly, Amelia snapped her gaze towards the window as a cloaked figure bust through the window without any sound and landed in the room. Without even getting the chance to see her coming, the assassin only saw a blur as they felt a sharp object pierce their stomach, they let out a scream but failed to notice that there was no sound as Amelia quickly pinned both of their arms to the bedside by ramming them through with her daggers. 

The assassin outside was confused for a moment as they failed to hear the sound of a window breaking, they steeled themselves and followed suit as they burst the door without sound as well and were immediately set upon by the mother and daughter duo that hit them with the flat side of a book to the face and a punch to the gut, sending him crashing into the wardrobe behind them. 

The assassin that burst through the door tried to activate their magic but was confused as the incantation failed to activate. But as they were confused, their eyes widened as the mother and daughter duo pressed forward and began punching and kicking the assassin. They tried to swing their dagger at Sharon but they were caught by the arm thanks to Ilena who quickly disarmed them and used said dagger to thrust deep into the heart of the assassin, their eyes fluttering in disbelief as they faded to black. 

Amelia turned around and saw that the duo had taken down the A-Rank and she nodded at them as she undid the silencing barrier. The groaning and moaning of a woman were heard and all eyes fell on the assassin pinned to the beds.

The assassin stopped her moaning as she finally heard her voice, she looked up and locked eyes with Amelia. She shivered at the sight of her cold and menacing stare as she tried to invoke a spell but quickly felt herself unable to do so. She suddenly felt pain and uncomfort in her mouth and looked down, her eyes widened as she saw a wide book shoved straight into her mouth, it was a thick hardcover book and it prevented her from making any coherent words. 

“Silent casting and Telepathy are amazing things Miss Amelia, and they are quite rare” Ilena said as she realized that the silencing barrier was gone

“I was taught how to do it by someone” Amelia replied, her cold and intimidating stare failing to move as she crouched down to the assassin. She placed her hand on the assassin's head as she began to struggle and squirm in fear. Her eyes locked with Amelia as tears began to flow down from them.

“Now then, let’s see who sent you” 

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