Amelia the Level Zero Hero

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

“That was so… awkward,” Noele sighed as she trudged her way down the dirt road, heading away from Wolfwater. She covered her face as she remembered what happened this morning. “Angel’s breath— I can’t believe Amelia stumbled in right at that moment.”

Garron followed behind the blonde girl. The two of them had patrolled around the village, chasing away a handful of monsters that drew close. Some were attracted by the smell of burning flesh, while others were forced out of their homes from the raging fires, so they had no other choice but to hunt near settlements.

Either way, Noele was an adventurer. It was her job to exterminate monsters. Whether it was for monster parts or to protect cities— she did what she had to do, together with the Steel Tank. He looked at her curiously as they reached a junction.

“I can see how it is embarrassing, Noele. But I do not see how it is as big of a deal as you are making it out to be.”

He spoke, and she turned to face him. The Noble Spellsword stared up at the burly man— she saw the permanent scowl on his face, but the words he said were not spoken with disdain. Rather, he was just puzzled over her reaction. Almost taken aback.

And that made Noele purse her lips, feeling a pang of guilt. “I mean… we’re friends, Garron. But we aren’t— I, uh, just don’t want there to be any misunderstandings about our relationship, you know?”

Garron paused. He raised his head and mouthed a word. “Ah.”

Once again, his response made the blonde girl hesitate. She turned to him and waved her hands placatingly. “Well, we’re adventurers— and sure, we just met, and I am interested— but I do really think we’ve been a little too… hasty?”

She chewed her lower lip hesitantly. Noele was worried about how Garron would react. He eyed her with a frown, before chuckling.

“I was not offended, Noele,” he said. He nodded at her and strode forward. “I understand your feelings. Truth be told, as an adventurer myself, I have seen how rapidly you have grown since we first met, and I can only admire you.”

“Oh… well, that’s all thanks to Amelia…” Noele murmured.

Garron shook his head. “You are being modest. You are the one who defeated Odell the Monster of the Mist. You are an A-ranked adventurer who can fight as well as any S-rank. Even if Amelia has had a role to play in how far you’ve come, you still achieved it through your own strength— as I’m sure she will say.”

“Right.” The blonde girl nodded meekly.

She knew what he was saying was true, and normally, she’d take pride in her actions. But she recalled something. The flash of a blue box. It lingered in her mind, and it sowed a shred of uncertainty.

Not because she wasn’t confident in her strength. Nor was it because she doubted her mentor’s methods in any way. But it was because she believed in what Amelia said, and that was why she was uncertain whether to accept the World System’s power— to become a [Champion].

Garron’s words drew her out of her thoughts. He raised his head and smiled.

“I, too, would like to grow stronger, Noele,” he said. She blinked, watching as the Steel Tank brought a hand up to the sky. “And perhaps I have different motivations from you, but there is so much of the world to see. It is dangerous out there… more dangerous than ever. I would like to one day return to Windrip with stories from all across Vacuos.”

The blonde girl stared for a moment. She saw the way he gazed into the distance. She heard his whispered voice. A breeze swept over the burly man, and a smile crept over her lips.

“That’s great and all, but—” Noele nudged him with a grin. “You don’t have to do it alone, you know?”

Garron paused. He eyed with a curious gaze, before laughing. “Well, that is something to worry about in the future. For now, I need to focus on learning how to fight like you.”

“I can help you with that,” she said. “We’ve sparred plenty of times before— I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it easily.”

He smirked back at her. “If it is your help, I will gladly accept it, Noele.”

They both smiled at each other for a moment. And then a voice called out from behind them. They blinked, glancing towards a pair of figures riding towards them on a horse and cart. Nolan and Nicole— the blonde girl’s parents— arrived back in Wolfwater.

“Oh, Noele, Garron?” Nolan said as he reined in his horse. “What are you two doing out here?”

“Papa, Mama?” the blonde girl greeted them. “I thought you said you’d only be back at sundown.”

“We finished early.” Nicole was the one to reply. A smile slipped onto her face as she leant forward. “We thought you’d be happy to see us— but I see you’re still busy spending quality time with your boyfriend.”

Garron just cleared his throat, and Noele flushed. Her face burned red as she rolled her eyes. She knew better than to give in to her mama’s teasing. So, instead, she just strode forward for the farm.

“Let’s just get back to the farm,” the blonde girl sighed. “I’m sure Amelia is getting bored waiting for us all by herself.”


“Speed,” Xakor said as he swept through the kitchen.

I watched the four-armed [Chef] cook and clean and dice up an array of foodstuffs all at the same time. He moved like a blur. He practically left behind an afterimage as he chopped up some beef, fried it, then tossed it into a boiling pot in a matter of moments. He slammed the lid shut, pressing one hand down as his other three arms continued working at the side.

How was he even doing all that by himself? It wasn’t that he was extremely fast like a [Rogue], nor was he using magic like a [Mage]. He was simply dexterous and nimble with his hands. He was swift, but not overtly so. And his control over everything he did while cooking was pristine.

“That is the fourth most important aspect of being a [Chef],” Xakor finished.

I was sure there were some Skills sprinkled in to expedite the cooking process, but I was still impressed. He laid out a porcelain platter before me, and I eyed the small white pills lying there. Each of them was shaped like a cube, about the size of my thumb, and were stacked atop each other into a small pyramid.

“And this is food from your… home planet?” I asked.

I looked up towards Xakor. He harrumphed as he crossed all four of his arms, holding a variety of kitchen utensils in each of his hands.

“Food from my world, but not my home planet,” the purple-skinned man explained. “Xrr… I’m from Ragna. My people are called the ragnarian. We sustain ourselves mainly through plants, so we do not have such an eclectic assortment of dishes ourselves. However, there are plenty of different dishes throughout the galaxy.”

“I wouldn’t really call these pills ‘eclectic’ either.” I picked one up, eyeing its dull surface. “It’s more like… medicine.”

“I am aware that it does not appear palatable. However, it is a delicious treat that is enjoyed all throughout the galaxy.” He smiled at me.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, and he urged me to give it a try.

“Xrr… remember, appearances can be deceiving.”

“Right.” I closed my eyes and shrugged. The worst it could taste was like a very bitter pill I had to swallow when I was sick. I tossed it into my mouth— and paused.

Xakor waited with a smirk. “Well?”

I just stared at the [Chef] as I slowly chewed on it. I only had one response in my mind. And it was a question.


That was all I could muster up. Xakor simply gave me a self-satisfied look in response. He gestured at himself as he raised his chin.

“I am one of the highest-leveled [Chefs] in the world, after all,” he said.

And that was an under exaggeration. I really couldn’t describe it. I had never tasted anything like this before. It melted in my mouth like it was softer than butter, and it had the richness in taste of all the juiciest steak I ever had. But that wasn’t all— it was a touch sweet, and also slightly fatty. It had all the nutrients and flavor of the vegetables Xakor had thrown into the pot, while still retaining the taste of all the other ingredients baked together into a single bite.

That was about the best explanation I could muster up for it, and yet, there was so much subtlety to it. It vanished from my mouth like I had just taken a sip of water. I looked up at Xakor who just waved a hand dismissively at the remaining pills.

“This is my most popular dish. It’s called the savis cube. It took a while before I could convince the people of this world to give it a try— but once I had established my reputation, even the isolationary elves themselves couldn’t help but clamor across the continents for a single bite of it.”

I blinked. I only ever met a single elf before, so I couldn’t help but imagine Jax the Forsaken Archer dueling someone to the death just for a savis cube. Honestly, that could probably happen.

“You can have the rest of it.” Xakor nodded as he pushed the plate towards me.

“I—” I opened my mouth to protest, then I heard a cluck coming from below.

Bucky hopped at my feet. I didn’t think that chickens could drool, but her beak was watering the floorboards as she stared at the pills. I raised one, then paused.

“I don’t know if we should feed her any,” I said. “We’re spoiling her too much.”

Xakor rubbed his chin as Bucky glanced between us with wide eyes. He nodded slowly.

“Xrr… I agree. We shouldn’t overfeed her. It will not be easy for her to return to a normal diet.”

Bucky stared at him in betrayal. She clucked loudly, leaping at both Xakor and I in anger. I snorted, and he chuckled, picking the chicken up even as she threw a tantrum.

“There, there—”

“Bawk bawk bawk—”

And the front door creaked open. I glanced up as Bucky paused. Xakor tilted his head, and a susurration crept into the room. I heard Nicole’s pestering voice as Noele just groaned. Garron and Nolan followed behind, laughing softly as they stepped foot into the house.

Nolan stepped forward, calling out as he cast his gaze around the living room. “We’re back—”

He abruptly froze as his gaze landed on the four-armed purple-skinned man standing next to me holding a chicken. Xakor paused. Bucky stopped flapping her wings indignantly. Noele started forward for a moment, looking at her father.

“What’s wrong…?” she asked, then stared past me. “Oh.”

Nicole and Garron were the next to come to a halt. They looked at the literal alien with round eyes. I pursed my lips. I wasn’t sure how they’d react to such a sight. But before I could clear up any misunderstanding, Nolan worked his jaw.

“You’re…” he started.

“He’s Xakor!” Nicole exclaimed over her husband. “The Patron of the Culinary Sciences! What is he doing here?”

I blinked. I watched as the ragnarian nodded in affirmation, inconspicuously lowering Bucky back to the ground.

“Xrr, that is indeed who I am,” Xakor said as he clasped two hands together. “I apologize for my intrusion. But I take it you are Amelia’s friends? Her host?”

“We… are.” Nolan drew forward hesitantly. “And it’s no problem at all! What do we owe the p—”

“Wait, are those savis cubes?” Nicole hurried excitedly past the [Farmer]. She huddled over the table, staring with round eyes. “I’ve been trying to get them shipped here for ages!”

“Mama, you’re being rude—” Noele shifted uncomfortably, before nodding politely at Xakor. She quickly introduced herself along with Garron as her mother continued fussing over the savis cubes next to me.

Nicole gently picked up a cube like it was a delicate flower. “They’re expensive. Really expensive! To even get them shipped out of Shorheim costs gold coins! I can’t believe Xakor himself just delivered these to you!”

“Uh, no,” I corrected her. “He just made these for me a few minutes ago.”

Her eyes bulged. “He made them?” She caught herself, quickly putting down the savis cube. “Maybe we can sell these for…” she trailed off.

I glanced past her, looking at Nolan as he nervously introduced himself to Xakor. Noele and Garron stood back, politely listening in on the conversation. But I could tell that they were surprised by this visit— and in a good way, too. They were excited to see a celebrity suddenly show up at their house. Which was a relief.

“Crisis averted,” I murmured.

It seemed like they were going to get along well. Nicole didn’t even have a problem with Bucky who was trying to parkour up the dining table. Xakor really was famous. I had no idea he was this renowned.

“My wife loves your recipes, sir.” Nolan spoke as he shook hands with the alien. “We tried one of your restaurants when we were in Astral, and we absolutely loved it. I… what are you doing in a small village like Wolfwater?”

“Xrr, there’s no need for formalities,” Xakor said with a grin. “And I couldn’t help myself. When I heard that another otherworlder was residing here in this village, I had no choice but to visit her as soon as I could.”

Nolan nodded along as he shook the [Chef]’s hand for a moment longer. Xakor smiled kindly, gesturing at me, before looking back at the [Farmer]. But even after a few seconds had passed, Nolan didn’t stop shaking Xakor’s hand.

“Xrr…?” The alien frowned. “Is something the matter?”

Nicole was staring. Garron’s jaw had dropped. Noele shifted her feet uncomfortably. And Nolan continued to slowly shake Xakor’s hand.

“Sorry, what did you say?” Nolan asked, finally breaking free from his stupor. He drew back and rubbed at his ear. “I believe I misheard you.”

“I said I came here to visit Amelia,” Xakor explained. “Because she’s an otherworlder like me.”

Noele bit her lower lip, and I smacked my forehead. The alien just glanced around, puzzled.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as the entire room gaped at him.

“They… didn’t know that,” I finally said. “They had no idea I’m an otherworlder.”

Xakor paused. For the first time since he arrived, he blinked. “Xrr… oh. I see.”

I sighed. He scratched the back of his head.

“That is my mistake.”


Last chapter of the week. Remember to rate these last five chapters here on my subreddit :) Amelia the Level Zero [Hero] Chapter 66-70 | 2023 February Week 4 START OF BOOK TWO Thread : AmeliaTLZHNovel )

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