America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 641 Trap

After leaving the old Rockefeller's house, Eva sat in the back seat of the car without saying a word.

"My dear, it's okay, there will be a way." Little Rockefeller comforted the girl beside him.

In the darkness, Eva just let out a slight "hmm".

Little Rockefeller put his arm around Eva's shoulders and hugged her into his arms.

The two people were enjoying the tenderness in the darkness in the back row.

At this moment, little Rockefeller suddenly felt that as long as Eva was by his side, everything else would no longer matter.

everything will get better.

But what he didn't expect was that this night would be his happiest time in the next few days.

Eva began to treat him aloofly again.

I still received the letters, but rarely answered them; I occasionally answered the phone calls, and even if I did, my tone of voice was as calm as water, and I hung up after not saying a few words.

It was even more difficult for him to meet Eva.

The eldest young master is heartbroken.

He didn't know what he had done wrong to make Eva like this.

Little Rockefeller couldn't contain his lovesickness.

He decided to camp out downstairs in the Flatiron Building.

As a result, on the third day, he was actually made to squat.

About noon, Eva came out of the building.

She was going to the laundromat to pick up a set of clothes for Harriman.

The woman walked towards her car parked on the side of the road, reached for the door handle, and was about to open the door, but unexpectedly a hand pressed on her hand.

"Eva, what happened again? Can we talk?" Little Rockefeller begged.

"Mr. Rockefeller, you should be kind to yourself." Eva glanced at little Rockefeller, her eyes full of pity, "You should find someone who loves you."

Little Rockefeller found that he seemed not to understand what Eva said at all.

Find someone who loves you? What's the meaning?

His hand was still holding the door handle tightly, his eyes dull.

"Mr. Harriman!" Eva suddenly waved her hand behind the young master.

Little Rockefeller subconsciously retracted his hand.

He turned his head and found that there was no one behind him.

When he turned around again, he found that Eva had already gotten into the car.

Eva, who was holding the steering wheel, glanced at him, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away.

Little Rockefeller spread his legs and ran after the car.

"Eva! Eva!" He shouted the woman's name from behind the car.

The woman saw the young master's figure in the rearview mirror.

She quickly looked away and stepped on the accelerator again, leaving little Rockefeller with a burst of dust.

Little Rockefeller saw the car getting further and further away, and finally stopped and stood there blankly.

Pedestrians passing by cast strange glances.

No one recognized that this was the eldest son of the Rockefeller family, because it was difficult for everyone to associate this lost man with the heir to a wealthy family.

However, someone recognized him, but this person was not on the street, but upstairs.

Harriman stood by the window of his office, looking down with a sneer on his lips.

It seems that the rumors are true.

The pretty woman who appeared at old Rockefeller's birthday was Eva and she didn't run away.

No wonder his secretary has been keeping a distance from him recently.

At first, Harriman didn't pay much attention because he was busy with Northern Securities' lawsuit. He didn't expect that this woman had climbed up to the top.

All the previous doubts were intertwined, making Harriman a little suffocated.

This woman is not simple.

He took a deep breath.

When Eva returned to the Flatiron Building, the door to Harriman's office was open and he was not there.

Eva put the key on her desk and walked in.

She began to tidy up Harriman's desk out of habit.

This is what Eva does every day as a secretary.

Having learned the lesson from the last time, she did not close the door this time, nor did she rush to rummage through the cabinets.

There was nothing of value on the table, just some public documents and newspapers.

Eva folded these things one by one and placed them in the corner of the table.

But when she turned around to move her chair, she accidentally bumped into a steel ashtray placed on the edge of the table.

The ashtray fell into the trash can, making a dull sound as it landed on the pile of paper.

Eva bent down and reached into the trash can, intending to take out the ashtray and put it back in its original position.

However, when she picked up the ashtray, she suddenly found a pile of waste paper in the trash can.

Eva glanced outside the door, and then took the pile of waste paper out of the trash can.

The most valuable ones are the two lowly ones.

Although she couldn't understand the dense numbers above, she could still understand the eye-catching "Report (Internal Backup)" in the title.

Although Chen Jianqiu has never had strict requirements for her tasks.

At the same time, during the last meeting, Chen Jianqiu also advised her to get out as soon as possible.

But after Eva hesitated, she took out the two pieces of "waste paper" and carefully put the rest back into the trash can.

She stuffed the pieces of "waste paper" into a file bag, put it in her drawer, and then picked up the phone.

"Hello? City beauty? I'm Eva. I'm going to your store to pick up clothes tonight." She said into the microphone.

"Tonight? What color?" came the man's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, dark red." Eva thought for a moment and replied.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds:

"Then I have to ask the boss if he has any dark red ones. I'll call you back later."

Eva hung up the phone.

She sat in her seat and stared at the window in a daze.

About twenty minutes later, the phone on the desk rang.

"The boss has agreed. At 8pm, in dark red dress, he will personally be waiting for your arrival."

Chen Jianqiu agreed to meet at the same place.

Eva breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Harriman walked out of the elevator.

"Let's have dinner tonight?" He walked into Eva's office and asked.

"No, I'm going to buy clothes." Eva looked at Harriman indifferently.

Harriman said nothing, glanced at Eva, then walked into his office and closed the office door at the same time.

The office desk has been cleared.

The original chaos became orderly.

Harriman took his seat.

He neither went through the drawers nor opened the safe, but looked directly at the trash can next to the table.

Harriman bent down, took out the pile of waste paper and looked through it.

Sure enough, the bottom two were missing.

Time can be long or short for different people.

When you do the same, mechanical thing day after day, time often passes without a trace.

That's how Eva felt right now.

After just sorting out some information, it was time to get off work.

As usual, she packed her things, took the elevator downstairs, and drove her car back to the apartment where she lived.

She made herself a simple sandwich dinner, and after eating, she sat in front of her dressing table as usual.

The woman in the mirror is still as beautiful as a flower, but her soul is pale and feeble.

Eva opened the drawer.

The exquisite pistol still lay in the corner of the drawer.

She picked up the pistol, played with it, and put it back in the drawer.

She didn't feel like she needed the pistol, either to shoot someone else or herself.

The time came to 7: in the evening.

Eva knew it was time for her appointment.

She put on a coat, held a paper handbag in her hand, went downstairs, and walked to her car.

New York at night is divided into two completely different worlds by the light of street lights.

Half light, half shadow.

After a burst of engine sound, Eva's car started and drove out of the intersection.

What she didn't know was that shortly after her car left, two car lights suddenly came on in the darkness that could not be illuminated by street lights.

A car drove out of the darkness and followed Eva along the road.

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