America In Another World

Chapter 10 – Calm Before the Storm

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"We are going to murder those lousy bastards by the bushel" - General George S. Patton 

Pass Me the Ammo by the Moonshine Bandits

0020 September 21th, 2019 CE

0310 (Early Hour), Quiet 113th, 195 AE

Primopolis, Septentrio Magus Imperium, Domum (Imperatoria) Continent

Emperor Colerius Arstant was stroking his white beard.

“I’m not sure whether to be happy or apprehensive.”

Robertus looked at the telegram on the table thoughtfully. 

“I agree.”

“I’m happy that the Mach wasn’t able to gain the resources that the Formidon continent had but I’m now worried about the United States of America.”

“They could potentially be a threat. They did just wipe out a Mach fleet able to conquer a country in the League of Soan within days.”

“It’s a good thing we agreed to a non-aggression pact.”

“But your majesty, will they uphold it?”

Emperor Arstant looked at the ceiling of his office room.

“... I believe so. From what Diplomat Jacques has said, they haven’t acted aggressively at all towards us. They only attacked the Mach to defend themselves… this might actually work in our favor.”

1200 September 21th, 2019 CE

0900 (End Hour), Quiet 113th, 195 AE

Primopolis, Septentrio Magus Imperium, Domum (Imperatoria) Continent

Emperor Arstant was back in his office room. Most would think that being the emperor was very easy. All you had to do was sit in your throne room, look all high and mighty, and command your subordinates. That was completely false. Although he did get to sit in his throne room for official ceremonies, granting audiences, or conducting large meetings. Small meetings, decisions, and paperwork in his office room filled up a large part of the day. The most annoying part of being Emperor was the paperwork. He had to look through various reports, complaints, and random things that ranged from taxes to military information. It was tiring work. Of course, there were good sides to being Emperor. Good food, great entertainment, and time to relax. He did just have a nice steak dinner.

“Your Majesty!”

It was Robertus again. 

“Your Majesty! We have another magram from Diplomat Jacques!”

It seemed like all the recent news from him was about the United States of America. 

“Give it to me”

Emperor Arstant, as usual, skipped the formalities that were usually included on magrams sent to the emperor and looked through the content.

This is Diplomat Jacques. The United States of America has established contact with the Machians using the telegrams on the Machian ships. Interestingly, the Machians seem to have developed a type of telegram that doesn’t require wires. The United States wants to pursue a peaceful resolution with the Machians after the Machian’s unreasonable declaration of war. They are also willing to release and send back the about 7,000 Machian prisoners of war that they have captured.

“Your Majesty… if we can get the United States of America to fight the Machians, then won’t we benefit from it?”

“Of course it will.”

“Then can we somehow sabotage the communications to make it look like the Machians are being hostile?”

“I don’t think there’s a need for that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Robertus… it’s the Machians we are talking about.”

About an hour earlier

Jacksonville, Florida, United States of America, Formidon Continent

“Can you send a telegram to your country?”

The Machian Diplomat, Diplomat Felix, was sitting in the communication room of a Machian destroyer. He was a survivor of the IS Marcus and was picked up by the US Navy after the battle. The Machian destroyer was docked at the Mayport base along with other captured Machian ships. Diplomat Underwood, Translator Hoffman and a bunch of American officials and soldiers were around him. 

“We need you to tell your Emperor the news of your defeat and our willingness to negotiate.”

“Sure, anything specific?”

Diplomat Felix was extremely bitter but didn’t complain. He saw firsthand the power of these Americans. 

1200 September 21th, 2019 CE

1000 (Down Hour), Quiet 113th, 195 AE

Primopolis, Septentrio Magus Imperium, Domum (Imperatoria) Continent

Industropolis, Mach Imperium, Domum (Imperatoria) Continent

Message for Emperor Industrus

Your Imperial Highness, I, Diplomat Felix, your humble servant, has a message of utmost importance to you. 

Yesterday, our invasion fleet was defeated. The Americans had sunk two battleships, one heavy cruiser, and six destroyers. They have captured the entire Bem and remaining Machian fleet and have 7,000 of your subjects as prisoners including me. The Americans suffered neither casualties nor damage.  The Americans have allowed me to use the telegram installed in the communication room of a Machian destroyer to report this to you and extend their offer of negotiations. The Americans are willing to see this as a misunderstanding and they wish to stop the current state of war, which I had declared, between our nation and theirs. They are also willing to further discuss this if you deem it necessary. They promise to keep the Machian prisoners of war in good condition and release them after the state of war ceases. Your Imperial Highness, I have seen the might of the United States of America and implore that you agree to their request for peace.

~May your reign never end~

An extremely unpleasant and enraging look was on Emperor Desmond Industros’s face. 


A scared-looking servant next to the emperor responded.

“Y...Yes, Sir!”

A few minutes later in the throne room

“Can anyone explain HOW THIS HAPPENED!”

In his throne room, Emperor Industrus was still enraged. 

One of the advisors spoke up.

“Sir, the Magusians might have helped the Americans.”

“Two Desmond-class battleships were sunk. TWO! The Magusians don’t have the weapons to sink them without risking massive damage to themselves. You are telling me that the Magusians had a large fleet there and were willing to risk that fleet to protect an unknown country?!”

“Your highness.”


“It was because of incompetence.”

The Emperor looked towards the military advisor/head general Flavius Tullas


“The incompetence of the sailors and their officers doomed the fleet! There can be no other sensible reason! Think about it, your highness. Because their guards were down, they were easily attacked and defeated.”

The emperor’s eyes narrowed.

“Then what about these words written by Diplomat Felix? He says that the Americans are terrifying.”

“LIES! YOUR MAJESTY! LIES! He has been forced by these barbarians to send this to you! They are threatening us and trying to use this lucky victory to gain from us! They say that they have suffered no damage but that's made up! They even dare say they are treating the prisoners well in order to make us bow down to them for the prisoner's safety! These words are a veiled threat!”

Silence perpetrated the air. Emperor Industros was thinking about those words and came to heed his trusted Military Advisor Flavius’s words.

“How DARE they try to make fools out of our empire with their promise of ‘negotiation’! Prepare a massive fleet! We will wipe them out! Tell these barbarians that they have a day to surrender or we will eradicate every last one of them!”

1240 September 21th, 2019 CE

0620 (Mid Hour), Quiet 113th, 195 AE

Jacksonville, Florida, United States of America, Formidon Continent

A reply came through.

You have within a day to send us your unconditional surrender. This is your last chance! A massive fleet bigger than the first one will be sent and you will suffer the consequences. Choose wisely. The first option is that you surrender and become our vassal state with minor consequences for your actions. Or. You don’t and face the wrath of our Imperial Military. We will kill your soldiers, lay waste to your puny towns, massacre every single one of your people. None shall be spared.

1250 September 21th, 2019 CE

0625 (Mid Hour), Quiet 113th, 195 AE

Washington DC, United States of America, Formidon Continent

President Ronell Haye had a somewhat unimpressed somewhat straight face. Most of the people in the Situation Room knew what kind of face it was. The President only showed that face when he was extremely infuriated. And extremely was an understatement. 

No one. No one! Threatens the American people!

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Daniel Marks, was in the Situation Room because of the current situation

“Mr. President, we need immediate military action.”

The President slowly nodded.

1400 September 21th, 2019 CE

0700 (Mid Hour), Quiet 113th, 195 AE

Washington DC, United States of America, Formidon Continent

Army General Abrams Thompson, Former Commander of the US Central Command, was currently in Washington DC. He became a “Former Commander” after the United States was transported to this world because there was no Middle East anymore. However, he was still in charge of the assets and bases that were from the Middle East. Those were located in the Northern Frontier. Currently, since the time it took to get home was considerably shorter, he had already saved up to 42 days of leave, and the situation in the Northern Frontier had stabilized, he decided to take a short vacation. Originally, he would have never gone on vacation at this time because he was in the Forward Headquarters in the Middle East, not in the main headquarters at the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. He was watching television with his wife when the phone rang. 

“I will get that.”

He stood from his couch and walked over to the table with the landline telephone.

“This is the Thompson household.”

<<<“Mr. Thompson?”>>>


<<<“I’m sorry to say, Mr. Thompson, but you have to cut your vacation short. You have been ordered to report to the Pentagon.”>>>

General Thompson felt a bit sad.


He hung up and went over to his wife. He leaned over the couch and gave his wife a kiss to the forehead. He sighed.

“I need to report to the Pentagon. Somethings happening. It’s probably related to yesterday.”

“Honey, you haven’t even been home for a day. You promised the kids that you will spend some time with them after they got back home”

Thompson sighed again.

“Duty calls.”

A few minutes later.

After getting dressed, he was at the front door adjusting his cap and preparing to leave. His wife stood there leaning on a doorway’s side. 

“Come back soon honey.”

“I will, as soon as possible. Tell the kids that I will take them to an amusement park or something when I’m back.”

30 minutes later.

Pentagon, United States of America, Formidon Continent

General Thompson saluted at the doorway leading into an office in the Pentagon.

“Mr. President, General Marks. What may I do for you two?”

General Thompson was a bit surprised that the President was at the Pentagon. The Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, General Marks, looked up.

“Ah, General Thompson, come in, take a seat. I was just discussing with the President about our current ops plan.”

Thompson came in and took a seat opposite of the President and General Marks. The President was still looking through various papers that were displayed on the table between the seats so General Marks started.

“General Thompson, you may be wondering why you were called in on a day that you were taking a vacation.”

“Um, yeah.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure you have heard of what happened yesterday right?”

“The naval battle off of Florida?”

“You know the details correct?”

“I’m pretty sure I know as far as the news know. The declaration of war by these countries called the Bem and Mach, the one-sided naval battle that occurred where we crushed them, and the prisoners of war and captured ships we obtained.”

General Marks nodded. 

“About three hours ago, we were able to send a telegram message to the Machians using a telegram in a Machian destroyer and with the help of captured Machian diplomat. Heres the translated paper copy of that message. The last sentence was added by the diplomat.”

General Thompson looked over it.


“Well, in about forty minutes, a reply from the Machians came. Heres the translated copy.”


Then the President who had been just looking at documents, spoke up.

“Well, Former Commander of the US Central Command, you have been appointed the Commander of the new US New World Command. Congratulations! I hope you do well with the war on Bem and Mach.”


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