America In Another World

Chapter 12 – Beginning of the End of the Mach Imperium

Discord -->

"Who has the largest air force in the world? The US Air Force (Also the strongest)

The second? The US Navy

The fourth? The US Army

The fifth? The US Marine Corps"

- Fact

Its time for some hell march isn't it? - US Navy Hell March

0200 September 30th, 2019 CE

0400(Early Hour), Quiet 122th, 195 AE

Port Bannock, Mach Imperium, Domum (Imperatoria) Continent

On a clear and sunny early morning, a task force consisting of four Desmond-class battleships, five old battleships, a battlecruiser, ten heavy cruisers, three light cruisers, twenty destroyers and five troopships carrying 1,500 men each, a total of 7,500 infantry, left port. If this fleet was lost, that would be a big blow to the Machian Navy. They had already sped up ship production in order to replace the losses from Force A. A few sailors were a bit apprehensive, most of them were very confident. Rumor had spread like wildfire about the complete defeat of Force A, the naval squadron sent to occupy the new nation on Formido. Most people ignored it as baseless rumors or Magusians propaganda. Most of the sailors on Force B, what this task force was called, believed that they were just reinforcements because of the large amounts of natives that needed to be subjugated. They believed that Force A was able to occupy a small part of the native’s country but the natives were counter-attacking with a huge quantity of ships and soldiers. They were heavily mistaken. Also, unbeknownst to them, they were being carefully observed and watched from a place beyond their wildest imaginations.

A satellite in space took pictures of the port as the ships left. 

Admiral Spurius Nero was on the flagship, a Desmond-class battleship called the IS Julianus. The admiral was secretly conversing with his other officers. 

“We shall not repeat the mistakes of Force A. The honor of the navy rests on our success.”

“Don’t worry admiral, this is one of the biggest fleets dispatched ever since our last war with the Magusians.”

1000 September 30th, 2019 CE

0500 (Early Hour), Quiet 122th, 195 A

Tampa, Florida, United States of America, Formidon Continent

Various satellite images of the Machian fleet were taken showing it departing the port. By estimating the speed through comparing satellite images taken at different times and looking at the direction of the ships, General Abram Thompson’s staff was able to estimate the time it would take for it to reach the United States. A staff member was telling the general about this.

“It will take them around about nine days to arrive off the shore of Florida.”

“Nine days? It took them more than two weeks for the first time.”

“There are no Bem ships accompanying them so they don’t have to slow down.”

Five carrier strike groups are being deployed to meet the second invasion fleet. This consisted of five Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, twenty-five Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, five Ticonderoga cruisers, five Los Angeles-class attack submarines. They were also accompanied by Submarine Squadron Six which consisted of six Los Angeles-class attack submarines and three Virginia-class attack submarines. This fleet is able to launch thousands of missiles and more than two hundred F-18 E/F Super Hornets. Only five aircraft carriers were deployed because most of the other aircraft carriers were under maintenance and won’t be able to be deployed until 2020 and 2021. 

In Norfolk, Virginia, an Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) was being prepared to strike the Bem and Mach. Amphibious assault ships (LHDs), amphibious transport docks (LPDs) and dock landing ships (LSDs) were being gathered.  The Marine Corps was divided into four Marine Expeditionary Forces. An entire Marine Expeditionary Force was being prepared for the assault. The II Marine Expeditionary Force consisted of the 2nd Marine Division, the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, and the 2nd Marine Logistic Group. A Marine Expeditionary Force is able to sustain itself in combat without external assistance for a period of 60 days. 

October 3nd, 2019 CE

End 3rd, 195 AE

Somewhere in the ocean between the Machian Imperium and Formidon at night

It has been three days since Force B had set sail for the Formidon continent. Admiral Spurius Nero was planning ship formations for the invasion. The current plan was to first send forth the battleships and battlecruiser to clear out any ships that stand in the way. Then the troopships which will be guarded by the destroyers, light cruisers, and heavy cruisers will be behind the bigger ships. This way no surprise attack can occur. 

Unknown to them, this battle plan would be completely useless. Tomorrow will be the day that the power of the Machian Navy was squashed like an ant under a boot. The fate of the Machian Imperium was sealed the day their first fleet tried to attack the United States.

October 5th, 2019 CE

End 5th, 195 AE

Somewhere in the ocean between the Machian Imperium and Formidon in the early morning

The US fleet had earlier launched an E-2D Hawkeye, an airborne early warning aircraft that was able to detect targets at ranges of excess 345 miles. The E-2D Hawkeye has now detected 47 signatures. The Machian fleet. The Machian have no idea what was about to hit them. 

A squadron of F/A-18 E/F Super Hornets (12 of them) with a cruise speed of 777 miles per hour lifted off from the USS Abraham Lincoln  (CVN-72). Each of them carrying four Harpoon missiles (Harpoon Block II RGM-84). A Harpoon missile has a range of around 80 miles and has a 500-pound warhead. 

Behind them, an EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft lifted off. Equipped with an AN/ALQ-122 Communications Countermeasure Set and various other electronic warfare equipment, it could easily jam even the most advanced communication systems of the old world. 

At the same time  

About 345 miles away from the US fleet

There wasn’t much to do on a week-long journey to the other side of the world. Some sailors were working. They were mopping the deck, cooking, doing maintenance and various other things. Some sailors were playing. They had conversations and played card games and board games. No one expected anything to happen. What could happen? There was absolutely no navy in this world that can stand up to the mighty Machian navy. The Machians had the biggest ships with the biggest guns. Those that tried to attack them were fools. As the saying goes, Machia rules the waves.  

About 25 minutes later

Around 70 miles away from the Machian Fleet

"Firing all Bruisers."

In procession on each of the F/A-18 E/F Super Hornets, four Harpoon missiles were launched. One of the Super Hornets shot three Harpoon missiles instead of four. A total of 47 missiles were headed for the Machian fleet. They streamed off from the wings of the Super Hornets and each headed for a different ship. The Harpoon missiles, with a speed of around 540 miles per hour, will reach their targets in just about 8 minutes.

Around 7 minutes later

Flavius, a sailor on the IS Julianus who was noted for his very good eyes, noticed a small flying object skimming the sea. It was approaching the IS Viginti Duo (Twenty Two in Latin. The names of Machian destroyers are numbers), a destroyer that was further ahead of them to the right, at incredible speeds. 

“Hey, Mettius, do you see that”

“What? Flavius, can’t you see I’m busy here?”

Mettius’s back was turned and he was focused on mopping the deck 

Before Flavius could say a retort, an explosion rocked the IS Viginti Duo. Flavius was shocked. Mettius turned around in surprise.

“What the hell was that?!”

On the bridge of the IS Julianus

Everyone on the bridge of the IS Julianus was surprised. Right in front of their eyes, a destroyer had vaporized in an explosion.


Even before Admiral Spurius Nero could question what had happened, more brilliant explosions reduced many more ships in front of them to nothing more than metal floating on the sea. Destroyers and light cruisers that were ahead of the fleet were instantly vaporized as if hit with hundreds of pounds of explosives that were traveling at high speeds.

“Sir! The IS Viginti Duo, Quadraginta Quattuor, Trigingta…”

Before the officer could even begin listing out the sunken, an explosion rocked the front of the IS Julianus. Admiral Nero clutched a side of the wall to prevent him from falling from the explosion.

“Is everyone okay?!”

“Only minor injuries on the bridge, admiral.”

“Damage report!”

“Sir, the front of our ship is taking on a lot of water very quickly. The explosion opened a hole in the keel of our ship.”

“Are those repairable?”

“The repair crew is trying sir!”

“What in the Emperor’s name attacked us! I don’t see any enemy ships… unless they are enemy submarines… Get the destroyers to start dropping depth charges! We have enemy submarines near us!”

“Ummm… sir, we have no destroyers left.”

“How many of our ships are left undamaged?”

“It seems like some of our ships are…”

More explosions rocked the fleet.

“...none of our ships are undamaged.”

Once hit, the light cruisers, troopships, and destroyers were instantly turned into pieces of metal floating on the sea. Heavy cruisers and the old battleships faired a bit better. They usually had an entire area of the ship gone where the explosion happened. The battlecruiser and the Desmond-classes had gaping holes where the explosion occurred. Because Harpoon missiles are sea-skimming missiles, ships that were hit and not vaporized started to take on a lot of water. 

“The repair crew is now saying that the damage is unrepairable! We have to abandon the ship! Get to the lifeboats!”

“We need to telegram headquarters first! Tell the telegram operator to warn the Emperor of the situation. An unknown force has destroyed Force B and may threaten the Imperium.”

Unknown to the Admiral, that telegram message will never reach the Imperium. An EA-18G somewhere far off was jamming the telegram.

In less than 45 minutes, the US fleet was able to disable the entire Machian fleet of 47 ships. Force B ceased to exist. At this time, the Machian High Command had no idea what just occurred


Battle of the New World Atlantic/Imperium Eastern Sea

Machian casualties


4 Desmond-class battleships

5 old battleships

1 battlecruiser

10 heavy cruisers

3 light cruisers

20 destroyers 

5 troopships

About 16,500 dead (3,500 from not being able to get on a lifeboat)


12,000 men


American Casualties



0100 October 6th, 2019 CE

0430 (Early Hour) End 6th, 195 AE

Industropolis, Mach Imperium, Domum (Imperatoria) Continent

Emperor Industrus was grumbling a lot. His sleep was disturbed by his wife, the empress, and he wasn’t happy. Well granted, he overslept by an hour.

A servant knocked and entered the office of Emperor Industrus.

“Your majesty, we have a minor problem.”

“What is it?”

The Emperor sounded very grumpy.

“Um… according to the Naval Office, we lost contact with Force B. Its been about 12 hours and they have yet to respond to the nightly telegram.”

“Could it have been a malfunction? A storm?”

“It has been 12 hours and the probability of a malfunction on all the ships’ telegram is highly unlikely.”

“What does the Head Admiral say about this?”

“’s gone…”

“Just like that? Poof? Disappeared?”

“Ehh… that is what he is saying.”

“You expect me to believe that? Just tell the Naval Office that they are overthinking. There’s nothing that could sink that huge of a fleet… how many days has it been… 5 days… that is in the middle of the ocean. Do you expect the Magusians to do that?”

“Well, sir, um, some in the Naval Office believe it might be the Americans…”

The Emperor was looking more and more miffed. He just wanted to close his eyes and sleep some more.

“Americans? This far in the ocean? Luckily stumbling upon the fleet? Sinking said entire fleet?”

“Yes tha…”

“Without us receiving a distress call?”

“Um, ye…”

“Tell the Naval Office to stop wasting my time. It’s just a malfunction in some things or something. The wireless telegraphy is new.”

The servant looked down, not wanting to further anger him.


The US fleet was about less than two days away from the Bem.

Pictures of some stuff will be inserted in the near future... i'm too lazy to as of right now XP

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