America In Another World

Chapter 129 – The Final Retaliation

My W and 2 key stopped working. ;-;

I had to remap it onto other keys in order to write this message. Well enjoy chapter 129. See y'all next week

Island in the Pacific

With the sun peaking out from behind it, the QF-16 started its descent onto the island. The sunlight glittered off of the ocean onto the drone. The operator currently controlling it from Hawaii carefully moved the yoke to steady the plane onto the path of the runway. The QF-16 bumped a bit on the runway before coming to a halt. 

The lieutenant started barking out orders once the QF-16 settled on the runway. “Get the two nuclear bombs loaded onto both wings and start refueling it.”

A couple of SEALs pushed the B-61s that had been placed on bomb trailers earlier onto the runway. They positioned each under each wing of the QF-16 and carefully attached them. 

Another couple of SEALs rolled up multiple drums next to the drone. They connected the jet fuel transfer pump with the drone and the jet fuel drums. The transfer pump started doing its jobs transferring the fuel into the drone. 


30 minutes later

A SEAL that had been watching the portal shouted in alarm. “Lieutenant, something is coming out of the portal.”

An arm and leg from a towering, jet black being was emerging out of the swirling portal. In a few seconds, more and more of the being came out of the portal. The SEALs soon identified that it was the same creature as the humanoid monsters that had invaded San Francisco. The lieutenant started cursing as he saw the situation “Shit. Don’t let it near the runway! Fire! Fire! Fire! Rameriz! Get the AT-4 on it.”

Small arms fire opened up from the SEALs and the bullets plinked off of the humanoid monster. The monster seemed to not notice the bullets as it moved out of the portal unfazed. It only stopped when it saw the much smaller humans in front of it.

The lieutenant shouted into his comms. <<<”We have a demon coming out of the portal!”>>>

An HEAT shell from an AT-4 slammed into the demon. The demon staggered back from the blow and seemingly fell back into the portal. 

“Good job, Rameriz!” As soon as the lieutenant said that, more of the demons started emerging from the portal. “Shit, we have more coming! Keep up the fire boys!”

More and more of the humanoid monsters lumbered out of the portal, seemingly without realizing there were humans on the other side. A hail of bullets from the SEALs poured onto the monsters exiting the portal with little effect. Suddenly, a deafening boom reverberated through the air that drowned out the sound of the hail of small arms fire. Multiple booms occurred one after another. The ground beneath the portal shook violently with explosion after explosion. The 5-inch guns from the destroyers offshore were firing in rapid succession, their shells creating craters around the portal. The explosions from the 5-inch shells tore through the demons with ease. 

With this respite, the lieutenant shouted at the ones refueling the QF-16. “How much longer on the fuel?”

They shouted back in response. Nearly done sir.”

The lieutenant slapped Rameriz on the back

“Rameriz! Get on the controls. Get that drone up in the air once it's fully fueled. You will have the honors of dropping the bomb on their city.”

The lieutenant then spoke into his comms. <<<”Thanks for the fire support, keep that up.”>>>


10 minutes later

<<<”Ceasefire! Ceasefire. No more are seemingly coming out.”>>>

Gaping holes dotted the ground around the portal. The blood and body parts of the demons were splattered across the holes in a gory mess. The lieutenant once again shouted towards the ones refueling the QF-16 “Are you finished with the fucking fueling?”

“Just a bit more… done.”

The lieutenant barked out questions. “All fuel good? Bombs are secure on it?”

The SEALs did a final check before responding. “Affirmative, sir!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Rameriz, get that thing in the air! Pronto!”

The QF-16 turned around on the runway. It picked up speed as it went down the runway with a nuclear bomb under each of its wings. The AM-2 matting of the runway seemingly shook under the drone. A blaze of orange came out of its jet engine as the tip of the drone tilted upwards. In the air after traveling a distance, the drone banked and circled back towards the island. It lined up with the massive portal in the middle. 

The drone entered and disappeared from this world.


0635 June 20th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C.

On Rameriz’s screen, he could see the red sky of the world on the other side of the portal. The Situation Room also had a direct video feed of Rameriz’s screen. Everyone in the room kept an eye on the screen. Cralson muttered. “The jet is on the other side and still functioning.” 

Stephen nodded. “They will be dropping the two nuclear bombs on the city in less than five minutes.”

It was a relief to know that a flying drone still functioned on the other side of the portal. Even if the portal was severed or the drone shot down, no human lives would be lost. It was also quite unknown what effect the otherworldly environment would have had on a human pilot.


Minutes Earlier

Island in the Pacific

As the QF-16 ascended, the SEALs on the ground quickly regrouped, their eyes following the drone as it entered the portal. The lieutenant turned to the platoon and started barking orders yet again. "Secure the perimeter! We can't let our guard down yet!" 

The platoon, moving with practiced efficiency, spread out to keep an eye on the portal in case more of the demons came out.



Skies on the other side of the portal

With the swirling green portal behind it, the QF-16 sped through the red skies towards the black spires of the monster’s city. 

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