America In Another World

Chapter 2 – The Civvies, the Military… and the Birds?

Neat quote: We are pioneers. And trailblazers. We fight, for freedom. We transform our dreams into the truth. Our struggles, will become a nation.

Also, information about the vehicles and guns will be in the footnotes

0600 July 18th, 2019 CE

Suburbs of Nashville, United States of America

The alarm was beeping like there was no tomorrow. Jack groggily got out of his bed like a zombie after he shut down his alarm. Sigh… another day.

45 minutes later

After brushing his teeth, taking a shower, and getting dressed, Jack went into the kitchen to cook his breakfast and to make his coffee. A day like any other. Jack brought his cup of joe and his breakfast to the table in front of the couch and reached for his remote. I wonder if anything interesting is happening today. I still have 25 minutes before I need to go. Jack turned on the TV in front of the table and started with his breakfast.

<<< “...ruly an unprecedented situation. Many Americans feel apprehensive about the future. Scientists are very baffled at how this could have occurred. For more information on the ongoing situation, we now go live to our White House Correspondent Jimmy Hess. Jimmy, can you explain what the President is doing about this situation.” >>>

Jack was savoring his bacon when the news caught his attention.

<<< “Well Jane, the President has just convened an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss the current situation and how we should respond. We should be hearing from the President again very soon.”

There was a long pause.

“Thank you, Jimmy, for the viewers that are just tuning in for the 7 o'clock morning news, we will replay the President’s address to the nation.” >>>

Jack started sipping his coffee while listening closely to the TV.

<<< “My fellow Americans, as of 5 a.m. Eastern Time today…God bless the United States of America and may he watch over us in this new world.” >>>

Jack took the time to process that like a computer that just downloaded a massive file. He then proceeded to stare at the TV in disbelief before ejecting the coffee that was still in his mouth.


New world?!? What do they mean new world!?

Jack fumbled for his remote and started frantically switching through the channels on the TV. It was all about the same situation.

<<< “In the past, America was called the new world but now we have stumbled upon a true ne…”>>>

<<< “...e be fearful of what this means for the United Sta…”>>>

<<< “...ll Americans react to a new world…”>>>

<<< “ wo…”>>>

Holy shit! This better is an April Fools joke… it's already past April.

Jack then noticed that he spat all of his coffee onto his pants and table. After tidying up, Jack picked up his phone and started dialing his main man Jarry. After a short ring, Jarry picked up.

“Jarry, man! Have you seen the news?”

“Of course I have! You always seem to be behind on what’s happening.”

“Do you know what the exact fuck is happening.”

“Well, it seems like the whole world has gone crazy. According to the news, Mexico is now just an ocean and Canada disappeared. My family also can’t contact my grandparents in England anymore…”

15 minutes later

Jack exited his apartment building and got into his car. I’m going to be late but I’m pretty sure the boss wouldn’t mind. I mean like this weird shit that’s happening should be enough explanation for why I am late. Sigh… I wish that this was just another day. Jack turned on his engine and started to back out. Life seemed somewhat normal even with all this going on. Maybe it is another day...

1059 July 18th, 2019 CE

Rose Barracks, Germany

Sergeant Kevin Vander was sitting in his room in the barracks and reading a book. He was a driver for an M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicle1 or a Stryker ICV for short. He was part of the Iron Troop of the 3rd Squadron “Wolfpack” of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment of the 7th ATC (Army Training Command) under the USAREUR (United States Army Europe) that was based in Germany. Today was just like any other day and it was going to be chow time soon.

1113 ??? July 18th, 2019 CE

Rose Barracks, Germany ???

This romance novel is great. I never thought that I would actually like it. Thought it was dumb that Brian actually liked this.

All of a sudden, the base alarm started blaring. HUH? What the… The PA system came on.


Holy shit. Are the Russians invading? Kevin rushed out of his room and bolted down the stairs. Some of the soldiers that were goofing off in the barracks were already running down the stairs. Although it wasn’t full panic, there was an air of urgency. When Kevin exited the barracks, men were running around like ants. Kevin started going towards his troop’s area ...Something doesn’t feel right. Kevin paused and looked up at the sky …what the… Although it was supposed to be nearly noon, the sun wasn’t up in the sky. Instead, it seemed like the sun was just barely coming out of the horizon. It’s already past 11 am… the sun is supposed to be up there and not down there. It isn't supposed to be rising like the early morning. What the hell is happening? I hope this isn't because of the Russians. Kevin arrived at his troop’s designated area. He went to where his section was. Brandon Watson, a staff sergeant and the commander of Kevin’s Stryker, and the infantry squad of his Stryker were there. Kevin’s captain, the commanding officer of the Iron Troop, was at the front of his troop. The other troops of his squadron were on his troop’s sides with their captains. At the very front and middle was the lieutenant colonel, the commanding officer of the entire 3rd squadron. Once everyone was there, the lieutenant colonel started speaking.

“Men, our guards have noticed a sudden and unexplainable change in our surroundings. We have also noticed the disappearance of our friends, the Germans. However, we are still able to contact Washington. While the colonel is talking with the high command, he has ordered the 2nd squadron and our squadron to secure a surrounding perimeter about 1.5 miles away from the base. The Regimental Engineer Squadron will be setting up fortifications about 1 mile behind you once the perimeter has been established. Your job after establishing the perimeter is to protect the engineers while they set up the fortifications. The 4th squadron will do recon a while after the perimeter is established.”

1150 0450 July 18th, 2019 CE

Rose Barracks, Germany somewhere far north of Michigan

Kevin was sitting in his Stryker and looking out of the driver’s hatch. Their squadron had secured the plains that were east of the base about 15 minutes ago. The 2nd squadron had secured the plains a bit outside of the forests that were far west of the base. The engineers should have started work already on the fortifications behind them. Kevin learned about what was happening by listening to the comm channels. According to the other soldiers who somehow caught wind of what the brass was saying, we were transported to another world along with the other bases and the United States of America. We also seem to be somewhere north of Michigan in what used to be Canada. That would explain why the sun was just rising. I’m pretty sure that the Russians or the Chinese… maybe even aliens… might have used some secret advanced technology to get rid of us. The infantry was standing around in front of the Strykers and talking. Brandon, the staff sergeant, was on the commander’s hatch bored looking at the horizon.

0550 July 18th, 2019 CE

Rose Barracks, Northern Frontier (far north of Michigan)

Kevin overheard from the radio that part of the 4th squadron will arrive in about 15 minutes to do recon outside of the established perimeter. It was already an hour and everyone was as bored as hell since nothing was happening. There was a sense of tension that was mostly dissipated by now. All the squadrons that were protecting the engineers were ordered to retreat behind the fortifications once the engineers were done. It seemed quite calm even though the surrounding seemed like a foreign country.

All of a sudden a loud noise was heard in the distance. Huh… that sounded like a bird. Everyone in the area turned and looked towards the distance. For a bit, there was nothing. Then…

A continuous and loud sound began. It sounded like a huge flock of birds. Out of the horizon, a single bird appeared. It seemed like a normal bird. Kevin could see it all the way from here and its size is too normal for that loud of a noise. Wait… if we could see it all the way from here... Before Kevin knew what was going on, the font bird propelled itself, dived, and landed in front of the infantry. HOLY BLOODY MARY AND JESUS CHRIST. It was a colossal, red, and vulture-like bird that was about two stories tall. Everyone was stunned and bewildered for a second. One of the infantrymen, Ruth, was standing right below it.

“RUTH LOOK OUT!” Someone shouted and everyone noticed that the bird had its beak open.

The bird’s head dived down and lifted Ruth with its beak. Then the bird pointed its beak upward. Ruth’s head was in the bird’s beak and everyone could see that his legs were out of the beak and flailing around. Then he was swallowed.


M4 carbines2 and M249 SAWs3 from the infantry started lighting the giant bird up. The bird reared its head like it was in pain and started screeching

Brandon got back into the Stryker and the Stryker’s .50 cal M2 Browning machine gun started firing. The other Strykers followed.

The .50 cals went through the bird like paper. The bird was cut down in an instant. It was a bit of an overkill since they didn’t expect this to happen. It seemed as if it was over just then and everyone sighed in relief. Then the radio crackled. It was the captain of our troop who was in another Stryker.

“We got more company incoming. All Stryker units fire when within range! Infantry retreat behind the Strykers and open fire if the birds get close enough! The 4th squadron is coming in as reinforcement. ETA about 5 minutes.”

“Ah shit…” Kevin looked through the driver’s viewport and saw that a huge flock of birds was drawing near. Their fur color was different from the first and was bright orange. It seemed like a fire was moving toward them from the sky. The rifles and machine guns started firing again. It was the music of the battlefield.

Although they were cutting them down by what felt like the hundreds, the birds were getting closer. They had started to back up in order to get some distance. The birds didn’t seem terrifying but the amount of them was overwhelming. The Strykers poured heavy machine-gun fire into the flock while the infantry did whatever they could with their rifles and light machine guns. The infantry was more effective when the birds closed in. When a bird started a dive, multiple small arms fire ripped it apart. The birds in front of the massive flock faced hail upon hail of .50 cals from the Strykers which tore through the birds.

Then all of a sudden, explosions rocked the air. Several birds fell out of the sky at the same time. Behind the 3rd squadron, there was the 4th squadron Stryker MGSs4 with their 105 mm cannons. The Stryker MGSs had loaded M1040 canister shots which were extremely lethal to massed assaulting infantry. In this case, it seems to be quite lethal to massed assaulting birds. Additional 4th squadron Strykers armed with .50 cals also arrived.

“Just in damn time” Kevin’s staff sergeant commented.

0615 July 18th, 2019 CE

The fight only lasted about 20 minutes before the birds started to retreat. With the help of the 4th squadron, the 3rd squadron was able to hold off against the birds without suffering heavy casualties. The birds got close multiple times but the immense firepower that hammered the birds was enough to ensure that the birds didn’t swoop down on them. The canister shots were extremely effective and tore through multiple birds with every shot. Kevin sighed in relief. Well seems like the days are going to be more exciting now. Those damn Russians transporting us to another world. I’m pretty sure this is all those damn commie’s fault.

Brandon was looking down at Kevin.

“You aren’t thinking that this is the Russian’s fault are you?”

“Well of course it is… what else could it be?”

“Every damn time with you. It’s not always the Russians.”

“Then what about aliens?”

A massive sigh came from Kevin’s staff sergeant.

0720 July 18th, 2019 CE

Washington DC, United States of America

“I just finished my breakfast… what is it this time?”

The President was back in the Situation Room after being forced to quickly eat his breakfast.

“I told you guys I will be back once I finish calmly eating.”

“Mr. President, this is extremely urgent and we can’t wait for you to finish your breakfast.”

“John… you have literally dragged me to this room twice today. Now, what is it?”

“Well Mr. President, it seems like giant birds are attacking our military bases in the Northern Frontier and the towns on the border with it.”

“Giant birds?!”

“We have some footage of one of these in Ogdensburg, New York”

A shaky video that seems to be taken from a person’s iPhone appears. A giant bird appears to land on a street near a Sunoco gas station. Police sirens are also heard in the background.

<<<“OMG! Look at that! OMG! It's tearing up a house”>>>

The video cuts off.

“This is definitely not our world anymore, isn't it. How concerning is the current situation?”

I can imagine all the work I have to do now… sigh… well, it's my job and the American people are depending on me. I mean… I am dedicated to changing America for the better… but what is happening right now is ridiculous.

“Well, Mr. President, attacks like these are occurring at random places on the border. However, since it's usually only one bird, police are able to deal with it with small arms. On the other hand, our military bases inside the Northern Frontier are experiencing large numbers of these birds. Currently, most of them have fought them off with minimal casualties. We currently believe that casualties are well below 100.”

“I suppose that this isn’t that big of an issue. Increase the DEFCON level to 4 just in case. We also probably need to send in the National Guard to protect the border with the Northern Frontier and supply anti-air to our bases in the Northern Frontier.”

Another quote: We are a land of many nations. We are New World explorers. We are the huddled masses, yearning to breathe freedom. We risk it all. We have the courage to dream the impossible. And make it the truth. We stand our ground. And charge headlong towards destiny.

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