America In Another World

Chapter 24 Part 2 – Blitzkrieg

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"If the tanks succeed, then victory follows." - Heinz Guderian (German General/Tank Expert)

0510 March 21st, 2020 CE

0535 Start 51st, 196 AE

Baiae Air Base

Funding for the Air Corps had gone down a bit because of the peace. Unlike the Coastal Defense Lines, the Air Corps must always be ready and on alert. For the Coastal Defense Lines, all you had to do was send a bunch of recruits to man it within a few days. The Air Corps was different. They needed to have experienced pilots who were able to control and tend the wyverns and to continue to train new pilots and wyverns. However, the airbase’s activity is at an all-time low. With their traditional arch-nemesis defeated, there isn’t much to worry about anymore. 

So, it came as a surprise when reports of air attacks and orders commanding all units to take to the sky came flooding in. Although the pilots are confused about the reports and distress messages, wyverns start running down the runway to take to the sky. Within a few minutes, hundreds are flying west. They have orders to intercept enemy aircraft flying over Magusian land.

Less than 30 minutes later

Airspace over the western region of the Mach Imperium

A large formation of aircraft is in their sights. It looks as if it is a swarm of bees. Although very similar to Machian planes with a propellor at its front, these only have one pair of wings and look much sleeker. While the Magusian wyverns close in the distance, the enemy aircraft breaks formation. It is obvious that they had noticed the wyverns coming. Some start climbs while others turn. Before long, the enemy aircraft start plunging towards the formation of wyverns.


An elven magifighter squadron commander, Major Erlan Norna, notices the large formation of wyverns approaching them. Through his magitransimittor, which uses mana, the magical particles in the air, to send voices to others, he calls out to his squadron.

“Wyverns manned by humans to our left! Prepare to engage!”

His magifighter, the Ea-192, a fighter designed by Elven Air in 192 AE, has engines and machine guns powered by a magibattery. As long as the magibattery doesn’t run out of mana, the bullets will not stop and the engine will continue running. 

Erlan pulls his plane up and turns left before beginning a dive. As he and his fighter wing get closer to the human’s wyverns, Erlan lines up a plane in his sights. He presses the button to fire.


The elven aircraft have fired first. Tracer magibullets whizz towards the wyverns, hitting and cutting down many. As the two sides fly even closer to each other, the wyverns start to throw fireballs towards the aircraft. Some are able to dodge them while others that are hit with fireballs burst into flames. 


Erlan jerks his plane hard to the right to avoid one aimed at him. He then quickly turns and gets onto the tail of an enemy. 


An intense air battle rages in the sky as wyverns and aircraft criss-cross each other. The maneuverability and speed of the Ea-192 greatly outmatch the wyverns. The wyverns take time to charge up their fireballs while the magifighters just gun them down with endless magibullets. The magifighters easily get onto the tail of wyverns and dispatch them within a few shots. However, the wyverns do sometimes get some lucky hits with their fireballs in this chaos of battle. 

Although taking some casualties, the magifighters emerge victoriously. 

Erlan gets onto the radio.

“Good work, fellows. Seems like these inferiors are using even more inferior creatures to fight their battles. My magibattery is running low, we are returning to base for now.”

0538 March 21st, 2020 CE

0549 Start 51st, 196 AE

Western Beaches of the Magus Imperium

The 11th Elven Blitzpanzer Division makes its way across the beach. A division made up mainly of light magipanzers and magitrucks carrying soldiers, they are one of the many Blitzpanzer Corps in charge of spearheading the attack. Although they are focused on speed, they also have medium magipanzers as support against well-armored opponents. The Elven High Command has decided to unleash a new type of warfare upon the feeble humans. Blitzkrieg. 

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