America In Another World

Chapter 32 – PMC

I understand there isn't much action in this one but I'm setting this up for the future. After this, it will be all action. I have already started writing Chapter 34 and I can guarantee that it's gonna be great! Also, thanks for all the comments last chapter! I have read through them but didn't have time to reply.

Discord -->

Read a chapter ahead -> Shiroyama by Sabaton (Best song I could find about technology XD)

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke Interview with the Author (Shout out to AirsoftAl for this!)

After the incident between the US carrier strike group and the Elven destroyer squadron, a state of war now existed between the United States and the Elven Nation. Of course, the elves didn’t know about this. 

The destroyer squadron that met the US carrier strike group had been sending reports back to headquarters. Their last message was saying that they were attacking a human fleet that had an aircraft carrier. When the Elven Navy Department found out that the reports from that Elven destroyer squadron ceased, they decided to cover it up. Currently, the Leader greatly favored the Army so blunders by the Navy were less tolerated. The Navy department thought that an insignificant destroyer squadron going missing shouldn’t matter that much anyway. They could just send another one. 

1522 March 29th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C.

President Haye was in a meeting about conducting this war. Secretary of State Clifford was telling him the current problems.

“We are trying to offer our help to the Magus but they are still not accepting.”

“They do know that they are technologically inferior, correct?”

“They don’t acknowledge it.”

The President's face distorted in discomfort and disappointment. He sighed.

“That's understandable I guess. Once, being one of the two superpowers in this world, they probably aren't willing to want help from a nation who they see as threatening that status."

"From their behavior, that most likely is the reason. In their own eyes, they probably want to relish the status as the lone superpower in this world after the defeat of the Mach Imperium."

The President shook his head.

"Even though we were the ones who did it... how many units do we already have stationed in the Mach Imperium?”

“In addition to the Marine Expeditionary Force, we have more than fifteen Army divisions deployed. We should have more than twenty soon.”

“And we can’t deploy any of them to the Magus Imperium until the Magus allow us to. Just great! What about the Soane League? Can we deploy units there to fight the elves? 

“As of right now, our communication with the Soane League depends on the Magus Imperium. The Magus Imperium denied our help which means that they are also denying our help for the Soane League."

“Why haven’t we set up direct diplomacy with the individual Soan kingdoms?”

The Secretary of State breathed in and out lightly. It was her way of indicating that it was a rather long explanation.

“Sure, there are individual kingdoms but they are greatly tied together as the League. Their diplomacy outside of the Soane Continent is managed by the Soane League. And since the Soane League is greatly tied to the Magus Imperium, the Magus Imperium offered to do the Soane League’s diplomacy for other nations.” 

The President was exasperated at her explanation. 

“Well, that’s just not sensible!”

“Mr. President, you have to understand, before us, there wasn’t really much need for the Soane League to contact anyone else. The Bem Kingdom and Mach Imperium were their enemies. The only nation that they had to keep relations with was the Magus Imperium. The independent kingdoms on the Soane Continent decided that in order to streamline the process, diplomacy outside of the Soane Continent would be under the management of the Soane League. And since their survival depended on the Magus Imperium, the Soane Leagues’ diplomacy with any other nation would be managed by the Magus.”

“Then we will have to wait until the Magusians come begging us for help?”

“Seems like it.”

Secretary of Defense Roberts gave his recommendation on the matters of the war.

“We could stop the elves by cutting them off at sea. That will stop them from supplying their units in the Magus Imperium.”

The President thought about it for a bit before he said this.

“Let’s just wait for the Magus to come begging us for help. I get the feeling that will be much more beneficial to our standing in this world. Can’t let them get any more bragging rights from our accomplishments.”

0450 April 2nd, 2020 CE

0525 Sun 2nd, 196 AE

Central Verona River

Major General Ara watched as engineers built a temporary wooden bridge in order to cross the Verona. To her right were the destroyed remains of the only bridge of the Central Verona River. She was not in a happy mood. Ara had learned that the Eastern Army and Western Army had already secured all the bridges on the eastern and western portion of the Verona. How dumb were the humans? Couldn’t they have built more bridges here as they did in the East and West? The Eastern and Western Armies might finish the war before they even get to do anything.


Emperor Arstant was very worried. The speed in which the elves traveled to the Verona River indicated that they could reach Primopolis in less than a month if nothing stopped them. 

“Your majesty, we will be beginning the counter-attack very soon. Elven units are streaming in from the bridges on the East and West Verona. The area around the bridges will be perfect for chokepoints. The First and Fourth Army will definitely push them back to the other side of the river.”

Central Verona River

The 51st Magusian Wyvern Squadron was flying high above the Verona River. They had orders to recon the area and report back with information on enemy positions. They cruised at a low speed and enjoyed the view of the river. The lack of air attacks further from the Verona indicated that the elves didn’t have the range to go beyond it. 

One of the wyvern pilots noticed something coming from the sun. The wyverns were in very close formation which allowed them to talk with each other. 

“Hey, what is that up there?”


As they got closer, the objects became clear.

“Enemy aircraft! Evasive maneuvers!”

It was too late. Streams of magibullets from the closest Ea-192 poured into the lead wyvern. It spiraled towards the ground as both the pilot and wyvern were shredded. 

Less than an hour later

A formation of Ea-192s came in for a landing on the Advanced Landing Grounds. The lead pilot walked down from his plane and jumped onto the ground. Another pilot, a friend of his, was there to meet them.

“Eltaor, how was the patrol?”

Eltaor laughed.

“Larrel, get this, the humans are actually using wyverns.”

“They are?” 

“Yeah, my squadron ran into a human one. They didn’t even see us. Shot them all out of the sky in one swoop. Talk about pathetic.”

Larrel nodded and his eyes sparkled as he changed the topic.

“Anyways, I have exciting news. Keep it a secret okay.”


Larrel looked around before whispering into Eltaor’s ear.

“I got assigned to an experimental unit with a new aircraft. I heard this new aircraft won’t be like any before. It’s going to be faster than any normal propeller plane.”

“That sounds great! I kind of feel envious. Won’t this mean that you won’t be in this unit anymore?”

“The experimental unit is separate so probably not.”

Eltaor was a bit sad at this information. He didn't want to see his best friend go. 

“Oh well, we will see each other after this. Heck, I may even see you fly your experimental aircraft.”

Soane Continent

The diplomat from the Subican Kingdom left. Fylson Erna, the Elven diplomat, looked at the paper in his hand. He laughed until there was no more air in his lungs.

“That dumb human actually accepted.”

He was given orders to keep at least one human country “independent” and as an “ally”. This one country was meant to be the place where the remaining humans will be stored for breeding in order to keep a supply of human slaves. The Leader wanted to exterminate the humans but thought that keeping some as slaves would be nice. Fylson decided to pick the largest country in the weakest but still developed part of the world. Luckily, the Subicans jumped on the offer since they saw the situation as hopeless. He looked at a stack of paper that gave him information about the human kingdoms. He was surprised that the beastmen were helping these humans. The beastmen were excellent warriors but still technologically inferior when compared to the elves. What also surprised him was the fact that these backwater humans even had some technology that matched the human Empire. The amphibious invasion was even fired upon by coastal artillery! He wondered if he should ask that human diplomat how they got their hands on that technology and why they were allied with the beastmen kingdoms. 

0529 April 2nd, 2020 CE


In his office, Diplomat Underwood’s phone rang.

<<< “Diplomat Underwood, the Magusian Ambassador is requesting a meeting.”

“Get Hoffman down here and let them in.” >>>

Translator Hoffman got there just in time.

“Captain Raoul, I’m surprised to see you here. Who’s the other person?”

In addition to Ambassador Jacques, two other people were there. One of them was Captain Raoul, the Albean captain that initiated first contact between the United States and the rest of the world. 

“The person beside me is Diplomat Fawkes of the Soane League. We were urgently sent here by the Council of the Soane League.”

“What does the Soane League need? I thought you guys did your diplomacy through the Magus Imperium.”

Ambassador Jacques, the Magusian diplomat, interjected.

“My government and I do not approve of this but because Captain Raoul is a close friend of mine, I will allow it. This may make some of the nobles in my country unhappy so I hope that you can keep this a secret.”

Underman nodded.

“Of course, of course, take a seat.”

The Soane League Diplomat started speaking after sitting down.

“As you already know, I’m Diplomat Fawkes of the Soane League. I was sent here by the Council of the League to request for your county’s help. The Soane League is in a tough situation right now. We have received absolutely no help from the Magus Imperium.” 

Jacques interjected again. 

“As I said, we will come with aid after we start pushing these elves back.”

Captain Raoul turned to Jacques.

“But when will that be!? The Sabican Kingdom is in the elve’s pocket. My kingdom can’t last any longer! The beastmen are doing their best but we are just being slaughtered on the battlefield.”

Ambassador Jacques sighed and stopped talking. Raoul focused his attention back to the main conversation.

“So you are now asking for my nation’s help?”

“Yes, the Council has heard that you had offered help to the Magus Imperium against the Elves. They may have refused but we desperately need it. ”

“We are glad to help. If we can gain permission from your League for us to deploy on your land…”

“That would be a problem.”

Underwood raised his eyebrow. 

“Why would that be?”

Raoul sighed and looked down. 

“As you already know, the Magus Imperium doesn’t really like the idea of asking others for help. The Council wasn’t sure what to do but sent me anyways. If we had asked you for help and you did so, our relationship with the Magus would worsen. They would definitely see this as some sort of betrayal if we allowed you to deploy your troops on our land.”

Underwood looked at Jacques. The Magusian Ambassador was just staring at a wall as if he was not listening to the conversation. Jacques’s hands were tied in this situation.

“Then how are we meant to help if your League can’t even accept it.”

“That was why I came here. I was begging Jacques if he could help us but he couldn’t. He only set up a meeting with you. I didn’t know what to do but I came.”

Underwood closed his eyes and nursed the bridge of his nose. His tone dropped. 

“I will see what I can do. I will call you back once the decision is made.”

Raoul stood and bowed.

“Thank you.”

After they left, Underwood picked up his phone and dialed.

<<<“Hello, this is Underwood…”>>>

Washington D.C.

President Hayes was happy.

“The Soane League is asking for our help? Great! Let’s…”

“One problem, they won’t allow us to deploy on their lands.”

“Huh? Why’s that?”

The Secretary of State explained the situation. The happiness that lit up the President’s face was gone after that.

“Ugh. Then what are we supposed to…hmmm... wait… I have an idea.”


A man was leaning back on his chair while playing with a Rubix cube. The phone on the desk rang and he plucked it up. 

<<<“Hello? This is Diamond Wolves PMC.”>>>

The man listened intently to the person on the other side of the phone before replying.

<<<”Mhm… I see. Send them over then.”>>>


“Diplomat Fawkes, we are able to help without actually deploying our own troops.”

Fawkes looked at Underwood quizzically.


Underwood smiled.

“Are you interested in hiring some mercenaries?”

“Hiring your military as mercenaries?”

“No, no, no. I meant actual mercenaries. In our country we have this thing called a private military company. They are well trained and well-armed. They aren’t under our control so it shouldn’t upset the Magus Imperium.”

“I suppose we could hire them.”

“Good then, we will gladly transport you to meet with them. I will get someone to guide you there. It will be a short plane ride.”

A few minutes later, an attendant came. As the attendant guided Captain Raoul and Diplomat Fawkes out, Underwood remembered something.

“One thing before you go. We are not responsible for whatever they do when they are hired. Good luck.”

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