America In Another World

Chapter 34 – “The Black Death” Helicopter

Sorry about the slight delay. My computer was being slow again for some reason. Also IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be going on a one-week hiatus. Chapter 35 will come out on August 30th. School has started again for me and it feels like I'm being slammed in the head by a wooden chopping board. This is also the reason that I have recently stopped answering comments. I'm exhausted at this point. I need some rest.

Current me:

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Read a chapter ahead -> 82nd All The Way by Sabaton

During Operation Desert Storm, the Iraqis feared the Apaches so much that they named it the "Black Death"

1135 April 4th, 2020 CE

0847 Sun 4th, 196 AE

50 miles from the jungles of the Magus Imperium

Chinooks and Blackhawks landed by an airfield. The grass buffeted in the wind made by the helicopters. Chinooks dropped off their equipment. Multiple people jumped out from the Blackhawks. One of them looked around before turning to the others.

“Engineers, get to work. We have to get this FOB up ASAP!”

The people who were shouted at quickly scurried off everywhere. The commanding man walked towards the Magusian officials that were standing on the airfield. 


After consultations with the Magus, multiple airfields near the frontline were gladly given to the Americans for whatever they needed it for. There wasn’t much need for the airfields anyways. Hundreds of wyverns had been shot out of the sky so there was plenty of space. 


The plains of the Magus Imperium near the Verona

Lieutenant General Ara sighed as she looked out of the commander hatch of her Knight. They had already broken through the human’s central front but she wasn’t allowed to be part of any of the forward elements. With her superiors here, she couldn’t just rush to the frontlines like she did during the beginning of the war. She thirsted for action. The sweet feeling of crushing her enemies. If only her division was still an autonomous unit. She calmed down and shook her head after a while of daydreaming. She will probably get her share of the battle soon. Nothing could stop the Elven Army and since they were waging war against the entire human race, it was only a matter of time before she could get into her Stallion again and rush off to battle. 


0422 April 5th, 2020 CE

0511 Sun 5th, 196 AE

The jungles of the Magus Imperium

The remnants of the First and Fourth Army were making a panicked retreat across the plains towards the jungles. The secondary defense lines were just beyond them. If they could get there, they should be safe. However, it wasn’t going to be easy. The Elven forward elements were hot on their trail. Any units that lagged behind were massacred by tanks. 


Gavin stumbled on one of the roads through the jungles. His unit, if it could be even called a unit anymore, had been running for more than an entire day. Whatever was left of the cohesion and organization of the Fourth Army didn’t exist anymore after the elven tanks’ attack. There were no orders anymore. Only survival was on their minds. They were just trying to reach the secondary defense lines. Just trying to reach safety. That safety was beyond the jungles since the higher ups wanted to be able to get supply there with little problem. It was more of a place to store supply before they got transported to the front. The higher ups never actually thought that they would be pushed back this far. 


He heard clanking noises behind him as he staggered forward. Dread filled him. It could only mean one thing. The Elves and their monstrous tanks were here. How?! His unit was running constantly. They didn’t stop. At this point, he collapsed onto the ground. He just couldn't do it anymore. Around him, his unit was in a panicked rush to run. 

He closed his eyes. This was it. Mother. Father. The clanking noise grew closer. Your son will be going ahead of you.

Then he heard something different. It wasn’t that loud but it was still audible. Something like an object constantly whipping through the air. At the same time, he heard something that sounded like music he had never heard of before. Was this the angels coming to get him before death?

“...they're red, white and blue

And when the band plays "Hail to the chief"

Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord

It ain't me, it ain't me…” 


Sounds of massive explosions occurred around him. The ground shook. He opened his eyes in surprise and got his head off the ground to stare at the carnage occurring on the road behind him. 


0356 April 5th, 2020 CE

0428 Sun 5th, 196 AE

One of the airbases given to the US

Helicopters whirred to life in one of the many airfields that were given to the United States. Their rotors started to spin. Attack helicopters, AH-64D Apache Longbows and AH-64E Apache Guardians, were already in the air. They were all tilted forward and moving quickly. Below, soldiers got on UH-60 Blackhawks and CH-47 Chinooks. Some of the Chinooks that were already in the air hooked onto Humvees below them.   

Inside one of the Chinooks, a second lieutenant yelled at his platoon who were all sitting with ready faces.

“We will be landing on the defense line that the Maggies have set up behind the jungle. Based on what we have been told these elven sons of bitches are currently moving onto that position. The birds will keep an eye on things. Overlord will warn us if anything comes our way.”


15 minutes later

Secondary Defense Line

Soldiers were leaning against the back of the trench with rifles on their shoulders. Some stood firmly and held onto the back of their machine guns. The machine guns looked intensely at the jungle for any enemies. Then all of them swished their heads to look toward the sky behind them as weird noises had caught their attention. They watched in utter surprise as multiple flying contraptions with big propellers on top quickly passed overhead. They were like pegasus flying full speed ahead. Were these the Americans who were said to be coming as help? What were those things? Behind them some of these weird flying objects seemed to be getting closer to the ground. They landed and people wearing bulky clothing rushed out. They were dressed in a mess of darkish green and a few other colors. They were also all wearing sunglasses. 


In a dug out room in the reserve trench, a man and one of the weird clothed men saluted at each other.

“Lieutenant Colonel William Parker of the 82nd Airborne Division.” 

“Major General Lance Bernart of the 41st Division, Sixth Army.”

They put their salutes down.

“Glad to see that you understand Imperial. Your help here is very welcome, American. We currently have many problems. Because of the surprise and speed of the enemy attack, we haven’t fully mobilized yet. We are stretched thin. Only the Sixth Army guards this entire secondary defense line. “

William nodded. 

“My battalion will be taking up positions of defense with your division. Our aircraft are currently scouting for enemies. More units are coming in order to begin an offensive once we beat back the assault.”

Lance rubbed his chin with a concerned face.

“I do question your capability though. I have heard that you usually defeated the Mach Imperium but a mere battalion sized unit is not going to hold these elves back. They have beaten back two armies without even stopping. And this is an important sector. We need at least another division here.”

“Rest assured, I fully believe in my unit’s capabilities. You will understand when you see.”


Bigger flying contraptions with two propellers came carrying what seemed to be grass colored cars. The flying contraptions didn’t land and only dropped them onto the ground before leaving. The cars looked as weird as the men who came from those aircraft. 


0420 April 5th, 2020 CE

0510 Sun 5th, 196 AE

Two Apaches of the 1-17th had been moving to their designated position for scouting when they spotted something on the road. It was surrounded by the green dense jungle so its grey color clearly stood out. In the cockpit of one of the Apaches, a pilot talked into his radio.

<<< “Got enemy tanks in sight. They seem to be all light tanks. Moving in a straight line through one of the roads in the jungle. We will be setting up for an engagement.”

There was a silence before a scratchy radio voice replied.

“PID confirmed. Engage. Engage. Be advised, friendly Maggies... on the road. Don’t engage those currently on foot. Over.”

“Copy that, we will be engaging.” >>>

AGR-20A APKWS II (Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System) Hydra 70s fired from the rocket pods mounted to the sides of the two Apaches that were hovering in the sky about 3 miles away from the elven tanks. The rockets came out one after another, each seeking their targets. 

On the eastern front, the Elven forward elements, a light magipanzer company of the 15th Magipanzer Division, could see some of the figures of the retreating human infantry. Increasing their speed in excitement, the Stallions got closer to the spread out human formation. The human infantry were clearly panicking at this point. They were running around left to right and one of them even collapsed. It was time to rip them to shreds like they did with the hundreds of other humans that they had come across. However, before they could fire, music and the sound of something whipping in the air distracted them. Looking out from their hatches, the elven tank commanders turned to the sky to where they thought it came from. They couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Most of their view was blocked by the jungle after all. After a moment of confusion at the sounds, the front Stallion exploded in a fireball and veered off onto the side of the road. 


The crews of the magipanzer company were in total surprise. The front Stallion was burning as if it had exploded. The turret was gone and smoke was billowing out. The rest of the company quickly regained their senses. Something wasn’t right. Magipanzers didn’t spontaneously combust out of nowhere.  They had definitely heard what was shooting at them but couldn’t see it at all. The captain signaled with a wave to retreat. They all started to back up their magipanzers as fast as possible. Metal flew into the sky as another explosion occurred. Some of the tank commanders jumped off from their commander hatches and ran. Hatches on all parts of the Stallions opened up and the elven crews scrambled out in a panic to escape into the jungle. Whoever was attacking them couldn’t possibly hit them if they hid in the dense jungles.

Some magipanzers exploded just as the crew were climbing out of it. A few unlucky ones who were last to leave their magipanzer shared a similar fate. Only the ones in the back had their entire crews survive. 


Even outside their tanks, they weren’t safe. As they ran for the jungles, the ground exploded.


Bullet casings spewed out from the gun mounted underneath the Apaches. The pilots felt the vibrations coming from it. The 30mm M230 chain guns on the Apaches opened up on those that got out of their tanks. The ground exploded all around the elves and the ‘ratatatata’ of the chain guns could be heard inside the cockpits. 


The only thing on their minds was to get to the forest as quickly as possible. That was their only chance of salvation from this rain of death. 

An elf dropped onto the ground shaking in fear as his fellow crew members were torn to bits in front of him. He was only a few inches from death. A few inches from suffering the same fate as his friends that were running in front of him. Liquid came out of his pants. On all fours, he started crawling towards the mud towards the jungle. He could still hear the horrid music reverberating through the forest.

“Some folks inherit star spangled eyes

Ooh, they send you down to war…”


The chain guns went silent after a few seconds before beginning once again. Switching to thermals, the Apache pilots had spotted the warm bodies of the elves that had already run into the jungles. 


A few minutes later

Black smoke billowed into the sky. Burning metal husks lined the road. The flaming wrecks of 17 Stallions. Some of the dead crew members laid on the road around their tanks. Even more dead were in the forests.


After a few more minutes, Gavin stood up in a daze. He had shaken off most of his shock but it was still evident on his face. It seemed as if the Angels had protected him and used their divine powers to strike down their foes. Where else could those fiery explosions and music have come from? Gavin looked up at the sky to see if he could find them. Sadly, the music had already stopped and the Angels were nowhere to be found.


On the western front, a similar series of events played out with the 101st Airborne.

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