America In Another World

Chapter 38 – Time to Strike

Hey guuuys, author here. You might be wondering why I'm talking like this. Well, that's because I'm tired as fuck.This Friday night, when I got into bed and was drifting off to sleep I literally felt the tiredness in my bones. I just went like "Sheesh. I have never ever felt this tired before." I'm not tired because of writing this. I'm tired because of my school week. I have had so much work to do that I go to bed at like 11:00 pm. Well, hope you guys enjoy this chap. Thanks for listening to my rant. I'm going to sleep cause I have school tomorrow.

Discord -->

Read a chapter ahead ->

Sabaton's Into The Fire

"They've got to draw in their horns and stop their aggression, or we're going to bomb them back into the Stone Age." - General Curtis LeMay during Vietnam War

0837 April 5th, 2020 CE

0718 Sun 5th, 196 AE

Magusian Secondary Defense Line

A loud, happy, and crisp voice interrupted the panicked chatter of the infantry. 

<<< “Anyone call for a guardian angel?”>>>

Jets could be heard coming closer and closer. Two F-35As seemingly skimmed the canopy of the jungle. As they flew over the jungle where the elves were, multiple Mk-77 incendiary bombs were dropped from them. Explosions could be heard as literal lines of orange flames raced straight across the treeline where the elves had been firing from.


In a flash, flames appeared everywhere around the elves in the jungle. Panic and confusion set in as many of them caught on fire. Some stood up and started patting themselves. Trying in vain to extinguish the fire on their skins. Others writhed on the ground or started to run. 


Looking at the scene, Lieutenant Colonel Parker inhaled and exhaled before turning to Major General Bernart who was staring in utter amazement at what just happened.

“Do you smell that?”


MG Bernart was confused at what he was saying.


“Na palm?”

“I love the smell of napalm in the afternoon.”

Then a funny grin appeared on LTC Parker’s face. MG Bernart shook his head. He didn’t understand what this “napalm” was but he was still amazed at what had just happened. His excitement washed away his confusion.

“What were those?! Were those flame dragons?!”

Flame dragons were rare creatures that normally lived on the Soane continent. They were few in numbers, untameable, and preferred to live in caves near lava. It was said that flame dragons were able to burn down entire swathes of forests in a rampage. Whatever came by just then were just like the flame dragons but their shapes were different from the basic form of one.

“No, they are jet fighters.”

“Je t fighters?”

“Planes. Uhhh, like the ones used by the Machians but better.”

MG Bernart’s eyes sparkled. 

“Such speed! Such power!”


The shooting stopped as the jungle crackled in flames. The Magusian soldiers stared in awe at the burning forest before cheering. These Americans were really as powerful as they had heard. What country had the ability to call down flames from the sky? With the American’s help, they may actually have a chance of winning. 


<<<“What’s the casualty report?”

“We have at least 20 men down and 3 Humvees destroyed. Most of the deaths were caused by an unknown amount of snipers.”

“Copy that. Hopefully, the bombs wiped them out. Keep a lookout for any more threats. Elven tanks can burst out at any moment from those flames”>>>


Further in the jungle


Corporal Daejor screamed at his crew in a panic. The Guard lurched backward as flames roared around it. 


Simon’s rifle rested on his lap as he threw the last bits of his cracker into his mouth as he watched the burning jungle. He wasn’t positioned that close to the tree line so he was completely fine. The same definitely couldn’t be said for the elven infantry closer to the treeline. Their dying screams could be heard all the way to where Simon was. 

“Well, this is bad.”

He started climbing down the tree with his rifle on his back.


<<<”Colonel, the entire treeline is on fire. The enemy used some type of aircraft to drop incendiary bombs on the forest. Most of the infantry that was fighting seems to have been wiped out.”

“Pull your remaining men back. Reorganize and regroup.”>>>

Colonel Trakkas slammed his fist on the turret of his command tank.

“What is happening!? When did those humans get the capability to fight back?! Something’s not right!”


1117 April 5th, 2020 CE

Washington D.C.

“Mmm, this is good water.”

Chief of Staff John Wills shook his head in a tired way. 

“Mr. President, this isn’t time to comment about water.”

President Ronell Hayes put down his glass of water. 

“Ah yes, um, Cralson, how’s the situation going against the elves?”

Secretary of Defense Roberts coughed a bit before beginning. 

“Elements of the 101st and 82nd Airborne have successfully put a stop to the elven advance. We have suffered minor casualties but nothing too significant.”

Ronell nodded.

“That’s good to hear. Now how are we planning to push them out?”

“Elements of the 1st Armored Division, 3rd Infantry Division, 1st Cavalry Division, and 2nd Marine Division will begin an offensive once they arrive. The Air Force is currently positioning itself to begin a sweep of air and ground targets. The Navy will also begin operations to cut off the elves from their homeland.”

“How’s the situation on the Soane continent then?”

“The private military company, Diamond Wolves, should have just arrived at the United Beastmen Kingdom. They will be providing support for the Soane League there so it will give us some time. From our drone and satellite surveillance, the elven force there shouldn’t be significant.”


1023 April 5th, 2020 CE

0512 Sun 5th, 196 AE

Cat Kingdom, United Beastmen Kingdom, Soane Continent

Subcommander Jeb Miller stepped off of the ramp of the ship. He gave a small chuckle as he watched the “people” who worked in the port. 

“Furries would definitely love it here. Won’t they, commander?”

“Of course.”

“Surprised no one has traveled here yet.”

“Government and technological restrictions. Can’t go landing 747s in a medieval country.”

“People” with triangular ears and various kinds of tails stared at the ships and the humans on it.


Commander Ahab Wolfred had his hand stretched out to the UBK diplomat, an old tabby cat with drooping whiskers who was wearing a fancy grey suit.  

“Nice to meet you. I’m Commander Ahab Wolfred and we…”, Wolfred looked to the left and right at some of his men behind him before looking back at the diplomat, “...are Diamond Wolves PMC. Hired by the Soane League to provide assistance.” 

Diamond Wolves PMC had hired a translator who began speaking in Latin to the diplomat. After listening to the translator, the diplomat stared intensely through his vertical slit pupils at Commander Wolfred before reaching out to shake his hand. 

“I’m Chelo Calmclaws. A diplomat sent here to meet you by the Cat Kingdom. His majesty, the King of the Cat Kingdom, Tierkez Proudtails, and the rest of the Polycracy of the United Beastmen Kingdom welcomes you. Nya.”


A few minutes later

Diamond Wolves contractors got in the Humvees that were rolled out from the various cargo ships. Ahab and Jeb were in their Humvee following the carriage of the cat diplomat. Jeb looked at Ahab who was driving.

“Why are we getting sent here first instead of the Kingdom of Albea? I thought the frontline was there.”

“Quite lucky for us, it seems like the elves have stopped for a bit and are reorganizing. We are helping and accompanying soldiers from the UBK. Seems like they're the most effective military force that the Soanes have.” 

“These cats don’t seem like much though.”

“We will have to see once we meet the unit we are training.”


After a car ride later, Jeb stared in shock at what he was seeing. 

“I take it back.”

The Diamond Wolves Humvees have been led to a field near the outskirts of the port city. What seemed to be tigermen, lionmen, leopardmen, and various other big cat people were fighting each other with swords. Some of these big cats were larger when compared to a human. As the Diamond Wolves and the cat diplomat approached them, the training seemed to have stopped. The diplomat approached the soldiers and seemed to be explaining some stuff. 


Jeb turned to the translator.

“What are they saying?”

“The diplomat seems to be greeting them and introducing us.


What seemed to be a big lionman approached them with the diplomat. He had fur that had the color of flames and was wearing red metal armor. He looked down at Ahab and Jeb. 

“I’m Vilo Flametail, commander of the Fifth Division. So you are the humans who were hired by the Grand Council of the League?”

It wasn’t a lionman but a lioness. The voice was distinctly feminine. Ahab stretched his hand out as he spoke.

“I’m Ahab Wolfred, commander of Diamond Wolves PMC. The person beside me is Jeb Miller, subcommander. We have been hired to give assistance and fight alongside you.”

Vilo’s big paw shook Ahab’s hand. It seemed as if she was almost crushing his hand. Ahab raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“You have quite a grip there, Commander Flametail.”

Vilo smiled. 

“You seem just like any other Soane human. Are you sure you are “wolves” like what you call yourselves?”

“We are. We’re wolves of war. War is our prey and we hunt for it.”


A reply could be heard from a building that was a few yards from the training field.

“Ye...yes Madam Flametail?”

“Get me my sword!”

“Right away!”

A few clanging noises could be heard before a black catgirl… catboy wearing a brown tunic came running out. He was quite slim and small but the voice earlier indicated he was male. He got onto the training grounds and started running towards them while carrying a large sheathed sword. As he ran, a wooden target stand fell less than a foot in front of him. He tripped on it and the sword he was carrying flew into the air. It unsheathed before coming back down. It landed and stuck into the ground seemingly a few inches from his head. Ron stood up, seemingly unfazed about the sword nearly entering his brain, and used all of his strength to yank it out of the ground. He put it back into the sheath that fell a few inches away and continued running like nothing had happened. It wasn’t long before a yelp came from him as he dropped the sword and cowered on the ground while his hands covered his head.


A rock from who knows where had hit him in the head. 

Ahab and Jeb stared in utter confusion at the catboy’s ordeal of mishaps. Vilo chuckled a bit.

“Don’t mind him. It’s pretty natural. Ron probably has the worst luck in all of the Cat Kingdom.”


“Here you go Madam Flametail.”

Ron presented the sword to her. 

“Thank you.” Vilo turned to Ahab and Jeb. “This is Ron Blackmeow, my squire. Ron, this is Commander Wolfred and Subcommander Miller of Diamond Wolves PMC. They have been hired by the Grand Council to assist us.”

Ron slightly bowed his head.

“It's an honor to meet you, sirs.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

After the greetings. Vilo smiled.

“Now shall we have a small competition?”

Ahab smirked.

“Competition you say?”

“I won’t be challenging you to a duel. I have heard that you humans are from another world and have quite some special weapons. I’m quite interested in your capabilities. Follow me.” 


Vilo and Ron led the Diamond Wolves to what seemed to be a large field. Two large targets donned with big knight armor were set up on one side.

“Your target is that one.” Vilo pointed to the right one before pointing left. “And that one is mine. Choose any weapon in your arsenal. I’m picking my most favorite. This sword.” She held it out and it glinted in the sun.

Ahab smiled.

“I will gladly take the challenge.”

“Then let us see what's so special about you humans compared to the Soan ones.”


A few minutes later on the field

Vilo stood on her side and held her sword with focus on her target.

“I shall go first.”

She charged across the field before striking the armor. The first strike placed a big dent to its side. The second strike bashed its helmet in and the third knocked it over.


She came back with a smile.

“Now Commander Wolfred, your turn.”

Ahad picked up his gun and showed it to Vilo. It looked weird and foreign to the cats that were watching. 

“This is an AK-47. Carries a 30 round magazine of 7.62mm bullets with a cyclical rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute.”

Vilo looked at the weapon with great interest.

He aimed at the target for a few seconds before starting to shoot. The continuous sound of gunshots filled the air. The bullets punched multiple holes in the armor. Some went out on the other side. In a few seconds, the armor and its stand were ripped apart and fell to the ground in tatters.

Ahab stopped. He looked at Vilo’s sword and smiled slightly. He nodded towards the sword. “That is a weapon of ancient warfare. Made to fight the enemies of 500 years ago in my world.” Ahab held his gun out and in the sky. “THIS is a weapon of modern warfare. The AK-47. The most dangerous weapon of mass destruction. Made to kill the enemy mercilessly, effectively, and at long range. Developed, perfected, and replaced the sword as the main weapon of the world.”

Vilo looked a bit surprised before laughing.

“You weren’t lying at all.” She nodded. “I like you guys.”

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