America In Another World

Chapter 54 Part 1 – Guantanamo Bay, New Frontier

Sorry about the late chapter. Got a massive headache that kinda made me lie in bed in agony for the past hour or so. It got better. My schedule is extremely off-kilter right now so I will be releasing half chapters this week and next. 

0612 April 12th, 2020 CE

0624 Sun 12th, 196 AE

Somewhere in the Elven Nation

Soldiers tossed bushes, twigs, and various types of vegetation onto the artillery pieces. 

It was noted that the Americans had the capability to locate elven units with ease. How they were doing it was still in question but precautions were being taken. In order to combat this problem, Tarron had ordered the application of various types of camouflage onto magipanzers, artillery, bunkers, and nearly everything else that can hide. Magipanzers were being painted green on top and grasses were placed onto the turrets.


1800 April 12th, 2020 CE

0000 Sun 13th, 196 AE

The northern beaches of the Elven Nation

In near-complete darkness, a zodiac boat was quietly zipping through the waters. It quickly slid onto a beach. Six men jumped out and the boat was deflated. They quickly unpacked. One of the men put on his night-vision goggles. He silently walked up the sand mound and scanned around. He signaled to the others that the coast was clear. After completely unpacking within a few minutes, they quickly moved inland.


0359 April 13th, 2020 CE

0459 Sun 13th, 196 AE

Eastern side of the Elven Nation

One of the largest combined deployment of naval units in elven history was happening right in front of his eyes. Admiral Eyrom held no joy at it. A few weeks ago, he would have been extremely proud of leading such a force but now his face seemed stone cold. To him, this was just a suicide mission. He looked down at his watch. It was 5:00. 


“Set off” 


5 fleet carriers, 5 light carriers, 5 battleships, 20 cruisers, 85 destroyers, and 95 submarines set off for the American west coast. It was more than half of the entire Elven fleet. 


0436 April 13th, 2020 CE

Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba New Frontier

Although located in a somewhat similar topography as the original Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, it was now connected to the mainland. The Pentagon was a bit annoyed by this fact since it meant the possibility of prisoners escaping and hiding in the surrounding forests. Nevertheless, it was still being used. 

When it was transported from Earth to the New World, it came under attack by the phoenixes. Luckily a US Army unit that had been stationed in Iraq had also been transported nearby. They had taken casualties but air support was able to be called in and the phoenixes were dealt with. 

Now a C-130 Hercules transport aircraft came in for a landing on the airfield. The door on it opened once it came to a stop.

“Come on, get off!”

An elf was shoved out of the plane and landed face-first on the runway. 

“Woah, be careful with them.”

“I have had enough of keeping an eye on these fucking bastards.”

“I will lead the rest off.”

The extremely frustrated soldier walked off and started dragging the elf that he had shoved off. 

The elves were all blindfolded, gagged, and tied at all the limbs. Originally only their hands were tied together. After a plane trip across the ocean, even their legs were bound. 


A few hours later

Inside the detention camp, one of the elves finally had his blindfold taken off. His eyes darted around in the slightly lit room. The only other person in the room was the human who took off his blindfold. The human was clearly armed and seemed ready to shoot at any sign of anything going wrong. Suddenly a voice was heard. It didn’t come from the human in the room. 

“Now then.”

The voice sighed before continuing.

“Depending on how well you cooperate, you will either have a relaxing day or a not so relaxing one. Now, I have multiple questions that I hope you will answer. Get his gag off.” 

The human in the room followed the order. 

“Fuck you, you human! We will kill you all! Our armies will…”

The voice cut him off. It was louder this time.

“Mhm. Ok. Now, the first question. Who’s your leader?”

“Our glorious Leader will trample you all! Just wait and see you pitiful…”

“Let me ask again. Who is your leader? His name?”

“Our glorious Leader Tarron Venharice. You shall tremble when you hear of his name you insignifi…”

“Do you know what he looks like? Can you give us a description?” 

“Why should I tell you that, you vermin?"

There was a short silence.”

“Ok, next question. Do you know how large your navy is?”

“Our navy? Our glorious navy is tremendous. Their guns will blast your cities to smithereens.”

“How large is it?”

“You will be groveling at our feet soon you inferior!”

The voice sighed and grumbled a bit. 

I guess we are doing it the hard way. Take him to his cell. Make sure he doesn’t get a wink of sleep. Also no food. Let's see how he likes Gitmo hospitality.”


None of the captured were very high ranking so the information asked of them involved questions that were less secretive but still important to know. The sizes of their military, their training, their goal, and other things. Of course, none of them willingly answered much so they were subjected to some “conditioning”.

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