America In Another World

Chapter 67 – Operation Firestorm Part 3

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"Out here. Due process is a bullet" - John Wayne in the movie "The Green Berets" 

Happy Memorial Day!

0221 May 14th, 2020 CE

0410 Sun 44th, 196 AE

In the air over the Elven Nation

The first wave of eighteen AMRAAMS streaked through the sky. It was quickly followed by other waves as the eighteen F-16s fired them off one by one. 


<<<“Our orders are to protect the skies of Afvalin. We have reports confirming that the enemy are already there so be ready.”>>>

The other Ea-196 pilots of the 1st Special Fighter Wing acknowledged Colonel Yelric over the radio. One of the Elven jet pilots noticed something streaking towards them.

<<<“Human Arrows in front of us!”


Each Ea-196 started shifting to move in a different direction. Some dived to gain more speed while others banked to the sides. The Arrows curved and followed. To the shock of the elves, the arrows got closer and closer. 

<<<“It’s faster than our planes!”>>>

The first Arrow hit one of the diving Ea-196 which burst into flames. 

<<<“Where are the enemies?! I see no targets.”>>>

The second wave of Arrows appeared as soon as the first wave found all of their targets. The elves completely broke order and focused on avoiding the Arrows. 

Larrel constantly looked back. He cursed as the Arrow behind him got closer and closer.

“Come on! Come on! Faster!”

He looked behind once more just as the Arrow touched the tip of his plane and a bright flash was the last thing he ever saw.


0246 May 14th, 2020 CE

0423 Sun 44th, 196 AE

Affanore Human Concentration Camp, Elven Nation

Pablo nodded to his men as he got off the radio. 

“The birds have flown. Take the shots.”

Although they were in the middle of the forest with foliage surrounding them, a few hundred feet in front was a massive clearing. There were multiple buildings behind a chain-link fence and gate. 

Whilst everyone else in the team was crouched, their two weapons sergeants were lying on the ground. Frederick aimed down the scope of his M2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle at one of the sniper towers. The other weapons sergeant, Douglas Brown, also had his M2010 aimed at the other one. All others in the team had their M4 rifles trained on the front gate. 

Each sniper tower had one elf in them. Two elves stood at the gate. The two elves at the gate were wearing black boots, grey trousers, a grey tunic, and leaf colored steel helmet. They were carrying bolt action rifles. 

The weapons sergeants slowly adjusted their sniper rifles. 


Two loud pops echoed through the air. 


An elven guard looked around. He tapped the shoulder of the other guard beside him. 


“Did you hear something? I heard a very loud pop.”

The other guard shrugged. 

“Probably the machinery.”

“I swear it came from the forest. We should go investigate. One of the humans could have escaped.”

“We will be in trouble if we move out of our positions.”

“I guess I will go alert the commander to what I hea…”

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, multiple bullets went through him. A full fusillade of pops could be heard. The other guard did not even have time to process what had just happened in front of him as he was gunned down at nearly the same time. 



Pablo scanned the entire length of the fence and at the buildings behind the fences. 

“Clear. Let’s go.” 

They stood up and sprinted out of the bushes. Running across the flat meadows, it didn’t take long for them to get to the gate. They found out that the gate was just a fence that had to be opened by pulling them apart. Pablo and Dennis pulled it open, and they walked into the camp. There was a lone brick building situated just to their right. It was placed right behind the fence and beside the entrance. There was a sign on the left of its door that said in elven, ‘Guard House’. Just to the left of the guard house was a machine gun emplacement surrounded by sandbags that faced into the camp. A few yards further in front of them were a straight row of brick colored rectangular buildings. There was a road that led from the gate to the rectangular buildings. There also seemed to be a second row somewhat hidden by the first row. Behind the rows of rectangular buildings was a large factory-like structure. 

“We are breaching and clearing each building. Don’t shoot any humans. Make sure they have pointy ears.”

They lined up next to the door of the guard house.


Inside the guard house, three guards were talking amongst themselves. The guard house was just a windowless one room building with two bunk beds on the left and right wall and a desk in the center of the beds on the wall opposite of the door. Two of the guards were sitting on the beds while one was standing in the middle. The elf standing seemed worried. 

“We are closer to the forest. Maybe something happened outside.”

“I don’t see why a few pops would be concerning. No one seems to be coming so it should be fine.”

“It was a fusillade of them. I’m just going out to check.”

He turned around and walked to the door. Just as he was about to open it, the door was opened from the other side and something was thrown in. The metal tube clinked on the ground. The guards stared at it for a bit before realizing what it was.

“Hm… grenade!”

Then a loud flash blinded and deafened them.


Pablo burst in and shot the elf that was at the door. Dennis got the one on the right bottom bed while Fredrick got the one on the left bottom bed. They looked around the guard house. 



After clearing the guard house, Green Berets stealthily moved to the intersection where the entrance road connected with the road that ran between the two rows of one-floor rectangular buildings. They avoided the road and opted to instead walk on the grass. The rectangular buildings hid them from any elves further in the camp. Looking into the windows of the left and right buildings on the entrance road, they saw it was just rows and rows of bunk beds. There was no one inside. The Green Beret team split into two groups and went to the walls of each building. 


Dennis looked over the corner to scan the left side of the road that ran between the two rows of rectangular buildings while Pablo looked over the corner to scan the right side. The sound of factory equipment was getting louder as they got closer. 

Dennis raised up his hand to show that his side had 5 elves while Pablo also showed that his side also had 5. The elves present were spread out and all seemed to be on patrol. They walked and glanced around randomly.

Using hand signals again, Pablo gave some simple commands. Robert, the warrant officer, nodded. Pablo held up 3 of his fingers and started counting down. The moment his last finger was down, both groups popped out and started shooting. 


The elves were taken by complete surprise since the camp was located deep inside the Elven Nation. At first, the ones that hadn't been shot stared in shock at the Green Berets. By the time they started fumbling for their guns, half of them were already dead. 

“We are under attack! Humans! Hel…”

The shouting elf was quickly shot in the face. An elf raised his magirifle and took a shot. The round went way off. He keeled over as a shot went through his stomach. Another shot made a hole in his head. 


Pablo swept his eyes across the road. The dead elves were strewn around and their blood pooled on the road. 

“The road seems clear. We need to chec..”

A bullet whizzed past him. He felt its force graze his cheek. 


Five elves had just appeared from behind one of the buildings. They seemed to have run here from the factory’s direction. 

Pablo and his team quickly raised their M4s and shot back. Armed with only bolt action rifles and submachine guns, the elves were simply outgunned by the M4 assault rifles. A couple of panicked shots came from the ones with submachine guns. Soon, the 12 men team of the Green Berets quickly filled the elves of the five elf squad with lead. 


Pablo beckoned Robert over. 

“Robert, you and your team watch our backs, cover the road. We need to look through each building. ”

“Got it.”

Robert nodded and turned to his group.

“You heard the commander.”

Pablo turned to his group of six men.

“We have ten buildings here, look through the windows of each one. Quickly, we made enough sound to alert anybody nearby” 


A few minutes later

Pablo went to Robert and nodded.

“All clear. I think these are where they house the prisoners. The signs said ‘Human Quarters’ They are completely empty so I’m guessing the people are all in that factory. Not sure why there hasn’t been more of a response from the elves but I will take it.”


Running towards the factory, a rather large two-floor building appeared to the right. It had been hidden by the Human Quarters. A grey military truck sat nearby on the road. There were also multiple wooden crates sitting next to the truck. They slowed their pace and aimed their guns at the door of the building. A few others kept an eye on the second floor. 

Two elves sprinted out of the building and left the door open. They had their rifles slung on their backs. One of the elves seemed to have forgotten his helmet while the other didn’t have any pants on. With eyes widening, they skidded to a stop at the sight of the Green Berets. 

“Humans are out…”

The Green Berets quickly dispatched them. Their M4 rifles let loose a series of pops. A hand from inside of the building quickly shot out for the doorknob and slammed the door shut. 


A barrage of bullets came down on the Green Berets from the second floor. They quickly hid behind the trucks and wooden crates. Although it seemed to be all rifle shots, the number of bullets from that single barrage was a lot. Pablo guessed that there were no less than 10 to 15 elves in there. That didn’t account for those on the first floor. Looking over the crate he was hiding behind, Pablo studied the building. 

“What is this building?”

Pablo then noticed the sign next to the door. ‘Barracks’. He shouted to his men.

“Seems like there's a lot of them and they are well hunkered down. Miles, think you can sneak over and get a couple C4 onto that sidewall? We will distract them… No, scratch that. Miles, how much C4 do you think you can stuff in that backpack of yours?”

Miles, the engineering sergeant, quizzically looked at Pablo. 

“Won’t that alert everyone in this place?”

“We already lost our stealth advantage a long time ago.” 


Pablo and the others started laying down suppressing fire on the building as Miles quickly ran to it. They sporadically popped off a few shots from their M4s. Staying in the blind spots of the windows, Miles stuck multiple C4 onto each wall of the barracks. In a few minutes, he ran over under the cover of the rest of the team’s fire. 


Miles nodded at Pablo’s question. Pablo smiled. 

“Okay, everyone back up a bit further. Let’s see some fireworks.”


Pablo clicked the C4 detonator. A blastwave washed over Pablo as the barracks literally exploded in a fiery blast. Dust and smoke obscured their view for a bit before clearing. As the dust settled, only rubble remained where the barrack was. Bits of body parts could be seen in the rubble. 

“Well, that’s dealt with. Let’s move on to the factory.” 

Multiple bullets whizzed around them. The Green Berets quickly got down onto the ground. 

“Fuck! I’m hit!” 

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