America In Another World

Chapter 73 – Psyops and Delusions of Grandeur

Sorry about the late chapter. Had too much of a busy day. 

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1022 May 14th, 2020 CE

0811 Sun 44th, 196 AE

Nea Nalore, Elven Nation

Elves bustled around in the big city. Although they were in plain clothes, they carried all sorts of weapons. Most of them set up sandbags. Some of the elves who have earth magic set up small walls to close off streets. Inside a grocery store, Alien Morvaris, the shopkeeper, conversed with his friend and regular customer, Elwin Luyjre. “I don’t believe what that officer said one bit. It sounds ridiculous. What military would invade with such force when they are being invaded? Those planes in the sky are definitely not ours.” 

Elwin frowned. “Even if he was lying, I would never allow a human to step onto our soil unless they are coming here as a slave.” 

“Do we even have to treat them that bad?”

The shock on Elwin’s face grew into anger. “You are actually sympathizing with those trash, right? Look at how their ears aren’t pointy. It looks disgusting, who would have round ears. Also, I can easily raise walls. A human can’t do that. And they can’t even live past 100 years. If they aren’t cursed beings only suitable as slaves, then I don’t know what is." Elwin started to calm down and looked sadly at Alien. "Look, we have been good friends and I hope this is a one-time thing. I don't want to do this to you. However, if you truly believe it, I will tell everyone and you know what happens right?"

Elwin stared at Alien menacingly. Alien gulped and nodded. "... sorry, I just got scared of the human weapons and the fact that they are invading us."

Elwin made a wide smile. "It's fine. We will beat them back. You have nothing to worry about. Now, can I get some flour?"

A whirring sound filled the air. The elves looked up and pointed at the plane. Some started to murmur while others ran for cover. 

The C-130 started descending and soon flew at a stable and low altitude. Nearing the city, Its back door opened. Paper spewed out and started fluttering to the ground. Elves cautiously picked up the papers and looked at them. 


On one side, the picture of a battlefield was shown on top. It was a view of many destroyed elven magipanzers and dead elves. Right below the picture was this message:


Attention People of the Elven Nation


Almost all of your military forces have been destroyed. 

Do not take up arms! Our forces do not wish to harm the innocent civilians of the Elven Nation. 

The Government of the United States of America guarantees the safety and wellbeing of all peaceful civilians.”


On the other side of the leaflet was a four-panel drawn picture. The top left panel showed an elf with a bolt action rifle. An arrow went to the top right panel which showed the elf dead. On the bottom left panel was an elf without a weapon. An arrow went to the bottom right panel which showed an alive elf. 

With most of the air cleared out and more available aircraft, the US began their psyops. In multiple Elven cities, these messages were dropped. In addition to the C-130s, F-15E Strike Eagles dropped PDU-5B dispenser units. The dispenser units burst in mid-air and spread the leaflets. 

1155 May 14th, 2020 CE

0827 Sun 44th, 196 AE

Jaonor, Elven Nation

Alosrin Ilikian stood with his back against a wall. His older brother, Almer Ilikian, stood beside him. Although they were both cooks with no military experience, they were proud to fight for their country. The noise of a tank was heard right around the corner. Alosrin shouted to his older brother. “There’s a tank!”

“I got the PAM. Firing!”

The rocket shot out at the Abrams. It hit the side of it and an explosion went off. The smoke quickly cleared and the Abrams’s turret turned towards the two elves. Almer’s eyes widened. “Run!”

Machine gun fire cut them down.


Orva Caelora Human Concentration Camp, Elven Nation

Pablo leaned back in the chair. “You think we are going to be attacked any time soon?”

Damon shrugged. “Well, you never know.”

“It’s been more than an entire day and there has not been any presence of an elven force within a few mile radius.”

“We can probably be evaced soon. Depends on how much progress the Marines are making.”

“Well even if this is a concentration camp, this kind of feels like a vacation.”

Damon started laughing. “A Green Beret calling being in a concentration camp a ‘vacation’. Kind of ironic isn’t it with your motto ‘To Liberate the Oppressed’.”

Pablo chuckled. “Anyways, with their country being invaded, do you think they will even have time to care about their concentration camps going offline. I won’t be surprised if they don’t even know we took this over. They have bigger issues.”


Washington D.C.

Preisdent Hayes shook his head. “I will not authorize the bombing of civilians. These are just towns and cities. If it's a political building or something of military value inside a civilian area, then fine. But I’m not going to authorize the bombing of random streets.”

Cralson slammed the table. “Mr. President, our soldiers are dying fighting these elves on the streets. It seems that almost all of them have taken up arms.”

“Remember the media has an eye on this war. They threw a fit when I didn’t allow them to report on the outside world for the first few months. There are going to be a lot of war correspondents for this invasion. Just continue attacking military targets. If… IF the situation worsens. Then I will consider it.”

Jaonor, Elven Nation 

Finn leaned against the wall. The elven military was the least of their concerns now. This was their second town. A bit smaller than the last one but many of the civilians fought to the death. “Heard the Army’s coming.” 

Johnson nodded. “For once I’m fucking glad they are here. These elves are suicidal.”

“How’s Curtis doing?”

“He’s… doing alright I guess.”

“I don’t like the pause there.”

Johnson shook his head while looking at his feet. “Well, it hasn’t improved.”

“I know. He’s still new. I probably should go talk to him again.”

Finn walked towards where the rest of his men were resting. “You guys holding up well? I don’t like this either. We are basically exterminating these people. Well, these elves.”

Blake took a swig of his water. “Well, let's just think of them as terrorists. Nothing changed. They just have pointy ears now and even worse weapons.” 

Finn sat down beside Curtis. Through the background noise, there was a moment of silence between them. “Curtis. Why did you join the Marines?”

“Quite a cliche story actually I guess… I was almost gonna graduate high school and I still had no idea what I was going to do. My scores weren’t that magnificent and going to a state college didn’t really appeal to me. Really didn’t want to go into debt getting a useless degree. I was quite bored so I just decided to join the Marines. By chance, after I finished training, we were transported to this world.”

Finn sighed and looked at Curtis. “Well, the military isn’t for everyone. If you can’t take it anymore, just talk to me.”


???, Elven Nation

Anfalen burst in after knocking on the door. “My Leader. The humans are spreading propaganda from the sky. Look at this.”

He threw the leaflets onto Tarron’s desk. Tarron read them for a minute and looked up. His fist slammed the table. “Get me to the magiradio room.”


The last time he made a speech was before the elven invasion of the humans. He knew exactly what to say. The magiradio operator switched to the public channel and spoke. 

<<<“This is a message from your Leader, Tarron Venharice.”>>>

Tarron gripped his microphone for a few seconds before starting to speak. He shouted into the microphone with force and anger. 

<<<“Elves of the Elven Nation! These wretched humans have landed onto the shores of our beautiful country. Will we let these animals encroach on our sacred haven?! Will we turn our backs to our destiny?! Will the superior species be subjugated by an inferior one?! The prophecy has foretold of the demons and their weapons. It is clear here that the humans are working with the demons. The demons, the forces of evil, aim for the destruction of all of us. The uncivilized humans are mere pawns of the demons. But rest assured, our military is preparing a counterattack. The reserves are being mobilized. Weapons of wonder developed by our scientists are being brought out. Magipanzers with impenetrable armor. Planes that can fly nearly at the speed of sound. Rockets that can fly hundreds of miles and accurately hit their targets. Continue your resistance against these pests! They may have demonic weapons but our weapons are a match. You are the superior species! You have the most superior magic! You have the most ideal bodies! Your souls are blessed by our Goddess to tame this world! Do not falter!”>>>


Nea Nalore, Elven Nation

In the streets, elves that had crowded around the public magiradios nodded. Murmurs arose.

“That would explain those planes.”

“My goodness, the humans working with the demons of prophecy.”

“Just how evil can these humans become?”

“Burn these papers! Burn these lies!” 

The crowd turned into a sea of fury. Elves started ripping apart the psyop leaflets. Some threw them into fires while others conjured up small flames. Bombarded with propaganda for hundreds of years, taught to always listen to their Leader, and to consider humans to be no more than animals, most could not see that they were clearly being lied to. Only a minority knew better and they dared not to speak. Tarron did not need a secret police because the citizens themselves were the secret police. 


Tarron took a deep breath. In his mind, Tarron assured himself that they would win. He put his trust into the superweapons that they still have yet to use. As long as they could beat the Americans back, they could win. They just needed to fight them until they couldn’t fight anymore. He truly thought that it was his destiny to fulfill his father’s vision. He left the magiradio room and made his way directly to the military room. It was a large room filled with desks and maps. Tarron approached Aegord. “Have we re-established contact with most of the surviving units?” 

“Yes, sir, most of them. The situation doesn’t look good at all though.”

“Let me take a look. What units are functioning? And what are not?”

A large map on the table showed the entire Elven Nation. Aegord placed objects onto the map. He showed the positions of each surviving unit and their conditions. After a very thorough and detailed showing, Tarron gathered his top generals. 

Colonel General Vuduin Roqen proposed his idea. “My Leader, we are thinking of a spread-out defense. The human’s air force is very capable of destroying massed forces. By spreading them out, we will make it harder for the human aircraft to destroy our units. They will have to hunt them down one by one. The spread-out units will support the citizens who are fighting back.”

General of the Infantry Ryo Miahorn shot back instantly. “I propose that we retreat to the mountains. It's a natural defense and is much more easily guarded. Colonel Genera Roqen’s plan just causes unnecessary casualties and only weakens us. A unified force at an easily defended place is better.”

Vuduin scoffed. “We will be losing nearly half the country if we do so.”

Tarron pondered for a bit.

“I see merit in both of your statements. But I believe that General of the Infantry Miahorn’s plan is more sensible. However, we shall not lose our territory without a fight. We will use Colonel General Roqen’s plan here. We will organize a few units for a spread-out defense. If it works well, we will call back our retreating units. If not, then most of our men will be able to fight another day as they would have already retreated.”

Ryo smirked at Genera. Genera narrowed his eyes. Because of their constantly conflicting strategies and opinions, they had been rivals ever since they were both Major Generals. When Genera was promoted to Colonel General, Ryo threw a fit.

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