America In Another World

Chapter 84 – Those Above


Sorry about not posting for so long. A day after I released my apology, my computer died. It literally just went blank and stopped working. It's currently still being repaired so I'm doing this on my phone rn. So, format might be weird.

Also, I'm unable to format the words to be colored. 

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Read a chapter ahead ->

P.s. I read you guys’s comments on the apology. Please do not be upset with your fellow readers for what happened to the original Chapter 84. DStoDS, it wasn’t your fault. I had very negative feedback from my readers on RoyalRoad. That was why I the original Chapter 84 removed. 

0930 May 24th, 2020 CE

0745 Sun 24th, 196 AE

Galath Mountain Range

Jacob sat on a rock that was beside the cave. “Not an elf in sight.”
He took a sip out of his canteen. Issac looked into the cave. “The caves might have some.”

“Pretty sure they have been cleared out. We will be over this mountain in no time.” 

“Would be nice if the elves gave up.”
“The way they are fighting?” Jacob shook his head. “No chance.” 


Creech Air Force Base, Nevada, United States

A sensor operator looked closely at his screen. “We have a single large heavy tank on the road.”

The mission coordinator looked over his shoulder. “Woah. That’s a big one.”

“Permissions to fire?”


Skies above Elven territory

A MQ-9 Reaper cruised over a long road that led to the mountain. A Hellfire missile shot out and a large explosion rocked the road.


???, Elven Nation

“My Leader! The Titan magipanzer had just been found destroyed.”
A loud, angry yell came from Tarron’s office followed by the noise of shooting. Tarron came out of the office. 

“My Leader, what…”

The guard stopped as he saw that Tarron was holding a pistol and was fuming. “Drag him out! I’m going to my quarters. Don’t disturb me for the next few hours.” Tarron waved his pistol at his aid behind him. The aid laid slumped by a wall that was covered in blood. Tarron started muttering under his breath and walked away. 



Inera watched a screen when she heard an angry yell resound. “Elder Sister! Sister! What is the meaning of this!?” 

“What is it, Odaldir?”

A red faced young-looking man, Odaldir appeared in front of Inera holding a screen. “This!?” 

The night skyline of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge was seen from the ocean on the screen. Inera gave a glance. “Oh, that? You told me that I could summon anything I wanted to help me in your challenge.”

“When I said summon anything I thought you would do something like a hero that uncle did for his world. Not… whatever this is?!”

“Odaldir. I don’t understand why you have to be this cruel. Can’t you retract this challenge?”

The redness of Odaldir’s face started to fade. A smirk grew on his face. “What? It’s fun. I killed everything in mines so it got boring. Ha. Whatever, from the looks of it, you didn’t summon anything special if you are still worried. I hope you watch as I destroy everything you loved. Bye.”

Odaldir’s smirk widened and his eyes held a tint of wildness as he disappeared. Inera sighed and shook her head. “How did he share the same parents as me? He just had one of those mood swings again. I really wish mother and father will be back soon. 


One thousand years ago

Odaldir watched from a floating screen as a human wearing chain-link armor ran from a group of huge, grey dog-like monsters. He laughed as tears flowed down the human’s face. It wasn’t long before the monsters caught up and tore the human apart. When Odaldir giggling stopped, he took a deep breath. “And that should be the last one. Hm… that’s surprising… being base creatures, they survived the longest.”

He looked around his world. Many types of jet-black and red creatures were everywhere. The land was a tan color devoid of vegetation. Ruins of civilization could be seen everywhere. “Hmmm… it kinda feels boring now. There’s nothing to kill anywhere.”


500 years ago 

Inera happily watched as a group of humans built a home brick by brick. “Their architecture has gotten really good.”

Because of how little interaction the gods and goddesses have with each other, they are prone to talking to themselves. Oldadir popped up. “Elder sis!”

Inera didn’t like at her younger brother. “What is it, Oldadir?”

“I’m bored.”

“Don’t you have a world to manage?”

“Oh, I killed everything on it.”

Inera swished her head towards Oldadir “You WHAT!?”

Oldadir smiled. “What?”

“Mom and Dad have only been gone on vacation for five thousand years and you already killed everything in your world?!”

“Yeah. I got bored and made some demons… hey sis, is that your world?”

“Yes… what about it?”

“Can I join?”


Oldadir pouted. “Awwww… come on. Then how about I challenge you?”

“My world is perfectly fine. I don’t want a challenge.”

Oldadir giggled. “It will be fun! I will get to kill everything on your world.” 

“Oldadir… mom and dad will be really angry once they…”

“They are gonna be gone for another five thousand years. I give you 500 years before my demons invade your world. Also you are allowed to summon anything to help your world.”

Inera’s eyes widened. “Only 500 years?”


“… can I even develop my world enough… should I summon something?”’

Inera hesitated. Summoning something that didn’t come from her world could drastically change it. Sometimes, the result would be terrible. 


1040 May 24th, 2020 CE

0820 Sun 24th, 196 AE

Malean, Elven Nation

After having most of the elves that were with her stay at the outskirts of the town, Ara and a few other elves walked into the townsquare. On her way there, the town was eerily quiet. She stopped and took in the scene in front of her. Standing besides her, the Lieutenant turned his head to look at her.  “Major General, seems like we have units that got here before us.”

Two elves in officer uniforms were in the townsquare arguing. “These are our supplies!”

“No! Ours!”
Elven soldiers were scattered around. A few scared townselves stood by and watched. Ara and the Lieutenant approached them.“What’s happening here?”

Both elves turned towards Ara and said the same thing.“Who are you?”
“Major General Ara Belra of the 11th Blitzpanzer Division. Beside me is Lieutenant Ehlark Valzana of the 10th Infantry Division. Who are you two?

“Captain Jandar Miraric of the 5th Tracked Infantry Division.” 

“Major Ruvaen Jostina of the 33rd Infantry Division.” 

Ruvaen stared at Ara. “Look here, we got here first so these supplies belong to us.” 

Jandar chuckled. “Well, tell that to my magitrack!”

A magitrack rolled into the townsquare. A soldier manned the machine gun on it. Ara looked at Ehlark and whispered into his ear. “Lieutenant. Get it over here.” 

“Are you sure Major General? We can’t use…”

Ara cut him off. “Yes. I’m sure. I’m… I guess I’m currently your commanding officer. I will take full responsibility for anything that happens.” 

After Ehlark nodded and left, Ara shook her head. “Sheesh, he follows the rules too much.” She turned back to the standoff. 

“We will shoot!”

“You won’t dare!”

Ara shouted. “Stop! Stop! Stop!” 

Jandar and Ruvaen looked at her and said the same thing again. “What?!”

“Look we are all soldiers of the Elven Nation here. We are part of the same army. Can’t we share the supplies? Maybe we can even travel together as a single unit.” 
Ruvaen stared at her. “Between the three of us? Together?

Jandar shook his head. “I have a couple hundred elves of my unit with me. They are my unit and my unit only. We need those supplies!”

“No, my unit need them.” 

Ara coughed. “I outrank bo…”

She got cut off by Jandar. “Look here missy, tell your rank to my magitrack. These supplies are mine.” 

A vein popped on her forehead. “Oh so you gentleelves want to have a ‘who has the biggest dick contest?’” A rumbling noise came from behind her. “Well then, tell that to my Knight."

A Knight came from behind her and stopped in the townsquare. It turned its turret towards the magitrack. Ara took a deep breath. “Ok now. We will be sharing these supplies based on how many elves we have and what we need. Understood, gentleelves?”

Ruvaen and Jandar stared at each other and then looked back at Ara and then looked at the Knight. “...ok.” 

“...I guess.”


15 minutes later

Ara, Jandar, and Ruvaen were sitting in someone’s house conversing. Ara looked at Jandar. “Ok so since you have magitracks and I have magipanzers, we will be splitting the fuel. I’m taking 60 percent. You are taking 40 percent.”

Jandar immediately protested. “Hey! That’s not fair!”
“My Knight needs more fuel than your magitrack. I’m already being lenient here.” 

Jandar looked away. “... alright…”

“Ok and that should cover almost everything. I hope you two have a good day.”


Elven Underground Command Complex, Elven Nation

Tarron, with a frown on his face, approached his aides. The aides, who have been busy with compiling reports and various other tasks, all stopped and nervously stared at Tarron. Tarron looked around. 

“We are leaving. If he really betrayed us, I won’t be surprised if he tells the humans where we are located. Spread the word. Take as much supplies as you can.” 


40 minutes later

Outside the complex, Colonel General Vuduin Roqe looked at Tarron. “My Leader, we have nearly completed evacuations. Where will we go from here?”

Tarron smiled. “Where our ancestors have called their home.”

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