American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 701: Horse-faced Thor

Seeing the warrior on the opposite side rush out of the iron gate with Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor, Gao Fei couldn't help but be stunned for a second.

At this time, Thor, who was standing in the background watching the game, suddenly became angry and pointed at Beta Ray Bill and shouted loudly: "He stole my hammer! He stole my hammer!"

"Hey, Lei Di..." At this time, another warrior next to Thor, a blue stone man from Kronan came over and asked curiously, "What happened? Why are you so angry?"

Thor excitedly pointed to the hammer in Beta Ray Bill's hand and said, "Have you seen that hammer? That dazzling, simple and heavy weapon that can summon the power of thunder! That's my hammer! ! My hammer!"

"This guy stole my hammer! He stole my hammer while I was sleeping!"

"He's a thief! He's a thief!"

"It's because he stole my Thor's Hammer that I unfortunately lost to Hyperion last game! I could have won! I could have won!"

After hearing this, the Kronan Stoneman shrugged his shoulders regretfully: "Then you are really unlucky, Leidi."

"Of course!" Thor said gloomily, and then quickly corrected, "My name is Thor, not Thor, Thor! Thunder! God!"

"Oh, Thor..." The Kronan stone man nodded lightly, "but I think Leidi sounds better."

on the arena.

Beta Ray Bill, who was holding Thor's Hammer, was roaring loudly, and his horse face looked particularly hideous under the lightning, like a demon from hell.

And Gao Fei, who was standing on the spaceship, instantly recognized the thief who stole Thor's Hammer - he also has a famous nickname: Horse-faced Thor.

According to the story in the comics, as a creature in outer space, the planet of Thor, the horse-faced Thor, was once burned to ashes by the flame lord Surtur, and Beta Ray Bill, who had left his homeland, came to Asgard by chance and encountered To Thor.

The two fought because of a misunderstanding. In the process, the horse-faced Thor raised Thor's Maurnir and successfully defeated the god. Later, the misunderstanding was resolved, and Odin admired the strength of the horse-faced Thor, built a warhammer similar to Mjolnir for him, and gave him the power of Thor similar to Thor.

Horse-faced Thor was born.

However, in today's universe, the horse-faced Thor has obviously never been to Asgard, and Odin has not made any storm hammer for him. He stole Thor's Thor's hammer for some unknown purpose, and is preparing Use it against Goofy.

Looking at Beta Ray Bill who was showing off in the arena, Gao Fei shook his head gently and said, "It's time to teach you a lesson, you little thief."

Valkyrie hurriedly raised his glass and said, "I wish you victory."

So under the attention of the audience, Gao Fei jumped down from the spaceship just like the previous one, galloping over 300 meters high and heading straight for the enemy.

Although it is the same routine, the visual effect of this high-altitude crash still makes the Saka star excited, screaming and shouting Goofy's name.


"Flying high!!"

"Undead warrior!"

"Undead warrior!"

"Isn't it an undead warrior?" Gao Fei, who fell in midair, curled his lips, "I thought these audiences could give me a few better and more powerful nicknames, such as... the king of the **** of war, the invincible powerhouse, etc. of…"

"But the undead warrior is not bad, so I'll just accept it."

And at the same time.

The horse-faced Thor on the arena is ready to fight back, because he has seen the destructive power of the explosion after Gao Fei fell, so of course he will not sit still like the two-headed beast, but will take the initiative to attack.

"Take it, undead warrior!"

The horse-faced Thor roared, waving the Thor's Hammer and leaping up, heading straight for Gao Fei in mid-air.

Thor in the background angrily pointed at the horse-faced Thor and shouted: "This trick is stolen from me! This trick is stolen from me! Flying with Miaolnir's traction is my unique skill! He copied me He copied me! This shameless guy!"

The Kronan stone man next to him said frankly: "Uh... Brother Thor, I don't think this should be called plagiarism. After all, there are only a few ways to use hammers..."

It was too late to say that, and the horse-faced Thor had already flown in front of Gao Fei.

But this time Gao Fei did not choose to rush straight to the ground, but cast a space magic in mid-air to draw a circle of light.


Halfway through the flight, Gao Fei suddenly disappeared, so that the horse-faced Thor's hammer lost its target and swiped in the air.


Horse-faced Thor was caught off guard, but it was very difficult to turn around in the air.

At this moment, Gao Fei used space magic to drill out from the other direction and changed the trajectory of the fall.

Since space magic can help Gao Fei appear from any direction, he used this move to change the trajectory of the flight - the vertical speed of the original falling direction became the horizontal speed of horizontal flight, and he used gravity to accelerate the impact of more than 300 meters The force hit the horse-faced Thor horizontally.


The powerful impact directly overturned the horse-faced Thor in the air, which sent him straight to the ground and smashed the floor of the arena.

Gao Tianzun in the stands narrowed his eyes distressedly: "After these two semi-finals, the cost of repairing the arena is a lot of money..."

Thor, who was standing in the background, applauded excitedly.

"Nice job! Goofy! Kill this vile thief!"

"How dare he steal my hammer! This despicable fellow deserves to die!"

Hearing the Kronan stone man beside Thor finally couldn't help asking questions.

"Oh, Brother Thor, aren't all the weapons in the Saka star gladiatorial match? Why do you always say that the horse-faced warrior stole your hammer?"

Thor looked back at the Kronan warrior and said seriously: "Because that hammer is my personal property! That hammer is my favorite weapon, my best friend! It's my partner! It's my favorite weapon! From Asgard!"

"But in the rules of the Saka Star Gladiator Competition, all the weapons of the gladiators should be shared..." The Kronan warrior said persistently.

"Oh, friend..." Thor explained again, "you don't understand my relationship with this hammer, this hammer was made for me, we have a special bond, and only I can hold this hammer. hammer…"

"But didn't the horse-faced warrior also raise this hammer?" The Kronan stone man pointed to the arena and said doubtfully, "He also raised this hammer."

"That's because..." Thor said, "Who knows what the **** that guy used to confuse my hammer, this is something that is impossible in theory! There must be something tricky about it! In short, that hammer can only make I lift it up by myself, and no one else can lift it!"

However, having said this, Gao Fei on the arena had already landed, and he stretched out his hand towards the Thor's Hammer thrown by the horse-faced Thor, and then the Thor's Hammer whistled towards Gao Fei's hand.


This magic weapon was taken over by Gao Fei!

Backstage of the arena.

The Kronan stone man stared at Thor with wide eyes: "???"

"What did you say?"

Thor looked embarrassed: "..."

"Well, sometimes... I'm not the only one who can lift this hammer..."

American Comic Survival Guide

American Comic Survival Guide

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