American Comic Survival Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 746: dark avenger

George Stacy roared loudly in grief when he saw his best friend, Sheriff Frank Custer, in a pool of blood.

"Frank! Frank!"

This is already the fifth colleague he has sent off in a day, and the Avengers who suddenly appeared on Earth 65 killed four NYPD police officers in his presence not long ago.

At this moment, an engine roar suddenly came from downstairs in the apartment, and Gao Fei walked along the corridor to the window to look downstairs, and then saw an exaggerated extended version of the sedan approaching.

The door opened, and two burly men in suits emerged from the car. At first glance, they were the bodyguards of a certain boss, and Qi Yu stood proudly on both sides of the door.

Immediately after, a pair of long white legs came out of the car, and a beautiful lady in a **** short skirt got out of the car, holding a person in her hand, a short middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was only about 1.4 meters tall and looked bony. He had orange hair and a pair of heavy glasses.

He was wearing a red T-shirt with a large line printed on his chest: I am not Kim Bing.

"What the fuck?!" Gao Fei was about to urinate, "Jin Bing in this universe looks like this? Although there is no sexual transformation, it looks too abstract, right? Also, the phrase 'I am not Jin Bing' on the chest What the **** is it? There is no silver 300 taels here?"

At this moment, Jin Bing was already trotting all the way to George's apartment, accompanied by his beautiful assistant and strong bodyguard. Look at his short legs, there is still a trace of him...cute!

Spider-Gwen from behind asked, "Who's here?"

"Jin Bing." Gao Fei said, "It seems that Jin Bing gave Frank face very much. He came over after calling Jin Bing."

However, upon hearing this, George Stacey looked repulsive: "Oh, this is absolutely not allowed! As the sheriff of the NYPD, I will never join forces with criminals! Tell Kim and get me away, Or I'll arrest him now!"

"Dad!" Spider-Gwen collapsed. "When is it? Can you stop being so pedantic! Now that the entire earth is facing extinction, we must unite all of us to save New York and save us from childhood to Great city to live in!"

"But he is Jin Bing! He is not a good person himself! How can we believe Jin Bing?!" George roared angrily.

Before he finished speaking, a voice came from the stairwell.

"That's right, my dear Sheriff George, I'm really not a good guy..."

With the sound of the voice, Jin Ping, who is short and scrawny in Universe No. 65, walked over with slow steps. At this time, he still kept a smile on his face, he said with a smile,

"But, Sheriff George, even though I'm not a nice guy, I can assure you of one thing—I love the city of New York deeply. I will never allow anyone to harm this city."

Little Kim looked up at George Stacy, but his words carried weight.

But Spider-Gwen's father is a stubborn old man, and he still refuses to accept the olive branch of Jinbing.

"No matter what you say, I won't trust you, Kim Bing."

"Trust me?" Kim sneered and shook his head, "I don't need your trust, George, I just need you to know a few things - I have three shelters in Hell's Kitchen, and the three shelters can hold five thousand in total. I have six arsenals in New York with enough ammunition to blow up the entire Queens borough; I have three emergency lines at my disposal to escape New York that can take tens of thousands of people before dark Safe evacuation out of New York…”

"So now I'll ask you again, do you want to cooperate with me?"

George Stacy finally began to be shaken after hearing Jin Bing's calm analysis, but he always felt that it was not a good idea to cooperate with Jin Bing, which was tantamount to scheming with a tiger.

Kim was not in a hurry, but pointed to the Stacey family hiding behind George.

George's wife Helen, his youngest son Gabriel and his youngest daughter Sarah...

"Please, George, if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your family, right? I know you're a brave and fearless man, you can take your Glock and fight to the last second for New York, but you What about your wife and children? Do you want them to die for New York City too?" Kim asked.

"Of course not..." George said solemnly, "but..."

"Come on, Sheriff George, I suggest you accept Kim Bing's offer."

At this time, a rough female voice came from outside the window, followed by a blue phantom jumping directly into the apartment building from the corridor window.

It was a black woman wearing a tight blue and red uniform. She carried a hard shield on her back, with a dazzling pentagram in the middle of the shield.

"team leader!"

Seeing this black man, Spider-Gwen immediately greeted him, and then turned around to introduce to everyone excitedly,

"You must know her, right? Captain America - Samantha Wilson."

Jin Bing and George Stacey nodded: "Of course, of course we know each other."

However, Goofy and Tony Stark looked at each other and said that they were going crazy - if they didn't know Captain America before, then the black female Captain America was no big deal, but when they think of Steve Rogers, they see it again. This completely different US team, the two of them always felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

But it wasn't just the American team that shocked them. Soon another guy came in through the window - this guy was wearing a pink and blue steel battle suit, and the Ark reactor was lit up on his chest.

"What?!" Tony Stark's eyes stared, is this guy the Iron Man of Earth 65?

Sure enough, soon the mask on the Iron Man's face opened automatically, revealing a beautiful and **** face.

"Hello everyone, I don't think I need to introduce myself?" Female Iron Man asked confidently.

"Of course, Ms. Stark." George nodded. "I don't think there is anyone in New York who doesn't know the famous Iron Man, the chairman of the Stark Group, Morgan Stark."

Iron Woman nodded proudly, and then said hello to Spider-Gwen: "Hello, Spider-Woman, I've heard about your deeds a long time ago, and it's nice to meet you."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you too, Ms. Stark," Spider-Gwen said excitedly, "I'm your idol! Uh... no! I'm your fan! I really adore you, you are Representative of successful women!"

"Thank you, I am." Morgan Stark said with a smile.

Afterwards, she looked back at the corridor, and suddenly saw Tony Stark standing beside Goofy with a shocked expression, and the Iron Man suit on him.

"Wait, who are you? Why do you have my suit on you? Did you steal my technology?" Morgan Stark asked angrily.

"Steal your technology? Oh... little girl, you don't even know what you're talking about." Tony Stark sneered. Since he saw the Stark Building in this universe, he has been interested in the Stark Building in this universe. K was dissatisfied, and now he was even more angry when he heard Morgan's words.

And Morgan Stark didn't know Tony's origin, she took two steps forward, pointed to the Ark reactor on Tony's chest and said: "I think this is indeed the technology of our Stark enterprise, and has applied for a patent, Old man, do you still want to quibble?"

"Sophistry?" Tony Stark simply laughed, "I don't need a sophistry at all, it's you who didn't understand the situation in front of you, little girl..."

Just when the two were about to quarrel, a deep female voice came from the stairwell.

"Ms. Stark, you misunderstood, this Mr. Stark did not plagiarize your technology, he has the right to use it."

As this voice sounded, a tall, sullen figure came out from the stairwell, it was a white woman with short blond hair and one eye in a long black trench coat.

"Hello everyone, I thought I should introduce myself first - my name is Peggy Carter, I'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., nice to meet you."

"Peggy... Carter?" Tony Stark looked at the heroic one-eyed woman in shock. "The... Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Oh! God, Earth 65 is so magical..."

"Earth 65? What are you talking about? Also, why did Peggy Carter call you Mr. Stark?" Morgan Stark looked at Tony Stark in shock and asked in surprise.

"Because I am Stark." Tony said, "Tony Stark."

"Tony Stark?" Morgan Stark was startled when he heard the words, the man in front of him actually had the same name as his father, but his father left forever thirteen years ago because of overdose. this world…

"It's impossible!" Morgan Stark shook his head.

At this time, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Peggy Carter stood up and said: "No, Ms. Stark, I don't think you are aware of the current situation... According to our investigation of S.H.I.E.L.D., a huge line suddenly appeared in the multiverse. This tunnel connects seventeen unrelated parallel universes, causing the current predicament..."

"The Mr. Stark in front of me is from a universe numbered 616, and our universe number is 65."

"What?" Morgan Stark was shocked, and Kim standing beside her also expressed surprise.

Team America Samantha Wilson obviously got the news from S.H.I.E.L.D., so she didn't show much surprise. She nodded towards Morgan Stark and affirmed Peggy Carter's statement.

Next, S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Peggy Carter turned to look at Goofy who was standing beside Tony Stark. She had already keenly discovered that Goofy was the leader of this team from the 616 universe.

"I think the friends of Universe 616 have something important to share with us? Am I right?" Peggy Carter asked.

Goofy nodded and said, "Yes, Director Carter, I do have something to share with you..."

Next, Goofy told everyone about the gradual fusion of seventeen parallel universes, the uniqueness of individuals, and why the Avengers in another parallel universe wanted to slaughter Earth 65, whether it was Peggy Carter, Iron Woman It was Spider-Gwen, and their expressions were very solemn after hearing this.

"So what should we do now? Goofy." Samantha looked up at Goofy and asked seriously.

Goofy said: "At present, the most important thing for us is to prevent the Avengers from slaughtering Earth 65, stop them first, then find a way to find the reason for the opening of the multiverse tunnel, and finally close the multiverse tunnel to save these seventeen parallel universes."

"Very good." Samantha agreed with Goofy's idea and nodded, "Then let's act now, Peggy?"

She looked back at Peggy Carter and asked, "Did S.H.I.E.L.D. locate the Avengers?"

"Three of them have been captured, and the rest are still being traced. 'Falcon' is in charge of this matter, and he will not let us down." Peggy Carter said.

"Then let's deal with the three identified avengers now." Samantha said, "Where are they?"

"Central Park, Manhattan Bridge, Times Square..." Peggy Carter gave three coordinates, and then said, "Samantha, you and Gwen are in charge of the Avengers in Central Park, Ms. Stark, you and Kim are in charge of Manhattan Bridge, as for Times Square, friends from Universe 616, I think I might need your help, after all, the combat effectiveness of the Avengers is extraordinary, we must…”

However, before Peggy Carter could finish speaking, Goofy raised his hand and interrupted: "Don't be so troublesome, leave these three to me."

"Huh?" Peggy Carter looked up at Goofy. "What did you say?"

Goofy said: "You just need to help me locate the Avengers, and leave the rest to me."

After speaking, he clenched his fists directly and opened the space gem of the infinite gloves.


A blue light flashed, and Goofy had disappeared in place.

Peggy Carter is utterly stupid - what's the situation?

She looked at Tony Stark blankly and asked with an expression - "That Asian guy isn't bragging right?"

Tony Stark just shrugged and replied with a smile: "Guess how long he will be back? I'll come first, I guess ten seconds."


At this moment.

central Park.

A strong man in a blue tights is chasing "prey".

With five cards in each hand, he looked around with sly eyes—there was no one left in Central Park, and most of the citizens of Manhattan had been slaughtered by the Avengers.

At this moment, a blue light lit up, and then Gao Fei's figure appeared on the scene.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a strange man squatting on a treetop not far away, and at the same time recognized his identity.


The super villain of the Marvel universe, an assassin with precision shooting.

"Is he the one who slaughtered the citizens of Central Park?"

Gao Fei was puzzled and at the same time doubted,

"But when did Bullseye become the Avengers?"

Thinking of this, Goofy immediately came to the answer - Bullseye did become a member of the Avengers once.

Dark Avengers.

The Avengers, founded by Norman Osborn, in which Bullseye replaced Clint Barton, his place on the team was Clint's Hawkeye.

"So the guys who invaded Earth 65 and chose to slaughter other universes to save their own universe are Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers?"

Gao Fei thought about it in his heart, and at the same time he couldn't help laughing,

"No wonder, no wonder..."

At this moment, Bullseye crouching on the treetop was ready to attack Gao Fei. Although he didn't know Gao Fei's identity, he quickly located him when he saw Gao Fei suddenly appear in the dead Central Park. This made Bullseye realize that Goofy was not an ordinary person, and he had to do his best to kill this uninvited guest.

"Seeking your own way..."

The ten cards in Bullseye's hand were shot at Goofy at the same time. This was his most violent attack today - firstly because there was no one else in Central Park, and Bullseye had no need to keep a hand; secondly, It is because he did judge that Gao Fei's strength is very strong, and to deal with this level of masters, he must do his best from the very beginning.

Unfortunately, Bullseye's all-out attack was still not enough for Goofy.

Gao Fei just raised the corner of his mouth, showing a shallow smile, and in a flash, he avoided Bullseye's playing cards and came behind Bullseye.


With a light punch from the backhand, the bullseye was directly turned dry.

"Hmm..." Gao Fei was also taken aback, "I can't help but fight? Oh... I forgot that I am equipped with a power gem now, and a punch with all my strength will trigger 100%, and whoever touches it will smash the street... "

After saying that, Goofy picked up the fainted Bullseye and used teleportation to return to George Stacy's apartment.

Although this action was not as exaggerated as Tony had predicted, and it would be back within ten seconds, it was also very short-lived, and the people on Earth 65 had not yet figured out the situation.

Captain America Samantha Wilson was still worried about whether Gao Fei was competent, and asked nervously: "Can that Asian go alone? You must know that the combat effectiveness of the Avengers is amazing..."

Spider-Gwen had seen Goofy's ability, and immediately affirmed: "Don't worry, Goofy won't let us down, he is very powerful, very..."

Before the conversation between the two was completed, a blue light lit up, and Gao Fei had returned to the scene.


He threw the dark version of Hawkeye - Bullseye on the ground, and waved to the stunned superheroes of Earth 65: "The first Avengers member has been brought to justice, and then I plan to go to the Manhattan Bridge. ."


S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Peggy Carter's eyebrows twitched slightly. She didn't expect that Goofy would actually capture an avenger in a split second. You must know that these avengers are powerhouses that make S.H.I.E.L.D. helpless , several agents died heroically in the process of capturing them.

Iron Woman Morgan Stark was even more shocked. She couldn't help but ask Goofy: "How on earth did you... catch him?"

Gao Fei smiled lightly, waved his fist and said, "I punched him, but he didn't dodge and was knocked out by me, it's that simple."

After that, Gao Fei ran the space gem again and teleported to the Manhattan Bridge on Earth 65.

And the superheroes of Earth 65 are really dumbfounded.

George Stacy asked Gwen tremblingly: "What kind of monster is this Asian...what is it?"

Tony Stark looked proud: "I said long ago, leave the Avengers to him, he can handle it all!"


Blue light flashes.

Goofy uses teleportation again to arrive at the Manhattan Bridge on Earth 65.

The situation here is slightly better than Central Park, or worse.

Slightly better, because there are survivors - some panicked citizens trying to drive out of Manhattan, but their private cars are stuck on the bridge;

It's even worse because another member of the Dark Avengers is frantically killing the fleeing citizens here. Many citizens are caught in the car and cannot escape, and are used as living targets by this member of the Dark Avengers. .

When Goofy came to the Manhattan Bridge, he quickly saw the Dark Avengers member.

He is a very strong mixed race, with more white features and appearance, but some Asian features. He has black hair in a classic mohawk hairstyle, and a pair of blue eyes flashing coldly.

And the biggest feature of him is the bone claws sticking out from the back of his hand - those sharp, black claws are deadlier than any dagger!


Or, the bootleg Wolverine of the Dark Avengers - Logan's Son: Daken - who's on the Manhattan Bridge to unleash his murderous urge.

Crazy Daken is covered with blood on his body and face, he is a ruthless killer with no bottom He is rushing towards a car parked on the side of the road, and this car A family of five sat there.


Deaken's sharp bone claws pierced the roof of the car and ripped apart the upper half of the car. Then he attacked the mother of a family of five, aiming at her neck.

But just as his bone claws pierced into his mother's neck, a powerful force struck behind him.

"Stop it Daken, you've made a serious enough mistake."

Goofy grabbed Daken's neck with his left hand without the infinity glove, and lifted him straight up like a chicken, but the angry Daken would not be caught without his hands at all, instead he adjusted his posture in mid-air and turned towards Gao Fei. stabbed in the chest.

"court death!"

Gao Fei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and his right hand just punched Daken in the face.


Even if Goofy didn't use the Infinity Stones, his own fists were already very powerful. Daken's face collapsed instantly with this punch, and half of his head was shattered. However, he inherited Wolverine's fast healing factor, so he thought Killing him is not too easy.

In fact, Goofy didn't mean to kill Daken, he just planned to stop him first.

Under the watchful eyes of the citizens of the Manhattan Bridge, Goofy disappeared into a blue light while carrying Daken, who had only half of his head left.

For the superheroes waiting at the door of George Stacy's house, only a minute has passed, and they still haven't figured out why this mysterious Asian man has such a strong fighting power. Fei has returned with the second Avenger.

"Second one is done, then only Times Square is left." Gao Fei smiled lightly, dropped the half-dead Daken, and disappeared into the blue light again...

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