American Comics: Angels Descend

Chapter 162

Under the watchful eyes of Zhui and Liuxing, Lin Xuan began to inject energy into the Sword of Divine Judgment.

He stretched out his five fingers through the air, and instantly the huge stellar energy enveloped the sword, transforming it into a huge fireball. The golden energy surged, but Lin Xuan controlled it very precisely, even though the fireball evolved from the stellar energy had reached several meters in size.

The temperature inside was infinitely close to that of the core of the sun, but Zhui and others who were a few meters away from the fireball did not feel any discomfort at all.

Not even a trace of energy leaked out.

The Sword of Divine Judgment was suspended in the center of the fireball, madly absorbing stellar energy.

The golden sword body burst into a scorching light, and the patterns engraved on it seemed to come alive.

Constantly twisting.

At the same time, from nowhere, a powerful force descended and enveloped the laboratory.


Zhui excitedly waved his fist.

Because it was the first time to create an emperor-level god-killing weapon, and the various conditions of the earth civilization could not reach the level of the former angel civilization.

As a result, many materials and technologies could not be applied, and they had to find another way.

Using concepts to manufacture weapons was a huge challenge for Zhui and the entire team.

Because this kind of weapon only exists in data, in the entire angel civilization, only the Tianji King has studied it.

Before this, Zhui had never come into contact with this kind of thing.

Every step needs to be explored, deduced through a large amount of experimental data, and repeated countless times.

Now seeing that the Sword of Divine Judgment is reviving, Zhui can no longer suppress his joy.

"Sister Zhui, it seems that our efforts have not been in vain."

Liuxing was also very happy.

This success was the result of the joint efforts of their entire team.

Lin Xuan did not speak at this time, but stared at the gorgeous long sword that was emitting brilliant light.

Huge stellar energy continuously rushed out of his body and entered the hot fireball.

The Sword of Divine Judgment was like a glutton, a black hole, as if it had been hungry for countless years.

Feasting on stellar energy.

The power that enveloped the laboratory became stronger and stronger, and various written concepts were stimulated.

As more energy was absorbed, the various concepts carried in the sword began to be transmitted to the real space.

The space of the entire laboratory was covered with a layer of light gold, and then the film of space became thinner and thinner, the space nodes gradually began to melt, and various folded spaces appeared.

Then the surrounding space began to extend again, and the entire laboratory was deformed by the increasing space.

Even Zhui's body was affected by this and gradually began to twist.

"Emperor, this is the influence of the Sword of Divine Judgment."

A powerful energy burst out from Zhui's body, forming a blue energy shield that enveloped all the angels.

Only Lin Xuan was not affected at all. The concepts written by the Sword of Divine Judgment were isolated by the characteristics of the divine body the moment they touched his body.

The space became increasingly gray, as if it had been corroded by some terrible force.

His mind moved, and the next moment, the mirror space appeared, and the entire laboratory was separated from the main space.

The powerful space began to fold. Under Lin Xuan's control, the space that had been solved quickly healed and restored its original appearance.

But as the Sword of Divine Judgment absorbed stellar energy faster and faster, this power became more and more powerful.

The mirror space kept decomposing and healing, and the energy shields on Zhui and other angels became increasingly blurred.

Even the energy core began to shake, causing gaps in its own definition.

Once completely decomposed by the concept of the Sword of Divine Judgment, it is basically equivalent to real death.

Even Lin Xuan could not wake them up again.

"Sister Zhui, I feel my data core is gradually disappearing.

Liu Xing looked panicked.

"Me too"

"I also have this feeling"


This is the conceptual strike of the Sword of Divine Judgment.

"Don't be afraid."

At this time, Lin Xuan's voice sounded in their minds.

The golden energy shield enveloped the other angels, isolating the power that was constantly decomposing them.

"Thank you, my emperor."

Zhui breathed a sigh of relief.

""It's just a small matter."

Lin Xuan shook his head and his eyes fell on the golden sword again.

In this short period of time, the energy absorbed by the Sword of Divine Judgment was enough to cause a level 2 solar storm.

However, it had no intention of stopping at all. It continued to devour energy crazily.

The lines engraved on the sword were lit up, and each line represented a concept definition.

The energy core on the hilt had not yet fully blossomed.

"I still want to eat."

Lin Xuan raised his lips.

The more energy it requires, the stronger this conceptual weapon is.

He would be happier.

"Chase, what is its limit energy."

Lin Xuan said

"Zero point a micro black hole."

Chased back

"So many."

Lin Xuan was surprised

"This is only theoretical. With my current computing power, I cannot accurately calculate the limit data."

Zhui smiled bitterly.

"It's okay."

Lin Xuan chuckled:"I will feed it as much as it wants to eat."

The energy required for a micro black hole at zero point has basically reached the planetary level.

But compared with stars, it is still far behind.

As soon as he thought of it, the mirror space appeared in the universe.

The originally calm sun suddenly surged violently, violent energy collided, and the solar storm was active.

A huge golden beam of light rushed out from the inside of the star, tearing through the solar wind and blasting towards the starry sky where Lin Xuan was.

He swung his palm, and the fireball wrapped in the Holy Flame Sword scattered, and the golden sword cut through the starry sky and rushed towards the fierce stellar energy beam.

The two collided, and there was no huge shock wave, nor violent space fluctuations.

The energy beam from the sun wrapped the Holy Judgment Sword, and powerful energy instantly entered the sword body.

Countless concepts and definitions were activated, and terrible power permeated the starry sky.


Lin Xuan stepped on the starry sky, and a pair of white wings stretched out from behind him. The wings vibrated and rolled up the air waves.

With his hands on his chest, his golden pupils stared at the point where the stars intersected in the sky.

Beside him, Zhui and the four angel warriors stood still, with pairs of white wings flapping.

"Emperor, it seems that its power seems to be beyond my expectation."

Zhui's face was very solemn.

Just at that moment, she even felt that she was about to disappear.

All traces would be erased. If it was just the destruction of the physical body, it could be recast.

But if the concept died, all the data would disappear.

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