American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

268. The Bat Family’s Ordeal.

"Harry and Rayne would never believe it; they'd think I'm just making things up. But honestly, who would believe what I've seen and experienced?"

The wind roared in her ears. Ashley thought of the two little sidekicks waiting for her return in Hammer City, the two brothers who grew up cosplaying Daredevil and Punisher.

"No one would believe me."

A web shot out with a sharp 'whizz', striking a flying demon-like creature with lightning speed.

"I'm in another world right now."

With a tremendous yank, she pulled the creature down from the sky with terrifying force. The parademon couldn't resist and screamed as it plummeted, only to meet Ashley's full-powered punch.

"... Fighting parademons!"

The parademon's head instantly exploded, and its dragonfly-like wings ceased their frantic flapping. Its lifeless body crashed to the ground.

"Your grandpa would be proud of you, little girl. Now rip off their wings! I just love seeing walls splattered with blood, hahaha!" Venom howled in excitement.

"This place is heaven. Look, there's another one trying to run!"

"Don't worry, it won't escape!"

Ashley smiled coldly, glancing around her surroundings. She shot webs from both hands, securing herself to two nearby skyscrapers. Pulling back like a slingshot, she stepped back, tightening the webs until they were taut.

Aiming at the fleeing parademon, Ashley released the webs and launched herself into the sky like a cannonball.



Under the moonlight, the parademon burst into a fireworks display of blood in midair.

In the distance, Alex and Kara were frozen in place after witnessing the scene. Alex awkwardly coughed and looked away, while Kara sighed and covered her eyes.

Batwoman had originally planned to join the fight and help them, but by the time she arrived on the street, the battle was almost over. The entire parademon squad was nearly wiped out by Ashley and Pietro.

Stopping in her tracks, Pietro glanced at Batwoman, removed his goggles with a smile, and said, "No need to thank us, Batla—uh, lady."

"It's Batwoman," Kate said, approaching Pietro cautiously. Even though they had saved her, she wasn't ready to fully trust them. "Who are you?"

"Quicksilver. You can call me Pietro." He introduced himself with a wave. "And that's Ashley Barton, Spider-Woman."

"Never heard of you."

Batwoman's expression remained unchanged, cold and distant.

"Well, that makes two of us. Never heard of a female Batman either, especially one with red hair. Honestly, don't you think your aesthetic is a little..."

Before Pietro could finish, the sound of a motorcycle engine roared in the distance. Everyone turned to see a signature Batcycle speeding toward them. The bike sped past the three of them before performing a slick drift, stopping perfectly in front of them.

"Well, great. Now I'm seeing two female Batmans." Pietro raised an eyebrow.

"It's Batgirl," the woman on the Batcycle said as she dismounted. Walking quickly over to Batwoman, she kept a wary eye on Pietro and Ashley. "Are you alright?" she asked Kate.

"I'm fine. I was about to handle it myself, but these two interrupted," Kate said, crossing her arms.

"I think you mean saved you," Ashley said, crossing her arms as well.

Batgirl and Batwoman exchanged a glance, both noticing the oddness in each other's eyes as they took in Venom's villainous appearance. Although Earth had fallen, and heroes and criminals were now forced to work together, neither of them had encountered someone quite like him before.

"Who are you really? How did you get here, and why didn't my surveillance system detect you?" Barbara asked, frowning.

"It's a long story. But really, is it smart to be riding such a noisy motorcycle in this silent city? Aren't you worried about attracting those flying monsters?" Pietro retorted.

"Those parademons were just a patrol unit. Ever since Gotham fell, the main force withdrew from here. The closest major parademon stronghold is over a hundred kilometers away. If they come, I'll detect it in advance," Batgirl replied calmly. Then she paused, before asking again.

"So, who 'are' you?"


Suddenly, a man's voice called out from a distance.

Barbara and Kate immediately recognized it, but before they could process who it was, they spotted a large man wearing a crimson helmet standing atop a distant ruin, staring at them.


Barbara was stunned, disbelief filling her eyes.

But the Red Hood wasted no time. He quickly began walking toward them, his heavy steps filled with barely contained fury. Even though his face was hidden behind his mask, everyone could feel the seething anger radiating from him.

"Tell me, where is Bruce!?" Red Hood's eyes practically burned with rage.

"Jason, is that you? But you... you were..." Barbara began to speak but was cut off rudely by Jason Todd.

"Enough! Tell me where Bruce is right now!"

"Hey, calm down," Batwoman frowned deeply.

Barbara's eyes flickered with emotion as she calmed herself from the shock of seeing Jason Todd "die and resurrect" multiple times. She sighed softly, then said in a low voice.

"We don't know where Bruce is. No one has seen him since the Justice League invaded Apokolips two years ago. Except for Shazam, who escaped, the whereabouts of the others are a mystery. We've prepared for the worst."

"What do you mean, prepared for the worst? Assuming he's dead?" Jason clenched his fists tightly. "Hmph, it would be better if he were dead!"

"Jason! I don't care what effects the Lazarus Pit has had on you, but if you're here to work with us, I suggest you show some respect," Kate couldn't hold back anymore.

"Work together?"

Jason looked like he'd heard a joke. He coldly stared at the two women, barely resisting the urge to drag the other Robins out to beat them senseless.

"With 'you'? Tell me, what have you been doing these past two years? How did Gotham fall into this mess? Forgive me if I didn't notice Dick or Damian. Are they dead too? Look around! This is the city we swore to protect, and now look at it."

"Calm down, Jason. I understand your anger," Barbara sighed, lowering her head.

"...Dick... he's dead."

The moment she said it, an eerie silence fell over the group.

A cold wind blew, stirring their capes. Red Hood's eye twitched as he struggled to accept what he had just heard.

"What did you say?" His voice was hoarse, trembling slightly as his emotions ran wild.

Kate lowered her head too, falling silent. After what felt like an eternity, Barbara finally spoke again, recounting the Bat Family's recent misfortunes.

"After the Justice League left, the Teen Titans were in charge of protecting the Earth. But the number of Doomsday parademons was overwhelming, and their combat abilities were extraordinary. The Titans didn't have time to react and were forced into battle. The result..."

Listening to Barbara, Jason Todd clenched his eyes shut. As someone who had also 'died' at the hands of Doomsday parademons, he knew all too well how terrifying they were.

If you had something to counter them, fine. But besides Batman and Luthor, who carries Kryptonite on them?

"And Damian?"

After a long silence, Jason Todd finally spoke again, his voice calmer this time.

"We don't know," Barbara shook her head.

"He took Dick's body. We suspect he was going to use the Lazarus Pit, but after that, he never returned."

At this, Red Hood couldn't help but mutter.

"Fxxk Batman."


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: [email protected]/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
269. The People of Gotham Amidst Disaster!
270. Gotham Falls.
271. A Dance of Madness!
272. Part of Gotham.
273. What Is Hope?

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