American Comics: Start With An Eye Of God

Chapter 60 Change, The Evolution Of The Eye Of God Is Possible!

The sun still rises in the east and sets in the west, and day and night still alternate between morning and evening.

The laws of the universe still govern the operation of the universe.

However, due to the existence of such an unknown factor as Jing Kong, the trajectory that should have been abruptly interrupted.

The story has already come to an end before it even begins.

It's like a spinning top that has just been spun, but is forced to hold it in place and can no longer move.

In a place where everyone can't see, because the 'story' was forcibly interrupted, one world line after another was broken and then reconnected.

The laws of the universe are chaotic and stable, but this sudden change did not last long.

The story line that was broken once was reshuffled.

This independent universe named 'Venom', after completing a thorough self-adjustment, has a slightly different trajectory from before.

This special independent universe is changing silently, but no one has any perception.

Including Jing Kong.

With his current strength, before the laws of the universe change significantly, he cannot be perceived.

Jing Kong is not the Ancient One. You can easily observe what is happening in the entire universe while hiding at home. 080 can even observe the operation of the multi-universe from time to time.

He hasn't touched the threshold of the Heavenly Father yet, even though he can easily manipulate most of the elemental forces, he still hasn't triggered a qualitative change.

The laws of the universe are too early for him.

I don't know whether this sudden change is good or bad.

Definitely, the shift didn't affect Jing Kong.

After traveling to this world, in order to verify something, Jing Kong made a decisive move.

Although a riot was released due to carelessness, it was also based on insufficient intelligence.

The fact that the symbiont can easily change the main body and the split body after splitting, Jing Kong really did not expect.

But these do not affect anything.

Under the all-round monitoring of Godzilla G, as long as the riot dares to take the lead, it goes without saying what is waiting for it.

Besides, Jing Kong's life suddenly became boring.

There are no other mysteries in this world other than the symbiosis. After he cut off the normal development of the story line, the entire independent universe is monotonous.

Unlike MCU's huge world view and complicated and cumbersome stories, this world is too monotonous, and MCU is complicated and has been written.

After all, in the depths of the universe, there are always some strange old monsters staring at them, but there are none here.

Before the riot was found, and before Godzilla G found the habitat of the symbiote, Jing Kong had nothing else to do except repeat the boring practice day after day.

As the "protagonist", Eddie is still living a fulfilling life because of Jing Kong disrupting the world line.

But from another point of view, having lost the chance to interview with the Life Foundation and meet Venom, Eddie from At the moment has been "disappeared from everyone".

But it's worth mentioning that...Eddie is married~

Well, in a way... Congratulations, Jing Kong went to eat.

And Drake of the Life Foundation did jump wildly for a while after being robbed by Jing Kong, but then he completely hibernated, and he didn't see any movement for a long time. , Build a spaceship.

It seems that they have given up the hope of finding the symbiote, and turned to the spaceship to tackle key problems, trying to return to the universe to find the habitat where the symbiote is, and directly engage in a big wave.


In the mirror space, Jing Kong who was in a state of deep meditation slowly woke up.

The power of the elements surrounding his body gradually dissipated, and the God's Eye floating in front of him slowly returned to its original position.

"Would it be nice to have a progress bar?"

Looking at the God's Eye that still hasn't changed much, Jing Kong sighed helplessly.

The eye of God is said to be an external organ, but it can actually be regarded as the terminal of power.

Those who hold the eye of God can use the tiny power given by the eye of God (cdbg) to resonate with the elements, and can use the power of elements that ordinary people cannot use.

Definitely, God's Eye of any attribute can only grant powers of the same attribute, and cannot enforce laws across borders.

This thing is called 'God's gift'.

But Jing Kong's God's Eye came out of the synthesis in the synthesis platform, and it was not a gift from God to him. In essence, the two are already different.

In the following period of time, this was undoubtedly confirmed.

He who possesses the meditation method and the element magician profession can also use the power of elements other than water elements through the eyes of God, and there is no single element restriction.

However, the increase of the Eye of God to the water element is far more than that of other elements.

In addition, the holder of the God's Eye is called the "Original God".

When the strength reaches a certain level, it can even become a 'God Candidate'.

Combined with the setting of God's Heart, Jing Kong can assure you that the God's Eye or God's Heart must follow the path of faith and godhood.

It is also commonly known as "Shinto".

Integrate thousands of incense and fire into one body, gather all beliefs in one body, ignite the divine fire, condense the godhead (the heart of god), and become the god of this world.

This should be one of the fixed routines.

However, the only disadvantage of this path is that it is easy to be laid down as a god.

If you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight.

One must wear a crown to become a god, and the crown is a symbol of power. The godhead (the heart of God) is where the power lies. Once the crown is taken off, once the godhead is taken away, the strength of the body through faith will decline sharply, and even directly lose the godhood .

Refer to Barbatos who won the crown to understand the difference between wearing a crown and not wearing a crown.

Definitely, Mr. Zhong is not included in this list. As a Mephista, his strength comes from fighting.

Whether he wears a crown or not, whether he has a heart of God or not is basically the same for him.

He already has the power of the earth endowed by the heart of God, but it can be regarded as icing on the cake at best.

From the above conclusions, it is not difficult to conclude that the evolution of God's Eye into God's Heart may be a fixed routine.

The time when Jing Kong discovered the change of the eye of God was shortly before time travel.

Since discovering the changes in the Eye of God, Jing Kong has also carefully studied it, but the overall harvest is not much.

The only thing that is certain is that the God's Eye, which he has conceived for a long time, has begun to show signs of 'evolution', especially after he synthesized the leader matrix and mechanical Godzilla and combined them into one.

Maybe it evolved into the heart of God... maybe it took another weird path.

The one who contributed to his faith is none other than the No. 1 honest man wage earner: Godzilla G.

After coming to this conclusion, Kong couldn't help thinking about one thing...

Do you want to expand production?

Provide him with more beliefs with a huge number of mechanical life forms, and then promote the direct evolution of the Eye of God?

Maybe... doable?.

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