American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Comprehensive Strengthening Of The Body! Super Metabolism And Anti-Aging

Lin Luo left the gym after testing the various data of his physical ability.

With a dry mouth, he went straight to his private wine cellar, took a bottle of the highest-strength whiskey, and paused.

At this moment, he seems to be a fellow Black widow Natasha Romanoff, drinking strong wine like drinking water.

Lin Luo blew a whole bottle of spirits in one breath, and then burped.

A little spicy and a little supportive!

“It seems that I really won’t get drunk!” Lin Luo smacked his lips, nodded in satisfaction and said, “For some alcoholics, this is not a good thing, but it is a good thing for me.”

With his powerful thinking and perception ability, he instantly calculated that his liver’s metabolic ability is at least four times stronger than that of ordinary people.

This is another benefit of Super Serum, which can make his cells have super metabolic ability, quickly decompose alcohol and various toxic substances.

In this way, Lin Luo is basically immune to alcohol and toxins.

Since then, Lin Luo not only won’t get drunk, but also has immunity to most diseases, and the serum also makes him delay aging.

This Super Soldier Serum really smells better the more you look at it.

Lin Luo poured himself another glass of red wine and sipped lightly.

From then on, the doctor’s words and the despicable poisoner can go to hell, cool!

After tasting this glass of top-quality red wine that can only be said to taste good, Lin Luo set his sights on the sharp fruit knife on the table.

After thinking about it, he decided to finish the last test.

Otherwise, I have no idea in my heart, and I may be caught blind when it comes to actual combat.

So, Lin Luo decisively picked up the fruit knife on the table and lightly touched his skin, and then with a little force, the fruit knife bent.

His jade-smooth skin was like old cowhide, and ordinary blunt instrumental blows and knife chops were painless at all.

Well, defensively, he’s almost catching up to the 0.1 Tyrant.

Lin Luo gritted his teeth and continued to stab hard at his arm.

A little red came out from the tip of the knife, but he didn’t feel any pain or discomfort.

After Lin Luo drew back the fruit knife, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Almost in an instant, the injured part of the arm returned to normal.

After this test, Lin Luo felt more at ease.

From then on, his ability to withstand physical damage is stronger than ordinary people.

Although he has not tried it, Lin Luo knows that similar gunshot wounds are like scratching the skin of ordinary people to him.

The most important thing is that he also has self-healing ability beyond ordinary people.

“Stable, it’s time to go!” At the moment’s Lin Luo was even a little eager to try.

He very much hoped that he could meet some blind people during this trip, and let him experience the thrill of being crushed by power.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a pity for this body with exploding attributes.

Super intelligence, spirit, strength, speed, endurance, senses, recovery ability, anti-strike ability, immunity to alcohol toxins, and extended lifespan.

According to White Queen’s calculations, Lin Luo now lives three times as long as the average human.

This is the strengthening that super soldier serum brings.

It doesn’t look like much, but combined, it can turn Lin Luo, who was originally a fighting rookie, into a god of war.

With these strengthenings, he dared to break into the “country of alpacas”, not to mention the mere country of camels.

At this moment, the distinctive crisp and melodious girlish voice of the Red Queen came from the room:

“The master has detected that your body data has changed a lot. Do you need to re-record and perform real-time detection and analysis?”

Lin Luo nodded and said, “Record it!”

Even though he had absolute control over the red and white queens, Lin Luo still imposed certain restrictions on them.

It’s just habitual precautions.

As a villain, Lin Luo doesn’t have much capital to make mistakes, so it’s better to be cautious and develop good habits.

You can wave and show off, but you can’t float or get on top. This is Lin Luo’s life principle.

After enjoying a hearty lunch, Lin Luo brought his tyrant guards to the training base inside the umbrella.

Here, a group of USS troop members are undergoing daily training.

Umbrella is a global giant group, its strength is similar to that of the dictatorship company in Cybertron, and its status is equivalent to an independent super kingdom.

The USS force is a secret force carefully crafted by Umbrella to protect Umbrella’s property and destroy all kinds of evidence against the company.

Even within the group, only a few people know the existence of this force.

The USS force is divided into several special teams, and each team has a captain who is responsible for commanding the team and presiding over the overall situation.

Because the USS often faces high-threat combat missions, fighting various terrifying infected people around the world.

Therefore, every USS member is an expert among experts, an elite among elites.

They first undergo the most rigorous training at Locke Ford Island.

When training, they will even practice against specially assigned test tyrants.

In the end, each USS candidate has to accept the graduation assessment of a narrow escape, and needs to use various equipment to defeat the test tyrant.

Only in this way can they be qualified to face hell.

Although each USS that came out of Locke Ford Island is a mortal body, they can defeat a tyrant in actual combat, and their physical skills are naturally very powerful.

As for the captain level, it is so powerful that it is unimaginable for ordinary people, and it can easily beat the ace fighters in other troops.

The ten-member USS special team in front of Lin Luo is called Team Alpha, and the captain is Hank.

As soon as they saw Lin Luo walking in, all team members immediately stopped training, stood in line, looked solemn, and waited for orders.

For them, Lin Luo’s order is absolute, and fulfilling Lin Luo’s order is what they mean.

Looking at the unsmiling and slightly fat Captain Hank, Lin Luo thought about it, and suddenly remembered that this man seemed to be a celebrity.

Hank aka Death God Hank.

The captain of the Alpha team, looks like other USS members with cold eyes, few words, and a look of no emotion.

But in terms of strength, Hank stands out among the USS members.

Relying on his superior strength, he survived desperate situations time and time again and completed impossible tasks.

In the case of several times when all his teammates were wiped out, Hank survived alone.

To describe it in one sentence is “death is like the wind, always with me”.

As a result, Hank earned the title of Death God.

Looking at these loyal subordinates, Lin Luo was very pleased.

These people are no worse than the macho man wearing a black hood and holding a machine gun in one hand.

Don’t worry about loyalty.

It will be easier for Lin Luo to act with such a team that has been stamped with “ideological stamp”.

“Langquantu” is a bit exaggerated, but being an underground emperor should not be too simple.

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