Amnesia In Movie World

Chapter 17: Records not on the table

"Why is it in the sea?" Xie Zhi put down the telescope and licked his lips: "Damn it, SHIELD has a base in the sea? Why don't you go back to the old US headquarters?"

At this time, Xie Zhi was standing on the shore, this was not Lao Mei, but Lao Mo.

Xie Zhi’s tracking method before was to take a civil airliner to evade fares after zooming out. The direction selection relied on Ava’s position sensing, but it was only a rough direction, so there were times when I flew over my head during several transfers.

But he did not expect that he finally found the seaside.

"Fortunately, it's not too far away. Ava's location hasn't been moved for two days, so I guess it's on an island."

Xie Zhi released a car, took out five large handbags from the car, and shrunk the car back. Then shrink the handbag, activate the Ant-Man suit, and shrink yourself.

"Pym particles are easy to use, but when wearing a battle suit, it's really troublesome to toss and turn equipment. It's not suitable for quick battles. All the things you need must be prepared in advance. This is what I sorted out." The little Xie Zhi shook his head and laughed. Said: "Greedy is not enough, if you are not satisfied with this kind of treasure, then you really got it cheap and behaved."

Hundreds of flying ants landed beside Xie Zhi. Xie Zhi first opened a bag, took out a tactical vest from it, and put it on over the battle suit. The vest was loaded with pistols, sabers, magazines, and grenades. M4A1 assault rifle, routine inspection, back well.

Do you still need firearms if you wear a battle suit and shrink? This has to say that Xie Zhi is in a bad situation these days.

On more than one occasion, he has encountered huge... mice, frogs, birds, dragonflies, spiders, and more.

Indeed, after shrinking, Xie Zhi's combat power is concentrated instead of weakened, and its destructive power is stronger. It can blow up these "giant monsters" with a single punch. After all, birds are still birds, and bugs are still bugs, but they are covered in blood, not to mention embarrassing. It is really troublesome to re-wash the battle suit.

After learning from the pain, Xie Zhi decided to bring a gun when shrinking. The world of bugs is an enemy everywhere.

"I don't know how Hank solves this problem. Do you use a zooming Frisbee? It's too extravagant." Xie Zhi muttered, controlling two flying ants to carry other bags, and he also stepped on a flying ant. There is a saddle on his body, which is made by Xie Zhi. After all, riding naked is not very convenient.

Afterwards, he took a group of air force and flew towards the sea mightily.

Not long after the flight, a terrifying monster the size of a mountain flew over! Actually, it's a seagull...

"I knew it." Xie Zhi raised his gun and fired.

A seagull as big as a hill was shot through the head. Although the gun shrunk, its power became even greater. And the seagull crashed down like a roaring airliner. From Xie Zhi's perspective, the momentum was extremely magnificent!

Xie Zhi whistled: "Don't say it, it feels like slaying a dragon, and it's quite exciting."

There are quite a lot of stupid birds along the way, seeing the sudden death of the same kind without remembering, and insisting on eating bugs, no wonder Xie Zhi, chug along the way.

Not long after, an island appeared in sight, and Xie Zhi also sensed that Ava was on that island.

After approaching, I found that there are very eye-catching buildings on the island, there are roads, sentry towers, and piers, but the island is not too big. There is only one manor, which seems to be a private island.

The trouble is, the closer you get, the more stupid birds on the island, Xie Zhi can only fight a **** way, and the process is comparable to a monster movie! Wrote a record far surpassing that of an ace pilot, but it is a pity that the results cannot be shown on the stage. Do you want to brag about the fierce air battle between yourself and the little bird? How about a dragonfly?

Xie Zhi first went to the communication tower, landed in a hidden corner, summoned a flying ant carrying a bag, took out the explosives, estimated the enlarged volume, put it away, and enlarged. Yes, Xie knows that four of the five bags are bombs.

To save people, fighting is inevitable, and it is imperative to cut off the communication between the other party and the outside world, lest S.H.I.E.L.D. send more reinforcements.

Then Xie Zhi issued an order to the ants on the island. Yes, there is no shortage of ants anywhere. The number of ants on a small island far exceeds the sum of all human beings in the world. After all, the reproductive ability of ants is terrifying, ranging from hundreds a day. It can be tens of thousands, and the most exaggerated fire red ant colony can reproduce tens of millions in one day!

The ants around the communication tower swarmed up, and their task was to guard the bomb.

Why? The reason is that Xie Zhi's bomb has three start-up modes at the same time, timed detonation, remote detonation, and ant trigger detonation.

There is no need to talk about timing detonation, and remote detonation is not uncommon. The problem is that remote detonation is limited by the signal of the remote control. Various accidents may occur during the operation. In case the signal is interfered or there is a signal blocking object in the area, the failure to detonate will delay the big event. .

Therefore, Xie Zhi set up another insurance, adding a device that can be detonated by ants.

And Xie Zhi discovered that Hank's guess might be the truth. He has experimented. In the first step, when sending command information through the ant controller, there is a distance limit. However, after he establishes contact with the ant, the distance limit there is none left! In other words, he probably really established quantum communication with ants, and quantum communication is not affected by the medium. The ants he once controlled in Argentina can still issue orders and receive feedback. Of course, Xie knows that it is impossible for all ants to give endless feedback. There are requirements, conditions and choices for feedback, otherwise they will go crazy.

But the bug world is very dangerous. If you don't send more ants to guard it, you will be eaten by predatory insects if you don't keep it all. UU reading

Afterwards, Xie Zhi went to the manor. The place was heavily guarded, with many armed guards and police dogs. Unfortunately, these were useless to the shrunken Xie Zhi. The only thing that made him pay attention were the cameras. Although his size is difficult to spot, but if Hank is promised, no evidence can be left behind, and it is necessary to avoid the camera.

To be honest, Xie Zhi may have 99% confidence in Hank, and 1% suspects that Hank may be playing tricks, such as fooling Xie Zhi before, but actually notifying SHIELD Another example is that there is a positioning device on this battle suit. Therefore, Xie Zhi is still cautious when he has a battle suit.

However, tens of thousands of ants entered the building from various small gaps, mainly the pipes of various lines. Xie Zhi's purpose is to let the ants follow the lines to find the monitoring room and the location of the generator. Blow it up when necessary, save people in the dark, and destroy the surveillance file.

However, the detection of ants is not perfect. First of all, the eyesight of ants is really good. The strength of blind people is limited. Basically, everything they see is blurred.

The auditory system is very developed, and can perceive subtle sound wave vibrations, but it is useless for gathering information. Ants cannot understand human speech, and the communication with Xie Zhi is the transmission of consciousness. They understand each other's meaning, but they can't be interpreters after all.

Of course, you can install a bug on the ants, but you also need a corresponding receiving device. Xie Zhi bought it, but he didn't plan to use it at this time.

First of all, the world of bugs is too dangerous, and the possibility of being eaten if they fail to monitor is greater. However, if a large group of ants gather together to protect the bug, it is easy to be discovered, so the so-called monitoring loses its meaning.

Secondly, if you really want to monitor, it will consume a lot of energy and time, and you must have a helper to do this work, otherwise he will not be able to do it alone, unless it is targeting a small number of targets.

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