An Ero Author’s Isekai Life as a F*tanari Goddess

Chapter 14: A Dragon is Fine, Too

While Aria stood there confidently staring at the dragon, Raffy desperately tugged on Aria to try and run away with her before realizing how pointless that was. Instead, she had to settle for lowering herself to the ground as much as she could to hide behind Aria instead, only poking her head out the side from behind her.

Raffy’s head disappeared behind Aria to hide again when the dragon opened its maw and let out a mighty, cavern-shaking roar that caused several sizable boulders to fall from the ceiling high above.

“Don’t worry, Raffy,” Aria said. “She’ll be a waifu just like you before long. Trust me, I’m an experienced dragon fucker. And by dragon fucker, I mean I’ve written dragon monster girls into almost every single fantasy story I’ve ever written. Also got commissioned once by this weird guy who wanted me to write about a futa actually fucking a dragon. Like, a normal dragon. Not a dragon girl. Not exactly my cup of tea, but hey, money is money and everything in the universe, whether it’s real or not, deserves to get fucked by a futanari at least once in its life. I just wish he wouldn’t have sent me a video of him jacking off to the commission afterward. It was… uh, flattering, but… yeah, no thanks.”

Even when facing a roaring dragon, Aria found it in her to ramble on about her past life’s experiences before looking around the room a bit more.

“It really feels like some sort of ancient, Roman city in here. Everything’s all… marble. I love it. I’ve always thought that marble is the most cum-like building material as far as appearances go. Especially when you get those swirly designs in it. It’s like looking at a slab or pillar of solidified cum. Whoever designed this place has great taste, and that’s without even bringing up the statue.”

Aria, utterly unfazed by the dragon, stepped onto the marble platform up ahead which connected to a descending series of steps leading into the temple, city, or whatever it was, proper.

“You see, Raffy, if the dragon really didn’t want us here, it would have killed us already. That’s how you can tell if a dragon is nice or not. The mean ones just kill you. The nice ones give you a chance until you mess up or do something stupid, which is just another way of messing up.”

Raffy was terrified and unable to stop shaking, but she held onto Aria and chose to believe in her words… even if they couldn’t help her get over the fact that there was a probably hungry dragon waiting for the right chance to consume them.

As for Aria, she was more concerned about the surrounding architecture. There were buildings that looked like they served as housing, what appeared to be a public bathhouse that ran out of water long ago, and even a small coliseum of sorts. There were also quite a few murals that featured art of futanaris engaging in sex with one another, with women, with men—with basically anything and everything. It looked like it was meant to be some sort of sex paradise.

And yet, it was empty. The only soul around aside from Aria and Raffy was the dragon.

Something about that was… depressing. Sad. Not only that, but the more Aria walked through the abandoned streets, the more familiar they felt to her as if she had always known them but somehow forgot about them.

Raffy, picking up on the slower pace of step and the increasingly gloomy eyes that Aria wore, knew that she had to do something to try and cheer her goddess up.

And so, what did Raffy do?

Raffy groped Aria’s butt.

The sudden butt groping made Aria jump and squeak a little, but she laughed once she realized what happened and figured out what the most likely reason for it was. “Thanks, Raffy. You really are the best.”

Raffy placed a single kiss against Aria’s forehead before allowing her to resume walking through the streets.

The streets and buildings may have been lonely, but there was a warmth to be found as long as Aria had Raffy by her side.

And, eventually, the duo made it to the entrance of the temple. The interior visible from the outside showed a waterfall of… what was almost definitely cum now that they were closer, falling from the ceiling through a hole that must have been connected to the statue and its pool up on the roof. The cum that came through the ceiling cascaded down onto several more marble statues of women who were each on their knees with their hands held in front of their mouths ready to drink the pouring seed, and the statues were set up in a way that the cum poured onto a basin that equally distributed the cum to each pair of drinking hands. Wherever the cum went after going into the statues’ mouths, Aria couldn’t tell, but she could tell that whoever came up with the idea obviously have excellent taste.

“That’s hot,” Aria said, earning a nod of approval from Raffy at her side.

Though, while Raffy might have been caught up in the sight of the statues, it didn’t last for long as she looked up and froze.

Aria looked up next to see what froze Raffy in fear, and that was when she remembered that there was a dragon up on the roof of the temple.

“Hey!” Aria shouted up to the dragon. “I know we just met and all, but if you’re here, you must have pretty great taste, so want to join my harem and become a cute monster girl? I promise to fuck you every day if you do!”

The dragon, staring down at Aria with large, golden, serpentine eyes… blinked. Then the dragon blinked again, and again, as if in disbelief at what it had just heard.

A deep, but still feminine, voice then spoke with such intensity that the air vibrations caused from it shook the two women on the ground before the temple. “My… my goddess? Is—is it truly you?”

“Ooh, if we already know each other somehow, that’ll make the process even faster,” Aria answered. “Don’t have to worry about character development and all that first. Anyways! It might be me? I just got reincarnated here as the futanari goddess.”

“You look, and even sound… just like her. It… has been so long. Thousands… and thousands of years. For so long, I have waited for you, watching over your paradise to protect it from all who would wish it harm.”

“Good job. Looks like you’ve done pretty great at keeping things in good condition.”

The dragon shook its head, creating a gust of wind that blew the duo’s hair back and lifted up Aria’s dress, before saying, “No. You… may look and sound like her, but I cannot simply believe you are truly her. Not without a test, for there is only one way to prove without a doubt that you are the same goddess who raised me and trained me to be her head maid all those years ago.”

“A dragon as a head maid? Nice taste, me.” Upon closer inspection, Aria could actually see that the dragon had on the top of its head what appeared to be a small, black and white maid hat of sorts. The kind that was more like a headband with frills. “Anyways, sure! What’s the test?”

“A taste test. After sustaining myself off of the ever-flowing orb of my goddess’s seed these past few thousand years, I have memorized the taste of her seed to the finest of details. If you are truly her, your seed shall taste the same, and I will devote myself to you once more. However, if your seed has even the slightest difference in its taste, texture, or quality, then I will feast upon more than just your seed.”

Aria looked straight up at the dragon, closed her eyes, and clapped her hands together in front of her to say a prayer. “Thank you, oh Divine Me, for creating a dragon maid so addicted to your cum that the only way to prove I’m you is to feed it my seed.” With a satisfied huff, Aria slipped down her panties which allowed her cock to throb upward in an instant. “Come, dragon! I will not slay you, but I will lay you! And by lay you, I mean give you an unlimited amount of servings of my specially prepared futanari goddess cum directly into that oversized maw of yours!”

The dragon reeled its head back at the sight of the cock, and Aria could have sworn… that she saw a bit of a glowing, red blush over the scales along the side of the dragon’s head underneath its eyes.

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