An Inclement Proposal

3. Early In The Morning, Three Philosophers Dropped By For An Impromptu Visit

Three philosophers walked down the snow-covered road before dawn.

At least, they assumed it was the road-- things had snowed over, and they did not think it would be a wise use of their time out in the cold to dig deeper, so their path went unexamined.

"You know," said Amiavarus, their blonde and cheerful leader, finally breaking the last day of their mutual silence, "I believe we may have made a mistake in going to philosophy college. It is said that if one has almost no money left, one is unlikely to survive the winter."

It was not a fact that the other two could argue with-- indeed, it had been on their minds as well, but they had not brought it up, in case the other two had not yet realized-- for, what philosopher would bring their friend grim hopelessness?

Hamkar considered this, stroking his beard, which was so long and thick that it conveyed opulence, as well as his virtue. "As Sinor the Skygod once said, knowledge is the utmost, knowledge is to be valued over bread. So I would not consider our tuition fees illspent."

A deep saying from a mighty source. A moment of silence for respect.

"And yet," noted Shalp, who was also there, "Had we more money left, enough to survive, we could study philosophy longer."

Hamkar frowned, but no one argued that point, either-- being polite, the three philosophers tended to avoid unnecessary arguments.

As dawn broke, Amiavarius -- who, seeing it as his duty as the leader, was watching out for a practical way to survive rather than staring off into the distance deep in thought, as he would prefer -- spotted a plume of smoke ahead.

"Perhaps," he hazarded, "the one who has stoked that fire -- which, from it's relatively steady stream, I assume comes from a chimney -- lives in a house, and would be amenable to aiding three poor philosophers in their quest for knowledge. For after all, it is said: where there is smoke, there is fire."

Hamkar nodded gravely. "Miprasha once spoke -- a priest of Sinor, and, in fact, my roommate, who I shared long and intense conversations about how mighty Sinor was and how we wished for him to step on us -- but yes, Miprasha once remarked on the house of a certain witch by the name of Eoforhild, and I do believe we are in her vicinity."

"I believe all of us here at present have met Miprasha," spoke Shalp, "and are familiar with your frequent and intimate conversations with him, so there is no need to fully introduce him every time you quote him. And yet, I do believe this piece of knowledge you have shared is of utmost importance, for it is known that witches are seldom hospitable."

Another grim silence as the philosophers pondered their fate.

"From a certain perspective, it is unfortunate we became philosophers at all," pondered Amiavarus. "Not it is one that I share," he hastily noted, "but it does seem that we are unlikely to survive without aid."

Hamkar considered this for it's full worth. "We could, of course, ask the witch for help, and then once she refuses -- as a witch is certain to do -- take her belongings by force. For as Sinor once implied: witches are not people."

"And yet," noted Shalp, "would it not be duplicitous to seek her aid, and then rob her? I do not think tricking people behooves a student of philosophy, as we are mere seekers of truth in an uncertain world."

Thus decided on their plan via intense moral debate, the philosophers had no need to speak further, and instead approached the house rapidly.

Amiavarus knocked on the door.

Hamkar frowned. "Sinor's second cousin once spoke: robbers do not knock on doors."

"And yet," said Shalp sweetly, "we are not robbers, we are merely philosophers forced to rob by an uncertain world."

"If we were to die of malnourishment or exposure, it would deprive the world of our future philosophical thoughts," agreed Amiavarus, "which would be the greater crime, for as our esteemed friend Hamkar -- roommate of skilled conversationalist Miprasha, and vaunted partisan of the allpowerful Sinor the Skygod, as well as friend and blood brother to the humble yet brilliant Amiavarus, and also friend of Shalp -- that is to say, as Hamkar noted earlier, knowledge is greater than bread."

It was at this point that the door opened, and their discussion that may have occurred had they been uninterrupted was lost to history-- perhaps this was a tragedy, as no doubt equally wise words would have fallen from their lips.

There standing before them was the Goddess of Winter, known by philosophers as the Devourer of Equinoxes, yet, despite their learning, they did not recognize her, for she was still in the form she had used to accidentally seduce the witch Eoforhild to become her mate and/or owner, in which Eoforhild called her Mercy.

Mercy, upon looking up at the three men and seeing desperation in their eyes, stepped outside and crossed her arms over her chest. "Begone, robbers."

"Not robbers, but philosophers. Although we may rob you, it is an important distinction. Let us set that aside for a moment, however, to address an important concern: aren't you cold?" Amavarius looked over Mercy's body with no doubt curiousity rather than lust, as he was, after all, a philosopher. "It is said that those who wear no clothes in winter tend to freeze."

"Sinor the Skygod tells us it displeases him to be naked," noted Hamkar. "Although, I suppose, since you have already displeased him by being a witch, you are welcome to displease him as much as you like until the day he strikes you down, since he does not spare those who offend him-- unless of course, they sacrifice their bodies and souls to him, as all should."

"And yet," remarked Shalp, "could you share with us your name? For we would hate to rob you if you were not the witch Eoforhild."

"As truth would have it," said Mercy, who had spoken with philosphers once or twice before, "I am not Eoforhild-- though I could easily be, should I choose to, as names are chosen by those who bear them. Those who dwell within this house address me primarily as 'Mercy', although there are other terms of endearment used."

Amiavarius considered this for a moment, before moving in with more thoughtful points, as well as blows from his fist. "I wouldn't rob a fellow philosopher for all the riches in the world, but unfortunately, I think you will agree that it has been said that one's duty to one's blood brothers is higher than one's duty to strangers, and that the needs of three outweigh the needs of one." As each blow was stopped by a single raised finger from the naked girl, Amiavarus stepped back, looking upon what he had believed to be a fellow philosopher in disapproval.

Amiavarus finally shook his head. "While your movement is no doubt impressive, you have clearly spent too much time studying the physical arts, and not enough time thinking. I am shamed to think I thought you a true philosopher."

Hamkar raised his dagger, which he normally only used for involuntary human sacrifices requested by Sinor. Sinor would always change his mind before his followers actually sacrificed someone unwillingly, as he wanted his followers to sacrifice themselves willingly to avoid his wrath, but it was best to be prepared. It was, to the best of Hamkar's knowledge, something Sinor saw as a "prank". And yet each stab of his dagger was moved aside by a brush of Mercy's finger. "This is unfortunate," noted Hamkar. "but I believe that she is a philosopher, as she, as a philosopher, would not harm other philosophers no matter what the situation, and Sinor would never place his followers in an unfortunate situation unless he really felt like it."

Mercy shook her head. "I am trying to think up an appropriate punishment-- I'd turn you into gold, but that seems a little over the top, and, in truth, though I assume you are attractive in your own right, I am only interested in beautiful women."

"Perhaps," suggested Shalp charmingly, "you should take our money, just as my bloodbrothers were trying to take yours. That does seem like the appropriate retribution, does it not?"

Mercy considered this. "A bit weak, but I can't, in the moment, think of anything better. I'd hate for you to disturb Eoforhild's rest."

After weighing their options, the three philosophers handed over what little coin they had before rushing off down what they assumed was the path to the city they were trying to get to.

"It is unfortunate," remarked Amiavarus, "that what we just parted with was the last of our coin. It is said that if one has no money left, one is unlikely to survive the winter."

"Hamkar, the most devout follower of Sinor the Skygod, once said upon leaving a witch's house that he was displeased with the outcome, given that the witch was still alive, and the fortune of his blood brothers had fallen-- though he cared little for his own fortune."

"We can imagine," said Shalp softly, "that this Mercy, also being a philosopher, was not rich. Therefore, perhaps the money we gifted her will help her survive the winter. Knowledge is more important than bread. We should feel elated, since we have done a good deed today."

The hearts of the three philosophers swelled with pride at their own noble action.

"Hamkar, I am continually humbled to be your bloodbrother," said Amiavarus softly, "and Shalp... you are also my bloodbrother."


When Mercy stepped back inside, Eoforhild was sitting up, and frowned as she saw Mercy's undress. It was not something she minded seeing, but in the middle of winter... "Don't go out like that... what was going on?"

"Three philosophers decided to give us their money," responded Mercy. She handed over the coins to Eoforhild.

Eoforhild pulled her Mercy in close, and wrapped her in the blankets and her arms. "You shouldn't go outside naked... look how cold you've gotten." Her voice was disapproving. She didn't wish to lose her servant, much less this sweet submissive girl, who seemed to have more dedication to her than common sense.

"But when I'm cold, you wrap me in your arms." Mercy cuddled closer to her mate, feeling safe and warm. Her cold skin caused the larger woman to shiver, but she didn't draw away, instead holding her close.

"You don't need to get cold to do that, my Little Mercy." Eoforhild kissed her brow gently. "I can at least do that much for you."

Mercy stroked Eoforhild's side, and smiled as the larger woman giggled, and started stroking her more aggressively.

Eoforhild squirmed, then grabbed Mercy's arms and held them over her head with one hand, setting the coins aside and tickling her back as Mercy squirmed, giggling as well, trying not to squirm too hard and break Eoforhild's hand holding her in place with her superior strength, or the like.

"Ooh... you're stronger than you look... keep holding your hands over your head..." Eoforhild could tell that Mercy was holding back, if not quite how much she was holding back. She let her arms go, and Mercy did her best to hold herself in place as her new owner(at least within her own head) slowly tickled lower, and slower, her hands turning into increasingly suggestive, stroking and groping Mercy's body as she warmed Mercy up in more way than one.

Mercy squirmed, caught between giggling and arousal, managing to hold herself still enough to not dislodge Eoforhild's hands as she stared up at her mate with flushed cheek and an intense gaze. "Please make me feel good again?"

Mercy's spread legs and slightly raised hips were enough to give away what she wanted, but Eoforhild continued to grope her. "Where do you want pleasure exactly, darling?"

"I want you to touch my vagina with your fingers."

"...a bit overly formal and clinical for the situation. Call it your pussy."

"...I want you to touch your pussy with your fingers?"

Eoforhild laughed and stroked herself between her legs. "Do you mean this pussy...?" She rubbed her now slightly-wet fingers up against Mercy's. "Or this one?"

"That one... the second one...."

Eoforhild smiled in a slightly predatory fashion, tracing her fingertips around Mercy's outer lips. "So you're saying your cute little pussy belongs to me?"

Mercy considered this. "I'm your mate, so... I guess?"

Eoforhild's smile widened. "Say 'your slave's pussy is your property, Mistress'."

"Your slave's pussy is your property, Mistress," said Mercy eagerly and unashamedly.

Eoforhild laughed, a bit chagrined-- she was more used to embarrassed and hesitant girls... perhaps because she tended to be on the slightly to very forceful side. "You really don't have any pride, do you?"

"Not before my mate," said Mercy practically. "I just want you to be happy with me and make you feel good. I get this weird feeling that you should have power over me. Is that bad?"

"No, it's very good... good girl... such a natural submissive." Eoforhild sucked and groped at Mercy's breasts as she slowly fingerfucked her, and Mercy squirmed helplessly until she came, and Eoforhild just kept going, softly pleasuring her new property until she heard her breathing speed up again and saw her back arch, and then picked up the intensity slowly, sucking and squeezing at Mercy's nipple harder, fucking slowly faster until she came a second time.

She drew back a little from her Mercy, looking down to see her smiling up at her with a bit of a dazed expression, but looking like she still had plenty of stamina. Maybe she had underestimated the girl... you couldn't just survive outside in the cold without being very tough, and Mercy seemed like the cold hardly bothered her, other than the whole almost-freezing-to-death-bit.

"Next time, I'm going to teach you to pleasure me," Eoforhild promised, nibbling at Mercy's ear until the girl mewled and squirmed against her. She could happily torment Mercy all day, and it seemed like her self-admitted slave liked it, too... besides, with the donation from the philosophers, it's like she had made more money than she usually would in an entire week.

"Yes! I want to make you happy too!" There was such a naive eagerness in Mercy's voice, and Eoforhild felt a little tinge of guilt again... maybe she hadn't even needed to force Mercy into this... but on the other hand, maybe her cute little slave would behave differently if her life wasn't on the line, wouldn't feel free to devote herself to Eoforhild without threats.

This was fine. Her Little Mercy seemed pleased and attached and ready to learn, if not actually used to learning.

It was a little weird that the girl was snuggled up close and licking her face now... but it did feel nice, so she decided not to train that out of her. At least, not yet.

She had plenty of more important training to do to the girl, after all.

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