An Incubus Life

Chapter 41 New Threads

Chapter 41 New Threads

I woke up with Ashley next to me.  I spooned into her and wrapped my arm around her waist, and pulled her tight.  She woke and tried to squirm away.  I held her tight as she got her senses back from sleep.  “I have to pee,” Ashley said playfully.

“You are going to have to earn your freedom,” I said, wrapping her up tighter.  She immediately made a hard effort to escape my grasp.  She ended up pinned face down.  She was strong but no match for me. 

“If you let me win, I might give you a reward,” she said with a grunt.  I made an executive decision and rolled over, placing her on top.  She immediately jumped off the bed and raced into the bathroom.  “Fooled ya!  And I really do have to pee!”  The door closed.

“Oh, Ashley, fool me once shame on me.  Fool me twice, and I will never sleep with you again,” I said clearly to the door.  I heard her start peeing.

“Don’t worry, you bully.  I will be back and tame you by riding you into submission,” she said through the door.  I positioned myself naked and face up and got my penis erect.  She really had to pee as she was still going.  My phone beeped with a text, but I ignored it.  Ashley was finished, and I was anticipating some fun.  A knock at my door startled me, and I covered up as my mom spoke.

“Hey, Caleb.  We are going shopping to get you new clothes.  You are outgrowing everything you have,” my mother said.  “Paige and her friends are going as well.”

My mother knocked again and then opened the door.  She walked in and sniffed the room.  “You should air out your room Caleb.  So are you coming with us?”  She was looking around.  Ashley’s clothes were on the far side of the bed.  My erection had faded, but I was still naked from the waist up. 

“No, mom, I have to meet a friend.  I can’t go.”  My eyes were wide, and I was trying to mentally tell my mother to leave my room.  She had that curious look on her face, like she was expecting to find something.  She finally turned away.

“Ok, Caleb, but we should spend more time together.  We barely get a chance to see you anymore,” she had accomplished her mission.  She had made me feel guilty and confirmed there was, in fact, a woman in my room.  Although Ashley’s top and bottom were hidden by the bed, I clearly saw Ashley’s underwear hanging on my blinds.  My mother had stared at the spot just before turning to leave.

I sighed and waited 5 minutes for Ashley to come out.  “Does she know?” I nodded and pointed at her underwear.  She had a pained look and grabbed her clothes, dressed, and left me lying on the bed.  I lay there and was frustrated.  Paige and her friends were leaving tonight.  I wasn’t going to get another chance.  Maybe I will visit Paige on campus in the near future.  I was sure Maya or Ashley would be open to continuing our activities.

I checked my text message that I had ignored.  Paige had warned me that mom was coming up to my room.  I should really check my texts more often.  I changed my text alert for Paige to play the 1812 Overture.

I went to my mind space.  103/120.  Ashley had not given me a lot of life essence, but it had been enough.  Before I could reconsider, I increased my abyssal sight up to lower tier 2.  My eyes hurt with pressure building behind them.  My vision went white and then black.  I blinked, and my eyes watered.  A few seconds later and my eyes returned to normal.  My third advancement was done. 

My vision was crisper, and I could now see through upper 1 tier illusions and disguises.  I put together a nice outfit from my collection of clothes from the Salvation Army.  My mother was right.  I needed new clothes.  I took a wad of cash from my stash.  I guess I was going to go shopping today in DC before my date.  It was a long drive, so I decided to get going.

Down in the kitchen, I saw Maya, who waved at me and smiled brightly.  I could clearly see her natural form now with my improved abyssal sight.  I waved back and went over to Maya.  We exchanged numbers.  If I was going to travel a far distance for life essence, then Maya was definitely a good investment.  I got a knowing look from Paige, who noticed me exchanging numbers with Maya. 

When my mother came into the kitchen, I gave her a quick kiss and told her I was running late.  I just didn’t want to face any potential questions about what she may have seen in my room.  I regretted not seeing Ashley before I left but planned to get her number from Paige in the future.

As I was driving to the city, I put on some music, Imagine Dragons, Wheezer, Twenty-One Pilots, The Chainsmokers, and Tears Fears.  The drive passed quickly, and I made my way to the men’s clothing store in the city.  I was in my adult form.  The store was about as preppy as you can get.  It catered to the business crowd and was full of business suits.  I was approached by a young woman.  “Sir, do you need help?  I can introduce you to one of our stylists.”

I looked at the woman.  She was extremely attractive, “Are you a stylist?”

“No, no!  I just pair patients with our stylists.  My name is Vicky.  Do you want to work with…Paul?”  She leaned into me and whispered, “He is gay, but he is really good.”  I felt her hand slide into my pocket.  She walked to the back room, and I looked in my pocket.  Her name and number were on the card.  I followed her as she swayed her hips.  Her tight blue dress showed her curves.  I entered it into my phone, clearly showing her that I was doing so and getting her to smile. 

Paul came from the back room, and he looked sharp, “Oh my, you do need my help!  Tell me what your needs are!”  I was ready for my Queer Eye makeover.

“I’m Caleb!”  I shook his hand.  “Well, I have about five grand.  I need a suit and two or three sets of everyday clothes.”  He tapped his index finger to his chin while looking me over.

“I think we should go all in on the suit.  Say a dark blue Armani…  we can do four shirts, each paired with its own tie.  Shoes… well, follow me, and let’s do this!”  He was very excited, and I went on a whirlwind tour.  He was very professional the entire time.  The suit was incredible, with a black shirt and purple tie.  The shoes and socks were also black.  Paul had dressed me up to be incredibly hot.  I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror.  Was it wrong to be attached to my own reflection?  I was definitely wearing this to my date with Chloe. 

I ended up getting three pairs of pants and four polos in addition to the suit with various shirt/tie combos.  I didn’t get any alterations on the suit as I didn’t want to wait.  My total was $5290, but I was given Paul’s card and a 6% discount to make my total just under $5,000.  I thanked him and headed to see the sites in DC.  I had been here a few times on school field trips, but this time in the cold air of November, and my new suit made me feel free.    

I did the Lincoln Memorial and walked down the reflecting pool.  I circled the Washington Monument.  I didn’t go look at the White House.  I went to the Air and Space Museum and walked it until it was time for my date.  My new abyssal eyes found a number demis in the city.  It was probably more entertaining than the sites.  A large number of various beastkin and a mix of others, including at least three vampires.  The myths about vampires not being able to walk in daylight were false.  They also did not have sparkly skin.  It was whiter than a hotel’s bedsheets under their illusions. 

Chloe texted me, and I took the bus to get close to the restaurant.  At least I wasn’t overdressed.  Chloe was waiting for me and was wearing a short red dress.  She looked amazing and was getting stares from quite a number of men.  As I walked in I got a fair number of stares myself.  Chloe smiled, and we were quickly ushered to a table.  Since there were a half dozen people waiting, Chloe did seem to have some friends working here.

“You look amazing.  I am so glad you came,” Chloe said with a smile and a glow to her.  I scanned her with my abyssal eyes.  I didn’t remember enough to say if her core was actually bigger or not from our first encounter.  It was smaller than Iris’ core, but not by much.  So I estimated her core to be around 0.4 on the tier scale.  Chloe could definitely learn magic now, if she was inclined to. 

“Chloe you look amazing too!  All eyes in this place are on you,”  I said with my own smile.  Chloe ordered a bottle of wine, and we had a lot of small talk.  We talked about ice hockey, Capitals mostly.  She had four clients on the team, her massage business, not her escort business. 

The conversation turned to the singles cruise she told me about.  She was trying to get me on board.  Eight days of drinks, sex, and playing around.  She made a convincing argument.  If I got bored with her on the cruise, then I could just go fishing among the single women.  I was just thinking about all the essence I could harvest. 

We ordered our food and moved on to our second bottle of wine.  I wasn’t feeling any effects but Chloe was showing the signs, glassy-eyed and slowing speech.  It was actually a great way to see the true person with alcohol breaking down her inhibitions. 

Chloe asked, “So Caleb, you know what I do for a living?  What do you do?” She focused intently on me with her wine glass, half full, between her hands.

“I am a gatherer.  I find or create things people need and then sell them for a profit,” I said, stretching the truth. 

“Do you travel abroad?  Can you tell me what you gather to sell?” Chloe asked with a slight slur.

“I…sometimes I do travel abroad.  I can not disclose what I sell and trade,” I said with a secretive smile.  I was not telling Chloe I was traveling to magical transits to kill monsters for crystals and also sold my semen for cash.  Besides being a little unbelievable, I didn’t have a level of trust with her yet.

As Chloe talked about her own international travel, it also made me realize I should try to get my passport photo upgraded soon.  Probably right after I returned from our family trip to Amsterdam as it took time to get a new passport. 

My phone beeped.  I muted it to focus on Chloe.  The second bottle of wine was almost gone, and our entrees were gone.  The food was excellent.  The bill came as our conversation piddled out, and Chloe insisted that she invited me, so she was paying.

“Since you are paying, I guess I have to put out,” I said jokingly. 

Chloe put on a massive smile and said, “I’m counting on it!  I expect you to work for this meal!”  We left the restaurant and took Chloe’s new Tahoe to her apartment.  I ended up driving the as she was a little too tipsy.  When we entered her apartment, she threw herself at me. 

Chloe was naked in seconds while I slowly took off my new suit and carefully put it on a chair.  A naked Chloe bounced on her bed, her breasts bounding enticingly on her body while I undressed.  Naked, I joined her, and I let her pin me to the bed.  Her kisses were sloppy from her drunken state but slowly improved.  With our bodies pressed together, she was already aroused.  I created my vortex and prepared some saliva.  I was going to draw this out to get as much life essence from this tryst as possible. 

The sex wasn’t that inspired.  I kept checking on Chloe’s core and kept building her to orgasms over and over again.  She did most of the work to start, riding me, and when she tired, I went to the missionary position, taking over the workload.  I used tiny amounts of my saliva to keep her in a state of heightened arousal.  We fucked for nearly three hours, and when Chloe was spent, I filled her and ended my vortex.  She rolled onto her side and fell asleep, clearly content.

I checked, and I only managed to harvest 15 life essence.  Chloe did have a fantastic series of pleasure-laden orgasms, and I thought I had earned a larger haul.  The sex for me was more mechanical, as I was calculating how much saliva to give her and watching her aether core constantly to make such I didn’t force too much aether through it.    

Although Chloe was attractive, and I liked her, I didn’t think continuing this relationship was going to be feasible.  I was thinking about leaving when she stirred and mumbled,  “You know Caleb if you wanted to work…there are a number of women who have requests as well.  The money isn’t too bad.” She saw my face scrunch up in distaste.

She continued to try to persuade me, “You can set the age range of your clients.  And the type of clients you are interested in.”

I narrowed my eyes, “Was this date an attempt to recruit me to become a male escort?”

Chloe rolled over and made eye contact, “I really wanted to…experience you again.  It was just as good as the first time.”  She sighed.  “My world…it is hard to find a boyfriend.  I figured if we were both acting as escorts, then we could have a healthier relationship.  I like you.  I like the sex.  I can help you.  There are some clients that just want to watch people have sex…you and I could make good on these requests together.” 

“And how much compensation do we get for having sex in front of people?  Is it just one person?”  I asked, somewhat curious. 

“Usually $5k split between us.  There are bigger jobs, but they are rare and usually in Miami or New York.  As for the number of spectators…sometimes one, sometimes two…sometimes more,” she said.  I thought her proposition was fascinating, but I was not interested.  I had too much going on.

“I am sorry Chloe, but I am not interested,” I said after pretending to think about it.  “The cruise…maybe sometime this summer we can go on the cruise together.  I think it would be fun.”  Chloe looked disappointed.  It must be hard to have male friends in her line of work. 

I thanked Chloe for the meal and the sex and told her to stay in touch.  I dressed and left.  I had quite the walk to get to the garage where I had parked my car.  It was dark, and I checked my phone messages.  Iris’ texted me twice.  Kiri was ready to go and retrieve her sister.  Iris’ said they wanted to go tonight.  We had school tomorrow.  I looked at my schedule.  I said next weekend after my game on Saturday.  It was a home game, so we should get out by 2 pm, and I had nothing Sunday…so that would give us 36 hours to retrieve Kiri’s sister.

I got to Iris’ house around 7 pm and did a quick knock, and entered.  I found Kiri on the couch.  “Hi, Kiri.  I texted Iris that we could go next weekend.  But I am here to see you.  I had hoped to have some combat training with Jade before we returned to the transit.  Since she is not available…Can you train me…some basic weapon stuff?”  I asked while Kiri studied me. 

“Caleb, we can train in the basement here.  What weapon are you interested in?” she asked, studying me and wearing a smirk.

“A maul…hammer…I don’t know—Hulk smash…” of course, my reference was over her pop culture head.

“Two hammers…yes, we can work on that.  Let’s get started now.”  She said with a slightly evil look on her face. 

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