An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 Rescue and testing

“What? The African Tower low orbit station was destroyed, hundreds of thousands of people were trapped in the gravity zone? The AEU space force was unable to rescue all? Cut, what are the AEU group of people doing. Lasse, Ptolemy turned to the African Tower low orbit station, Gundam is a full machine, Li Angel can prepare ultra-long-range sniper equipment on the ground, the main angel is equipped with a gale thruster, and the German angel intelligent angel’s whole body external equipment is replaced with an external thruster.” The emperor was shocked when he heard the news, “Ian , What is the specific situation of the gravity zone.”

“All 32 compartments in the gravity zone were broken into 11 knots. Three of them were thrown directly towards the earth and entered the atmosphere after one hour. The rest will enter the atmosphere within 2 hours to 14 hours.

Under the premise of full acceleration, Ptolemy could arrive at the scene in 1.5 hours. Up to 3 machines will be replaced after 15 minutes. The RCV fleet will arrive in 4 hours, and the fleet will arrive in 6 hours. The 5 transport ships of the AEU fleet have already opened the 3 most troublesome rescues, and the remaining fleet is violently demolishing the damaged gates. It is expected to join the rescue in 3 hours. “Ian was also very scared by the news. In the original work, the 3rd section of the gravity zone can be separated from the global news headlines. This Nyima renegade who did not blow up the AEU was bombed like a girl’s heart.” There is a request for support from the side, and they will give priority to the three that they can arrive first. The side can only handle two, and we have to deal with the rest. ”

“In addition, the terrorist organization “Eden” announced that it was responsible for this incident and announced that unless the gods cease their armed intervention and disarm, they will carry out more terrorist attacks.” Filout on the next screen was expressionless. Supplementary description.

“Everyone fixes their positions, this ship will accelerate with all its strength.” Lasse’s tone was full of excitement.

The emperor who only wanted to help saw Ian rushed to the impact seat in the room, and quickly went over to sit down and fasten his seat belt. “Ian, isn’t it because the battleship is accelerating…” Before the words fell, Ptolemy’s longitudinal acceleration had risen to 5 g… The emperor was squeezed on the seat by gravity and couldn’t say a word. The acceleration gradually stopped, and the emperor could take a breath.

“Ian, how strong is this Ptolemy… performance?! This is not the acceleration capability that a battleship can have!” The emperor no longer has a headache for rescue in the gravity zone…

“Greater physical strength means stronger armor, stronger power, and stronger firepower. This is the first sentence of the shooting theory of the People’s Revolutionary Union ship that I participated in writing. If it weren’t for the system to detect that none of the crew members were wearing anti-G suits. , The acceleration of this ship will not be only 5 g. This is a space battleship, give me a long enough acceleration distance, this ship can run out one hundredth of the speed of light. When all the crew are wearing anti-G suits, during combat The instantaneous acceleration can even reach 12 g.” Ian is still very satisfied with his design.

“Please don’t use such high performance. We are just civilians and can’t stand the acceleration at all.” Hearing that Ptolemy hadn’t shown all the performance, the emperor’s face turned green.

“I know, so I designed a combat cic located in the center of the hull, where you have complete counter-impact measures. It will take a while for the combat control system of the ship to be completed, and then you can see the true Ptolemy strength.”

Soon, Ptolemy was about to arrive at the mission area, Ptolemy turned his head 180 degrees, and the stern began to accelerate in the opposite direction. Huang once again enjoyed a 5g overload…

Arrived at the bridge king and found that the two female crew members were all awkward, while the other two male crew members were all very excited.

“Too exciting!”

“Too exciting…”

“The lord angel goes to the piece closest to the ground, the angel of wisdom goes to the smaller one, the angel of Germany goes to the larger one, pushes it, and speeds it up to buy time. Let everyone concentrate in the central compartment, and the angel of strength from the ground Snipe the junction of the cabin to reduce the quality of the cabin! The largest piece of Ptolemy will handle it.”

The main angel flew out directly from the lower part of Ptolemy, and the large propeller component “Garious Wind” was added to the legs.

When    was about to reach the gravity zone, the upper body of the main angel deformed, his arms pressed against the cabin wall, and then increased the thrust.

“The predicted orbit change is not enough, the cabin quality is too large, how is Neil’s preparations for sniping?” Hallelujah looked at the orbit that would fall into the atmosphere in 2 hours with a solemn expression.

“There are still 10 minutes!” Neal set the parameters for orbital sniping at a rapid speed, and Sushen dispelled the clouds that obstructed his vision in the sky.

“Understood.” Then Hallelujah connected to the broadcast in the cabin. “All crew members moved to cabin 8. We will cut the junction of cabin 8 and cabin 9 and give up cabin 9. If you don’t want to die, move quickly! ”

Someone in the cabin tried to stop the actions of others and claimed that everything was a conspiracy by the government. Then he was knocked down by the person on the side.

Through internal monitors and external thermal scans, Hallelujah confirmed that there was no one in cabin 9 and called Li Angel to carry out sniping.

“Neil Tirandi, target sniper.”

The super-large sniper rifle fired a beam that penetrated the sky, directly smashing the junction of the cabins, and the No. 8 cabin was further accelerated under the impetus of the main angel. “The estimated time of the fall is 12 hours, almost.” Hallelujah lowered his thrust and got out of contact with the cabin. “It is expected that the rescue team from the Federation of People’s Revolutionary Federation will come in 3 hours. Please be patient.”

“Come here as soon as you’re almost done, there are still three left to deal with!” Lyle’s frantic voice sounded in the Hallelujah earphones. “I can talk about it for a while, go to support Lyle first, his acceleration is not enough.” Tielia is still calm.

“The towed steel cable is fixed.” Ptolemy’s Ian is directing the automatic robot to return to the cabin. “You can start dragging in 30 seconds.”

“Understand, pull the plug, Ptolemy slowly accelerates to the maximum after 30 seconds.”

Ptolemy slowly accelerated, dragging the largest section of the cabin, slowly accelerating and entering a higher orbit.

“Miss Huang, the minimum fall time of all cabins has exceeded 8 hours, air supplies have also been delivered, and the rescue operation is basically completed.” Lyle reported the progress of the operation on the battlefield.

“Understand, send orbital data to various countries, Gundam will return to Ptolemy, and Ptolemy will leave the current universe after taking Gundam.” Through the glass, the emperor can already see the three-nation combined fleet that says “Thank you for your support” in the distance.

Three days later, the debris from the AEU low orbit station was cleaned up, and the debris from the gravity zone was pushed into the atmosphere and burned. The reconstruction of the low orbit station began. At the same time, the AEU’s internal retaliation against the “Eden” organization came to an end. Because the remaining locations AEU cannot interfere, all are in disputed areas of the three countries or within the borders of countries that have not joined the alliance.

On the third day after the AEU ceased its retaliation, there were many terrorist attacks in Japan, a special economic zone. The “Eden” organization announced in a high profile that it was responsible.

The next day, the People’s Revolutionary Federation, a terrorist attack occurred in more than ten major cities.

On the third day, there were many terrorist attacks in AEU.

The three major joint leaders were furious and quickly organized a coalition force to clean up all the “Eden” bases in the disputed area. National security bureaus and local intelligence teams also quickly wiped out the “Eden” forces in the country.

But there is nothing to do with the “Eden people” in other small countries.

Can’t beat the “Eden” equipped with MS without MS… Countries with MS will not be allowed to fight in the past. Unless we fight with these small countries.

Finally, the RCSF sent the base coordinates and other content to Ian, and the party sent it to the emperor through Billy Katagiri. AEU was published on the semi-public intelligence network and was obtained by Wang Liumei.

Tianren quickly formulated a strike plan and handed it over to five Gundam messengers for execution. Ptolemy took advantage of the honeymoon period of cooperation between Tianren and the governments of various countries and went to Mars orbit to conduct ship combat experiments.

“Why do you want to go so far? Find an unmanned asteroid belt in the Earth circle…” The emperor was bored and crazy during this week’s voyage.

“Because the movement will be very loud.” That’s how Ian replied. “Moreover, there are more asteroids in the orbit of Mars. They are natural targets and will not be detected yet.”

Reached the orbit of Mars. At this time, Mars was far away from the other side of the solar system, and the universe where Ptolemy was located was empty.

“Okay, let’s conduct a warship test. The first is an armed test. The first item is the launch test of the special gun. The muzzle hatch is opened, the special gun is charged with 50% power, and the converging device is activated.”

A hatch below the Ptolemy bow opened, and a large muzzle with a diameter of 5 meters leaked out. Several gn position generators were turned out from the hull armor plate above the muzzle axis. And formed a converging position in front of the muzzle.

“The whole ship defends against shocks and flashes!” Ian lowered the armor plate of the bridge glass and put on sunglasses. The other 6 crew members also put on sunglasses decently. “The countdown is 5…4…3…2…1 fluctuations…Hypergn particle cannon, launch!” Ian snapped the pistol grip launch button. In an instant, the muzzle below Ptolemy shot a huge beam of light, and the huge recoil pushed Ptolemy back, but the tendency to retreat was instantly stopped by the rising thruster. After 10 seconds, the weapon was launched, and the data showed that the asteroid belt outside the orbit of Mars was directly penetrated…

“Second shot, reloading begins, barrel cooling begins, second shot, full power shot.”

One hour later, the particles were reloaded, and the particle cannon fired again. Another hole in the asteroid belt…

“The maximum range is 1.3 light seconds, and the particle speed is one-tenth the speed of light. A single solar furnace has a firing rate of one shot per hour. Is it possible to assess the power of a 3,000-kilometer stone asteroid… okay? ”

“Alright?!”?? 5

Filute doesn’t care at all…

“This is all okay, so what is good!” Lasse was completely shocked by Ian’s lower limit.

“As a definitive weapon… at least it has to smash the moon with one blow. And the shooting distance is a bit close. The particles of the last close to one-third of the range are spread too severely, and it is estimated that it will be able to break the armor of ms. Forget it. At that time, extend the length of Ptolemy’s catapult, and lengthen the focusing distance. Next is the main gun test.”

Ptolemy’s whole body totaled 10 double-mounted turrets rapidly rotating, the barrels were constantly pitching, and the shooting mode was changed.

“Spinning speed 0.8 seconds to 360 degrees, pitch speed 0.2 seconds to 90 degrees, mode switching speed 0.3 seconds. Not bad. Cannon mode, shooting.” Each turret poured huge beams of particles at a speed of one shot every half a second.

“Stop fire.” Ian recorded the relevant data “Turret No. 1, strafing mode, shooting.” After a turret was charged for 1 second, a huge particle beam was fired, and then the turret rotated 90 degrees in 1 second with the muzzle. The fire ceased after being raised 90 degrees. “Fire suppression mode, shooting.” This time, each barrel was converted to a dual-mounted gn rifle, and then the particle beam was poured at a rate of 5 rounds per second for a single barrel. The group of asteroids on the opposite side as the target is gone…

“Next, Ptolemy left the rudder 90, the close defense weapon test began…”

“Missile launching system testing begins…”


“So this Ptolemy under our feet is so terrifying…” Lasse, who silently assessed Ptolemy’s combat effectiveness, swallowed.

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