ANBU: Card System In Naruto

Chapter: 2

The golden message on the interface shimmered and blinked out of existence, leaving Kaori staring at the 'Subordinate Card' with a mixture of bewilderment and confusion. Her mind reeled with the implications. A Card System that offered not just rewards but the ability to literally create people? It was both fascinating and unsettling.

She gazed at the 'Subordinate Card' with a smirk on her face. Should she use it now? Or use it after opening the remaining four cards?

With a sign, she realized that there was no way her curiosity would survive such an ordeal. Instead, she focused on the card, willing a new name to appear.


A common name that felt strangely comfortable on her tongue. As for her age... she decided to set it at the age of a Ninja Academy student who is about to graduate. The card shimmered, accepting the change,

[Subordinate Card(Tier 0):
[Name: Aiko]
[Age: 9]
[Chakra: 10]
[Physique: 10]

[Affinity: Water(Lv.0)]
[Chakra Control: 0%]
[Skills: None]

[Talent: None]
[Evaluation: A perfectly ordinary civilian.]

The dilemma gnawed at Kaoru. Aiko, this blank slate of a person she just created, represents a potential asset she could mold from the ground up. But the ethical implications were heavy. Was she playing God? Creating a life for her own benefit?

With a heavy sigh, she decided to postpone the decision. First thing first, she needs to explore the remaining cards. With a thought, she focused on the remaining cards in the 'Deck.' It shimmered, revealing the remaining four cards as well - three faint blue and one radiating scarlet glow.

She tapped on all three faint blue cards at once,

[Serpent's Bite(Light Blue): A minor affinity for poisonous ninja arts.]

[Chakra Enhancement(Light Blue): +100 Chakra points]

[Novice Swordsmen(Light Blue): Auxiliary Card for Subordinate Card
- Physique: +100
- Elementary Kenjutsu: Lv.1/5
- Kenjutsu Instinct: Minor affinity for Kenjutsu.
- Enhanced Speed: 10% increase in speed.]

Kaori stared at the three new cards hovering in the blue interface, possibilities swirled around in her head.

The 'Serpent's Bite' card was particularly interesting. As an ANBU ninja, she had some training in concocting, using, and detoxing many poisons... but she had no talent for the art. Still, it could be a valuable tool for covert operations, especially considering her focus on stealth.

The 'Chakra Enhancement' card was straightforward, an extra 100 chakra points would be an important boost for any Chunin. Especially considering that the world was about to experience a great War.

As for the 'Novice Swordsmen' card, it was specifically designed for the 'Subordinate Card.' After all, a well-trained Aiko could be an invaluable asset, a companion, or even a useful bait.

Kaori pondered her options, considering how to utilize these new cards best. She tapped on the last card, the one radiating with a scarlet glow.

She took a deep breath and focused on the violet card and the holographic image flickered to life. Unlike the others, it lacked a clear image, instead displaying a swirling vortex of shimmering red light.

[Legendary Bloodline(Red): Uzumaki
Description: Grants a descendant of the Uzumaki clan's signature traits. This includes immense chakra reserves, a strong life force, and a natural affinity for Fuinjutsu (Sealing Jutsu).
- A 500% increase in Chakra reserve.
- A 250% increase in Physique. 
- Enhanced Vitality/Life Span.
- Advanced Fuinjutsu Talent.
- One from the following: Mind's Eye of the Kagura | adamantine chains | Healing Chakra.]

Kaori's jaw dropped at the sight. A legendary bloodline card? This was an absolute game-changer. Memories resurfaced in her mind - The Uzumaki Clan, known for their fiery red hair and prodigious chakra reserve, were nearly wiped out by the other four Great Ninja Village. The few survivors were scattered, their bloodline a coveted prize.

It was thrilling, and dreadful at the same time. The near-annihilation of the Uzumaki clan wasn't only a story. The other villages coveted their powers, and any survivors were hunted down like a prized trophy... or as a Jinchuriki.

Fortunately, if she used the card, her raven black hair would offer no immediate giveaway. However, the sudden increase in chakra reserve and physical changes would be quite noticeable.

'What am I supposed to do?'

She could either use the Uzumaki card on herself, the immense chakra reserves and Fuinjutsu talent might ensure her survival in the upcoming war. Or, use it on Aiko. A young Genin wouldn't draw the same level of suspicion as an established ANBU. Aiko could be trained as an orphaned genius in the Ninja Academy.

However, Kaori would then have to invest heavily in Aiko's development. The young girl would need adequate nutrition, training, and more cards. It would be a long-term investment with a high payoff.

The decision was quite difficult. Power or safety, both were tempting options.

With a deep sigh, she focused on the Uzumaki card, then on the Chakra Enhancement card, and then on the Novice Swordsmen card. She decided to save the bloodline card for later.

With a mental command, the two cards shimmered and dissolved into a stream of light blue. The light arced across the room, bathing the 'Subordinate Card' in its glow. As quickly as it appeared, the light vanished, leaving behind a new description on the card,

[Subordinate Card(Tier 1):
[Name: Aiko]
[Age: 9]
[Chakra: 110]
[Physique: 110]

[Affinity: Water(Lv.0)]
[Chakra Control: 5%]

- Elementary Kenjutsu(Lv.1/5)]
- Kenjutsu Instinct(Light Blue)
- Enhanced Speed(10%)(Light Blue)]

[Evaluation: An ordinary Ninja Academy Student with a minor affinity for Kenjutsu. However, she lacks any formal training.]

{Use Subordinate Card(Aiko)?}


The card shimmered before turning transparent and floating back into the Deck. A steady stream of memories entered Kaori's head as Aiko's backstory was edited into the memories of a select few that give it credibility. A couple of ANBU. A pair of Teachers. A dozen or so students. The Matron of the Orphanage. Uchiha records. And of course, the Hokage.

Aiko is the orphan of a pair of KIA Chunin. Orphaned at 5, joined the academy at 7, has above-average chakra, and is talented in the art of Kenjutsu. No prospect of having a Jonin sensei when she graduates at 11 and is marked for the Genin corps.

'Seems plausible enough.'

Relief washed over Kaori as the final memories settled into place. Aiko's fabricated past being woven into the minds of those who needed to know was unsettling, but it was useful at least. Now Aiko existed within Konoha's record system, a slightly talented(?) orphan with a future in the Genin Corps.

Now that was done, her thoughts turned to the remaining cards in the deck - the 'Serpent's Bite' and the 'Tranquility' card. While she was tempted to use it on herself, she knew it would be better to use it on Aiko. Perhaps once she had more cards in her deck, she could use some on herself as well.

She tried to sit up straight but winced and decided against doing so again, perhaps she ought to get some sleep, after all, she would need to heal up before she could explore the rest of the system's features.

She would, of course, power herself up with those cards but then again, she had yet to get used to her own body. Burdening herself with extra power would only make it harder to adapt.

As she drifted off into a restless sleep, Kaori couldn't help but wonder what would happen if she simply retired right then... well, not like she couldn't! Even though she was just a Chunin, her savings were enough to set up a shop in the commercial district of the village. But then again, the Kyūbi would simply smash her shop down so that was a big no-no. 

A gentle knock on the door startled her out of her sleep,

"Come in,"

She croaked her voice still hoarse.

The door creaked open, revealing a familiar face - the Iryō-nin who had checked up on her earlier,

"Feeling any better?"

The woman inquired with a warm smile.

Kaori nodded hesitantly, her mind buzzing with the events that had just transpired.

"Yes, much better, thank you."

The Iryō-nin bustled around the room, checking her vitals and changing bandages.

"The Hokage wants to see you as soon as you're up to it. He'll want a debriefing on your mission."

Kaori's stomach clenched. She had yet to debrief the Hokage of the slaughter that was her last mission. Her entire squad of six other Chunin and a special Jonin died while she survived... luck was a strange mistress.

She forced a weak smile as the Iryō-nin bustled about the room. The woman nodded, her expression was slightly sympathetic.

"Just take your time, dear. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

With that, the Iryō-nin finished her tasks and left the room, leaving Kaori alone with her thoughts once again. She sighed, slumping back against the pillow. 

A sudden knock on the door startled her. It was a masked ANBU, and this time, the knock didn't come from the door, instead, it came from the window,

"On account of your injuries, Hokage-sama will come here personally for the debriefing. Equip your gears and meet him in Ward 301."

The ANBU informed her, his voice emotionless.


Kaori answered, her throat still tight. The messenger nodded and vanished as silently as he had appeared.

Taking a deep breath, Kaori forced herself out of the bed. The bandages felt stiff, but the throbbing pain subsided to a dull ache once she used Chakra to plug the wound. She found her uniform stuffed in the bedside drawer, a black ANBU uniform, and got dressed quickly. She glanced at the porcelain masks resting at the bottom of the drawer and chuckled,

'Suzume? Really?'

The mask was a replica of a sparrow, so naturally, her nickname was Sparrow or rather 'Suzume.' 

With a sigh, she put on the mask. Nicknames could wait. First, she would have to face the Hokage and recount the horrors her predecessor had witnessed. Adjusting her mask one last time, she took a deep breath and steeled herself to meet the most powerful person in the whole village. 

Suddenly, the gentle knock on the door returned, jolting her out of her daydream,

"It's the Hokage,"

A voice announced. Taking a deep breath, she steadied her nerves and sat back down on her bed. 

"Come in."

The door creaked open, revealing the wizened figure of the Hokage. At least he was still younger than when the series first began. He approached her bedside chair with a heavy sigh, his red cloak billowing behind him,

"Kaori Hanada,"

He began with her full name, his voice low and gravelly.

"Are you well enough to talk?"

Kaori hesitated for a tenth of a second before answering,

"Yes, Lord Third."

Kaori could sense a shift in the air, there were at least three more people inside the ward. All ANBU. One sticking to the ceiling, one next to the window, and one directly behind the Hokage.

The Hokage scanned the room before his gaze settled on her,

"I received the preliminary reports from the ANBU. It's... troubling news, to say the least."

His voice dropped down a degree and he sank his head, hiding his keen eyes beneath his hat,

"You are the sole survivor?"

Kaori waited for a moment, memories of the event resurfacing before her eyes,

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

She winced and sank back into the thin cot.

The Hokage's eyes narrowed,

"Tell me everything,"

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