Angel Fall

Chapter 5: Goodbyes

She spent the rest of the night wandering back and forth between different groups that were hostile to her cause, changing minds and spreading joy wherever she went. Some were resistant, of course, but no could stand against the tide of lust that she’d unleashed. 

Though some claimed they were unhappy because of this turn of events, she didn’t believe them. Waiting here at the top of the world in silence and purity for the end of days was foolhardy, and she told them as much. 

“The world will burn, don’t you see?” she cried out when a large enough assembly had gathered to preach to them. “The demons are massing, and without our aid, heaven will not be able to hold them back!”

Laurelai laid out her vision and what needed to happen next, but not everyone believed her. There were many naysayers who argued she’d corrupted the flock, but by this point, they were far too outnumbered by those who had been won over to her position by one overwhelming orgasm after another. 

She quite literally owned the hearts and minds of the order now. That she did it through underhanded sexual magics that a mere mortal would be unlikely to resist, she only felt a little guilty about. They would be fruitful, and they would multiply, and that was all that mattered, that and time. 

After spending all the hours until dawn arguing and convincing the people of the Manchian Order, she returned to her cave to nurse her daughter and spend the dark hours of the night with Lilliamma. Both were joys, but in different ways. It was a wonder to see little hope and spend time with her, but once she was put to bed and swaddled in furs, Laurelai spent the rest of the evening in a tangle of limbs with her demoness lover.

The two of them did slick, sinful things in the dark, but Laurelai was no longer ashamed of the pleasure she found there, not when the demoness stroked her wings as she came or even toyed with the angel's clit with her own sinuous tail while Laurelai tried to tell her about all she’d done in the last few hours. 

By the end of it, Laurelai was exhausted, both from the exertion as well as from the way the succubus drained her life force a little with every orgasm, and the two of them lay there in a tangle of limbs. It was only then, in that small, quiet moment, that Laurelai asked, “Can hope drink the milk of a demoness?”

“Why shouldn’t they be able to?” Lilliamma asked. 

“Well, she’s only half demons, so—” Laurelai started to explain, but she was cut off by the quiet, musical laugh of the dark-haired succubus. 

“They’re only half angel and yet your milks seems to agree with them,” Lilliamma said gently, “They’ll be fine. Truthfully the better question is why you trust them with me, a demon deep from within the pits.”

“Should I not?” Laureli asked. “You sworn and are no ally of Lord Bel, plus I’ve gifted you with a lusty order to feed upon in my absence. Should you avoid killing them than you will have all the food you will ever need.”

“Yes, but to what end?” Lilliamma asked. 

“Why? To defeat hell and rule over the pit,” Laurelai smiled. “That’s the only way I can ever truly guarantee the safety of creation.”

“It seems like an unlikely goal,” Lilliamma said, pursing her lips. “Stronger women than you have tried, including me, once upon a time.”

“Oh? That sounds like an interesting story,” Laureli answered, perking up.

“It is, and maybe I will tell you pieces of it when the time is right. For now, I’d rather hear about your plan,” the demoness smoothly deflected the question. 

Laurali couldn’t really be upset by that. Not when she was so content laying there on the intoxicating woman while the succubus casually toyed with her nipple. They chatted long into the morning about what would happen next, and it was only then that they slept, curled in each other wings. 

The two of them couldn’t have been any more opposite, and somehow, in all the places the angel had been since all of this had happened to her, this was the only place where she found real peace. When they woke, they had a hearty breakfast, and Laurelai spent the rest of the day with her child, trying not to think about how much she’d miss her. It was only then that everything was in preparation, and she set off for the holy city under the cover of night. 

If she’d had her way, she would never have left. She would have stayed with hope until the last day of her life. Unfortunately, the needs of creation didn’t allow for such sentimentality. 

The monastery wasn’t ideal for her, of course, but it was good enough. Over time, she could mold and bend the remaining holdouts and build a tiny paradise, but neither the high walls nor the even higher mountains they sat upon could keep out the the world out forever. Hell would come for them, along with everyone else. 

I just hope the magics that hide the order from the world are just as effective against the infernal as they are against the angelic magics, Laurelai thought. She knew that they were, of course, but she also knew that Lord Bel would be looking for his child, and she needed to be as careful as she could. 

So, she soared down from the roof of the world in slow, lazy spirals that let her study the way the ice-capped peaks twinkled under the starlight. Once upon a time, this had been the only joy that she was allowed to know. It had not grown dimmer now that her body danced with lust, and she enjoyed the ever-changing view as she glided along. 

That first day she slept alone in a cave just after dawn. She would not sleep alone again until she reached Chararhis. Later that day she found a man working alone as he harvest wheat to feed his family. She descended as a goddess at let him plow her field for over an hour instead before she took flight once more. 

He was hardly the first detour she made along the way. Even if she flew in a straight line, the holy city was still more than a week away. So, she dawdled. Laurelai avoided the biggest cities in her path, but she stopped in a village or an isolated farmstead nearly every day. 

She gave away her blessings freely, healing the sick and preaching the words of the righteous. By night, though, she was ravished by men or ravished women herself with the new spell she’d learned so recently. Sometimes it was a small orgy in a logging camp, far from civilization, and other times she would descend into a simple village and give those women who were childless a gift that no one else could. 

This wasn’t simply generosity, of course. The energy revitalized her for the long trip ahead, and more than that, she craved it. There was simply nothing like breeding a farmer's wife and grown daughter after the man had fucked her so hard and so often that he’d passed out from the strain. It restored balance to the world as far as she was concerned. 

Each time she did this, there was a chance that someone's prayer might lead another angel to her, of course. However, she traveled quickly, moving from one place to another unpredictably, so unless they knew where she was going, it would have been hard to catch her, and she told no one that. 

It was a wonderful trip, and Laurelai would have been happy to spend the rest of her life wandering the world and making it a better place. That would have to wait until she’d accomplished her plans and defeated the lords of hell. 

It was only when she knew the holy city was just over the horizon that she landed and put away her wings. For this, at least, she did not need a succubus-style illusion to make them look like they were gone; she simply concentrated and made them fold away until they were all but gone. 

This was an old angelic trick that was used when the needs of heaven required them to walk among mortals for a time and pretend to belong. Angels never enjoyed it, though, for it dimmed their light, and it weakened them. 

Still, in this case, it was unavoidable. Though she would have to use glamors to disguise herself and downplay her appearance, she wanted to minimize the use of infernal magic around those who were most equipped to detect it. 

So, standing in the woods, not so far from the main road, she wove a series of minor spells that made her look like she had more modest proportions, a plainer face, and darker hair. Only then did she walk to the main road and start heading toward the city. 

Along the way, she met a farmer bringing his crop to market who was more than happy to donate a wool cloak to her cause for a quick roll in the hay. She spent the night near the campfire of a merchant caravan whose members were practically licking their lips to use her. She might have allowed it too if they’d been heading away from Cahrarhis rather than toward it. 

After all, not only would the pleasures of the flesh warm her more than the embers she slept beside, but she could not have tawdry rumors follow her into the city, and a gangbang involving two dozen people was certainly the sort of thing that people would talk about. 

So, instead of inspiring their lusts as she usually did, she wove a spell that made them all impotent for a single night. This was the best case. After all, if one of them assaulted her while she was sleeping, she certainly wasn’t inclined to resist them. 

The night passed uneventfully, and the only men who assaulted her were in her dreams. 

In the morning, she continued on without them, and just after noon, she finally saw the place she sought. From here, she could see the grand Cathedral of the Righteous Mother and several other holy sites. She could also see more people at once coming in and out of the main gate than she had in a century. It was overwhelming, but she moved past that dizzying feeling. She had to. There was work to be done.

Author's Note: I don't currently have a Patreon, but if you like my stories, consider supporting me by buying one of my books at smashwords. Someday I will make a nice, edited copy of Angelfall, but sadly, I haven't gotten around to this yet. Still, all the books that have new shiny covers have been recently edited to make them as polished as possible. So, if any of them seem interesting to you, give it a shot!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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