Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor


hi, au... no, let's change it...

Hi, how are you doing? Nemesis here, I'm... doing...

fine... somewhat...

fine... well...


whatever... what I have for you today is just me letting loose a bit... just a bit... not enough space... nor time... left you a warning tho...(for those that can't stomach it) what else, what else.

mmm... no poll today...

that about it...

...!!!!...H...o...HOoooo! wait...wait Wait WAIT WAIT!! there is something else! something important! you see... no... I will tell you at the end.

I'll leave you to your read, and... enjoy!




I stood there for a few seconds trying to analyze and understand what I was looking at, now with the dim afternoon general light on the outside plus the light balls from light magic. I could make out that my previous definition of the "armored skeleton" was really incorrect because it wasn't a skeleton at all...

I guess I should explain a few things first...

so when I found this "skeleton" I was inside of the cave. there was nothing more of interest inside aside from the cave itself that... well I can't take with me but I left a map mark inside of it to be able to come back later, so back to the "skeleton" I just threw it into my inventory and conveniently it was considered one single object so it only takes a single slot. I kind of have the feeling that sis might have something to do with it.

but in any case, after that, we went outside and I sent the 5 guys into their new prison each with a wooden chair in a 2 m^2 cell inside my [internal dimension] but this time there was no stimulation while doing it... so I ether now have a resistance to that which needs to be tested (and I kind of doubt it), or it has to be with my preferences for women which becomes a selective kind of sensitivity meaning that I can subconsciously and most likely consciously suppress sensations on my body which... It kind of make's sense... given that I am part armor and I would not like to feel the pain of been cut but it also means that it would depend on what the sensation came from... it correlates with the burning pain I felt a while ago, but that can be associated to that sword enchantment... this is getting complicated...

I have selective body sensations and that's that.

O by the way Grace after getting out of the cave started to patrol the area while Luna was silently beside me helping.

ok, back to the "skeleton" that is it more like a partially disassembled humanoid articulated and armored frame for most likely an automated soldier or worker, most likely a golem, why a golem? well... I am in a fantasy world... and there are some structures in the rib cage area that makes me speculate that there is some sort of core in the middle like... again... a golem... as for the partially disassembled part of my description, only the left arm has armor, the other is kind of "bare-bones" and it is really similar to the human structure but more simplified... it is just tubes to make the extremities and some joints. it is all in what appears to be brass with steel reinforcement... the rest of the body is pretty similar following the human general structure, nothing more to add... the armored part, however... after removing the armor plating I found that underneath there, its empty...

so you have the armor, then an air gap, then there is the "bone structure" or frame... I imagine that it moves with some sort of magic imbued into the core...

ok... time to use [investigation] on this ting, and... to clarify (if you haven't figured out) [investigation] is the advanced and more complex version of [appraisal] while appraisal allows knowing what something is and... it allows you to know what it is and it's stats and skills and titles, basically my status screen.

so... while [investigation] causes me a headache each time I fully use it, it grants more information like for example the full blueprint of a thing that I used it on, which grants me knowledge about pretty much anything.

so after a quick full usage, I get its "name" or more like the type of thing it is.

mechanized armored Soldat status: disassembled/damaged
Type: artificial Golem Core status: null/missing
Core integrity: null Mara reserve: 0/0
Frame integrity: 13% Mana gen.: 0/0
armor integrity: 15%  

...ugh... my head... just to be clear... what hurts is the sudden information dump into my mind... that hurts.

now... I got nothing that I didn't consider beforehand, I also got the [golem creation] skill, and it is more like a complement to [magitec engineer] skill and as that enters within [production master] I already have it, but not the knowledge per say...

and to inform you in the workings of the golems... A golem is a core that took control of its surrounding ground, so these guys are the dirt, stone, and metal golems it can be both artificially created or spawned within a high concentration of mana, and in terms of intelligence and following orders...

-they are really fuking stupid (system)

an artificial golem is one that is made, but instead of been left in the ground to form its own body... this one has a covered core and a given chassis pretty much like the one I have in front of me, these are by far more intelligent.

-but they still need specific orders, just... less specific (system)

lastly, there is the automata or automaton, and as you would have guessed no one has been able to make one, why...? because they are fuking idiots and it correlates on the why the previous golem types are stupid.

you see a golem is... mmm what could be a good analogy... mmm... Ha! a quadcopter drone!

you see, a quadcopter drone has a battery, flight control chip, motor control chip, and motors, all of it is controlled by a simple processor for extra features and it all is inside the frame.

now... a golem there has its core, and generated body or frame, and on the other hand, an artificial golem has its encased core and built chassis.

see what I am referring to? in the quadcopter every system has its associated independent control that is enslaved to another more powerful control unit connected to an independent power source, in the golems tho? it all is core: the power source, control unit, energy generation, power storage, motor unit, etc, etc.

the sole reason that an artificial golem has more intellect than a normal golem is that it doesn't have to worry about using energy in maintaining the body/chassis meaning that it has more available power thanks to why is an automata impossible in this configuration? well because an automata has way more power and energy requirements than a single core is capable to provide, even if you use a SS rank core or magic crystal like the one the goblin king gave me it would be impossible, but the people in this world are kind of idiots and think: oga buga if small core is not enough use bigger core oga buga...

...sorry a little childish.

-this information was brought to you by me (system)


well... continuing... the hot plate magic device was also thoroughly examined which got me the [mana circuit creation] 1it uses user knowledge plus affinities to create the desired cicuit skill, skill which is also a complement to the [magitec engineer] skill, the device works as you would spect it uses magic stone as its fuel source fuel that passes through a carved circuit that then executes the required action.

with all that done, I checked the content of the boxes which aside from different metals some have different damaged golem parts some others have various amounts of small magic stones, some others had even more construction materials just smaller, lastly, the rest contained vials of different compounds ranging from cure potions, poisons, chemicals concoctions, different acids all of which will come really handy in the near future.

and so with all that done, I decided it was time to continue forward to then find a safer place to camp out.

but before that...

I hit the cave entrance hard enough with my armored fist to cause a crack, then I kept going in all the roof of the cave until it was about to collapse only supported by the really fragile support beams to which I placed a small string that will yank it when it gets disturbed, yup I made a falling rocks type trap I am pretty sure that those guys in the city will get info on which direction we headed to, meaning that they probably... will come here, and maybe will get crushed by the rocks... mmm if they are looking for us they must have tracking abilities so...


they will find the trap...


what to do... what to do...

mmm... the fire affinity has an explosion element to wouldn't be that powerful of a boom, but it should do the trick... so if I carve it up into a stone as a circuit then give it power... then it will need a trigger... which could be... light... yea a light sensor explosive trap, that should work, but just to be safe add a delay to the activation.

I expect a long-range communication device, but not this type of explosive trap, then I just simply made the trap carving the necessary circuit into a rock with a hot magical flame coming out of my finger and then placed a magic stone from a wolf into it, set it up beside the support beam, and exit the cave once more.

why put a trap you ask? simple, to both delay the guys that are following us and to piss off the one that bought Luna.

I called Grace over and we three moved forward following the road.

an hour after we continued forward, the group on the city started heading this way and I decided it was a good time to prepare the camp.

this time we have a proper 5 people tent which we set up without much of a complication, then we prepared a simple campfire to give light and heat during the night, then we all sat down beside one another and around the fire, and I distributed plate a salad with some bite-size pieces of meat beside it.

once we finished I told Luna to go have a rest, she appeared reluctant and fidgety at first but after some head pats she calmed down and entered the tent, I then went beside Grace who was also a bit fidgety at my proximity... we all know why that is...

-keep an eye out for anything, I have something to do if you need me just call my name (Blake)

then I touched her shoulder and merged with her armor surprising her and making her jump, I wish you could have seen her face it was interesting, add to that the little toy in her.

but in any case, I did this in order to change my perspective to my [internal dimension] and if you are wondering if I left them by themselves there, I actually kept a perspective on Grace's armor.

having changed my perspective to my dimension's avatar I went straight to the three girls in order to see their healing progress...

...what? did you really think that I would leave them like that with all of those body and skin defects that pretty much all women try to hide? nope, I am not that type of individual, it also helps to get more proficient with my [body repair/replace] skill which is now at level 4 thanks to all that.

so after confirming the progress which is pretty much perfect already, they no longer have the scars or the bone defects and anything else that was damage to their body has also been completed, and I have to comment on how it's done, it is... impressive to say the least, the external wounds are treated by the liquid that is in the pod you can actually see how they get smaller and smaller, for the bone fractures an appendage wich had a needle in the tip which was actually a tunnel pierced their skin in the right place to break and reposition everything into the right place wich was actually automatic, then the same liquid that healed the exterior was applied, in hindsight, it is kind of a type of mother cells, I bet medics would love to get a hold of me.

actually, now that I am looking at them I am getting the urge to fuck them they are cuter than what they initially appeared to be, but if I do that they will become nothing more than toys to get fucked whenever I want, which don't get me wrong it would be awesome, but I think I got a better idea... but first I will wait until they are 100% healed, so in the meantime, I have some "guest" to entertain...

with that said and done, I went out of my experiment area and headed to my other space that was partially constructed but it still had 6 cells, more than enough for the number that I have.

so?, what I am about to do you might ask?

well... try a few of my skills... maybe get some info on who is the one that bought Luna...among other things like trying some knowledge that I have always been curious about.

and just so you know I don't want to permanently damage my girls if I have to use my skills on them, to that end I went through all the trouble to keep these guys alive, I have already experimented by first stopping the bleeding on the guy that Grace cut the arm, and I have partially fixed the legs on the guy that luna partially incinerated, but just enough to give him back the capability to feel what I am about to do.

and what is that you might ask? well, you'll see...


I could hear some profanities coming from some of the cells most likely from the bandits.

Ho... before I forget I have the cells in a line, and in the first are the bandits, followed by the other two non-bandits, followed by the guy with the sword, and right beside each gate there is a tray with some tools I made out of my hard membrane which I must add after a bit of fooling around with it I became quite proficient on its creation, I also found a few interesting properties like for example it's strength aside from been linked to my defense it possesses mechanical properties similar to steel or rubber, but it has way less durability, but it still depends on what I need it for.

so I get in front of the door of the first cell and take the tray inside leaving it on a table I left beside the door on the inside, and just so you know the layout it is just 3 solid walls, the ceiling, the floor, and the wall which has a looked iron reinforced door on it there is a wooden chair in the middle of the room facing the wall with the door and on the back wall there is a hanging wood slab that works as a bed.

When I was leaving the tray on the table, the guy that I have been ignoring started getting closer to me speaking something along the lines of:

- finally, some entertainment, the people that have me captured must know for who I work for, thank you for giving me such entertainment-

he then proceeded to try to grab my butt and breast, of course, I can't leave such filth to touch my body, he doesn't even smell nice like Luna or Grace do when they are excited, so before he could touch me I backspin kick him sending him staggering into the chair that by the way is secured to the floor.

he literally ragdolled into the chair, I then grabbed both his arms and tied them armrests with a rope that I brought with the tray, while I made some appendages appear from the floor and that graved his legs securing him into the chair.

-Bitch! do you know for who I work for!? you be...! (bandit)

I interrupted him while walking to his front

-I don't, that's why, you, are going to tell me, and if you don', bad things are going to happen, first question, and an easy one at that, who do you work for? (Blake) wouldn't dare hurting me (bandit)

-answer the question (Blake)

*creck* was the sound of his left hand's pinky finger

-haaaaaa!!!! you bitch! (bandit)

...surprisingly resistant...

-who is your boss? (Blake)

I said in a monotone voice

-bitch!! fuck! you! (bandit)


he spat at me, of course, I evaded it, then proceeded to punch his face left and right multiple times.

-again, who is your boss? it isn't a hard question to answer (Blake)

he was taking too long so I punched him in his guts

-c..c..captan r..ruvien (bandit)

I closed my eyes and stood up straight

-thank you, was it so hard? (Blake)

-f..fuck you...bitch (bandit)

he looked up at my face

I just opened one of my eyes in full bright red color with a bit of bioluminescence here and there.


-HAaaaaa!! (bandit)

-there goes another finger... (Blake)

-b..bit..bitc... uf...(Bandit)

after another punch to the face, I asked my next question

-next question then: was this captain Ruvien with you in that cave? did he have an enchanted sword? (Blake)


-see? it isn't so hard to give me a proper answer, next for who does this captan work for? (Blake)

-i...i..don't... know (Bandit)

-really now? (Blake)

I moved to my tray and spiked up an ingot shaped piece of iron that must weigh about 5 to 7 kg, then I covered made a structure tho hod into it from my membrane and then gave it a handle with as much strength as I could, I basically made a rudimentary sledgehammer which I preceded to rest on my shoulder.

-then... what were, you, bandits doing there? (Blake)

-i..don't know (Bandit)

-you don't know... then why were you! there! (Blake)

I said while hitting one of his legs with my hammer breaking his bone and giving him a most likely compound fracture.

-Haaaaa!!! you...! fuking...! bitch!! (Bandit)

-answer my question (Blake)

-F..f...Fuck... (Bandit)

-yes? (Blake)

-..Fuck...FUCK YOU!! hhuffg (Bandit)

I threw my hammer into his stomach

-I are resilient I'll give you that... but your usefulness just hit an all down low, so make yourself useful and be my test subject! (Blake)

I finally decided to try other of my skills given that this guy is just an idiot that wants to be tested on, so I complied graving his head with both my hands leaving his ears open.

he was looking at me with eyes full of hatred and some fear as well, then he saw that my arms were moving in weird places to then see that tentacle appendages had appeared and were heading for his head and wouldn't you know it he started to really struggle now, but what's inevitable can only be delayed and the appendages entered his hears perforating his eardrums and entering through were his ear nerves went which when I did, I noticed a sort of connection to them.

then my appendage reached his brain, and I started playing around first looking for the optical nerves just to see if I could connect to them like apparently did with the ear neves.

and when I did, it was an odd sensation... I suppose it is because I still have low level, but I just see silhouettes, but this is enough for now, then I started to mangle into his brain and I could see his face was distorted with weird faces as I moved around, don't care what happens to him after all, and in my wiggling around while remembering the brain structure I read from a book in my hospital bed I found what would be the information center and started to connect to all places to see if I could see his memories.

*knock knock*


-enter... (???)

the butler after receiving permission entered his master's office

-I bring a report of recent long-range communication of the spies, they have found a matching description of the lost package, it appears to be accompanied by two more individuals both rank C adventurers, both unknown, they appear to have gone in the direction of captain Ruvien's "work area", they have informed that they will rendezvous with them and ask for information about the package and if they have it or if it is close... retrieve it. (Banks)

-good... anything bout the thing the captain was ordered to work on? (???)

-yes milord, he has recently informed that the progress of the three is near completion, the first has been completed, the second is near completion and the third is still resisting but it should be ready by the end of the week, there is a document on your desk about it. (Banks)

-good... finally some good news...haa... I need a drink...(???)

-some tea and biscuits or some wine sir? (Banks)

-wine... 15 years... (???)

- certainly (Banks)

then the butler left the office and gave a long sigh.

you done?

good, now... first the formalities:

I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspelling please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment I will take a look at it and I most probably will contact you to discuss how to implement it

now into what I kind of sent me into overdrive the other day (really, no jokes here) first sadly some heavy stuff is happening with a familiar, so... delays... yay...!

ok with that out of the way into the second thing... and as I don't have a template for this, I...

ok best to say it...

thanks to... mmm here says: Lol... ok so.

Thanks to the user named: Lol for the Coffee and support the other day... you singlehandedly brightened my day ♥...I... really appreciate it...thanks...


now I have to prepare some stuff for a shitty day tomorrow... see ya next chapter... or in the comments... will see.



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