Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor


Hi, author here... nothing much to say... continuation from last chapter... bit late I know...
I blame the technical difficulties

/pov 3rd person/
with the sun coming up over the horizon the soldier do their job diligently
-nothing found sir! (soldier 1)
screamed a soldier looking guard to another one that had some more armor here and there he clearly was higher in rank
-ok! clear to proceed! NEXT!!! (soldier 2)
so in came a wagon with a single female driver, no passengers, and what appeared to be some small-time cargo
-alright that's far enough!... documents and purpose? (soldier)
after some moments the female driver handed over an adventurers card
-I'm here to get supplies
-alright, corporal! (soldier 2)
-sir! (soldier 1)
-miss Blake here needs that you inspect her wagon so... (soldier 2)
at that moment a third soldier came running and screaming
-Sir!!! incoming message!! (soldier 3)
this soldier gave his superior what looked like a small crystal ball that emanated magic
-let's hear it... how many?! understood! orders?! (soldier 2)
he stood there for a few seconds before turning to the line of carts
-alright, we have an emergency situation every one remain calm and get inside the city gates you will get inspected inside so as to protect you all!! here you go, mam, you are clear to proceed. (soldier 2)

/pov change/
ok, that was easier than expected... and it felt awfully weird, weirder than the first time I was called mistress by Luna... but... I chose to have a female form as a base so... that one is on me... so time to look for a place to stay and...
that's interesting... I've been monitoring those contacts for a while now and I just noticed a small detachment not bigger than 5 moving faster in this direction... why?... now that I think about it how many are there?
-sis a little help?
- give me a moment... there are just under 50k not enough to destroy this city but it should be enough to cause some damage.
mmm *looks at map*... yup they should be here by Noon... but the group of 5 should get here earlier...
I need a watch... later.
better find somewhere to stay and leave the wagon

/time skip/
I have to hand it to the guards of this city, while I was exploring and getting to know the layout they have done a pretty good job securing the perimeter they no longer let anyone go out but still take people in... as for defenses I can see archers are on the walls and towers, some ballista, and some trebuchet with multiple small rocks... but there is something missing...
Romina promised me gunpowder guns... so... WERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?!!... wait, her message said "in the process of making guns" *sigh*... and I remember that this is a magic-oriented country... and well there are a lot of what appear to be combat mages on their walls, no airships tho... but their staff are weird.
sadly I haven't been able to kidnap anyone of them to get answers... I did get into one of the armories to see their equipment nothing really out of the ordinary: normal steel swords... steel arrowheads, bows, crossbows, crossbow bolts... well there was something interesting and that was their armor, why you may ask? well, that's because it isn't iron or steel, too light for that, it can't be mithril that while it has the lightness and toughness necessary to be used as armor it's hella expensive I mean just the equivalent of one gram is about a ten thousand dollars, and that's just the raw material now think about how hard it is to process by hammer with a normal blacksmith (you need love 2000C)... if only they knew that they only need a little bit of fire magic infused into it while hammering it ... but that's a talk for another time.
now, what material might this be? to find out I borrowed a few sets and started making some hypotheses while I was there, yes I know I can just use investigation on it, but where is the fun in that? I also have some time to burn so... why not?
I have two ideas of what it could be... so... to find out and make some mischief along the way I tried setting one on fire, over 700 Cº to be accurate, the result?
just a puddle of hot liquid metal.
this tells me that it is aluminum... if it would have burned then it would have been titanium which would have been awesome...*sigh*... also I get why they would want the lightness for their armor but... it isn't that good... but how did they get it? I think...
ups, I have to go now guards are coming they can enjoy the molten metal burned floor tho it's not like I'm going to leave some perfectly good metal here right?.

/time skip/
I climbed up a tree more or less in what would be the noble district... why? because right here is exactly the best place to look outside the walls without entering that fortress of security that is the castle... I could probably get inside without problems but I have no need to do so... besides I have my little "sniper nest" made just like my mother taught me, a nice platform, foliage covering all angles, and a destruction mechanism for evidence disposal 
now you might also be wondering why did I enter that armory? well, I actually went because I wanted to know their plans... see how their military worked... I found that Luna is on their wanted list... so was Grace... no surprise there (I said "was" because it's only on their archives not as an active warrant) I also found a list of all the nobles that are in the city and their close aides and I found the name:
"Banks"... bingo! but neither he nor his master are in the city, and to top it off the master's name is redacted, great, I did get this city address tho.
*sigh* I better focus on the problem at hand and that is that there is a massive army of ~around 50k...
undead... that's marching to this city in a clear formation if you look at it from the top but completely disorganized from the front.
I can see through my tripod-mounted scope: goblin corpses and goblin skeletons... human zombies and again skeletons, ghouls... different types of animals even what I believe is the skeleton of some orks (can't confirm).
so why would the necromancer send (at least to me) a distraction army to infiltrate those other 5? that I believe must be more powerful stealth-oriented undead... only one way to find out... and that is to find him...
now, under many of the stories, necromancers can move their "units" over long distances and have them be independent and whatnot, it doesn't work that way here... not entirely... let me elaborate: any and all summon/contract/resurrect/etc. skills work on the same principle with some variations.
for example, my "minions" skill and the necromancy "rise undead" both allow to summon or create their respective entities, this entity then becomes independent of the user but connected to it so that they can follow orders and receive energy in the form of mana. now, here is the interesting part the entity generates more than enough energy to move and complete the task that it can be assigned to and some simple advanced movements, but... if the created entity possesses an active skill this skill normally will consume more energy than it's available for the entity hence it will request energy from its master, and the amount of energy is fixed for the skill but will exponentially increase depending on the distance, and believe me it gets costly real fast.
however, you can overcome this limitation with something like a "domain" or significantly reduce it by maintaining a relative line of sight... (consider it as a radio transmission and a laser transmission you need to use more energy for radio as you send a "pulse" in all directions then send the energy in the general direction of your entity as opposed to sending the 100% of the power to your target) and with this, in mind, I actually got the idea of using a sort of relay system where I send one of my minions into the air and this one keeps line of sight with me and any other minions I might have on the surroundings (it's more expensive but it works like a charm(it also works because it is designed to work that way, so it might not be applicable in all situations))... there is also the usage of something to act as a "catalyst" but that depends on the user.
-*sigh* I got sidetracked... now... where would I be...*looks around* if I had to both maintain visual with my army while maintaining the power expenditure to a minimum and be safe from my enemy counterattacks...
nothing there... those trees over there give a nice place but I think it would be too close and... I don't see anything... continuing on to the next section of forest... mmm?
is that...?
yup, that's cut rock... some type of tower perhaps? looks pretty old even from here... but... it's pretty defendable... it should have some good visuals to the expected battlefield... and looks hidden enough even from here is hard to notice... tho the castle does have a surprisingly high tower (a mage tower perhaps?... worth raiding later)... but that structure is heavily covered in vegetation... and somehow... it calls me...
it's decided I'll go there.
but first, I have to get out of the city this is easy thanks to having both Luna and Grace inside of me so I can move freely bu...t... I can't thanks to the exit block to keep the citizens protected... and the high amount of guards posted on the walls mmm... normally in these kinds of situations things like the guilds make an emergency quest right? mmm, that could work in my favor... in the guild's eyes Luna, Grace, and I are on a nameless party so we all would get the bonus on the achievements towards moving to the next rank... tho I don't know how would they keep track of it... I Inspected the card thoroughly and it doesn't have anything aside from the data about the owner...
for now, I'll go to the guild's building and see.

also, I should check on both of them... ok let's see... Grace is... still passed out... did I went too hard on her? maybe... but overall she is fine sleeping peacefully on her bed. now as for Luna...


I'm happy that she likes that full-body pillow that I made for her she is hugging it while rolling on the bed from one side to the other.
... what?

she made an emotional attachment to me... to be more specific to my human form and now she can't sleep without me by her side it's honestly rather cute (that and the fact that she gets that feeling of safeness only when a human instance is close, not when she has me as her armor so I made that pillow have the same scent and hight that my body has and she seems rather happy)

/time skip/

as I was just getting to the guild... it was closed... and not only that soon after a pretty girl in receptionist clothing and a man in a more formal attire (surprisingly not fat) and relatively fit came out and in a nutshell, the girl presented the guy as the guild master before he said that the adventurers just received the emergency request from the empire, that said basically to make time for the airship to come back wich would take about 2 days... and any volunteer adventurer would receive 500 dollars as a baseline and it would increase depending on the amount of contribution... still how would they know the contribution of an individual? well, they have a machine that it's like a press where you put your card and a magic circuit is pressed on a disposable wooden add-on similar to that of the communicator i "found" some days ago when I blew up that cave.

I'm guessing it connects to a "server" of sorts... quite ingenious kuz after everything is done you just snap it off and it bricks itself.

funny thing is... that after I got it and examined it I found that the carrier signal they are using isn't encrypted... so they can't complain if I just... make it seem as if I'm making a contribution while I go and see who the mastermind is, right? I mean after I craked that com device this is easy.

let's add both Luna and Grace to it while I'm at it because neither of the two will be here and I kind of went a little overboard with Grace

-those that have already received their marker go to the east gate and present it to the soldiers once outside help set up defenses (guild official)

well... time to move, by now that horde of undead should be close enough to disappear unnoticed... I should probably call luna after I get out. I have a feeling that I'll need her help...

/time skip/

I feel kind of stupid... I went with all that trouble with the guild even though it was rather easy... I mean for starters i... I'm...was... how do I say it...?

I was human but... became... I'm now a polymorphic entity with no defined true form but I chose to be human because... I feel the most comfortable?... it was a good idea a the time?... I even have the "humanization" skill but it's really not worth it... whatever that's a waste of an opportunity...

anyhow... it turns out that that structure I saw is an old decaying church... in the middle of... what used to be a village... or small city that's now all in ruins and covered in plants...

you can't really see where would the building have been that's how thick the vegetation is...

but you can make out some of the foundations.

however, that's not what's interesting... what's interesting is the "exclusion" zone made by some rather stealthy undead that are surrounding this place, and as you know... when a zone like those appears somewhere its because there is something important... and in this case, that important something is two girls that are about to climb what's left of the stone stairs that lead toward the entrance of the church

the two of them are rather interesting in off themselves... the little one that let's call her "S"... I don't think must be more than 1,5 m and a little flat (by some standards)... appears to have flowy purple...?( i can't really see from where I am) hair with small twintails, A black frilled dress with... purple details... she looks cute but I can assure you the pressure of power and experience that it's coming from her... it's something.

the big one that I'll refer to as "B"... she's... tall she's gotta be around 2meters give or take aside from the fact that she is carrying "S" on her shoulder like a little kid... I can she has... horns...? folded wings... and a tail... wearing a lightish... blue mid-thigh dress with... short detached sleeves... mmm need to get a closer look...

-you're not thinking on causing any problem, are you? (???)

ugh... it smells horrible... ñhe as good time as any... I then jumped off the tree I was landing gracefully on the grass and then ran toward the church's roof to get a better view

-no wait! ... at least... let me pet you... (???)

mmm... that undead had more personality than I thought it would have... it still smelled bad... not as bad... but bad... now to...

/pov change 3ºd person/

-what are you yapping about...? ... you should have known that! it's a church!!!... too hard?!! (???)

the little girl on the shoulder of the taller girl had a finger covering one of her ears were a rather complex magic formation stood seemingly allowing her to communicate over long distances and she seem to be getting angrier by the minute

-I thought that you were the best! I summoned you because of that...! ... Fine!!! if you can't do it then GET ME SOMEONE WHO CAN you bunch of useless bones!!! (???)

you could see it in her face she was angry but then that face changed to one of pure annoyance before sighing heavily

-ugh....get it done then! ... *click*(???)

and cutting the connection

-are you ok dear? you seem pretty angry there (???)

-yes, I'm fine...sigh... I just don't get why is it that they started yapping about how hard it was... even after I gave them a mission that I know for a fact they are ready... and not only that but they got more fired up after I insulted them... I just don't get them... sigh...(???)

the taller girl then giggled at the lithe one's pain only to be surprised by a sudden movement and gasp from the little one

-ah! look, a kitty!! (???)

-where?! where!? (???)

the smaller one then pointed at the church in front of them

-there on top of the church on the roof (???)

more specifically at a small round ball that would have passed as the remains of the decoration if not for two triangular little ears that moved really quickly and were seemingly aimed at their direction having heard them.

-haw how cute! I want to pet it (???)

the little cat then jumped before seating down and looking down at them before disappearing on the other side of the roof

-oh... it looks like we scared it off... (???)

-noo!... I wanted to pet it... (???)

-we must have made too much notice...don't worry, it should be living around here, we can go and look for it afterward but first, we need to get to the church tower we will be able to see the battle from there, the army should be arriving there soon. (???)

-ok... (???)

-come on sheer up we can get some... distraction there while we wait (???)

/now,  changing the view to see where that cat went/ we can see it sliding down from a relatively intact section of the roof before jumping and landing on the ground just beside a small silver black fox who appeared to be sleeping.

the fox sat down as soon as the cat landed and only looked at it before the cat seemingly gave a nod and the fox moved towards a pile of rubble disappearing from plain sight.

while the cat looked around for a few moments seemingly looking for something before it stood up walked around some more before running towards a particular section of wall on the church and started jumping around before reaching the roof yet again

/pov change 3º person (another place) 1again/

-did it see us? did it see us? (???1)

-can't get close... (???2)

-it will eat us for sure... (???3)

-want fluff! (???4)

-want fluff (??? 2 and 3)

-don't want to be eaten (???2)

-jealous of fire (???4)

-sad can't get fluff (???1)

-help (???4)

-want (??? 1, 2, and 3)

- wait? (???1)

-have (??? 2, 3, and 4)

/pov change Blake/

it has been a while since I have used my cat form... it's quite convenient for climbing, now... to stealthily move to the tower...




if I had to describe what I'm thinking right now in a sentence it would be: "Blake.exe has stopped working..."


-mmm...! please... darling... don't be too hard on my nipples... remember that they get sensitive while you drink ("B")

-forgive me my dear it's just... so delicious and your reactions...  in a good mood perhaps? is it because... finally seeing the outside? or... is it,,, doing something good? ("S")

-no that's not it... it's that I just... wanted to... ("B")

-*ñom!* ("S")

-Hiyaaa~! noo♥∼... Mou~ please don't bite on them so suddenly...("B")

-Fufufu~ *slurp* ("S")

I mean... this is completely out of my expectations... but not unwelcome after all I get to see two girls playing with one other randomly... and in this case with playing I mean that "B" is breastfeeding "S" in a rather cute manner but still unexpected... and right now I just feel like... to just enjoy the show.

-nnnh♥~...when this rescue is over... nnnh~ ... I'll get back at you("B")

-Fufufu~ I'll be waiting ("S")

-Mou~, just you wait("B")

-hey, don't leave me out, I also want to play (???)

suddenly a voice came out of nowhere but I managed to notice that "s" had a... pacifier... that was moving with the words being said I'm guessing a magic tool... probably for communications... probably... though I can feel quite the dangerous amount of magic coming out of it... but why a pacifier

-No, Violet! I already told you, that this is an adult game that you can only play when you get your partner ("S")



-pfft... hahaha...  ("S" and "B")

surprisingly they didn't hear her next whispered words over their laughter... but I did... and I can only imagine it being said with a pout face

-...but how am I going to play this adult game when I finally get my own partner if you guys never tell me let alone show me how this game is played...? I'll go and take care of Alma *cute annoyed noises* (violet)

I was laughing as silently as I could... I couldn't help it but it just sounded so cute

-I think I will rest now the fight isn't having too much mana drain ("S")

-oh, before that... you have some remains on your lips... let me... ("B")


then she started to move down licking all around her neck while leaving some little hickey here and there...

you know... I'm starting to question if this is even legal... but I gotta admit that it's hot as fuck... seeing them so passionately... I should have...


I began moving toward them having an idea in my head.

I moved while I kept my sight on them and "B" who suddenly kissed "s" on the lips again but this time I could see a "battle" had ensued

/pov change "B"/


-Hyeeeh~!  ♥("S")


-Fueee~!  ♥ ("S")


-N-noo~, so hard~ ♥ !("S")

/ hickey/

-Muyaaaa~ ! Cryystal, be kinder, pleaase~ ♥ ! ("S")

-no (Crystal)

I shut her off by kissing her again and eating her with my tongue alone, I got her now... then I move away from the kiss thinking about how we will continue later

we both giggled as the line of saliva that ran between our lips cut as I separated from my love and after a few moments of passionately looking at each other, we both closed our eyes while my darling rested her head on my thighs no matter how many times we have done this... even with our daughter in the picture I never get tired of these tranquil moments... I love them... they are nice I didn't even want to cover myself just so I would not disturb this moment.



-kyaa~!! Nicole... ple...please don't play with my... now ... I'm still sensitivee...! (Crystal)


-what are you talking... about... ...!!!... (Nicole)


-hello there (???)

/pov change Blake/

-what are you talking... about... (Nicole)

"S" now identified as Nicole turned around and opened her eyes to look at Crystal. curiously enough she talked clearly even though she is currently using the pacifier I saw on her hanging from a chain some minutes ago.

-...!!!...  crystal! (Nicole)

just as she said her name crystal scaped my grasp by deploying her wings pushing on my arms while using her tail to sweep behind making me jump back.

she covered her exposed breast with her arm while picking up Nicole on a princess carry who, in turn, prepared a magick attack... mmm that by the smell it's... wind affinity then just as she launched her magic Crystal jumped from the tower creating a really big dust cloud... that magic hit the ground in front of me without leaving many marks on the ground... if any... gotta admit that's some good magic control luckily it wasn't an AoE attack so it didn't really do anything to me aside from leaving the dust cloud that I just swept away with some wind of my own.

-Crystal are you ok !? (Nicole)

-I'm fine, where did she come from?? (Crystal )

-What are those idiots doing how did she get past them!? (Nicole)

While she was cursing at the supposed ineptitude of her subordinates. I could only laugh at the thought that all they saw was a black cat while walking forward towards the edge of the half-destroyed tower while making a particularly laud type of shoe that by the sound alone many get a boner just to make my presence known and to look down at them.


just as I arrived at the edge


they saw me and I could see that Crystal had fixed her clothes while both having an embarrassed, confused, and angered face after all... I just gave Crystal's breast a good squeeze from behind without them realizing it... but now she just saw me appear from the dust and I can tell she got notably angrier.

after all...

I'm tasting this rather delicious and nutritive milk that remained on my hands while making it as flashy as I can liking my hands as pronounced as I can and I can see that they both did not like it one bit

as Crystal's tail changed... it changed from a somewhat big tail into a slimmer long one that had a halberd tip and got into a hand fighting position, while Nicole pulled out a book presumably an actual grimoire that slowly started to float out of her hand into the side and got ready to draw some short-ish swords that hang on both sides of her hips... mmm she is hiding something... well... it's not like I'm not hiding anything either

-hum that was a nice reaction (Blake)

-What the hell do you think you're doing! No human should be able to enter this area! HOW!? (Nicole)

-does it matter...? you gave me the high ground... (Blake)

-then you underestimate our power!! (Crystal)

-hum... (Blake)

a single grin appeared on my face as I looked down at them just as a dist cloud covered my figure for just a moment...

but it was enough...

because as it ended there I stood sword on my hip and light metal armor on

-am I now...? (Blake)

both of them became more worried about me they might be trying to hide it... but I can see it... those little body movements...


a medium-range vanguard... and a mage-rogue hybrid


/appraisal result:/
















??? ??? ??? ??? ???  




Especial skills:



racial skills:

Titles ???      















??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???  


??? ??? ???    


Especial skills:



racial skills:

Titles ??? ??? ???      


-I might be getting a little excited... -whisper- (Blake)

 /the image looks up to the damaged church tower as two red eyes are the only thing visible as the image goes to black leaving two faint red eyes/

/screen fades to black/


not much action... I know... just... believe me when I tell you that... I feel as if my life is on fuking fire... btw... this chapter as a whole (both parts) had over 9000 words... or did I say that already? now... should i...mmm... later...

I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspellings please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment I will take a look at it and I most probably will contact you to discuss how to implement it :V


ok, chapter's done you can go now...



ok ok, i know the chapters might have been a tiny bit wacky in sense... in my defense my life is on fire

see ya


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