Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor

CH.2 leveling up and Name

ok... so this chapter... I had to rewrite about 3 times because it would not save correctly but in any case, the last poll showed that 11 of 28 (the majority) of you wanted our little MC to level up... even tho I said in the last chapter that it was a low-level area, in any case, I did it and here it is and today I looked again at the poll and noticed that the option for the map in the cart was growing a bit more C: (I wanted that one)...

also, my school semester starts in a few more days so it may be possible that it may take longer to write but I will try to tell you when it could happen

as always, in the end, there will be a poll with options two options today in fact because I got something nice :V cheers


after she fainted and I came inside of her for the last time I made the clothing for the both of us returned to their previous form and I seated in front of a tree with her head on my lap as a way to reward her... sincerity she looked awfully happy for what I just did to her... and i... in a way... am fully satisfied not only in a carnal way but also in a way that I don't feel hunger or tiredness... not that I had had any in the past three days... but I feel full...

-hey... system...

-yes master? (system)

-why... I did it... so easily... plan and rape her...breaking her pride without beating an eye at that moment?  and why do I feel so full right now?

-the first one is also related to the easiness that you had when killing those tugs before and I will explain why... for you see that is my job. (system)

if the system had a body right now it would be doing a confident pose right now... speaking of which I haven't spoken about the system... well there is not much to say that's why I haven't done it... just your typical electronic voice... but after this incident, it has become a little more high pitched sort of like a woman voice in that regard...and I believe that I haven't spoken about Romina... that will come later... in any case back to the why it happened...

-now... to explain the why, I need to tell you about the first hero that was summoned... when he was summoned he was tasked to save the world from the demon king, that that time was an evil guy that just wanted to destroy everything that was not a demon, the hero accepted, but when he faced the demons for the first time... it was a one on one but when he defeated the demon that very demon presented emotions that the hero foolishly believed that they didn't have and he could not deal the final blow...he had come from a world where the notion of killing a sentient or feeling being was seen as bad and that notion was firmly stuck in his interior, in the end, he died... the demons managed to advance really deep into the human territory but my mistress intervened a little and gave a powerful human warrior one last hope a way to stop the demon advance in the end that worked and there were 200 years of peace... (system)

-why did Romina intervene?

-because she felt responsible... responsible for the death of the hero... she was the one that summoned him and didn't give him much information about the world, in the end, the humans didn't either it all was a mess, but to prevent the future heroes to fall in the same or similar predicament she made a support system... this ...system worked in a way to reduce, not eliminate the negative emotions when killing and while she was at it she noticed that some souls where being transferred here in random monsters or similar where having a problem of their on when adapting, so she also added that to the system, then when the next extinction-level event came she summoned another hero but... the humans somehow learned how to summon their own heroes causing a small fall in the trust from my mistress, but then they used them... slaving them most of the time... to conquer one more continent and wage war against other countries again causing more trust to be lost...(system)

-then when my mistress was finally ready to forgive them with a new system similar to the one you have but without me, they disrespected her by completely deleting her from their history and creating false gods and prophets that just stole the money from the people this made her mad... like really mad... I was taking my first steps when it happened... but I just remember seeing some deserted worlds turned to dust and the remains managed to get here and caused utter chaos... then she went on vacation... it has been 300 or 400 years since then...(system)

wait does it relate to the soulmate title in any way?

-I am getting sidetracked... when she completed the system she added it to the otherworlder title in a hidden way it if I had to describe it as a skill it would be called [world adaptation] it is made so that you can't see it... for monsters, it also works in conjunction with the influence that the body has on the mind so that the user can adapt easier, you managed to adapt really easily to the act of killing and as for the rape you were only influenced by your body so you could control it up to the point where you got the authorization in the form of her negating, then the skill activated and reduced your resistance to actually raping her if it hadn't activated you probably would not have done it. (system)

-I see

-lastly as for you feeling full it just your race you can support yourself from the mana in the air but you can complement it with the fluids of another living being or their magic just take a look at her status her MP stat is nearly empty you use it to complement your own or recharge it, of course, the inverse process is also possible and as you leveled up when you killed those thugs you are now able to also decompose resources or biomass and make it into mana increasing your efficiency. (system)

now that I hear it, I should have leveled up so I took a look at myself and her




living armor (tentacle)



















master: max 



stealth 2

magic control 12allows the control and liberation of mana in the form of magic and can be influenced at will by the user affinities

magic affinities: fire, water, wind

Especial skills:

/conceal: max

ability shop: max (2.400 points)


parallel thinking



racial skills:


Tentacles control 3 3increased control and complexity

Biomass (in kg): 200

Material absorption.

materials: meat, bone(high amounts), iron(low),cotton (low)

second body 1 4allows the creation of a second body it increases with level


life support

minion creation 15allows the design and creation of minions to support the user in any way it may need, they can be equipped with degraded versions of the user skills and are made from biomass and mp 2 per level





Defensive skills

magic def.
upgrade 2

physical def. upgrade 1





Symbiotic skills

upgrades 1


waste reutilization 

MP Sharing 6the name said it all



Parasitic skills



MP consumption 7the name said it all

forced feeding 8allows the user to feed the host whether this wants it or not method depends on the user (allows the usage of feeding tentacles)



Sexual skills








Goddess Romina's soulmate

First, of species


Otherworldly knowledge

 system master



Luna's master 9the title bearer can command the individual named "Luna" and grats her a 10% of the title bearer boost to skill and XP acuisition






there are some rather useful new skills that I have to try but first...














 unconscious /drugged


2/120 50(+5) 60(+10) 60 50(+20)  


bow mastery 2 short sword mastery 1 polearm mastery 2    


Especial skills:



racial skills:

morph fox          
Titles one-tailed fox *Unknown* slave 10correction to speech patterns when referring to the owner and grants 10% bonus to XP and skill acquisition if the owner wills it sold daughter      

-so her being unconscious is because her mana is depleted?

-yes (system)

-so if I give her my mp she will wake up? and how do I do it?

-you just have to transfer it through skin contact or if it is your fancy you can penetrate her again and do it through that at an increased speed (system) 

-not needed ...

I start to share my magic through her body with the clothes that are obviously a part of me, I share my magic until the point she has 50 MP

-how long till she wakes up?

-4 or 5 minutes (system) 

-and what about her slave seal?


-why is that?

-that specific seal is made to avoid the slave escaping the new master while it is made to submit, when that happens the seal disappears on its own, it is normally used on the kitsune race and others similar... as for why the kitsune altho some of them are nobles, others live by the old ways but all follow the same rule if you defeat them and then break their pride in any way which it's really hard they will submit on their own to the one that broke them. (system) 

-I see

while I waited 

I started using one of my new skills [minion creation], when I did a sort of 3D software appeared allowing me to design and save what I created so I made multiple designs like a scout sort of flying insect or a transport one of my favorite that I based it from an old movie about some black aliens that used this sort of design to parasitize someone first, then be born out of them, for now, I created two scouts and send them to look out for monsters, they had the degraded version om my [investigation] skill [appraisal] but it was only lvl 2, they were synchronized with my map and radar skills so "I could see" what they found, as for the cost for each I used 20 MP and 5 Kg of biomass, they are small, not bigger than 5 cm cubic but required a lot of resources to make they where also just lvl 5... I suppose it is for balance.

while I was doing that I sang a song that Romina used to sing while I was in bed...

-Side.. by side... the lovelier goes up...

-Reach for the top... till the bubble pops...


when the song ended I was far calmer than I was a few minutes ago and I noticed that the little kitsune was awake and looking at me

-how did you sleep?

-...really... well... thank you, mistress... that was a beautiful song (kitsune)

she tried to stand up but I hold her head down and kept it on my lap

-you can stay that way a little bit more...that was a song that my partner really liked... used to sing it to me...  now that I think about it I didn't get your name...

-Luna ... my name is Luna... mistress if I am not a bother can I get yours? (Luna)

I stayed silent for a few seconds...and thought that I really need a new name right a whisper, I asked the system.

-do names have a special purpose in this world like empowering someone or the like?

-no for none of the races except spirits or summoned beast the naming process has no ups or downs so you can choose your own name (system) 

-mistress was it bad for me to ask? (Luna)

-... no ... it wasn't

I started patting her head... she looked pleased by this...while I thought of a new name for me

-it's... Blake... my little Luna (Blake)

we stayed in that position for 10 more minutes and the sun was still high in the sky, probably there would be another 10 hours of light before it gets dark soon... the scouts that I sent out reported back some interesting finds: like a pack of wolves... a really high lvl black bear that was level 35 there were also some wolves that had instead of grey the had green fur and where higher-level tan Luna... now I didn't want to lose luna so soon now that I got her so I decided to level her up a bit

-Luna do you know your level? (Blake)

-the last time I was checked by an appraiser was I level 5 (Luna)

-so you can't know by the system? (Blake)

-the system does not have that feature only the heroes can know their own level I can only know my MP remeaning or my remaining HP... does mistress not know or does she has a hero system? (Luna) 

the eyes of luna were shining when she mentioned the heroes they must be her idols

-you can give her my previous versions if that what you want you are my master after all (system) 

-I see... I have a better system than that of the heroes... but seen is beliven... system could you? (Blake)

-certainly master (system) 

-hu?... who are you talking to mistress? and what do you mean you have a better one? what is this!!??  I didn't say any commands why the screen appeared?!... system updating what does it mean? (Luna) 

she stood up agitated and I let out a small giggle to her cuteness

-it should be done by now... try saying "status"(Blake)

-status... what is this.!? a screen appeared!! ... it has my name!? ... is this my status screen?! is this what the heroes see!!.... sooo cool! (Luna) 

-glad that you like it but now as you can see you are weak right now so I need to level you up for a bit (Blake)

-anything for my mistress (Luna)

-but before anything... how do you feel about that? I mean becoming my slave... (Blake)

-this a weird question mistress... it is in our culture to submit to the one that breaks our individual pride you made me desire... to... not lose that pleasure that you gave me so I chose to submit to you there is nothing more... (Luna) 

I stood up

- I see... I won't ask again lest go level up a bit shall we? (Blake)

-yes mistress (Luna) 

we were deep in the forest now following a group of 2 of those green wolves apparently they were called forest wolves they got only up to level 18 and I didn't get much out of them... I managed to get up to lvl 30... but luna on the other hand... has already gotten to level 18 in the few hours that we have been hunting and now that I have my scouts it has been way faster than when I did it, luna made short work of the first wolves tanks to her foxfire but I said that it was dangerous to use fire inside of this forest so I gave her a dagger and a sword that she could use we continued following the wolves until for a while until they turned around when they did luna cut the head of one of the two while I pierced the back of the other with a metal tipped tentacle that came out of my back I didn't kill it I just incapacitated it for luna who killed it after a short while

now the sun was setting, we chose a random small tree made a fireplace and sat down, I didn't care about the cold and I doubt luna would too... and considering she was wearing my second body that right now was her clothes that by the way, I changed to a more elaborate design like having knee-high boots, underwear, leather armor, and bracelets with fingerless gloves she looked very isekai-ish, the sword that I gave her was now worn out and in its sheath... while she was seated beside me her stomach grumbled

-... I am sorry... (Luna) 

I just laugh and realized that she must not have been given a lot of food when she was in the position of the salvers but I was surprised that she held on up until now... the problem was that most of the meat that I had was of monster and that tends to not be very eatable except that of the first rabbit that I first killed but I haven't found any recently, in any case, I still have the remains of that one and after cutting it up a bit I put it to the fire but it wasn't much meat but it was enough for her to eat her fill and a bit more altho she insisted that I eat because she was my slave,  I countered her argument saying that I didn't really need it and she was starting to get in a really bad shape besides thanks to my race I don't need to eat but I can do it and can taste it but it will only get turned into my energy or mass and I was kind of eating while we were leveling her up and I have to that I was not influenced by the adaptation system or my body... her sweat was fucking delicious if I had to describeit... it was like eating your favorite food or drink made by a chef that specialised in that type of food in any case, she was eating happily until a while a go wen she moved one of the skered pieces of meat closer to me... now I am presented with an opportunity that I had had many times before when I was in bed...

-mistress please say ha...a...(Luna)

I complied just to make her happy because that's something I will do  even if she is now my slave and that is to keep her as happy as I can

-haa..a (Blake)

she brought the piece of meat closer to my mouth and I gave it a good bite when it enters my mouth it was surprisingly tender and even a bit sweet but it was nice even without salt or pepper but once I was done with that piece of meat I told her to finish her meal and to go to sleep

while she slept I thought of what to do for my next move... I could stay in this forest but that's only me, Luna would end up to dependant on myself to keep her living and I can't call that living...the other would be to look for a village or town so that we can get more resources like money and materials so that I can upgrade my outer shell, my design on clothes...or even work a bit of my production skill... but first I would like to get the fur of the black bear that I saw a while ago then I could ask Luna as to where is there a settlement nearby

when the next day arrived I had found the remains of the slavers cart through my scouts, I say remains because it was a smoking wreck so I ignore it but thanks to that I found a road then Luna woke up and we headed out to hunt that black bear

while we were heading to the place that we would start our attack I found something... it was a tree that had fruits that were sort of like peach Luna said that for the color they must be poisonous they were brighter than normal peaches but my investigation skill showed that they were not poisonous so I got 7.5Kg of this fruit from the tree and a few to eat Luna protested but when I shoved one into her mouth she shut up and eat it happily... I wonder why this tree was here... magical world I suppose... different rules or different species

then we arrived at the place the bear was heading to so I took some paralyzing poisons and coated some arrows and the daggers that I have and gave the bow to Luna then we hid soon the bear appeared and luna launched an arrow into the eye of the bear and it appears that altho the poison was of a low level it must have hit something important casing the bear to fall flat on his belly but it was still trying to move so I just aimed my dagger right in betwine his eyes killing it and breaking the dagger I saved both the bear and the broken dagger and both me and Luna managed to level up a bit and then we headed to the road that I saw it moved from north to south 

-Luna, from which direction did you come from? (Blake)

-my territory should be to the south of this forest (Luna)

-do you want to go back? (Blake)

-I do, to get revenge... but I prefer to stay with my mistress (Luna)

-I see... do you know the name of this forest and if there is a settlement ahead in the north? (Blake)

-this is called the magical forest... I don't know why it has that name as for a settlement there should be the fortified commercial city of Redwell about a day from the forest (Luna)

-then we will head there and buy food and get some money... is there an adventurer's association or something? (Blake)

-there is we can sell the wolves at a good price, I am sure (Luna)

-good... here... for you (Blake)

I gave Luna another of the peaches and she munched it really happily then we reached the road and headed north after a while we got out of the forest and the sun was going down so we decided to camp again so that the next day we could get to the city of Redwell.


... so our characters now have names and I am happy but not so much because I wanted you the readers to name them... in any case, I got myself a drawing tablet at a nice price so now I am able to try to draw some of the scenes if that's what you want (it will be in the poll)... and as for the next chapter there will be a bit of action... you know what I am talking about... in any case, I want to know if you want some production, adventuring, or a noble action in the next chapter your call

now I will be blunt and say it... think of a name for the "system" plis

ok, poll time :D (the first 3 are for the city events the last 2 are for my take on drawing) what do you want? some crafting, adventuring, or an idiot noble that tries to get in the way of our MC (if you put in the comments it may even have a daughter?)? as always leave a comment if you like it or if you have something on the way I write o anything you feel is important...and if you feel like it support me on Ko-fi or Paypal... maybe I should make a Patreon account... 




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