Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor


Hi, your author here... sorry for the delay... during this week a friend of mine asked me for a commission on a 3D image so I had prioritized that, I tend to write on the weekend but sadly I got a job opportunity that I could not let pass so I got a bit delayed but in any case, here is today's chapter... that's about it... :V


it was already morning when luna moved a bit, I would say around 9 AM, but she went to sleep again...

-/whisper/this fox... so adorable... haaa...a... (Blake)

I still wanted to feel the softness of her tail, but I needed to do stuff like getting food for travels for example, so I made my "clone" appear behind me and changed my perspective to it then I clothed it and place my new weapon on my hip in the back and silently moved out of the room and after going through the corridor and set of stairs, in the reception I saluted the guy on the counter and went out and after looking around some stalls, I found a vegetable vendor that had the best-looking wile been cheap where I bought a lot of veggies like cabbages, onions, carrots, garlic, I also found potatoes... sadly nothing too different from my former world also tomatoes but they were not been sold to actively... probably because the misconception that they are poisonous, ether way I bought a lot... and I mean a lot, the vendor added extra to what I bought without wanting extra money, and when I left the stall the seller got increased amounts of customers...and I discretely saved it all my purchases on my inventory.

-/whisper/ I... guess I made my body a little too attractive... (Blake)

then I headed to a butcher it wasn't hard to find given the smell of meat when I got inside the store I got greeted by a really big man

-hi, welcome to ButcherBear where we sell the best meat you can get...mmm.... you miss looking like an adventurer do you come to sell or to buy (vendor)

-hoo...o... so you do not only sell but you also buy meat too? do you by any chance buy wolf and green wolf? (Blake)

-but of course! as long as it hasn't gone bad or it is too destroyed, I will buy it, at a higher price than the adventurers depending on the quality or if it is dismantled or not (vendor)

with all the wolves that I have killed and dismantled, I have about 800 Kg of meat that I have in my inventory in the case for an emergency heal (you know I don't have a normal HP system) in any case I put 150 kg om neatly dismantled and separated wolf meat on the table

-how much for this amount? (Blake)

he immediately started to weigh and examine the meat.

-mmm... let's see... wolf and green wolf meat... with this amount... and the dismantling... 57 dollars (vendor)

-can't you round it up to 60? (Blake)

I said while tilting my head to the side with a tiny but notable smile (yes, I will use my recently found attractiveness to the fullest) and I immediately noticed a response in his body.

-...very well miss... would you like anything else? (vendor)

-what meats do you have on sale aside from the ones that I sold to you now? (Blake)

-wolf for a dollar the kg, bear, cow and pig 4 dollars the kg, wild boar 5 dollars the kg, and some I have some wyvern at 10 dollars the kg... but I can't recommend that last one it is really hard to cook and it is really hard (vendor)

-mmm... give me 10 kg of cow and pig, 2 of boar and 1 of wyvern you already have the money (Blake)

-indeed... give a minute (vendor)

he went back inside and came out with bags full of meat, I just got them and went out saying my thanks, heading to the inn I felt that luna was still asleep so I took my time and truly saw what this commercial city had to offer aside from its people that were mostly humans with the occasional beast-man both slaves and not I also noticed that in the center there was a well that... well it was red and it had an inscription that was blurry at the end "for those in need of water help your self, Hero ----" I just lost interest and went on my way.

the stalls sold jewelry, furniture, food, mas produced weapons, potions... nothing that I could not make except eggs and flour that I got a lot too but the flour was brown and it needed to be strained, in any case, when I got back to the inn I had used 100 dollars and was down to 150 dollars approx I asked the guy in the front where was the bath, and I was shown a small bathtub with cold water that was not that clean thankfully the guy asked if I wanted a wooden tub to be brought to my room I immediately accepted and he would take it to my room in a minute.

in any case, it was around 10 am and when I got back to my room I fused back my two bodies and started to wake up Luna which she did almost instantly but she was clearly not that reactive, and just like clockwork, I heard a knock on the door with it was the wooden tub that I asked, I was told if I needed water but I said no I could make it.

I filled the tub with magic which I still don't get used to because when I bought the [magic control] skill a lot of knowledge on how to use it was imprinted in my mind, well I had the bath full and I heated it with a bit of fire witch brings me to another topic, magic here does not work like other types of isekai stories... I mean I can make fire appear at the tips of my fingers but I don't need a chant I just adjust the mana in a way that lets me do what I want, a chant is pretty much a way to concentrate but is overall pretty much useless... at least for me, apparently the same goes for Luna, when I had a nice temperature I graved luna and changed her clothes to a simple collar and put her on the tub in front of me and we both enjoyed the relaxing sensation.

in another place...

around a week ago in a certain kingdom in a certain tower, there was a mage that felt a disturbance in the f...

...There was a mage that felt a lot of mana from the air move towards a certain region and when I say a lot I mean it.

even rivaling the amount for a hero's summon, this mage became worried because it was his job to take notice of these occurrences and inform his king so that appropriate actions be taken, for he was the royal magician of the Ustrain Empire and he was considered one of the most powerful mages in the era just below the Heroes but even he got worried when he felt the sheer amount of power.

the mage, been royal barged in the meeting his emperor was on and informed him of this occurrence.

the emperor, some considered a tyrant other considering a man who could do what needed to be done, knowing the eccentric his mage was was also worried knowing the power his mage held if he was worried he should also be worried so he ordered his troops to investigate thankfully the source of the anomaly was within the borders close to a neutral commercial city and as time was of the essence he ordered the "U.E. Cyane" an aerial ship to be sent out but it would still take a day to prepare and 3 or 4 to get there to investigate.

"(and just to clarify this story happened all over the world where mages worth their salt also felt the movement of mana)"

Back in our MC's room.

On the bed, Luna was forced to sit on Blake's lap while she combed Luna's hair.

Haaaa... that bath was relaxing... now there is a certain problem that is coming my way and that it could be really troublesome to deal with.

What I am talking about you ask? well, my scouts have been investigating the area around this city and last night they found something really annoying.

About 10 or 15 km east there were about a thousand red dots on my minimap, but, that's not all... those... red dots... are goblins

And after confirming with sis about what goblins are it turns out that they are the. you. know. what. goblins, those ugly green mini rascals, but that's not all... hooo... no, that amount is impossible unless you have a goblin general, but to have a general you need a king...

And the king is considered in the adventurer rankings an S, but the more goblins there are he goes up to rank SS because the more there are, more goblins knight, mage, and soldiers start to appear, and those start at level 100 and the general starts at 250 and the fuking king starts at level 400...

well, back to the 1000 goblins that I found... after a more thorough investigation, it turns out that that must be the goblin army scouts so based on the number of scouts they have it would be easy to say that there is more than fifty thousand as the main army in the back at a minimum, I can't confirm it because it is beyond my scout's range, but it would still take them about 8 hours to get here.

how they managed to get this close to this fortified city beats me, but thanks to sis predictions, I know I have another 6 hours before this city notices, so I had some time to decide what to do.

When I was finished with Luna's hair I had her stand up and her collar changed yet again into her armor and if you are wondering, yes the mark of the corruption skill is now there, and here is what sis said about it

-this is the tier 1 mark it does pretty much the same as the slave mark, but it lets you reward her too and the XP acquisition rates are upgraded to 20% it's shape is determined by in what situation the skill was first used, and as you were raping her... it became a heart just over where her uterus is it is normally invisible to normal people except the master and people with specific magic eyes (system)

that's about it...

now back to those goblins... they don't get past level 50, if I go and subjugate them it would be rather easy and I would get a lot of XP, the problem is that... I could've seen and considered a monster, and that could become a problem...but it is a lot of XP tho.

And... I... kind of need it...

-mistress? is something the matter? you seem worried...(Luna)

I just looked at her and signaled her to sit beside me, but when she started walking towards me she started to shrink and grow hair all over her body, and as my race adjust themselves to protect their host her armor became a collar yet again and shoulder paths that extended like wings made of leather, and when her transformation finished she jumped on my lap in her Fox form and just snuggled into my lap 

-This fox...(Blake)


needless to say, her cute Fox figure forced my reasoning way out of the room and I just started to pat her little head.

well after that petting session, and luna... well let's just say that she is now really comfortable on my lap... and I was now calm enough to make a better decision and the result is...


now to do it without getting caught...

I got a perfect idea it is simple but it should work, so to do it first I need to go tho the adventurers' gild and get a mission somewhere on the east.

I will need to inform the guy of the smithery to wait a bit, I'll let Luna do it.

the rest can be deducted from there... but it would be better to show you so... I get luna to go to the smithery and to meet me at the east gate wen finished while I go to the adventurers guild.

once in the guild I just looked for a suitable quest on a board that clearly said mission's I don't get how the isekai protagonist always needs to be told where the quest board is, in any case, there was a quest that was to collect herbs on the east forest... (that was part of that "magic forest") on my rank and just for context E rank has quest like cleaning in the city, D rank get the gathering, from C onwards they get simple subjugation missions, I got to the reception go my mission and headed out.

Luna on the other had got a bit more action in a sense, when she was going out of the smithery she crashed into the hooded figure from the other day and fell on her butt, this figure, of course, helped her but the look on her eyes and the way she breathed while holding Luna's made her uncomfortable and once she got into her feet she ran to me.

When she found me she hugged me until she calmed down then we just headed out of the city after showing our gild cards.

after 2 hours or so we reached our destination I handed luna her weapon... you know... that Chinese stile polearm that I made yesterday...

needless to say, she was happy both because she received a gift from me and because she was genuinely happy.

and soon we collected the necessary material for the quest, with that finished I looked deeper into the forest where my scouts indicated the presence of the forward elements of the goblin scout party that was the target of today's farm, these forward elements were close and as close as they were they also noticed us because I wasn't using my stealth skill and an arrow flew in my direction I just dodged and said a phrase that I have been wanting to say since I heard it in that certain game while cracking my knuckles.


-yes, mistress? (Luna)

her tail and ears shot up in attention

-there are some goblins in that direction...(Blake)

Luna moved her head in the direction I was pointing

knuckles cracking /SFX/


knuckles cracking /SFX/

-and Tear (Blake)

I looked meaningly in the direction of the goblins while I changed my eye color to full-on bright red.

-until they are no more (Blake)

no more words were said I just started running with luna right behind in a combat-ready stance.

Let's get this party started

world note: humans: humans are the race with the biggest amount of people in it only rivaled by the demi-human and beast-man races combined, they are greedy for the most part and are eager to get their hands on anything that catches their fancy but this varies depending on the position that human has essentially a king or a peasant, they used to be one of the weakest races, but humans are intelligent, which became their biggest weapon.


world note: demi-human: demi-humans are the most similar to humans beast-man don't fall in this category due to they having animal characteristics demi-humans are inturn differenced by not that notable variation on the human's structure like per example elves or dwarves with their long ears and tall or long beard and short stature.


world note: Redwell city: a city founded after a goddess sumoned hero whose name has been forgotten in history, this hero had the capabilities to construct anything that he fancied as long as it was within the technological constraints of that time so while on his quest to save the world he made wells along his path so that those who followed his steps could get a drink in their time of need.


yea... sadly I need to stop here so next chapter there will be a battle with lots of gore and so on I promise and since the next chapter is already decided what it would be, no poll this time either...


I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspelling please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment

PS: there is a reference to a hero in one of the chapters if you find it and tell me from where it is I will give you a cameo or a character of your own in this story (you can ask for clues)



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