Another isekai but this time is a tentacle living armor


hi, author here how are you doing? My feet hurt like hell but I am alive... somehow.

sorry for the delay... again... way too many things happening right now... but well whatever.

mmm... what else should I speak about... Ha right just in case, if you are wondering about the events on the extra chapter that I posted a few days ago in essence it can be considered "could be" sort of extra in the future story, after all, it was something fast that crossed my mind at the time so you just have to take a general idea that it is the happy mother's day to wish them a happy day.

and just as an interesting fact about that extra... it has exactly 1k words, not one more, not one less.

in any case back to normal where we left off.






after a few hours of walking on the road and later in the afternoon after some carriages passed us, we found ourselves in a meadow with the promise of another forest ahead.

good thing that we just appeared as a group of adventurers going for a quest because... why would you go in full armor if not for a quest right?

I mean in video games you can travel long distances in full heavy armor and you as the player don't feel anything and as the character is inside the game and normally it does not have anything else besides a stamina bar... well you get my point traveling in full armor in IRL 1(in real life) is a bitch, so?

how is Luna supposed to cope with it? she who has never traveled long distances in full armor with equipment and Grace that, granted was an apprentice paladin who must have some experience in that regard, right? well let me tell you about one of the things that make living armor so great, when it comes to long distances or in battle, as we move a bit and in tandem with the user we wight practically the same as everyday clothing, neat right...or did I say that already?

well, I am still different... and speaking of which, I haven't told you about the new skills right? I mean, I have told you about [internal dimension] so the update for that is for later, now into what I got, they all have to do with modification of a living body, what I mean by that is that they are not limited to only any of my host... if you have read tentacle hentai for as long as I have...

you... will understand... what... I am... getting at...


I won't be able to read those again don't I... now I am a bit depressed...


well continuing on... the skills I got, as I said are meant to modify someone other than my host so.. these are called [containment capsule]2if you have read tentacle hentai you know what this is if you have not... wait a bit on a, later on, to find out,[body alteration 1]3name said it all,[Neuron alteration 1]4just for a remainder... it is when a wene tiny tentacle enters the ear... it allows the change of the chemical structure and neuron patters inside the brain,[body repair/replace 1]5name said it all they do as their names say but they all have a caveat... they have an F ton of Mp consumption peruse 150 units to be exact then 5 per second used, in case of the capsule it needs a stationary place and about 200kg of biomass... yea... they are expensive...for now at least.

 while we were on the road I was just moving along with Luna by my side and Grace that now she had her hood down, she asked me for it so I made it, but hasn't told me about the why does she need it... I get an idea why tho, one thing she does now is that her sight never leaves my back and it is not a bad one... it is one of excitement and expectation... but it is getting annoying.

now into my personal space called [internal dimension], I am actually playing with it, trying to get a feel for it, after all, I have 5km^2 to play with, yup, you heard me right, there is quite the space in there and it appears to be that every 100 points in MP I get around 1km worth of space in there.

so I made some structures dividing my space into more manageable amounts and there are:

  • the prison/containment area (this one is connected to the experiment area and as no one can escape it is just 4 walls a roof and a door)
  • my "playing" (area there is a maze in there and is connected to the prison there is also a lot of soon to be high-class rooms)
  • my experiment area (we all know what will be taking place here, even more of a giveaway thanks to my new skills)
  • my workshop (it is connected to the experiment area and the warehouse)
  • and my warehouse (if I need to save something I leave it here)

It is all just a foundation for now except for the experiment area because I already made a cell with a simple bed and some other places full of tentacles making the walls covered in wood and bed... yup... well as for why the rest is just foundation, it is because I can either make it appear which would need a lot and I mean a lot of MP to make it all or I can bring the resources and will it to get built or make it out of tentacles which I have plenty... so, for now, I need to get some stone, wood, and metals.

also, there appears to be a limitation that I can't make use of fire inside, if I do I would need an anchor on the ground into where expel the gases, and by doing so I would be making an escape route so... no, for now, meaning that I can't have a forge that I can use an anywhere but it does not matter and, if you are wondering if breathing inside would also need a bent, there is no need I can get it "purified" so living beings are ok.

by now we are at the entrance of the next forest so we decided to rest and eat a bit of course now that Grace decided to accompany me she gets her share of the stuff I make, so I gave them empanadas and when she tasted wasn't that different from when Luna tried them got burned at the start but ended up enjoying them, but she also gave me an honest opinion that there was missing something extra, and she is absolutely right there missing eggs and olives in some cases or in others raisins (or dried grapes) but I have never liked that last option, but I could not find them in the city, I can also make them with cheese instead of meat... well there is a lot more options out there but let's leave it at that.

well, enough about food... even tho we have a fire and the smoke smell is really heavy... I can smell iron in the air... it is really faint but it is there and when there is the smell of iron it is because there is blood spilled somewhere meaning there might have been a fight recently and if can smell it then Luna certainly can... I don't know about Grace tho.

but in any case, we finished our respective foods and quickly started carefully moving in the direction of the smell.

When we got there we saw the carriage that passed us a few hours ago... completely destroyed, burned, and beside it, there were signs of a  camp with a campfire, the carriage was a stand four-wheeled one that had a cloth cover on top when it passed us I could see two armed guards and the coachman there was also some cargo that I noticed, but the burned carriage that it is in front of us does not have that cargo and there is a body on the ground with a broken sword beside it but it was missing its head and armor...

obviously, these were signs of a fight so we secured the area, but... Grace... is still looking at me and not minding the surroundings... it is fine tho, there are no contacts around us on my radar/map combo so... whenever there where they are gone, for now... but her sight is getting more annoying the more time passes... I just gave her a reproaching look right back at her hoping she gets the hint... well, for now, I started to think of possible scenarios for what could have happened and I came up with only two possible goblins again... or bandits... a part of me wants the goblins. After all, they are fun to kill, the other wants the bandits because they could be used... 

no one would miss them... perfect for experiments...


I... started to notice the other day but... I am slowly adapting to this new body, don't I...*sigh*... no time to think about it tho... this takes priority, I can worry about my psychology later...

-Grace, do you have any knowledge of this area? meaning if there are any possible bandit camps and so on? (Blake)

-...I did have a map... but I had it in my previous armor... and I figured you must have left it behind (Grace)

-... now, that would have been true not for my inventory...(Blake)

that and I used her armor as the base for her actual after a little inventory diving I found her stuff and handed them to her which made her look perplexed, I figured she didn't notice before... even tho the food came from it...

 -... you have an inventory! can I use it!? (Grace)

-you can't, it is my... (Blake)

... haa right living armors share their skills ... I forgot... meaning she can use it.

so I let her... apparently, she needs my permission to even activate the skill the first time and after a little experimentation I found out that I can control if she is able or unable to use it freely and it is separate but connected to mine, so she can't take from my stuff but I can transfer from and to hers.

that's not the only skill I can share, but I can feel that only certain skills can be shared... well... whatever, after giving Luna access to the inventory

-...I thought you wouldn't share with me your skill mistress (Luna)

... she was happy, her tails give her away... cute.

now into the map, Grace had, it didn't have anything useful aside from updating my map with her map data... and the mountain range comes closer in this area meaning that in an isekai cliche fashion, there must be a cave close by... perfect for a hideout.

so back to my scouts again... I'll use them anyway, so while they were looking for anything, I investigated the remains in search of a trail or something.

and after a while, we found small traces of blood on some leaves and below them some deep but slightly hidden boot marks this means that the ones that did this tried to cover their tracks but didn't do a good job given that after a bit of looking around I found their trail... well it would have been harder weren't for the burnt carriage.

so while I waited for my scouts to find anything I made a grave for the poor headless fellow burning him would take more time, so with a little earth magic I made a place where I threw him inside with his sword on top then I covered him with dirt and some nearby rocks, why I did this it is because first, the probability of decease appearing is lower the other is because of zombies, tho... without his head, I doubt he would become one but better safe than sorry.

we followed the trail slowly making sure not to lose it.

and you know what, she is back at it again, so with a commanding tone and a reproaching look.

-Grace could you stop looking at me like that (Blake)

she jumped from the surprise but only nodded to me... I hope that's that...

so we continued following the trail and it wasn't long before we found some wolf packs that were dispatched quickly also some more random not so peaceful animals but we continued without a problem.

sadly it wasn't all without a problem because... haaa! fine, you want me to do something? Fine.

I turn around with a grin on my face looking straight at Grace that could not hide that look of both excitement and expectancy fast enough so I immobilized her through her armor then her look changed to one of more fear in it, I moved slowly beside her.

Luna just stood there looking at what I am going to do while Grace altho excited tried to resist.

-don't worry... ill gave you what have been pleading, looking at me like that (Grace)

then I started to play with her a bit, nothing too fancy... I just stole a kiss, raped her mouth with my tongue... then bit her now red ears... she was enjoying it... and when I was going to go down to the main dish, I finally found the burn carriage culprit meaning that I have to stop here... sadly.

-mmm... looks like that will have to be it... (Blake)

-...ha...♥ ...he...? (Grace)

- ...I won't be able to give what you wanted right now... I just found our culprits... so you will have to settle with this... (Blake)

then I made one tentacle appear behind me forming a little something from the hard membrane, something that is really simple but clever, that actually I am a little surprised that it came out that nicely.

that something is just two small balls no larger than 2cm each connected to each other by a solid structure and on top of one there is a little flexible extension, the clever thing in this is that both balls are hollow and on the inside, there are some even smaller balls that move around 6they are ben wa balls for those that don't know them... in the lack of a vibrator these will have to do, tho if I'm not wrong these are used therapeutically too... but that should be just a bonus, so after showing them in front of Grace.

I descended and moved her panties to the side to then insert a finger inside of her moving it around and getting a few moans from her, when I felt she was wet enough I pushed the balls inside and returned her panties to their place then made them more solid so that they cant be taken out, Then I returned the freedom of movement to Grace.

she nearly fell on her knees but stood up a bit confused as to why I stopped, I just started to move again in the direction of where the supposed bandits are, and yes they are bandits... at least some of them, Luna silently followed behind me and a bit wet herself, Grace after a few seconds wondered why I put those balls inside of her but when she started to walk and be conscious of their presence she noticed why...

each step caused the little balls to move around the bigger ones and apply small amounts of stimulation to her keeping her in an excited state as she walked.

that what she gets for annoying me.

When we got closer I could see a level 36 lookout in the entrance to a cave, he was a weak guy and didn't look too good so I sent luna to take care of him to get her accustomed to killing a sentient being, she killed those slavers back when I found her, but it wasn't something that she wanted, she just wanted to scape at that time, so now it is time for her to get an actual kill and get comfortable with the idea, I will intervene thought her armor if anything happens, after all, I have to contain a certain horny someone that don't get the idea of stealth and wanted to rush things, of course, I shared my stealth skill to make it easier. 

so after she got close to the lookout she quickly decapitated him then send him flying with a kick, then she came back to me and I hugged and patted her head, the contacts inside of the cave didn't move on my map meaning they didn't notice, by the way, there are 8 more red dots inside, meaning there are all hostile to me, I don't care if I just suffocate them... but I want to use them to test and upgrade my new skills.

so we gather some green bushes, leaves, and other burnable stuff that creates a lot of smoke and lighten it on fire creating a massive amount of smoke which was directed into the cave and we left it open so they could get out.

with that done we moved a bit to hide, I told both of them, that unless in danger not to kill them, to just incapacitate them, I also deployed another type of my minions, remember when I just got the skill and made a bunch of different variants for different purposes? well... now I will take out one that is made to subdue people making them faint but keeping them alive, I based it on a certain black aliens movie and they have [stealth],[re-breather] and they are packed with sleeping drugs and such, they also have light and darkness affinities to heal and debuff.

after a few minutes, the fist of the bandits came out coughing, I could see that soon the next one would come out, then another two, then the rest, so I quickly pushed the first bandit in the gut making him faint then I dragged the guy body into the woods when I had finished a wannabe bandit lady (I'll explain later) came out which was gaged by one of my minions and fainted, again while I dragged her into the woods, the next bandits were taken care of by Grace and Luna these two tried to defend themselves but one fainted when one of his arms was cut off and the other fainted by a shield bash in the gut from Grace then they dragged them back into to the woods.

but while they were doing that the rest came out these been three guys and two more women they were lightly armored and were coughing due to the smoke, they noticed our doings and entered a battle stance facing Luna and Grace because they saw them first.

When one of the guys charged at them shouting profanities, Grace dropped the guy she was dragging and received the hit with her shield and then countered attacked with her sword to which the bandit jumped back to avoid the hit, I'm actually surprised that she can remain that focused with that inside of her.

Luna kept on dragging the other guy until another of the bandits also came charging at her to which she responded by incinerating the legs of the poor fellow.

the last three stood there observing the situation, they were clearly more experienced and it showed in their Levels because the highest one is level 236 while the lowest is 198.

I made a jump and landed between Luna and Grace and them which made them be on guard against me.

-I'll deal with these three myself (Blake)

after I said that Luna and Grace continued to drag de bodies while I had a staring contest with the other three "bandits" no words were said they clearly were cautious, I know my race and level won't get leaked to them thanks to the [conceal]skill, they just see that I am at level 200, this time to level up the playing field I am dual-wielding using my sword with another I picked up from the female "bandit" from a while ago because it was surprisingly well made and taken care of... if it weren't for this sword I am sure they would have already attacked.

After a few seconds more of staring at each other, like the cliche this has become a single leave passed between us, blocking our line of sight momentarily then the two female "bandits" assaulted me from my flanks, I parried and pushed back the first and blocked the second to then made a swipe at her legs making her fall to then follow up with kick on her gut sending her flying into the woods right into were my second minion was.

Minion that as soon as it was in range jumped into her face and gagged her and subduing her by making her faint after a few seconds, while this was happening the other charged at me nearly screaming (she must have some relation with the other), but she managed to suppress it, so I ditched my lend sword while she sent a fury of attacks my way most of which I evaded or reflected it to the side, up to when she tried to do a downward swing which I received and pushed back making her stager then I made a rotating backward kick right into her abdomen removing the air from her lungs and making her stager back

and when I was going to kick her again the last of the bandits attacked, right behind me just at the moment when I would not have the time to regain my posture to defend...

he had a sword that was glowing red and emanating fire affinity magic and it was coming down on me

is it enchanted? ...mmm... this is bad...

was all that passed through my head at that moment





as always I hope you enjoyed it... if you found any misspelling please let me know in the comments... if you enjoyed it please also leave a comment... or if you have a suggestion do leave a comment I will take a look at it and I most probably will contact you to discuss how to implement it :V


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