Ant King In MHA

Chapter 136: Letter and Arrival

_________ POV Beru_________

Welp, that's everyone out of the way. Now to see what's the deal with the three musketeers spreading fireworks around in broad daylight.

Well, looking at them, I guess I should get rid of the fire, just to make things a bit easier, I do want them to see me after all.

So, I did what I know best. I breathed in as much air as possible, then proceeded to release it all directly at the three villains in front of me.

It's basically the strength of a small air cannon, but I'm only using the strength of my enhanced lungs to do this.

I could see all three of them stagger, they were about to get sent flying, but the giant villain rose in size almost instantly and covered his teammates.

"So touching~ I guess comradery still exists among thieves~ Glad to see these old school values haven't been lost in the years 2500~" Jesus, I sound like an old man for some reason.

I swear to god, that phrase could've been a few words longer and I would've started whining about how this generation sucks or something.

"Beru..." I could hear the voice of the man, I think it's the one that's been causing the explosions. He looked at me with a bit of fear, but also resolve.

"BERU! WE ARE HERE TO GIVE YOU A MESSAGE!" The giant shouted as he rose to his feet and stood straight, displaying his full size to me. I'm not that unfamiliar with it though, I also have that same quirk. I can actually go even bigger than that. Guess clone Beru didn't give him any power-enhancing quirks.

"Not a message, rather a declaration." The third man spoke, the one that had been silent the entire time. I haven't seen this guy make a move yet, so I'll refrain from assuming what his ability is.

"Dudes~ I really don't care~ Can you get it over with so I can arrest you all?~" I'll obviously entertain them. I mean, I do want to learn about stuff from these three. So it's better that I look for ways to dig it out

I could see two of the men gritting their teeth. It's pretty fun to see them get so irritated over a mere verbal response. I guess they aren't great at handling words huh? I guess I shouldn't expect much in force either.

"Let's put it simply... Don sends his regards." The explosion man was the one to start speaking first. He's also the only one that didn't get angry at my previous comment.

He then threw a small letter towards me, one I chose to open right away... It was obviously written by an imaginative individual. He's probably handsome too.

'To Beru,

After all this time, I've grown sick and tired of waiting. I travelled the world, and I realized what my purpose here was!

I've studied the history of this world. It's only been drifting constantly from one ruler to the next. It's obvious, I was sent here to cure this world of its impurities, by ruling it into a perfect nation by myself!

Don't bother standing in my way, you are only a clone anyway. Sheepishly accepting to live your life without attaining your true potential. I pity you.'

The letter ended there. Really an interesting read.

I guess some stuff happened and my clone actually went insane, not that I wasn't able to tell that without a letter. It's really odd though. I mean, this letter was neat and all, but it basically told me jackshit.

"This was the whole reason you boys were sent here?~" I asked while warping the letter into a drawer back at home.

I could once again hear them gritting their teeth. I guess belittling them is a good way to get them pissed(no shit sherlock).

"No... We also have something else to do..." The explosion guy made a hand sign, and the most predictable shit happened. The giant immediately tried to slap me out of the air.

Predictable and insanely slow to look at. But something else caught my attention, as the hand of the giant was starting to come towards me, the other more quiet man looked at me with a somewhat familiar pair of red eyes...

Oh, I get it! The giant one has the giant quirk, and the quiet one has Ereasure... What a twist...

Aizawa's quirk doesn't work on me though. So I just shook my antennas a bit and simply raised a palm towards the slap of the giant.

"Impact Recoil~"  I never knew what people found interesting about saying the names of moves out loud, but I guess it can be fun when you can afford it. Doing it with more powerful opponents can be quite deadly(not for me though).

"H-He didn't melt!" The quiet guy shouted while the giant's hand was sent flying backwards, making the giant villain lose his balance and fall on his ass.

"What?! Don said he would melt! TRY AGAIN!" The explosion guy shouted as he picked up a piece of broken concrete from the ground and threw it towards me.

"Really?~ Throwing rocks?~" I mean, it's pretty clear that his quirk lets him explode the things he touches. But I guess I can throw it back at him since he still needs to detonate the explosion himself.

Faster than any eye could see, I nabbed that stone and baseball pitched it directly at the ground. It went whizzing past his head and slamming into the ground with great force, rising a cloud of smoke as a small cut appeared on the guy's cheek.

"You guys are nice and all~ But you should really go to jail now~" I looked at the giant villain using Ereasure myself this time... But something strange happened. Instead of just turning small, he turned both small, and he became visibly older...

"That's... Odd?~"

_________ POV Narration_________

Beru looked at the situation with interest. He wasn't expecting such a thing to happen, he quickly turned and gazed at another one of 'Don's' group.

The same scene repeated itself, where the ones that had their quirks erased seemed to become much older, and then it finally clicked to Beru,

'I get it! They are collected from the retirement home! Yep, makes total sense~'

Then, as Beru was preparing to tie all three villains together with a chain, something strange happened.

A misty portal opened up and out of it stepped quite a few more people.

"This was supposed to be a test, ya know?" I heard an unfamiliar voice, but it came from someone with a familiar appearance.

That person was none other than a man with white hair, wearing a full suit.

It was clone Beru, and he was mimicking All for One's style, only with a distinct lack of jawline in the mix. Seemed like he wasn't able to find a perfect enough look-alike.

Beru mentally grinned as his problem showed up by itself, now he at least didn't need to worry about finding his clone.


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