Ant King In MHA

Chapter 182: The Good and the Bad

_________ POV Beru_________

"It'll take quite a while for all of the Nomus to be integrated back into society, but just the fact that such a thing is within our grasp is more than enough already," Yori spoke while filing even more paperwork on his work and research of the Nomus.

The government is rather pleased with the fact that the Nomus were cured, they plan on making the matter public.

The existence of Nomus was already no secret to anybody. It's actually been a subject of interest for many communities around the world.

Even though it's only an issue in Japan, the knowledge of the existence of artificially made monsters with multiple quirks is endearing to just about everyone.

I'm not even going to bother mentioning the multiple governments around the world that wanted to get a Nomu for research. They make for dangerous weapons after all...

Well, Japan managed to put a stop to any actual information leaking out. Mainly because the government itself doesn't have much say in the matter.

Yori is the main person taking decisions in the matter, the fact that we still have the support of the prime minister certainly helps too.

"This is going to be pretty good PR for Japan~ They'll be able to brag about curing these unfortunate souls for a while~"

"Like they did anything at all... My chair did more work than most of the officials parading this as the result of the nation's effort."

"You're as harsh as ever~ Not that you're wrong or anything though~"

Yori rolled his eyes while I shrugged my shoulders.

Fixing the Nomus is an achievement that we can be proud of regardless of who the government wants to credit it on.

Well, they still mention that Yori is the one that did it, helped by me. But, apparently, we were always acting on orders and with the funding from the government.

I would've been actually angry if I gave a shit about public recognition. I care more about the fact that Souma is back.

Well, he's having a difficult time getting accustomed to the way his body is now, the quirks of the Nomus are also nonexistent now.

So, they are children, all with relatively decent quirks(decent enough to make All for One want them), stuck in the bodies of quirkless young men and women.

It's their own bodies, but none of them actually know how to react to suddenly growing almost two decades older.

Thankfully, although they were useless in fixing the issue, the government was at least quick to start mobilizing and creating proper plans to educate and integrate them into society.

"Things are looking up huh...~" I can't help but feel optimistic when seeing how things have been developing lately.

"So it would seem..." Yori pushed up his glasses as he released a tired sigh.

Shota and Mic have also been rather happy to hear about us curing the Nomus... I feel somewhat sad that I can't do much to help their friend.

Kurogiri's been holding on strong still, but he's often slipping out of the 'loyal servant' persona and speaking with Shota and Mic freely.

Apparently, his memories with them are foggy as all hell, but they're slowly returning...

This also means that the method we used to cure the other Nomus is useless for Kurogiri. Resetting Kurogiri's memories is also much more difficult since he's never actually been braindead.

Before I was just returning the Nomus to the way they were before they went braindead, I didn't have to gouge some sort of limit myself, I always stopped when the brain activity returned to normal.

Trying to wipe Kurogiri's memories with accuracy would be impossible since he's never actually been braindead.

It would likely be safer for Kurogiri to keep going the way he is now. No reason to start testing other methods when the current one is working just fine, albeit a bit slowly.

"If only every project of ours could end with such a happy resolution..." Damned Yori and his realistic point of view on the world...

He doesn't need to remind me that we've barely had any progress with our plans to stop a Quirk Singularity from happening.

We're still waiting on Don to finish taking over the entire world so we can have more influence in spreading our cure.

"Things would be much faster if we just announced it to the world...~"

To be fair, I was always against this idea... But at this point, it's starting to look more and more like our only realistic option.

We simply can't distribute it everywhere, the most recent disaster in Egypt speaks for itself really...

There's likely a lot more of them around the world, maybe not all of them to the scale of the Egypt one, but still just as dangerous.

Yori also didn't say anything. I guess he can somewhat rationalize why I shifted my stance on this issue.

"We can no longer afford to keep this a secret... More like, we simply aren't able to." Yori turned on his computer for a bit.

"I think you're already aware of this, but people have been catching on."

On his screen, clear to my eyes, are a few articles recounting tales of how childbirths across the world have led to disaster. How the death count is rising day by day.

"Nemuri has already shown me these ones~ Incidents popping up everywhere in the world~ Thankfully none as dangerous as the first one...~"

The fact that they aren't as dangerous doesn't mean much though... The second the right combination of quirks appears...

At this point, a combination of seemingly random quirks can become devastating. It could simply spell the end of the world.

"... Why do teenagers have to have kids so early?..." Yori asked no one in particular as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Really, this whole mess is partially caused by overpopulation and high teenage pregnancy rates in less developed countries.

They're basically mixing their genes faster and creating stronger quirks at a more frightening rate than what we have thought.

"I know right?~ I mean~ Neither of us have kids~" I said with a frustrated tone of my own.

"... I am already in my fifties. You are barely in your early twenties..." Yori looked at me with a blank stare...

If only you knew pal... If only you knew.

I don't really feel like telling everyone that I am also in my fifties.

So I just shrugged at Yori's jab at my apparent youth. No reason to overcomplicate things, man's got enough on his plate already.

"Welp~ Maybe I should go make a kid of my own?~ Nemuri's not getting any younger~ I sure as hell ain't either~"

"Dooon't let her hear you say that... I'm telling you this as a friend and for your own safety." Yori looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"I'm not a fool~! But she's already in her early thirties~ No reason to wait a lot more than this~ Probably should look for a ring aswell~"

".... Maybe think about that before thinking about having a kid? Now that I think about it, maybe hold off on the child part...

I can't really think of anything good coming out of having more of you in this world."

Ouch~ Well, he's always been savage with insults. This would've been a bit much if he said it without a shit-eating grin stretched on his face.

"... Do you want to restart our island training?~" This always shuts him up good. I sometimes take him out on the island to make sure that he hasn't grown rusty.

It's a good excuse for me to blow off some steam against a relatively powerful individual... For him though, it's just an invitation to receive a beat-down.

"..." Yep, works like a charm.

"Anyway~ I'm off to see Nemuri~ For real now~ We'll think more on making the legitimacy of Quirk Singularity public at our next meeting~"

That was how my meeting with Yori ended.

As for me? Well, I'm probably off to buy a ring. Well, on account of my shit taste, I'll likely bring Nemuri along too.

No reason to keep it a secret for her. I don't really do surprises all that well, and she's already at the stage where she knows it's going to happen.

Still, her reaction is going to be so sweet to see~


Hope you liked the chapter!

Took me a while to get to writing, took a bit of a break. I'm getting adjusted to my new work schedule now, and it's pretty odd.

The story is rather close to ending on Patr_eon, maybe 5 chaps to go. After that, I will do a few mass releases here, cuz I feel like I blue balled a lot of you and I don't really like that.

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster on Patre_on.

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