Ant King In MHA

Chapter 199: Relief and Disaster

__________ POV Narration__________

Beru released a tired sigh as he sat down with Nemuri and just stared at the television, pretending to listen to the news.

"You'd think that being bored would be hard when the world is in danger~ But here I am, living proof of the opposite~," Beru said as he turned his gaze to the ceiling.

"Well... The worst has already come to pass. People are slowly agreeing to take the cure all over the world." Nemuri said as she basically used Beru as a backrest. Completely leaning into him as she seemed to enjoy the strange warmth he provided.

"Still far from having disasters disappear completely~ Even if Ochako's and Izuku's case scared the world a lot~" Beru stroked Nemuri's head with one hand as he gave the television one more thoughtful look.

"And they probably never will! But humanity's demise has been indefinitely postponed thanks to the combined efforts of you three... Don and Yori worked very hard, and I know very well just how hard you worked for this as well..."

"In the end, it's all a combination of your efforts that decided the fates of mankind. Without you, Quirk Singularity would've already wiped out a large part of humanity by now." Nemuri, playing the part of the supportive girlfriend, decided to try and brighten Beru's mood.

And it did work, it made Beru think more of his achievements, the people he managed to help. The feeling of satisfaction that came with that was the fruit of his efforts.

He didn't do it to be called a hero, he didn't do it to be thanked. He never thought things through that much, he just did it because he felt that he needed to.

To lessen the burdens off of Yori's back, that was how it had all started.

Yori was the one to actually prevent Quirk Singularity from taking out everyone. He was the one that first brought the issue to Beru. Without him, humanity would've surely been done for.

As Beru thought about that, he remembered all of the good times he had spent in that dimly lit laboratory. Constantly theorizing and joking around with Yori, who would begrudgingly play along in hopes of eventually getting some peace and quiet.

The time that Beru decided to train Yori, to make him into an actual fighter, inadvertently making him as strong as All for One was in his prime.

Beru couldn't help but smile mentally as he thought about his journey, the path that he had taken, the people he had met.

Slowly but surely... He stopped stressing over random things. He stopped giving attention to his problems as much, his mind concentrated on his accomplishments and the friendships he had forged in his second life.

"BREAKING NEWS! A strange phenomenon currently occurring in the largest research centre within japan!"

Beru's head snapped as his eyes were immediately glued to the scene, purplish mist was already starting to appear around him as his eyes narrowed into dangerous slits.

Nemuri also instantly got up, gaining a serious look and running to put on her hero costume. She didn't want Beru going alone towards danger after the last time's results.

Beru looked at the scene on the television, he could see what the 'strange phenomenon' was. Everything was a wreck, all of the building destroyed as if devoured by something.

But that wasn't all, everything nearby was also getting pulled into the centre of it all... A red light, shredding everything around it to pieces as it seemed to be slowly gathering materials for something...

Beru instantly felt that the light was familiar... He searched his mind for a bit, the results were instant. That glowing red light was all concentrated around a large red sphere.

It was almost impossible for normal people to notice it, but Beru easily managed to do so.

'The stone... THE FUCKING METEORIC STONE~' Beru remembered as his eyes burned red with anger.

He couldn't even recognize the object in its current state, but he knew what Yori stored in his laboratory, and the stone was the only unknown factor, the only thing that had the possibility to cause such damage.

He immediately got up. Gritting his teeth with anger, one could hear his teeth cracking as steam came out of the corners of his jagged mouth.

"It seems that everything around is being pulled directly in the centre of it all! That red light is currently swallowing more and more as it seems to expand." The news anchor analysed the situation the best he could, but he seemed to be just as confused as the viewers at home.

"It's impossible to tell the damage as of now! But it seems that the entirety of the research institute has been destroyed. The safety of anyone within the institute is still up for debate!"

Beru's teeth could be heard cracking even more.

'There's no way he'd croak so easily... But everything we had was in that place... All of our notes, all of our data was stored within those hard drives...'

Nemuri was already prepared, she had managed to get dressed in a minute.

"You go gather everyone, help everyone with the transportation and come in as a group... I'll go first~" Beru spoke with a hollow tone.

"W-wait! I told you I'm not letting you go alone! I don't want y-"

"We don't have time for delegation~ You won't be able to do much alone~ Gather everyone and Toga will teleport you there~" Beru spoke as he opened up a portal.

"You go quickly~ Nezu should already have started calling everyone~ There's no time to waste~"

As much as she wanted to refute Beru. She knew, she knew that she wouldn't be able to help Beru all that much even if she came along.

But just standing by and waiting to hear news about his safety just filled her with anguish. Still, she couldn't protest anymore, she simply gave Beru a tearful smile, as she walked through the portal.

Her parting words? "You better not die you basta-"  She didn't quite get to finish them, but Beru got the sentiment behind them.

He took a last gaze at the room around him, seconds before he had been relaxing, now he was preparing to wreck whatever had caused this disaster.

"Death?~ As if that is supposed to scare someone like me~" Beru muttered as a purple mist started appearing all around him.

Her concern did manage to give him a warm feeling, one that made him smile a bit, despite his anger.

His jagged teeth showed in that smile, the cracks in them already healed as he used that warm feeling to stop his anger from controlling him.

'I just can't catch a break... Can I?' He asked himself as he disappeared from the room.


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