Ant King In MHA

Chapter 204: Trust, Peace and Assault

Everyone saw it.

There was not one person in Japan that didn't have their eyes glued to the television, everyone watched as Beru, a figure that they had previously seen as indestructible, had somehow not won.

The despair they felt was indescribable, as they watched him fall to his knees from a distance.

But that despair didn't last too long, fortunately. Seconds after Beru was warped away from the scene, the feed changed to the conference room.

Everyone could recognize it, they all realized where they were. The place where the former Symbol of Peace had announced his retirement to the world.

A place where history was made.

Now that platform was going to be used again... This time though, people could only assume the worst as Beru was being basically carried over to the platform.

Then the speech started, and people were once again reminded just why Beru could be called a Symbol of Peace.

In All Might, the smile he gave inspired people to do their best. It made them feel safe. The front that All Might put gave them a feeling that, no matter what, they were going to be fine. Why? Because he was there.

Beru was somewhat different. He didn't have an appealing appearance, he didn't have a charming smile nor did he have the welcoming energy that All Might did. But he had something else.

A calm demeanour, it was a tone so serene that it made others feel that everything was fine, regardless of the situation.

In this case, his carfree and calm tone made everyone relax. The stress of a powerful enemy was still there, but it was as if the situation was no longer pressing at all.

Beru had that calming effect on people. His back could easily make people feel safe, and if that failed, then his tone would do the job regardless.

Each sentence that Beru constructed brought forth a flurry of emotions in the people hearing them. The reactions on the streets were very similar to those of the heroes in the conference room.

By the end of it, excitement overtook everyone. It was hard not to, the public saw how everyone in the room reacted, and the emotions they radiated were contagious.

Not everyone was excited though... Some, those that knew Beru, still looked on in worry.

Inko, Eri and Kota were among those that weren't present in the room.

They were watching the situation unfold from different screens, all sharing the same worry for both Beru and their loved ones.

But words didn't do much to stifle worry, they could inspire confidence, and they could overwhelm people with emotions. But when the lives of people you care about are at stake, it isn't quite the same.

Beru finished his speech, a grin etched on his face as he tilted his head one last time.

"We should take action soon~ It's not healed completely yet, so we've got a better chance now~"

Beru spoke out to the room again, this time, he got resolute nods from the heroes in front of him.

"Beru... Are you sure you want to come with us?" Izuku spoke in a much quieter tone, that entire time, he stood by Beru's side.

Beru turned his head and stared at Izuku, who smiled a bit nervously as his teacher glared at him.

"Obviously~ Even injured, I'm still strong enough to take care of myself~ Besides... I have a score to settle~" Beru's voice gained a dark undertone by the end, earning a few beads of sweat for everyone within earshot.

"Let's get moving, no time to waste here~!! Remember~ This thing can steal the quirks of anyone touching it~ Rely on mostly ranged attacks~" Beru said as he quickly started opening up portals all around him and the heroes in the room.

The heroes nodded, all taking in Beru's advice in stride as they stepped into the portals. The first one to go in was none other than Shoto.

The scene on the other side became a bit more lively now, the previously burning wasteland that Beru created was quickly covered with a sheet of thick ice, as Shoto took his first step onto the battlefield.

The Alien managed to beat one of its half-recovered limbs into the ground, breaking the ice around it that was threatening to cover it whole.

The ice didn't last long, quickly melting due to the heat that the ground was radiating. But it greatly reduced said heat, making it possible for the rest of the heroes to come rushing in.

The news stations all had a nice view of the following scene.

Heroes poured out of black portals, it was like the floodgates were opened. Hundreds of Pro Heroes, each trained to use their quirks to perfection.

The Alien scoffed as he saw the scene. It wasn't like he didn't know about the heroes, he did get to see the memories of quite a few people, including Beru's.

Unfortunately for it, in Beru's case, it wasn't able to see much into his memories since they weren't in contact for long at all. That was how that aspect of its power worked. But it didn't mention that to Beru since that would just be helping his enemy.

The following scene was awe-inspiring to everyone else watching.

"As if a few ants will make any diffe-" The alien was about to start monologuing a bit, trying to buy some time to fully heal the rest of its limbs. But it didn't get to finish its words though.

"SMASH!!" Izuku, completely covered in thick green lightning, kicked the alien straight into the face, sending it flying as its half recovered body cracked a bit.

'I forgot about this insect... I can't even harvest the seed of power from him...'

The Alien had caught a glimpse of Izuku within Beru's memories, so he had some idea of who he was and of his powers. But the details failed it.

The Alien flew backwards and flipped around in the air a few times, hitting the ground with a loud thud and digging one of its half-recovered limbs into the ground to kill off its momentum.


Was the only thing the alien heard when it snapped its head towards the direction it was sent flying from.

It was none other than Bakugo, who had blasted himself towards the Alien and reached right when the alien hit the ground.

His palm was extended towards the Alien, glowing orange and radiating heat.

From it, a large explosion expanded, traces of volcanic lightning striking the Alien as it was engulfed by the explosion and sent flying again.

This time, the Alien flew into a crowd of heroes that all made a circle as it landed in the middle of them all.

The Alien groaned in annoyance as it was bombarded from all sides with all types of ranged attacks.

The acid from Mina that threatened to burn through the Alien's half-regenerated legs, horns that put dents in him constantly, waves of ice that stuck stopped him from retaliating, bursts of flames.

But in the end, they were more of an inconvenience to the Alien. It did just withstand Beru's ultimate attack after all. The most annoying thing about it was the fact that it couldn't attack.

It was constantly being controlled by the crowd around it. Each time it tried to raise a limb, it would quickly be frozen, or it would be covered in tape and pulled by dozens of strength-quirked heroes.

The Alien cursed Beru underneath its breath, as the insectoid was the only reason the Alien was even in this much trouble, to begin with.

If everyone had come in at once in the beginning, then the Alien would've quite easily killed them all using Beru's powers. But now it wasn't even able to recover the rest of its limbs properly.


The Alien heard those words just as the attacks keeping it pinned stopped for a second. But the Alien didn't have any time to make a move.

The split second the attacks stopped, it was slashed in two right down the middle. The brooding figure of a large insectoid towered over the Alien as each side fell to the ground.

The Alien looked up with hate, which quickly turned to fear as he saw the figure of a fully healed Beru.

'Beru' quickly jumped backwards as the other heroes also started attacking the Alien again, preventing it from healing once more.

"Toga... He's made out of some kind of stone, he doesn't really have blood..." One of the heroes said while looking at the insectoid a bit weirdly.

Toga, who was currently taking Beru's form, scratched the back of her head.

"It's the thought that counts..." She said as some of the heroes sighed in exasperation.

"You took too much after Beru. Why couldn't you find a well-adjusted role model?" Nemuri said to the side as she also whipped the Alien that was currently looking like it was still struggling to heal.

"Hey! He's pretty well adjusted all thing's considered..." Toga said as one of her tails also lashed out and hit the alien again.

The alien also finally realized who the person hitting him was. It tried to harvest her power when the tail touched its body.

But it couldn't, which made it confused. Id didn't really know how Toga's Power worked, not enough to know that her real body, what he needed to come in contact with, was not anywhere close to that tail.

Toga's quirk had always been cosmetic, Toga's real body being hidden in slime as that slime changed its appearance accordingly.

By the time Beru walked into the battlefield, the alien was already split in half and being bombarded from all sides.

He let out a burst of amused laughter as he saw the pathetic state of his enemy.

The situation seemed to be flipped on its head now.

Beru was quite pleased with what he was seeing...

But something inside of him felt that the situation was strange.

'It just doesn't feel quite right...'


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