Ant King In MHA

Chapter 206: Disappointment and Reinforcements

__________ POV Alien__________

Everything was going smoothly...

The seed of power was set to grow stronger for a few more human centuries.

But something went wrong along the way. Maybe we had underestimated just how compatible this 'Human' race is with the seed of power.

Compatible, yet also too feeble to show its true potential in most cases. In retrospect, it's a good thing that we were woken up long before we were originally set to be.

An accident that came, ironically, from a seed of power pulling the asteroids we were hibernating in towards earth.

I was the luckiest one in terms of power absorbed, I came directly into contact with the strongest warrior humanity could ever muster right upon impact.

I immediately took to absorbing and acclimating myself to his strength... But something I simply cannot fathom happened. I, for some reason, could only copy the powers that he held within him.

I wanted to pull more towards myself the moment he touched me. But an instinct told me not to be greedy... Rather, a foreboding feeling came towards me the second I tried to pull his power away from him.

It was as if I was in the jaws of a predator, seconds away from being devoured.

That strange feeling made me fear completely stealing the seeds of power from all of the people that touched me afterwards.

I was taking the 'fruits', but leaving the 'plant' intact. In a sense, not doing things exactly as planned. Humans I 'harvested' from are bound to return to their full strength after a while.

We planted these seeds into humanity with the sole purpose to take the fruits for ourselves anyway. But we also need to completely rip out the roots, we need to make sure that humans don't grow too strong and start hunting us down.

An event like that would be catastrophic... An event like that is happening right now.

Hundreds of highly trained human fighters surrounding me from all directions and bombarding me with attack after attack.

The damage they deal is minimal, almost negligible, yet it prevents me from fully healing my already ruined body.

I ended up lashing out, disregarding regeneration in a bid to kill off as many pesky humans as possible, as quickly as possible.

But I was stopped, coming face to face with the one at fault for all of the problems that I am currently facing.

... Beru. Not someone I wished to fight, it was a mistake to not keep a close eye on the human race, now there are many that are able to fight us, and this specimen is by far the worst of them all.

Even though I had already harvested almost all of the 'fruits' from him, it seems that more have already grown. Worst of all, it seems that his strength, although stagnating for a bit, is currently resurging right before me.

The fruits are not only growing... They are growing stronger and riper without showing any signs of stopping.

If all other humans that have come in contact with me were nothing more than small saplings, he is something more akin to a fully grown tree.

Whatever damned mutation took place in his body, it seems to have not only strengthened him but also every single power he had consumed.

Not only that... The same foreboding feeling is stretching out towards me, this time I'm not even touching him. His gaze is enough to make me feel it.

"I guess this is the end then..." I said as I watched my opponent grow stronger and stronger every second. Meanwhile, I was only growing weaker as the damage done to my body hadn't even healed yet.

Curse this planet... Curse this monster that stands before me, and curse the womb that gave him life...

If I play my cards right, maybe I will be able to survive this. Even if he is growing stronger, he still isn't in his tip-top shape... Not yet anyway.

His injuries should still be somewhat hindering his movements... This is my only chance, every second counts...

__________ POV Narration__________

And, much like he had planned, the alien was the first one to break the stare competition. The punch thrown was powerful, aimed directly at Beru's head.

It made contact almost instantly, the shockwave pushed all of the heroes back even further. But Beru didn't move one step.

As soon as the dust cleared, the alien could hear a few distinct cracks, it's eyes widened as it stared at it's own arm, completely inside Beru's mouth.

The insectoid's teeth dug deeply into the hand, and with a snap, Beru's jaw completely took off the Alien's newly regenerated arm, allowing the alien in question to jump back a few dozen meters as it analyzed it's missing arm with a fearful expression.

Beru smiled as he chewed on his new food. "Tastes kinda like clay~" He said as he swallowed the hand.

"I shouldn't have expected more form a species of rabid animals..."  The alien spoke once more, hoping to anger Beru and take advantage of him while in that state.

Unfortunately such taunts only worked on people that weren't Beru or like Beru...

"I guess it's my turn now~" Beru said as he used his one working leg to dash towards the alien, the ground underneath him cracked under the pressure and the movement was almost instantaneous.

Beru raised his arm in the air, bringing down his claws and cutting cleanly trough the alien's body.

"I don't really know where your core is... But I wonder if I can cut it like this~" Beru's hands turned into blurs as he cut the alien to pieces in less than a second.

The alien tried to match Beru, but every movement it made Beru tanked as well, they were both clawing at each other with reckless abandon, the dirt around them was being scarred and cut all over the place.

At this point, the heroes were wondering if it was even safe for them to be on the field during the confrontation.

But the exchange didn't end there, Beru kicked the alien into the sky, the alien twirled around in the air to break it's momentum, the second it turned to the ground it was faced directly with Beru's giant punch.

The punch crushed and segmented it's body even further, sending it flying upwards even more.

Beru scowled a bit as he felt his giant punch do very little damage to the alien. Sure it was powerful, but he simply felt that something was missing from it.

Beru teleported a few hundred meters above the rapidly ascending alien. With a grunt, 4 sharpened tails came out of Beru's back and slashed at the Alien.

The alien also acted quickly, trying to create a few tails of it's own in order to block Beru... But that didn't do much unfortunately.

The upward momentum only served to amplify the damage, Beru's tails cut trough the alien's defenses after less than a second, almost bisecting him and sending him hurtling towards the ground this time.

Beru then teleported underneath the alien, what happened next looked more like a game of ball than a fight, with Beru playing as both of the throwers, and the alien as the ball.

There was one thing separating them that made the fight that much better for Beru. For one, the alien was still nowhere near recovered, it only kept accumulating more and more damage to it's body, making it slower and slower.

Meanwhile, Beru was growing stronger and stronger each second, also aided by the fact that he had just devoured a piece of the alien.

But the most important thing by far... Was experience. The alien could glance at the memories of others, but it was clearly nowhere near as proficient in using Beru's powers.

The alien was then tempted... If it were to use the powers of the child that had pulled him down to earth in the first place, then it would likely create a lot of destruction.

But that was bound to kill off a majority of humanity, and the sole reason they were here was to collect their powers, it would be difficult to do so if most of the humans died with the seeds of power in them.

So, the alien came at a crossroads, either use that uncontrollable power to try and destroy everything around it... In the process ruining his entire mission... Or continuing to try and fight Beru up-front, while waiting for reinforcements...

His brethren would surely come to his rescue at some point, wouldn't they?

The alien had thought of taking a hostage at some point, but it simply wasn't possible while Beru was throwing the Alien's body all over the place.

"I wonder how much longer you can hold on..." Beru said as he eventually caught the alien after a minute or two of beating the daylights out of him.

At this point, the alien's body was broken and cut all-over the place, only a torso with a head was left.

Beru held the alien by the head with only one arm, a sickening smile spread across his lips as he also felt the way he was growing in strength.

"I realized somewhere in the middle of that, that you seem to be able to move your core all over the place... But that won't save you forever~" Beru said as he looked his enemy in the eye.

Beru transformed his other arm into a blade, he started to slowly hack away at the alien's body. Trying to shave off more and more of it's body way.

The alien released a deafening roar as fire seems to rise out of it's throat, in an instant, it spit out a stream of fire so concentrated and bright that it made all of the people below avert their eyes and sweat under the heat.

It was almost as if they were watching a Vulcanic eruption.

The second the bright flames died down everyone looked up again, differing emotions spread throughout the crowd, expectation, fear, hope. They were common among the people below and the ones watching from home.

As soon as the steam died down, people could see that the Alien and Beru were in the exact same position as before, the only difference was that Beru had some burns on him and was steaming, other than that, he hadn't moved an inch.

"Ooh~ That's cute~ Are you throwing a tantrum right now?~" Beru considered the attack an absolute joke. He had demonstrated his control over his fire-related quirks in his first encounter with the alien.

He had released a move so powerful that the landscape around them was bound to not recover for at least a few dozen years. Yet the alien could only muster to do so much... Beru felt a bit insulted in that regard.

"You know~ I am growing more and more disappointed in this fight, I guess I shouldn't have expected much from someone that bragged so much~ Still, you had my powers, so I figured you'd at least be more dangerous~"

Although Beru found the fight to be disappointing, the same couldn't be said for his friends and students down below, nor for the people looking at the situation on the big screens.

What they saw was a one-sided beatdown so devastating that they started wondering if the other heroes were even needed at the scene. The students also felt a bit strange not being able to assist with much.

The only one that had a slight chance of being able to join them was Izuku, but he didn't want to get in Beru's way, therefore he didn't try to do anything unnecessary.

Still, it would be difficult to say that the heroes didn't do anything to help the situation. It was because of them that Beru had the time to recover in the first place, it was also them that kept preventing the alien from recovering at the same time.

Their contributions were just as great as Beru's in this fight. Although his appeared more significant at first glance, they all played their roles perfectly.

The people at home didn't quite care for that though, they were too amazed by the sight of Beru tanking what seemed to be a volcanic eruption to his chest without even flinching.

They all saw Beru as a respectable hero. They thankfully couldn't hear how Beru was mocking his enemy without any even bothering to sound righteous or heroic.

Beru's voice irritated the alien more and more, but it didn't lash out this time. Instead, it smiled.

"It seems I've won this time..." Beru tilted his head at that remark. The Alien sure didn't look like a winner.

"Have you perhaps gone delusional?~" Beru asked while his antennas swayed in the wind.

The Aline just laughed out loud as two portals of black mist appeared near them in midair.

"It seems my backup has arrived!" The alien shouted in an excited voice, feeling his brethren approaching.

Beru just sighed. 'I guess he did say there was more like him... What are Yori and Don doing anyway?~'


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