Anti-Japanese War: Red Alert Base, I am the Power

Chapter 184

At this moment, Kyakhta has become a large military camp.

The First Airborne Division has built three lines of defense in Kyakhta, two field military airports, and a helicopter base.

And all of this was completed within five days.

A large number of bandicoot transport aircraft and Century strategic transport aircraft.

The Century strategic transport aircraft has undergone great changes compared to the previous generation.

There are three models in total, corresponding to different levels.

The first model is code-named Y-8 heavy transport aircraft by the Air Force.

This is a medium-range heavy transport aircraft equipped with 4 turboprop engines.

The engine has a single power of 5,000 horsepower, a maximum take-off weight of 80 tons, a payload of 30 tons, a maximum flight speed of 780 kilometers per hour, and a maximum range of 6,000 kilometers.

It is an enlarged version of the bandicoot tactical transport aircraft, which can fly farther and carry more people or cargo.

It is a medium-range transport aircraft that is second only to the bandicoot tactical transport aircraft in the Air Force.

The second model is code-named Y-10 medium- and long-range heavy transport aircraft by the Air Force.

It is equipped with 4 turboprop engines with a single thrust of 8 tons.���

It is also the first turbojet cargo aircraft equipped by the Chinese Air Force.

Its maximum take-off weight is 130 tons, its payload is 50 tons, its maximum flight speed is 1,000 kilometers per hour, and its maximum range is 8,500 kilometers. Turbojet engines are fuel guzzlers.

Although this turbojet engine adopts a dual-rotor design, it is still an oil tiger.

It is simply impossible to break through the range of 10,000 kilometers.

Therefore, the third version of the Century Strategic Transport can only use a turboprop engine.

Its air force code name is the Y-12 strategic transport aircraft.

Strictly speaking, it is the only strategic transport aircraft with a true range of 10,000 kilometers. It is equipped with a turboprop engine with a power of 4 horsepower and a power of up to 15,000 horsepower.

This strategic transport aircraft has a prototype.

Its prototype in real time and space is the An-22 strategic transport aircraft, and the engines used are all the same.

Many Red Alert weapons can find the shadow of modern time and space weapons.

Four 15,000 horsepower single units, with a total power of up to 60,000 horsepower.

This also makes its take-off weight as high as 250 tons, the maximum load as high as 80 tons, the flight speed of 740 kilometers per hour, and the maximum range of 11,000 kilometers.

The engine it uses is very interesting.

Even if it takes off with a full load, it can take off within two kilometers.

When landing, it only needs a 1.2-kilometer runway, when it is fully loaded.

Because its engine has the function of anti-paddle, it is fully capable of landing in a field airport.

However, the Y-10 transport aircraft equipped with a jet engine cannot do this.

The requirements for the runway are higher.

Therefore, the Y-10 transport aircraft is not equipped with too many.

Instead, the Y-8 and Y-12 transport aircraft using turboprop engines are equipped with more.

If transport aircraft equipped with jet engines want to be practical, they must use turbofan engines.

And now China's research on turbofan engines is already very deep.

Within a year, there will be practical turbofan engines available.

And it is a product developed by China itself.

This time, the Chinese Air Force mobilized an entire strategic transport aircraft wing for support.

This strategic transport wing is also equipped with all Y-12 strategic transport aircraft.

This is also the only strategic transport wing equipped with Y-12 strategic transport aircraft in the current Chinese Air Force, and it is also a fully staffed strategic transport wing.

The Air Force number is the 12th Strategic Transport Support Wing.

It has a strategic transport aircraft brigade, each of which is equipped with 33 Y-12 strategic transport aircraft.

In addition to a strategic transport aircraft brigade, there is also a maintenance brigade, a ground service brigade and a medical brigade.

These are all products of the fighter wing test plan that the Chinese Air Force began to implement in 1935.

As Chinese fighters become more and more advanced, the original propeller aircraft organization is no longer suitable for these advanced jet aircraft.

So the Air Force decided to subdivide the wing.

A single fighter wing will be equipped with one or two fighter brigades, a maintenance brigade responsible for daily maintenance and airport affairs, a ground service brigade responsible for fuel and ammunition, and a medical brigade responsible for the entire airport medical care.

Although the organization is larger, the combat effectiveness has not decreased.

Because of this organization, the attendance rate of aircraft is several times higher than before.

After all, a fighter wing used to be a team organization.

There is a lot of pressure on maintenance personnel and ground crew, and a group needs to take care of multiple aircraft.

This is like a large class and a small class in a school.

A large class has 50 or 60 people, and the teacher's energy is limited, so he can only give a rough lecture.

In a small class, there are only a few people, and the teacher has enough energy to explain it one-on-one.

There is no need to compare the learning of students in large classes and small classes.

The same is true for fighters.

After all, jet aircraft are much more sophisticated than propeller aircraft.

This new organization will be tested on large aircraft formations first.

After being improved, it will be promoted to the entire army.

33 Y-12 strategic transport aircraft will continuously transport the main force of the 7th Army's strategic rapid reaction force.

In conjunction with other transport aircraft.

In just two days, a full motorized infantry division has been deployed.

The Air Force can guarantee the news of up to three divisions.

So another division of troops will be transported. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

One airborne division and two motorized infantry divisions are the current limit of the air force's support.

After all, a cannon shot is worth a fortune.

It is not enough to transport troops.

It is also necessary to ensure sufficient combat supplies and daily consumption.

Three divisions of 50,000 to 60,000 people, two of which are high-consumption motorized infantry divisions.[]

Hundreds of tons of supplies need to be consumed every day, including combat supplies.

In order to ensure the high-intensity combat consumption of these three divisions for a month, at least 100,000 tons of supplies and ammunition are needed.

A Y-12 strategic transport aircraft is only 80 tons when fully loaded.

33 aircraft can transport more than 2,600 tons at a time. 100,000 tons requires 37 flights of these 33 transport aircraft.

At least one flight is needed every day.

The field airport can only accommodate a limited number of aircraft.

This is still in the case of a short distance, less than 1,000 kilometers.

If the range is longer, such as four or five thousand kilometers.

The Air Force can only guarantee the operation of a heavy division at most...........

But this is enough.

With three divisions of troops, there is absolutely no problem in defending Kyakhta.

Moreover, how long can a small Mengyuan hold out?

After taking Kulun, the Chinese National Defense Army can open up land routes to Kulun and Kyakhta.

Supplies and reinforcements from far and wide can be rushed to Kyakhta.

The Northern Theater General Staff calculated that Kyakhta only needs to hold out for about a week.

After receiving Blucher's order, the Russians decisively launched an attack on Kyakhta.


The Chita Military District concentrated more than 200 artillery pieces with a caliber of 75 mm or more to fire at the first line of defense in Kyakhta.

"Boom boom boom......"

Dense shells fell on the defense line of Kyakhta.

The entire position was in a state of continuous artillery fire, and dense explosions and flames rose up.

However, no one was seen on this position at the moment.

Because all the soldiers were hiding in the anti-gun caves.

At this time, a large number of Russian planes also appeared in the sky.

The number exceeded one hundred.

These are fighter planes of the Chita Military Region Air Force.

The current main fighter of the Russian is still the Il-5 fighter that began to be produced in 1930, and the Il-15 fighter that appeared in 1933.

There are even earlier Il-3 fighters.

Whether it is the Il-5 or Il-15 fighter, it is either a biplane or a high-wing fighter.

In terms of aviation, the Russians were not strong before the outbreak of World War II.

It was not until after World War II that the Soviet Union robbed Germany of its technology and talents.

Their aviation industry began to take off and became a presence that could compete with the Eagle sauce in the air.

Many of their models are still classic mainstream fighters in modern time and space.

The maximum flight speed of these fighters will not exceed 400 kilometers.

Like the Il-15, which is their most advanced fighter at present.

The engine power is 712.45 horsepower and the maximum flight speed is 360 kilometers per hour.

In addition to these three mixed fighters, there are also a number of biplane light bombers.

All of them are old stuff from 30 years ago.

It is obvious that the Russians have never had any contact with the Chinese Air Force.

The performance of their fighters is basically the same as that of the notebook.

Otherwise, they would never dare to send these old fighters to die.

However, the Russian front-line airport is very close, and the attack they launched was relatively sudden.

So the Air Force did not have time to take off and reinforce.

But at this moment, there is an entire field air defense brigade on the front line of Kyakhta.

After facing the roaring Russian aircraft group.

The hidden air defense positions have lifted the camouflage cloth.

A number of Storm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and FK anti-aircraft missile vehicles were revealed.

"Report, target locked"

"Report, target locked."

When the Soviet air force fighters entered the effective range of the air defense positions, the air defense brigade affiliated to the Seventh Army decisively opened fire and launched a lighter operation over Kyakhta.

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