Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 12 another way to make magic bullets?


[Liana POV]


"Okay... I Just need this and..."(Liana)



I'm trying to fixing the SSG 10 in my hand right now, need a little testing and a couple of things then after that I'm going with the Criss vector...
Good thing I have the tools to fix it on my inventory and thanks to the skill gun knowledge I know how to fixed it easily...


"Okay everything seems alright... the receiver is fine... Now I just need to test it out..."(Liana)

Seems like the SSG 10 is working properly just need to try shooting with it...
Wait I don't even have the specific bullets for this gun...
I look inside the box if there are some bullets for this gun...
But all of them are gun parts with no bullets at all there...
Now that I noticed there's also the other box that Echo put...

I haven't check that one yet...
I moved to the next box beside the other one I already looked into...
I opened it...
And what I find inside is...

"Bullet casing?"(Liana)

Well, bullets with only their casing there's no arrowhead only the casing at all just a hollow casing...


I picked up one of the casings in there the casing I pick looks like a rifle bullet...
I want to know if I may be able to do something with it...

"Um, I wonder If I can fill this casing with magic like in some animes..."(Liana)

[Yes you can]


I was startled by the random text on a screen that suddenly pops up beside me...


[The skill magic bullets can be used to make magic bullets by sending any elemental magic on any empty bullet rounds not only is it very great it also save mana]

"... awesome... Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?"(Liana)

[Never ask...]

Sorry for not asking...

[using pure magic energy to make a bullet from pure mana cost a lot of Mana, but it will increase the power and strength of the bullet, it is good against a strong enemy, another way is by using pure energy on an empty vassal or bullet casing to make a bullet it cost a small amount of MP but it has weaker damage and strength]

I look at the bullet casing I have on my hand...

"But I wonder how to fill it up?"(Liana)

[ By focusing and pouring magic energy inside the casing]

Worth trying...
I focused on a specific element and try putting it inside...

"I wonder if I can adjust its power..."(Liana)

[It depends on how much energy is put in on the casing if the energy is too much the casing will not be able to contain the energy and explode]

Easy enough but I have to be careful about that huh...
I started pouring magic energy into the bullet casing...
Ah, also the bullet is a type 300 WIN magnum round I think...
Will it fit in an SSG?...
It's pretty big...
I continued pouring magic into it...
It started glowing and it then started to form into an arrow for the bullet top...
The bullet fits into the round and was making a slight glow around it? maybe that's the effect of using magic to make this huh...
Ah, also the magic I use is fire magic because I wanted to level it up...
The arrow of the bullet is glowing red and it looks pretty...

Glowing red bullet

I then look at the SSG I have on my hand...
I put my hand on the sniper receiver...


I open the cartridge place and put the bullet in there...


For some reason, the bullet goes in perfectly...


I then close it...
Okay, it's loaded...
Now I just need to find a place to shoot it...
But let's try to see how much Mana I lost from that...

"Let's see..."(Liana)

I opened up my status screen...

Name: Liana
Gender: female (wolfkin)
Age: 5
Job class: MagicGunner
Lvl: 285
HP: 28500/28500
MP 13750/14250
Atk : 1425(+100)
Def : 285
Mag : 1425(+100)
Dex : 2850
Int : 2850(+100)
Luck : 1425
Skill :
Fire magic lvl1
Earth magic lvl 1
Wind magic lvl 1
Water magic lvl 1
Lightning magic lvl 5
Gun mastery lvl 3
Magic bullets mastery lvl 2
Buff magic lvl 1
Debuff magic lvl 2
Passive skill :
Hyper evade low
Enhanced hearing 
Enhanced smell
Enhanced eyes
Senses danger
Hidden skill :
Perfect evade lvl 1
Void magic lvl 1
Dark magic lvl 1(lock)
Light magic lvl 1(lock)
Creation magic lvl 0 (lock)
Corpse drain
Mineral drain
Hide status lvl max(active)
Titles :
Lone wolf
System helper
Machine Breaker
Gun Knowledge
Memory link

Oh wow, it cost 500 MP...
That's a lot to fill one bullet but, it's a sniper round so I guess it will cost quite a lot...
I also put a lot of energy into it...
I wonder how much damage will it do when I shoot it...
I don't think I can try shooting it for now but I still need to test it out...
I have to tell Echo first but he is still in the basement...
While waiting I might as well look up my vector to...
I put the SSG that's was loaded with the bullet in my inventory and look at the vector...



Okay, seems the barrel mechanics is fine...
I look at the box full of empty rounds and found a long straight SMG mag...
I look at my vector and the mag...
I then try to put the mag on the vector...


It fit perfectly into the gun...

That's good...
I then took out the mag and then look at the box again and find some empty bullet rounds that will fit in the mag I just need to make the magic bullets and put them on the mag...
Ah, the rounds of empty bullet casing I found is the 10mm type...
I make some magic bullets with it and coincidentally it only cost 20 MP for the SMG bullets for every round so I made 3 rounds filled with 20 magic bullets every mag...
Every mag has a different type of element one is wind another one is earth and the last one is water...
I look at the box again and found more sniper bullets caching...
I experiment with my magic to see what I can make with this...
And it took a couple of minutes to finish...

"Okay... Fuf... That should do it..."(Liana)

Let's see how many bullets I made...

Criss vector :
- 25 bullet 1 mag (wind)
- 25 bullet 1 mag (earth)
- 25 bullet 1 mag (water)
- 25 bullet 2 mag (lightning)

SSG 10 :
- 10 bullet (fire)
- 1 bullet (debuff : slow)
- 1 bullet (buff : strengthen)
- 5 bullet (thunder)

Well, that's done...

My mana is quite depleted after making all of that...
Around 11k of MP in total, I think...
The total amount for all of the SMG rounds is around 2.5k MP, and for the Sniper rounds were around 8.5k MP...
I'm okay with pistol mag since I have a lot of it from looting...
I look at the box and search to see if there's a sniper magazine somewhere to put the sniper bullets in but there's none sadly so I have to manually reload it one at a time if I use the SSG...
I put all of them into my inventory...
After I put all of the bullets and mags inside my inventory I heard the door opening...


I look at the door and saw Echo moving in but he isn't carrying anything in his hands now...
He looks at me and uses his hand to signal me to come over here...
He then moves out of the door...
I was confused but I go up and started following him...
I arrived at the basement of the base, Echo kept walking to the basement and I followed him from behind...
What I found over there was a lot of boxes stacked up all around the place and in the middle of the room, I saw a big thing covered with a long blanket of fabric...
I can't see what's inside it so I look around I saw that there is a garage door up from but it was blocked by a lot of boxes...
Echo walked to the thing that was covered with a long blanket grabs the blanket with his hands and pulled it off...


What I saw in front of me was...
A 6 wheel armor APC or an Armoured Personnel Carrier...


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