Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 16 Corpse Drain and Busted!


[Liana POV]

Looking at the body on the ground in the middle of the room Echo slowly moves into the room...
I was frozen stiff at the front door while still looking at the body that was laying there...
Echo slowly move to the body with his gun aim at it...
He then slowly bends down and puts his hand to its neck checking if there's a pulse or something...


After a couple of seconds, he then takes his hand off its neck and Echo then looks at me and shakes his head left and right...
Seems like it's official...
It's dead...
Echo then turns the body around and...


I made a small scream...
The body is pretty much full of holes...
Bite marks on the feet and...
The head is pretty much...
Okay I might get sick from looking at it it's not like the other body's I see at the mall because this one was getting eaten alive, I shiver thinking about that...
I look left so that I won't see the body while Echo examines it...

"Well this is..."(Echo)

I slowly look to where Echo is examining it...
He is examining the head oh god...

"A gun maybe a sword? No... Something?... multiple bites and claw marks?"(Echo)

While he is examining the corpse I look around the room...
The wall is pretty much covered with a bloody handprint and some claw mark?...
Every electronic device here is not on...
I then saw a big leaver on one of the devices in the room there's also blood covering the leaver...
I look at it for a while and then look at Echo...

"Um... Echo what is this leaver for?"(Liana)

He looks at me...

"Hm? Ah, that's the generator leaver can you turn it on?"(Echo)

I nodded and walk to the leaves that I saw...
I was quite hesitant Because of the blood but I turn the leaves down and...


The lights in the room turned on...
Every electronic device here started turning on one by one...
Seems it's still working and wasn't broken...
I look at Echo that was...
Still examining the corpse...
It still bugging me...

"Oke this is worrying..."(Echo)

Echo got up and moves towards where I was...
I look at him...

"This corp- I mean body on the ground is someone I know... He is a mechanic in this place, he stays here to fix the equipment when we move out... Never thought that he ends up like this..."(Echo)

So it's a he and he is a mechanic in this place, Echo might be sad right now because of what happened to him but I can see his face behind his helmet...
It's quite the thing seeing that all of his team were whipped out and another one died here...
I look at the corpse well his body not his dead...

[Corpse drain available]

Then a screen pops out in front of me? Wait...
What do you mean corpse drain available? Wait I can use it?...
it said that it's available...
I wonder if I can try using the skill...
Still a little sickening seeing the corpse but I'm okay for now...
Even know the face is messed up and the body is full of blood and holes I'm okay...

"...I wonder how do I use corpse drain"(Liana)

I said that with a small voice so that Echo can't hear it...

[By touching a corpse of a living being that died you can look at their skill and traits and take one of it out by saying "corpse drain" choose wisely because the corpse will then turn to dust and skill will not be able to be used on the same corpse again]

Seems good...
But I think I have to wait until Echo goes somewhere else...
And lucky that Echo said something to me...

"I'm going to go check the other rooms you stay here..."(Echo)

He walks to the door but stops...
He then looks at me...

"Don't do anything and do be patient since I don't know what to do about the body...here..."(Echo)

He then leaves the room...
Wait seriously? Are you just going to leave a 5-year-old kid in a bloody room with claw marks and blood everywhere with a dead body in the middle of the floor? I have a lot of questions about that brain of yours Echo...
But with that, I can finally try my skill...
I slowly move to where the corpse is...


I was hesitant since this is quite the thing I am about to do...
I put one of my shaking hands on the corpse...
Well, mainly the arm of the corpse...
I was also actually poking it not touching it...
Wait get a hold of yourself! This corpse can't move like in the movie or video game with the Z word in front!...
I then slowly touch the hand of the corpse...
Wait a minute, isn't this disrespecting the dead? Wait this is also Echo friend Right? Am I okay to do this???...

"..." (Liana)

Actually, I don't think he cares about him he just examines him and left, I also remember him saying something disrespectful to it soo... 

I think I'm okay...
Well, I can try to convince Echo that something happens to the body when he got back here so I think it's okay to use my skill...
I then look at the corpse and use the skill...

"[Corpse drain]"(Liana)

Then a screen pops up in front of me...

Skill available :
- mechanic lvl 5
- ####
- ####

Eh? What do the tags mean?...

"What is this?"(Liana)

[ The skill with "####" means unavailable or lost can't be taken with skill corpse drain]

Oke, I guess I can't take that skill...
There's only the mechanic skill and it's level 5 so it's pretty good...

"So what to do now?"(Liana)

[To grab the skill say "take skill (skill name)"]

Oke seems easy enough...

"Take skill mechanic"(Liana)

[Skill taken]

[New skill unlock]

I open my status screen...

Name : Liana
Gender : female (wolfkin)
Age : 5
Job class : MagicGunner
Lvl : 292
HP : 29500/29500
MP : 14600/14600
Atk : 1460(+100)
Def : 295
Mag : 1460(+100)
Dex : 2950
Int : 2950(+100)
Luck : 1460
Skill :
Fire magic lvl 1
Earth magic lvl 1
Wind magic lvl 1
Water magic lvl 1
Lightning magic lvl 5
Gun mastery lvl 3
Magic bullets mastery lvl 2
Buff magic lvl 1
Debuff magic lvl 2
Mechanic lvl 5 (+new)
Passive skill :
Hyper evade low
Enhanced hearing 
Enhanced smell
Enhanced eyes
Senses danger
Hidden skill :
Perfect evade lvl 1
Void magic lvl 1
Dark magic lvl 1(lock)
Light magic lvl 1(lock)
Creation magic lvl 0 (lock)
Corpse drain
Mineral drain
Hide status lvl max(active)
Titles :
Lone wolf
System helper
Machine Breaker
Gun Knowledge
Memory link

Seems like I did it...
Then when I look at the corpse it slowly turns to dust and all of the blood seems to disappear to...
So that's what happens when I finish taking the skill huh nothing left except dust just like what it said...

"That seems easy enough..."(Liana)

"Oh is that so?"(???)

"Yes it i-"(Liana)

I turned to stone...
Oh no...

"I knew you are going to do something kid so I waited patiently..."(???)



My body stiffens like a flash of electricity comes running through my body I'm starting to sweat...
Also, am I can imagine things, or is there the jadang! sound effects from jo#o somehow behind me!? I think I also heard other jo#o references sound effects from behind me too...

"It is funny since you are to focus on what you just did to the corpse to not know me walking into the room..."(???)



Sweeting intensity! Sweeting intensity!...
I think I heard footsteps from behind getting closer and closer by the second is his head already behind me I'm so scared to know!?....
I slowly move my head to the back with screeching robotics turning sounds effect to the left worse mistake I ever made...

"Now how will you explain this to me I wonder..."(Echo)

There I saw...
Echo with his hand Cross looking at me at point-blank range on my face with his face still hidden behind his helmet...
Wait is my eyes playing tricks on me or am I seeing a black sinister aura behind him?....
That makes it one thousand times SCARY!!!...


I wimp like a scared wolf cub that was targeted by a fierce predator...

"Kid I know You've been hiding a lot of little SECRETS from me from the start since we first meet and I have stayed quiet about those little SECRETS you have since I trust you but I think it's time you tell me all of that little SECRETS! you've been hiding from me right now... And don't try to lie to me I already saw a lot of things you've been doing secretly since we were together... if you think I wasn't looking at you when I wasn't there when you are alone you're going to have to think again kid..."(Echo)

Ah, I've been busted from the start...
And he stayed quiet from the start...
Never mentioning anything...
He just fooled me...
From the start...
I've been had from the start!?...


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