Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 21 Echo past part 4





[Echo POV]





Firing at the Droids in front of us with our guns...

They kept falling down but they just won't stop coming...

"There endless!"(Rug)

"We need to find another way there fast!"(Fortra)

Getting overwhelmed is one thing, but how do we find another place to go there right now?...



The droids kept shooting barrage of bullets at us, and right now we are taking cover in a four way corridor shape like a + the team was cut into two groups and we can't move to form into one team without crossing the other corridor right now...

"This is bad"(Ragas)

"What do you mean by that?"(Echo)

Looking behind me was Ragas with a wrist device...

He is clicking on the device while trying to stay calm...

Anyway now I'm with Elli and Ragas on this side, and on the other side was Reuton, Rag, and Fortra...

"They started splitting up everywhere"(Ragas)

"What do you mean?"(Echo)

"I said they are splitting up! If we don't move now we will get surrounded!"(Ragas)

"Okay, thanks for that info you hear that Fortra?"(Echo)

I said that while looking at Fortra on the other side of the corridor...

"I heard that! Okay, change of plans everyone! We're split up and find another way through to the underground station garage where the vehicle is! Ragas and Elli you with Echo and the others with me don't forget to turn on your communication devices, now MOVE!"(Fortra)

With that, the team split up...





[Jon POV]

This is bad...



The droids are a problem our force already has a hard time dealing with the big ones and now they add the little ones...

"Commander! Reporting a lot of officers are heavily wounded from the battle, and some are dead as well! We can't take this much longer!"(???)

An officer came to me and report the bad news...


I look at Ania and pat her head...

"Don't worry it will be alright, trust your father"(Jon)

But She just stays quiet...

Well, I was also worried because three of the drill hit the headquarter, it's going to be hell inside...


"Sir! We got a transmission!"(???)

Something happens and I look at where to sound came...

It's an office that was in charge of the radio...

A transmission?...

"From who?"(Jon)

"From the army sir..."(???)

The army?...

I then ran there...

"Ah! There calling sir!"(???)

"Answer it"(Jon)

"Yes sir!"(???)

The office then answers the call...

{Psss.... This is the army psss... Anyone still alive? Psss...}(???)

"This is Jon the commanding officer of the police force reporting"(Jon)

I answer it the sound is quite static but I hope the army can help us right now...

{Psss....The police force? psss.... This is commander Bridget psss... What's your status over there? psss...}(Bridget)

"Pretty bad sir... We're taking heavy casualty here, it is great if we get some assistance..."(Jon)

{Psss... Air force team 5 is on their way to your location psss... It will take time to get Their psss... T minus 10 minutes till there psss....}(Bridget)

"Thank you we will try our best here then..."(Jon)

{Roger that this is Bridget calling out psss....}(Bridget)

Then the call ended and I look around...

"Tell everyone that reinforcement will be here in 10 minutes! Keep them at Bay till reinforcement come!"(Jon)

"""Yes sir!"""(???)

All of them answer and started moving...

I look at the headquarter where Echo and Fortra team was at...

I hope there okay...





[Echo POV]

Keeping paste and moving the corridor we encountered some Droids along the way but not too many so we easily take them down and we managed to arrive at the main hall of the headquarter...

And what we saw there was a block off exit and some Droids looking at us with their guns aiming at us, we quickly take cover from the raining bullets they kept shooting at us...




Seems like we can't move forward with them on the way...

I look at Ragas...

"Where should we go now Ragas?"(Echo)

Since Ragas is the only one that seems to have a map I can only count on him...

He was keeping track of the whole team right now also telling Fortra where they should go so that we can all meet up but a lot of the routes are blocked off by rubbles so it's quite hard to meet up...

"Wait a second... Ah found it! We need to go to the right side of the corridor up ahead there should be a ladder moving down to the underground section of the headquarter..."(Ragas)

"Oke, what's about Fortra team?"(Echo)

I wonder what is Fortra doing right now...

"Let me look... He is okay for now with the others they are moving down to the underground section as we speak"(Ragas)

"Okay, that's good Elli you okay?"(Echo)

"Yes I'm good..."(Elli)

This place has no electricity so it's quite dark but there's a lot of windows and the light from outside was pretty bright so I can see every droid here...

I then started firing my gun at the Droids followed by Elli doing cover fire with her SMG and Ragas sniping some at long distance with his bow...

After dealing with all of that we move to the designated place and move to the underground section using the ladder that was leading down...





[Fortra POV]

Arriving at the underground section of the headquarter we ran through the corridor and saw a door in the distance...

The door was another metal door and it's red...

"This is the door right?"(Reuton)

"Yes kid this is the door...."(Rug)

The place is dark but our team is specialized in dark places so we're okay...

We then take a defensive position at the door...

"C4 coming right up!"(Reuton)

Reuton put a C4 at the door and we move back to cover...

And then he presses the button and...


The C4 explode and the metal door was sent flying...

We then started moving into the underground section...

And we arrive at the control station of the underground basement of the headquarter where they manage the garage to open the vehicle sector...

What we see is a lot of rubbles and dead bodies... 

So that's the reason nobody picks up...

The control place collapse by the rubble so we need to blow up the gate manually...

We then move into the control room...

But then...


A red light looking like a V appears in front of us...


This is is different from the Droids we fight...





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