Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 24 Echo past part 7





[Echo POV]

"Ah... It should be around here somewhere..."(Echo)

Arriving at the right door of the hallway I open the door and walked inside the room...

For some reason, the place seems to be pretty clean...

No scattered paper on the ground or any broken furniture at that...

I look around and see the shelf filled with keys on a wall...

I walked there and try opening the shelf...



Of course, it's lock...

The shelf was made out of glass so...

Raising my hand I then hit the glass with my elbow...


The glass broke and I then started looking around the shelf filled with keys and started looking for the key to open the lock on the armory door...

But then...

Grumble! grumble!


The ground started shaking...

An earthquake?...

What happens outside?...

I look behind for a second and then...

Broke! Crash!!!!

The shelf that was full of keys break and falls from the wall to the ground...

As I turn my head towards the shelf, well what's remains of it...

"Ah sht...."(Echo)

All of the keys are scattered around on the ground...

Then my communication devices started ringing...

{Psss... Echo did you find the key yet?}(Ragas)

"Um, working on it...."(Echo)

{Psss... I'm going there to help you... Elli is in trouble there so we need the key ASAP!}(Ragas)

"Um... okay, I'm on the right door of the place you said and the keys are here, need help..."(Echo)

I hope Elli will be alright with waiting more...





[Elli POV]




Evading another crate smash on a wall behind me as I run around the armory...

The robot is still chasing me slowly but if I get hit by the flying crate then I'm dead...

I only have my flashlight to see where I am going and the robot keeps following the flashlight...


I wish I have night vision goggles...

I look around if I can find anything to use...

I saw some tools from the broken crate maybe I can use that...

I run in circles so that the robot loses track of me then I move back to the broken crate I then look at the things that are on the ground...

"Some flashbangs and smoke grenade huh"(Elli)

I may be able to use this to my advantage...

I grabbed some of it and after that, I turn around and...


Saw a giant metallic hand swinging at me...

I evade to the side...






The hand smashes a flash grenade and a smoke grenade that was on the floor and it set it off and a bright light flashes the place up for a second and then smoke started covering the whole armory...

I used this to my advantage and got out of there and ran through another part of the armory...


I'm starting to get tired but I can't rest now, the smoke won't stay too long and that thing will start going after me again...

The smoke was starting to fade so...

I started running again...





[Echo POV]


"Don't question it and help me..."(Echo)

Ragas just got here, in the middle of me crouching on the ground trying to find the key to the armory from all of the keys that were scattered on the ground...

"I hope Elli is alright with waiting..."(Ragas)

"Will she be alright? What happened anyway?"(Echo)

Ragas then explain everything that was happening on the armory right now...

After finish explaining, I hurry up my paste of finding the key with Ragas...

"Seriously where is the key to the armory?"(Echo)

All of the keys on the floor have name tags on them but none of the name tags are for the armory...

There should at least be a spare key here for safekeeping...

"If I remember correctly the armory key should have a red name tag..."(Ragas)

I look around and see nothing with a red name tag...

I then look at the desk and other places and didn't see anything or any keys with a red tag on them...

"Where the bloody hell is the key!!"(Echo)


I look at ragas when he said that what do you mean by ah?...

"If I remember the key manage usually keep the important key on a safe on a portrait somewhere?"(Ragas)

"And you just told me right now?"(Echo)

Oh, I'm going to strangle you...

I've been doing everything for nothing then?...

There's only one portrait in the room I ran there and took off the portrait and saw a safe behind it...

"What's the password?"(Echo)

"Um...it should be written down on his desk if I remember... That's what he said that is..."(Ragas)

"How do you know this anyway?"(Echo)

"Oh because I've been friends with him since before I join here"(Ragas)

"Okay, close enough..."(Echo)

Elli, please stay alive for a couple of minutes more...

We almost finished finding the key...





[Elli POV]

"Okay, now where am I?"(Elli)

I've been running around the armory for some time now and I am now in some random section of the armory...

I lost track of the robot and that makes it quite worse for me...


My footsteps are echoing through the armory and that is quite bad because that thing can hear it, I can't hear its footsteps too here for some reason...

I suddenly found myself at the front door of the armory...

It's pretty much a small clear area with some crates stack on the floor all around the place...

The left and right sides are covered with shelves filled with a lot of things...

I move to the door and try to open it...


Yeap it's still locked why do I even bother?...

I turned around and...



The robot was there... 

And now is blocking the only way for me to move around the armory...

I blame myself for getting myself into this tight spot...

The robot raised its big arm and swing it at me...

I quickly evade to the left...


Seriously, how much power does that thing have for it to make a small crater on the armory hard floor?...

It then started swinging its arm to the side where I was and I quickly evade it again by jumping while turning my body to the left but that's a mistake...



I hit a crate while I was evading and falls to the ground accidentally as the crate that I hit falls beside me...

I swing my head left and right a couple of times and then look up and there I saw the robot was about to swing its big arm at me!?...

I roll to the side and manage to evade the arm...



The arm that the robot swing hit the crate that was beside me and the crate got smash and every inside the crate falls to the ground in front of me...

I look at what is on the ground and saw...

"Shock Charge!"(Elli)

Just what I need right now!...

It's very effective to stun the enemy but it's even more effective again electronic...

It should be able to stop the robot's movement with this!...

I grab one of them and rolled away from where the robot was...

I then turned the shock Charge in my hand on and throw it on the floor in the middle of the robot leg...

The robot started moving its leg and it triggering the shock Charge...


The robot got stunned, and electricity started coming out from its body, and its body started to stop moving, I quickly grabbed more Shock Charge on the floor...

I then saw something at the corner of my eyes inside the broken crate...


What I find is something that should have not been there...

"Why is there a gravity spike here!?"(Elli)

A gravity spike is a weapon that can create a shockwave that can even throw people up in the air while also destroying anything that made close contact with it...





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