Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 28 Echo past part final





[ Echo POV]





I heard an explosion in the distance...

Is that Elli? Has she finally manage to blow the gate?...

I look at Ragas...

"I think it's time we move now..."(Echo)


The two of us then ran towards where the gate was...

While shooting at the android that started rushing toward us...

"Oh? Where are you guys going?"(Android)


The android swings its katana at us and wind slash forms every time he slashed his sword at us, the two of us evaded all the slash that was thrown at us while running towards where the gate was...





[Elli POV]

How long will we have to wait again?...

We're running out of time here...

I'm just taking cover near the gate as for their order to stay away from the gate...


Grumble! grumble! grumble!


The ground started shaking, what happened?...




I heard an explosion outside, a lot of explosions...

What's happening over there?...


I heard someone calling my name behind me, I looked behind and saw Echo and Ragas running toward me...

"The gate is stuck?"(Echo)

I nodded at Echo's question...

"Frick... not good we can't-"(Echo)

"Can't what?"(???)

I heard a sound behind Echo and Ragas I look there and saw the thing... the thing that killed the others...





[Echo POV]

"Tch! bad..."(Echo)

"Why ask that? You can't outrun me"(Android)

The gate is still not open...

And that thing manage to get here fast huh?...

Ragas and Elli aim their guns at the android and I stand ready in front with my knife in hand...

"... Talk about struggling..."(Android)

The android then took a stand with his katana aiming at us...

This is bad...

As the android was about to attack us the communication devices all of us had on our vest started acting suddenly...

{Pss.... Move out of the gate now!}(Jon)

I heard Jon's voice from the communication device...

I looked at where the gate was...


But then I heard the android slashing its katana at us while I was looking at the gate...

As that was happening Ragas ran in front of me and...



""Ragas!""(Echo & Elli)

Ragas got sliced in the chest by its blade and then...


Something explodes from the gate behind us and that explosion made the gate flew to where we are, we quickly evaded the falling gate, Elli and I dragged Ragas away from it while the android jumps back to avoid the falling gate...


After that, I can see a lot of police officers storming the vehicle hanger from the opened gate...


The Android lowered its katana and move back before looking at me...

"I can kill all of them but we already brought enough time anyway...see you next time!"(Android)

The android moves to the shadows and fades away...

While a lot of police officers storm everything here...

But they didn't found anything there...

We then got escorted out while Elli and some other medic take care of Reuton...


In the distance, I can hear my daughter's voice calling for me...

She ran full speed at me, I crouched down and she quickly takes me while also hugging me...

I hug her back in return and she smiled...

I then see Jon moving to me...

"Wow talk about a hassle... Good thing the air force makes it in time..."(Jon)

I look up and saw jets flying around, helicopters dropping soldiers, and dragons moving around...

I guess the army helps us...

"We're still not done yet! follow me"(Jon)

I then got up with Aina in my hands and then follow Jon somewhere...

I arrived at what seems to be a small control center...

Jon was in front of me with a map and some people are doing their things here...

He laid the map on a table in the map there was a red X mark in a certain place and Jon pointed at the X mark on the map...

"This is the extraction zone where the army is a station, some other refugees are also there... We're going to have to go here since this place is not safe and we don't have any more places to go... The army said that the air force will guard us against any possible danger so be ready to move out now... After that, we will join the army and retake this city back from those fucking robots!"(Jon)

All of the people in the place nodded at Jon's words, seems like that's the only option we can't do with our current weapons here...

I then move out and saw a lot of armor cars came out from the vehicle hanger with some additional people carrying crates and supplies...

They seem to be in a rush...

I look at Aina and...

She just smiled at me...

I smiled back and look at the sky above...

It's cloudy...

They didn't take long to pack up, the one that has an injury was taken care of by the medical team with healing Magic...

That said...

"Why is there a small amount of mage in this place..."(Echo)

I look around and only saw some healing mage where's the rest of the mages here?...

I saw Jon talking to someone in my view, I then started walking to where Jon was...

And he saw me walking towards him...

"Hm? Have any questions Echo?"(Jon)

"Just asking why are there a small number of mages here?"(Echo)

Jon then thinks...

And then he looks at me...

"I don't know but I heard that almost all of the mage was said to move to the main city it said that it was to help with the defense there..."(Jon)

Really? That's quite odd...

Well since Jon also doesn't know to ill stop asking...

"Anyway we're going to move out in 5 minutes get ready"(Jon)

I nodded and I started moving to where my car was...

After 5 minutes all of us moved out, there are 15 armored cars and 20 police cars right now moving to the destination that Jon said, I'm in my car with my daughter and I can see that the air force was flying everywhere in the sky...

The jets are flying left and right patrolling the area, the helicopter was keeping distance to see if they can spot any incoming enemy's, the dragons are on top of us guardian us from above...

It took around an hour until we got to where the extraction zone was...

Somehow it went smoothly with nothing happening but...

It's way too smooth...

No enemy attack at all...

That's too weird seeing that we are pretty much a big target...

The extraction zone has tanks and soldiers guarding the place...

I also saw a lot of transport helicopters moving in and out of the place...

All of us got out of our vehicles and move into the extraction zone, there Jon seems to be talking with a general while I walked to an open area looking at the burning city in the distance...


The city was burning brightly...

And that big flying ship is still flying above the city...

I can see bullets and missiles flying everywhere around the city...

Aina was on my side pinching my shirt...

I put my hand on her head and look again at the big flying ship and then I saw something glowing...


Something started moving on the top of the ship...


A big purple light came out from the ship and then...


It made a big explosion there as it flies up high to the sky...

Shockwave spread from the city to here...

I grabbed Aina and we quickly lied down on the ground below...

The shock wave spread around us while also hitting the extraction zone behind...

I can hear a lot of screams over there...

After the shock wave started to fade I got up and look at the city...

All of the fire in the city was put out from the shock wave...

I look up in the sky...

I saw the purple light in the sky started moving...

It flew to where the extraction zone is...

Oh no...

Some people started running out of there and some are shooting at it...

I was quite away from the extraction zone was I started getting up but...

The purple light in the sky smashed in to where the extraction zone was...


a large explosion came and the ground all around started shaking...

Then I heard an explosion in the sky all around us...

I slowly look up and saw a lot of helicopters and dragons getting shot down from the sky...

I also heard something behind me...

I look behind me and saw an army of Droids and big giant robots...

I got up grab Aina in the arm and started running...

The extraction zone seems to take a lot of damage but I can see a lot of people are okay over there...

I look around...

But it seems that the extraction zone is the only place I can go right now...

I ran to the extraction zone with Ania in my hands...

Arriving there I can hear a lot of screams...


"I need someone here!"(???)

"Medic! Where is the medic team!"(???)

A lot of people are on the ground not moving and a lot of people running back and forth helping people...

I move to where the control center is and...

It seems that it's still intact...

I saw Jon there and I sighed in relief...

He saw me and ran to where I was quickly...

"Echo! I'm glad you're okay!"(Jon)

"You to Jon"(Echo)

I look around and saw a lot of soldiers and people running...

Some are just staying on the ground in despair...

I look at Jon...

"What now?"(Echo)

"I don't know but our first priority is to move to a safe place..."(Jon)

"I saw an army's of Droids and robot moving here through the plains..."(Echo)

"Tch! I knew it! that explains why we haven't been attacked..."(Jon)

"What do you mean?"(Echo)

Jon looks at the distance...

"I can say that they might just want to end all of us here... I guess they somehow know our location..."(Jon)

Ah so... 

They started their counterattack on us...

"Well anyway we better-"(Jon)


I heard an explosion in the distance near us...

All of the people including us looked at where the explosion was...

There was smoke coming from there and we all saw someone coming out from the smoke...

And behind it was a squad of black androids...

I'm started to sweat...


Jon commands everyone here to start firing at it...

And everyone quickly started firing their guns at that thing...




But that thing didn't even get hit by the bullets... 

The bullets stop right in front of the thing...

Then the bullet slowly turns around...

"!!! Everyone take cover!"(Jon)

All of us quickly take cover and the bullet that was floating started flying towards us at high speed...

Some people didn't make it in time and fell to the ground with bullets piercing their bodies...

After that, we all slowly got up while still aiming our guns at it...

"My my! Still, a lot of them are standing!"(???)

The one in front raised its hands widely while looking at us...

That thing has a humanoid body and was wearing a helmet with an O sign on the middle but it looks like an android like the others around him...

"Who are you!"(Jon)

Jon shouts at it...

"Who am I?"(???)

The thing puts one of its hands in its chin while still looking at Jon it then stretches its arms again...

"I am O!"(O)


"Yes, that's my name! Given by our creator! Hahahahaha!"(O)

O look around and laughing...

All of us are still aiming our guns at O...

"Hahahahaha.... it's funny! But you still resisting huh? Bullets won't work on me! So try your best!"(O)

"This is bad..."(Jon)

"And also don't worry about the other people! We take good care of them!"(O)

"What do you mean?"(Echo)

I look at O...

"Oh, scary, scary! Well just watch!"(O)

O then turn around to where the big ship is and then...


O flick its finger...

And then...






The ship started launching missiles in a specific place...

Wait that's...

"No...the shelters!"

The missiles then hit the shelters all around the city...

And then...





A giant explosion happened there and a mushroom cloud was formed from the explosion...


No way did it just destroyed all of the shelters where the citizen and other people were hiding?...

"Hahahahahaha! Yes, explosion everywhere! Hahahaha!"(O)

"You son of a!"(???)

Some people started firing their guns at O because of rage...

"Yes! Yes! Get angry!"(O)

The bullet was stopped and was shot back at everyone...

All of them fell to the ground with a scream as the bullet hit their body...

"Ah....I love the smell of anger"(O)


"Well, time for the main event to start!"(O)

O raised one of its hands to the sky and then swing it at us...

Indicating the androids behind O to move...

"Everyone fire!"(Jon)

All of us started firing our guns...

But the androids skillfully evade it and started taking down a lot of people...

"Hahahahaha! Yes, struggle till then end!"(O)

Then from somewhere...



A tank from the army came rushing from a broken building somewhere and aimed its turret at O...


The tank fired its shell at O...


And it explodes...

"Did it get him?"(???)

Someone said that...

"Tch tch tch tch! You should have not done that"(O)

O came out without any scratches...

The tank started to open fire with its LMG but the bullet was stopped by O then the tank fire another shell at O but now...


"Oh, no way that's going to work again!"(O)

The shell then stops right in front of O...

"No way..."(Jon)

The shell slowly turns around and blasts its way to where the tank was...



The tank got hit and it exploded...

A tank shell can't even damage O...

Some people started to surrender to them but...

"Oh? Why did you give up now? Lame.... Just die then~"(O)

The one that surrender was killed by the androids...

With that out of the option, the only option is to run for all of us...

A lot of people started running away...

"Ahahahaha! Seriously? Running!? I love playing tags you know!"(O)

O then make a sigh and the androids started chasing the one that was running leave O by its self...

With only a couple of people here including me and Jon...

Ania was still grabbing my clothes and was hiding behind me...

I can only look at O in the distance slowly moving to where we are...

"You.. you're Dead!"(???)

A soldier came rushing at O with a knife in hand another one also join him including some police officers...

"Haha lame!"(O)

O grabbed the soldier in the arm and break his arm he then kicks a police officer that was rushing at him in the belly and the police officer was sent flying and crashed into a building...

Another soldier came behind with a knife but O still having the other soldier in his hand swing the other soldier to the other soldier and the two of them were sent flying...

Another police officer came from in front with his fist on O's head, the fist hit but...


He grabs his hand...

It seems that O's head is very powerful and tuff...

O grabbed the police officer in the head and swing it at a soldier that was sneaking up on O from the back the two of them crash to each other and were sent flying a couple of feet away...

Everyone stops moving and only looks at O as that happens with their weapons still aiming at him...

"Oh? Stopping already?"(O)

O looks around...

"Well, no matter isn't that right Han my dear friend?"(O)


Then from the distance, I can see Han moving to O...

"Han what is the meaning of this..."(Jon)

Jon was taken back from this...

"Sorry boss but I have to do this..."(Han)

He was holding a detonator in his hand...

What is he doing?...

"Han what are you doing!?"(Echo)

He then active the detonator...

I heard sounds from my back...

Behind me and Jon is the control center...

Oh no...

I grab Aina and shield her...





A big explosion came and everyone was sent flying, I'm still holding Aina in my hand protecting her from the explosion...

I was sent flying a couple of feet away from the explosion and my vision started to become blurry...

I can hear voices everywhere...

Aina got up and kept shaking me while calling me...


"Hahahahahaha! Amazing truly amazing!!!"(O)

O was laughing while killing the rest of the soldiers and police officers...

Then O look at Han...

"You did a great job!"(O)

"Yes... Now free my wife and son!"(Han)

So he did this because his family was taken, hostage?...

"Ah yes I'll free them I also free you from this world"(O)

"What do you-"(Han)


Han slowly fell to the ground...

I saw O with a handgun in his hand, he shot Han in the face...

"Yes, I will free them, free them from this world that is hihihihi!"(O)



"Oh, what's this?"(O)

O slowly look at Aina...


I slowly got up and shield Aina behind me...


O slowly move to where we are...

"Move out of the way please"(O)

O then slap me with his hand and I fall to the side...


Aina runs to me but was grabbed by O in the hand...

"Tch! hahahahaha! What a lovely pair of father and daughter... Ah~ I wonder what I can do with it"(O)

O still grabbing Aina started dragging her I move and grabbed O's feet with my hand...

O look at me while Aina is struggling to get out...

"Tch... miserable insect..."(O)


O then swing his leg out from my hand then stomp on my face with his leg...


"Ah! To loud! Stop whining!"(O)

My vision started to go even blurry while O started walking away with Aina in his hand...

Aina keeps shouting while crying...

"Papa! hic...Papa!"(Aina)



I tried to get up but falls to the ground again and everything went dark...

The last thing I remember was me waking up in a hospital...

I look at my shaking hands and tears came out of my eyes...

I can't...

Even protect Aina....





[Third person POV]

At the hospital Echo wakes up covered with bandages, it's been a week now since the fall of the City...


Someone came into the room he was in, the one that came in was a girl with white hair and red eyes with pointy ears...

She looks at him with a sad face...

Echo just kept looking at the window in the room since he wakes up...

The girl takes a chair from the side of a wall and puts it beside echo and then she sits there...

"Are you okay?"(girl)

Echo looks at the girl but then looks back to the window...

"I'm okay..."(Echo)

Echo said that without any emotions...

The girl bites her lips as he said that...

She looks at the paper on the desk and reads it...

Then look at Echo again...

"What are you going to do now?"(girl)

Echo look at the girl sitting in the chair...

"I don't know..."(Echo)

The girl looking at Echo...

"Are you okay with this?"(girl)

"What do you mean?"(Echo)

The girl looks at echo with a serious expression...

Echo can see that she is being serious...

"Are you okay with just giving up?"(girl)

"Of course not!"(Echo)

Echo started to get angry...

He was reminded of the moment when he didn't manage to save Aina...

"Then just keep moving forward then..."(girl)

Echo look at the girl in front of him with a questionable look...

"I may not be the best of this... but..."(girl)

She then points one finger at Echo...

"Giving up when you don't know if you can move forward is pretty stupid... It's been a week since you keep looking at the window are you going to keep this up when you have people that need you right now?"(girl) 

The girl smiled at Echo...

Echo the think...

It's true...

What will Aina think when she looks at him now...

She will get mad and scold him as her mother would...

Echo then started to smile...

He looks at his hand and then looks at the sky from the window...

He then thinks of Aina...

"I promise... I will find you and bring you back..."(Echo)

The girl only looks at Echo with a smile and then got up from the chair and move to the door...

Echo look at the girl...

"Where are you going?"(Echo)

"Oh me? I'm going out on a mission to infiltrate a base somewhere..."(girl)


"Well, I don't really know? I'm just taking a break right now and I don't even know when I will be deployed right now... I'm just here because someone here was asking for my help with you"(girl)

Echo look at the girl that started opening the door...

Ah, he hasn't given his name to her yet...

"I forgot that I haven't given my name yet... my name is Echo What's you?"(Echo)

"Haha... I know your Echo.... Well about my name?"(girl)

The girl looks back at Echo...

"Call me Zenia... That's my name"(Zenia)

She then closes the door leaving Echo alone in the room...

Echo looks at the sky from the window again...

With determined eyes...

He promised himself that he will do his best...

And hope to get Aina back...

And that's also the last time he saw Zenia...





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