Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 47 Now I Own This Mountain

Ming turned around to examine the square hill on which he was standing.

The entire mountain was square and conical in shape, with a narrow top and a wide bottom.

At first glance, the top of the mountain appears to be about the size of four basketball courts.

Because it was standing in the square, the top of the hill was still relatively flat.

The ground is nothing but broken masonry, and there is nothing else nearby.

"This place is really good."

Ming took a look around. The closest mountain to him, yet at least ten blocks away.

A bit further away, there are a number of square and conical mountains of varying heights.

Many times the height and area of his square cone mountain.

There are various crooked buildings and rubble stacks on the site.

Take a look at his own area. Small but very clean.

In the event of a gust of wind, it is not even necessary to clean it.

He thinks it's good here, the kind of place where the top of the mountain is in ruins or forget it.

See if it's secure by searching.

Very tiring.

The road is also long; the main thing is that something else may occur later.

The hill itself, despite being only about 100 meters high.

However, the slope of the slope is good, making it easy to go up and down.

When the tide of corpses comes in, it can play a minor defense role.

The only drawback is that there is no protection from wind and rain.

He must build a nest for himself.

Ming kicked the broken bricks under his feet, unable to build a house because there was no cement or something.

Of course, he will not construct.

This is extremely embarrassing.

He has to open a cement factory first before he can build a house?

Totally unrealistic, what a waste of time


At this point, the sound of a zombie could be heard.

Ming checked the sound and discovered a zombie hanging upside down next to the top of the hill to the east.

The left foot became trapped between two rocks.

This is most likely a zombie that fell into a crack and ended up hanging after the ground cracked.


After smelling fresh meat, the zombie was shot with a crossbow arrow through the head before he could think.

[Kill level 3 ordinary zombie for +2+0.1 experience and +1 doomsday gold]

Kill accomplished.

Ming walked around the mountain's crest.

There were no more zombies discovered.

Only one zombie appears to have fallen into the crevice and hung there by chance.

And it met him.

The sky was raining heavily at the time.

Ming raised his hand to catch a few drops of ash-laden rain.

The rain was filthy.

Well, the whole world is now covered in dust in the air.

Ming returned his gaze to his own land.

The most critical thing right now is to build a home.

Da Vinci, who had awoken from his slumber, emerged from his chest pocket at this point.

Examine the scene in front of him.

As soon as he opens his eyes, he burrows into your pocket.

Continue to sleep.

It must be a dream.

[All-channel broadcast: Best wishes to earthquake survivors still watching message. What do you think? Is it more dramatic than you expected? Your survival shows you're the Chosen One, the Son of Fortune.]

[Actually, 5 minutes is plenty of time to run from your shelter, but some guys at the high level might have trouble.]

[Then tell a joke about someone who sat on a tower crane and didn't climb down for five minutes and is now dead. So that everyone knows not to climb so high.]

[Next, open the Doomsday store for half an hour. This will have some new items, after all, the doomsday game is very fair well, please feel free to buy, spend all your money when you live.]

[Warning: Once the store goods have been sold, there will be no refund.]


A light curtain appeared over the Doomsday trading line.

Ming went to the doomsday store and discovered a new category of construction building materials.

After clicking to take a look, he felt the Doomsday Shop was an "honest and legitimate way" to make money.

[Wooden spiked barricade: 1X1m, price 2 doomsday gold]

[Wooden panel wall module: 2X3m, price 3 doomsday gold]

[Iron: 1X1m, costing 2 doomsday gold]

[Red brick wall module: 2X3m, cost 4 doomsday gold]

[Barbed wire: 1X1m, 2 doomsday coins]

[Wooden board: specification.5 m, a set of ten for 1 doomsday coin]

[Wooden door: specification meters, 2 doomsday gold coins]


Ming pulled out an umbrella from the brain warehouse.

He was standing in the light rain, pondering what he was planning to buy.

The world chat channel was also very active at the time.

"Everyone, when placed directly on the ground, the plank wall module can appear as a plank wall, similar to the game "My World."

"I suffered the first chapter reward of 100 gold coins, plus the killing of zombies is also two hundred gold coins, and buying building materials is to just build a toilet!"

"My bunker was directly lost after the earthquake; fortunately, I ran fast enough, took enough, and am now squatting in the ruins to avoid the rain; I believe I may be die in the first night."

"why you guys buy building materials ah, some buildings have not completely collapsed, a short layer of buildings can still live a little, I am now in the factory ruins of the collapsed building, although the ground is slanted, but it is better than buying those with doomsday gold."

"Anyway, I reawakened my 'water affinity,' I have gills on my neck, no big deal, I'll jump in the river, that's my home, I'll save money."

"Me too!"

"You guys should think twice because I was bitten by a fish and now I'm dimmer and want to eat human flesh...will I be a zombie as well?"

"I think everyone should buy career skills at the doomsday store"


"Career skills?"

Ming thought for a moment.

Then he bought five plank walls.

Career skills aren't necessary right now. The key is to have shelter from the wind and rain.

One wall was placed on the ground following instructions.

Then he connected three more sides.

The fifth plank served as a roof.

Well, a toilet with no door appeared.

Ming had also locked himself away...

The situation was awkward.

He returned to the Doomsday Store and purchased a wooden door.

Choose a wooden wall fuse with a wooden door module.

Just... he built a toilet with a door.

Ming is only doing this to learn how these things work.

This time, he purchased a large number of wood panel walls and red brick wall modules directly.

Construct a two-story brick house with a length and width of four meters square next to the toilet.

To save money, the second floor roof was covered with wooden boards.

Nothing was on the first floor.

The view was unaffected because the second floor was surrounded by open windows.

He took a chair from the brain field warehouse and sat by the window, looking out at the gray world.

Da Vinci took his head out of his breast pocket and looked around.

[What's up? Where's the big, comfy bed? Can you tell me where the plush couch is?]

[Your Da Vinci licks your chin with its tongue. It tries to wake up by scruffing your beard... It realizes it's not a dream after ten seconds, but it's still perplexed.]

"My house is destroyed, but I built a new one; how's it going?"

"Isn't it lovely?"

Ming took the Da Vinci from his pocket.

He took it in his hand and walked around the room with it.

Take a look around, Da Vinci.

Put it in Ming's hand and turn it around the room.

Da Vinci looked around, his eyes closed and said nothing

When Ming was feeding Da Vinci, he saw the traveller option in the skill category bar within the Doomsday Shop, and he clicked it.

A skill list appeared in front of him.


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