
So just putting this here! BRT only increases stardust now, it no longer increases rune power 🤕

Aqua's pov

     "Remember!! Don't trust people in the game!!"

"Yes, sister."

"Also only play with women ok?!!"


"Stay away from men! Men are bad! Very bad! just stay with women ok?! Ah!!! Why did those assholes have to make it random!!"

"Sister..... I'll be fine, don't worry too much okay"

At that sister looked at a loss 

"( sigh ) How can I not worry about you, what if you get scammed again!!"

"I won't sister, trust me, I'll play with women and stay far away from men ok?" 

"I don't even trust women!!!"

I laughed softly at that and simply took her in my arms, hugging her 

"Don't worry sister, worst comes to worst I'll simply beat them up. I'm not helpless you know." 

She finally calmed down and ruffled my hair

 "Fine Shoo, go play already, you have three months of rest anyway." 

"Still feels weird being free for so long... hehe joking"

Sister could be scary at times, usually not to me though. She didn't stay more and soon left and by the time I entered the pod, the game had already been launched for five minutes, and the glasses were placed on my face...

Log in, goddess?


 Once I opened my eyes and found myself in a white room, I didn't hesitate to randomize all as I didn't know what I was doing either way, so I decided not to bother myself.

The screen loaded for two minutes straight before it finally stopped 






You're the most revered being from the other world, Supreme God Altea welcomes you


Reverence from all residents

Immunity to all damage 

Total Brt x 1000


Total STR x 0

"I might not know about games, but why do I think this is bad? ( Sigh ) Doesn't matter"

I clicked yes twice and my body glowed for a second before stopping, after a brief inspection I was sure there weren't any additional changes to myself 

'Looks like a human but is a goddess? Funny.'

With that settled, I randomized the faction and not long after I lost consciousness.

Landing in the city, I was instantly shown the meaning of my first strength and I was unfortunately regretting it a bit 

"Goddess!! I'm a tier 7 cannoneer!! I guarantee your protection throughout the realm if you'll welcome me!"

"Trash!! Why should the Goddess endure you idiots' rowdiness!! Goddess, I'm a far better choice for a companion, tier 7 scout and I'm a mecha user!! The goddess can rest assured that no one is s better choice than me!"

With that the remaining residents scrambled to introduce themselves, the funny thing was that they made sure to stay two feet away from me, as if worried I'd be uncomfortable but that wasn't the problem honestly -

"I'm sorry to you all but I have to refuse. Due to a situation in my world, I can only travel with women so I'm sorry but I'll have to reject your kindness"

With that said most of them told me to wait as they ran away from the pavilion I was currently in saying to me they were going to get their wives, daughters and sisters. 

I was exasperated at this rate as I know I wouldn't be able to enjoy the game if a high-level person was trailing me!

"Goddess, if you want I can make them stop bothering you but please don't mind them too much. It has been thousands of years since our lands were rejected by the Gods! ( sigh )"

I turned my attention to the man who told me how to get my badge in confusion 

"There are no Gods in the evil faction?"

"We had Goddess, but..... Many years ago they abandoned us and joined the other side, since then the good faction has steadily advanced, we only have a quarter of the realm now. Don't you think we're pitiful?" 

"Indeed. But I don't think i could be of much help, I don't feel the difference of being a Goddess"

"Ah!! You will Goddess. While it's true that that our reverence can't strengthen you, the people from the other world can, they come from the same world as you after all"

I was still confused but I chose not to question it after all it didn't matter, as long as I could play by myself. I'm determined to enjoy these three months of freedom.

When the men returned with the women, true to his word he made them back off, not after them making me promise to approach them if I needed help and a woman volunteering to lead me to where the other medics would be.

We were currently on our way there when she spoke up 


Her voice was soft like she was afraid she would bother me, it saddened me.


"You..... You wouldn't abandon us also yea? I- I mean we might be a bit bad but um -"

"I won't. Since I was birthed here, I won't leave. I'm not so fickle, please don't be so careful, it's sad to see."

My words seemed to brighten her straight up as she walked with more Virgo with a happy smile on her face 

"Great!! With you here we can finally fight back!!"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh right, you otherworlders shouldn't know. When you all were being born um the faction was encased in a barrier by the Gods, so um all the otherworlders were born on the other side! Bullies!!"

"How long was the barrier up for?"

"Um five minutes I'd say, entering its sixth"


'azrath had a technical issue? That's rare... Sister will probably be upset when she finds out I'm in the evil faction!! Right'

I brought out my mobile, thankfully my dress had pockets or I might really have to find something else to wear and there's still the bag the residents forced on me...

I quickly took a selfie and posted it on the world chat with the caption 

"Guess my faction"

It didn't take a second, before I could close the mobile the chat was already filled with the words 


'that wasn't my question'

 I pouted with amusement as I closed the mobile and returned it to my pocket and soon we were at the medic's building, it was the first white building I'd seen since I'd gotten here!! 

There was a very obvious close flickering at the entrance but the door still swung open as a short angel woman came out, she first bowed at me and welcomed me in and I had to ask as I was confused 

"Aren't you guys locked? And can you not bow, it's not necessary!"

"Ah!! If that's what the Goddess wants and yes Goddess we're still currently closed but not for you! So the Goddess can start her training with peace of mind!"

I nodded at that and proceeded to follow the angel woman while waving goodbye to the woman who sent me.

We walked for a while before entering through a red door. The room was circular and there were numerous humanoid robots actively moving around the room engaging in battles with each other.

"Are you okay standing Goddess?"

"Capable enough thank you."

"Then we'll start. First off, what do you know about the medic class?"

"They're in charge of healing"

"Close enough! The medic is the lifeline of a squad. A squad is forever incomplete if there's no medic in it, so every medic is treated with respect."

"I see....."

"Moving on, this is the medic class special gun. It is connected to two barrels that hold a semenic serum and a volit infus. Pressing the trigger causes both chemical formulas to fuse and shoot out what is known as a health bullet, it diffuses on the body and yes the medic class gun doesn't cause any damage and if you're not good at aiming you will heal your opponents. Moving on, you can get a secondary weapon to be able to attack, as long as it's not a class weapon, it wouldn't work anyway."


" Oh- it's a stupid restriction placed on the classes, you can't use other classes' main weapon, it's practically scrap. Shiny scrap."

"Anyway, on the medic gun, the gun and the chemical formula changes, right now this is the lowest grade there is, it's trashy but it gets the job done at your level. The rankings from lowest to highest are black, grey, white, orange, purple, pink and blue. They are usually indicated when you check the info if it is not there, the gun is trashy. That's what you all were given."

"How do we get new weapons and the chemicals? Are they hard to come by?"

"Not really, there are numerous shops all over the city that sell better equipment with different varying styles, you can find what you like or you could get the job and make it yourself. But the key point is, the higher the grade, the harder it is to get the materials!"

"Now moving on to casting runes -"

She showed me a screen-like surface that was located at the side of the one-foot gun, it was circular and was two inches in length, little stars were flickering in it, albeit faded.

"This is called the rune field, every main weapon has one, it's half of what makes it a main weapon. So it's really easy to operate, the field is always active and all you have to do is engrave the rune on the field and the next shot you shoot will have the specified rune you engraved. You can engrave as many as you desire at a time, as long as you have enough Breath (BRT ) Continuing with the topic of runes, there is no such thing as trashy runes, they start from tier one runes which is not specified. But from tier two runes upward they are specified just like class and level. When you reach the max level of your current tier you'll be expected to do an upgrade quest which will increase your level tier thereby boosting your stats and your class, when your proficiency reaches 100%, you'll be upgraded to the next tier which will let you be able to learn the new tier's runes. You should know that when both the class and level want to upgrade, you are advised to move to a safe area or find someone trustworthy to protect you, as you'll be unable to safeguard yourself!"

"And the mastery percentage available beside the runes will make the runes stronger once it's full yes?"

"Yes Goddess!! It'll upgrade the moment it's at 100%. Moving forward, The higher the rune level, the more runes that have to be engraved, for a tier one rune, only one rune is to be engraved and tier two runes require two runes, depending on the rune their difficulty differs! Now, a tier one rune is easy enough to engrave but from a tier two rune, if you don't alert the field that the rune tier is higher it can backfire on you, and potentially kill you so to make sure that never happens, if you want to engrave a higher level rune, you are required to tap on the field the number of times the rune tier you want to engrave is, then you proceed accordingly, you should also know not to randomly touch the field as if you accidentally engrave a rune that exists that can kill you, it is not a joke. Did you get all that Goddess?"

I silently blinked twice before smiling and nodding at her, her face turned a bright shade of red as she coughed and continued 

"Well since you understand it, it's time to give you the task, I'm sorry Goddess but this is mandatory, please don't be upset" 





GOOD LUCK GODDESS ( - sorry, tutorial rewards can't be changed!!! ) 

Ignoring the very non-AI-like behavior, I faced my instructor who was looking at me with endearment.

"Do I at least get ammunition to do the quest with" 

She nodded fast and with that, I headed to the fighting bots to start the quest 

'thankfully brother forced me to all those classes!!' 

Aqua's current status 😩


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