Arya's pov 

    Thankfully, three days passed by in a flash and it was almost time for the game to launch, five minutes left. I locked in already inside the pod with the glasses lying on the table, the pod was currently counting down so little fireworks displaying the countdown were fluttering above me. When the countdown reached ten my hands held the glasses and wore and 3..... 2......1..... 



My vision became white as I lost consciousness but the next moment I opened my eyes and found myself in a plain white room, thankfully I wasn't naked. The room was pretty spacious but I wasn't given that much time to think as a transparent screen appeared in front of me 








I went silent when I saw the numerous races, there were even sub-races of the race to pick from so it was kind of a lot. I first clicked on the elf and my ears only became pointy which was pretty boring, as I already knew what orcs looked like I clicked on demi-human which brought out a different screen






You get the gist. Sighing with annoyance I simply clicked the randomized button and watched as my body flickered between different races for a whole minute I think, when it was still switching I was thinking about canceling it and just picking manually before the screen changed 

CONFIRM THE RACE - Draconic Death Demon (DDD)?

     YES / NO

I clicked on the question mark and information about the race appeared

DDD - Strengths 

Large dragon wings for flying with defensive properties 

50% permanent stats increase every time a player kills 1,100,000 beings 

31% damage increase when attacking while flying 


              - Weakness 

Immune to all heals

"This race is too dangerous to use, but...... I don't feel like searching for a different race."

 And with that, I clicked yes and my body quickly morphed into a DDD. There were large dragon wings attached to my shoulder blades, they felt oddly natural, though I'm not sure flying would be so easy. I looked at the rest of my body and sighed when I saw no other new addition, not even a horn?!! I didn't think about it too much though as I returned my attention to the screen flickering in my face








Sniper - Master of long-range battle, kill your enemies from 300 meters!! Dependent on the rifle!

Cannoneer - mid-range to long-range battle, don't get too close to the enemies else you blow up!!

Bomber - Boom!! Set up explosives, and throw bombs in the middle of the battle!! In your hands bombs are ten times lethal!!

Medic - savior of all parties, your teammate is dying? No problem!! Inject them with healing serums!! It only works in your hands!!

Executor - wield the shotgun like a bastard!! Get in your enemy's face and shoot them down!! Allies too!

Scout - control drones and machines to be your eyes and ears!! You shall always know ahead and never be blind!!

'Cousin let them write this as the explanation?! I'm more annoyed at the fact I understood it honestly' 

I quickly picked sniper as my class, I wasn't dumb, if I can't be healed I'm staying far away from my opponents!

With that settled my clothing finally changed, apart from the one-meter-long sniper rifle that appeared assembled in my hands, I was dressed in army green khaki pants and an army green sleeveless vest that thankfully had a cutout for my wings 

"that's going to be a problem" 

and it was rounded up with black army boots and leather gloves.

When I saw that I was done with my settings, I inputted my name and clicked on random so I could start the game, when the lights were flickering between the options a mini screen popped up 

Your starting stats have been distributed according to the body scan, every player gets the amount of 20 stats points as welcome gifts. Please enjoy THE REALM OF AZRATH.

And with that, my faction was selected and I went unconscious again.

Meanwhile, at the HQ of Azrath, in the control center in charge of THE REALM OF AZRATH, a mess was occurring!! 

"Sir! The system operatives have scanned Azrath and confirmed it was a bug that happened during the beta testing! " 

"And how long before they fix it" 

"Five minutes sir!!" 

"Five minutes!! In five minutes, 80% of the players are going to all be a part of the good faction!! How does the evil faction cope?!!"

 Silence prevailed through the room at the man's outburst 

"Ah... Just fix it as soon as possible, and set the system to evil faction only! Such a bad thing at this fucking time!! '

I opened my eyes again and was left flabbergasted, 'this place is amazing!!' as I looked around, there were practically sky-high skyscrapers everywhere I looked, the sky was filled with flying vehicles and in the distance I could vaguely see what seemed to be a giant flying, I moved to check it out but before I could leave the pavilion I was in, a strange man stood in front of me 

"I wouldn't do that yet if I were you child" 

I looked at the horn on the man's head with curiosity as I replied 


"You should generate your faction badge first or you'll be neutral. And trust me, you don't want to be neutral." 

"Oh? What happens to someone neutral?" 

"They're hunted down, it's fun!" 

His mouth formed into a big smile that looked creepy and to that, I just sighed and went to the flowing golden water in the middle of the room and stuck my hand in, in five seconds I felt a metallic object in my hand and I bought it out.

 In my hand was currently a pure black badge that looked like it was stained heavily with blood, bones were delicately drawn all over it and in the middle was my name. Pinning the badge to my chest, I made to leave with 

"Do remember not to lose your badge ha!ha!ha!ha!ha!!" 

He went into a burst of full maniacal laughter as I simply waved at him and left the place.

  I toured the streets of the city and where each place is, thankfully there were signboards all over the place, unfortunately, some places require payment to assess and not to get me started on public transportation. After two hours spent checking out the city, I sat on a neon bench near the city center. The whole city was alive, the residents didn't act like AI with a fixed dialogue and I'm pretty sure one almost tried to scam me!! 

"Open status"


Name: lloud

Race: Draconic Death Demon ( DDD )

Class: Sniper ( Tier 1 - proficiency - 0% )

Level : 0 / 20 ( Tier 1 )

Clan: .....

Health - 200 / 200 ( total VIT x 10 )

Stardust - 300 / 300 ( total BRT x 10 )

Stamina - 100 / 100 (total VIT x 10 / 2 )

Stat points - 20

STR: 50

DEX: 32

VIT: 20


( Average body stats is 10 )

Damage - 5000 ( weapon damage x STR )

Defense - 50 ( Equipment )

Speed - 320 ( total DEX x 10)

Accuracy - 190 ( total DEX x 10/ 2 + equipment )

Rune points - 0

Active runes

Piercing shot - lvl 1 < mastery 0% >

Passive runes


Piercing shot - damage x 237%

Shoots a straight bullet with a 237% increase in damage

Additional information -

Str increases weapon damage and the body's strength 

Dex increases speed and accuracy 

Vit increases health and stamina 

Brt increases stardust

I went silent as I digested the information being shown 

"How do I check my equipment?! Do I say equipment stats"

The screen didn't change or pop up a new one! 

"Show equipment! Equipment status! Status equipment?! Open equipment status? -"


Trashy rifle - 100 ( Damage )

Trashy sleeveless vest - 20 ( Defence )

Trashy khaki pants - 20 ( Defense )

Tight leather gloves - 30 ( Accuracy )

Trashy army boots - 10 ( Defense )

I closed the screen silently as I wondered

 "Well the stats are pretty self-explanatory but, is there no tutorial, I mean I think I know how to cast runes but 80% of the player base will suck at it!"

I stood from the bench and started heading to the building that was the destination point for sniper class users. It was a short walk thankfully as the main class buildings were all close to one another and soon enough I reached there. I didn't bother trying to figure out which of the people passing me were players as there wasn't anything that indicated who was who but that thought became useless as I appeared at the sniper class building.

It was tall!! My eyes were attracted to the mini crowd standing outside the building or squatting in front of it. Most of them looked like a mess!

    My appearance did catch the interest of the majority of them as I approached the entrance

 "Don't bother dude, they won't let you in"

 I looked at the person that alerted me, he was 5 ft 6 and a light skin human male with long flowing black hair

 "oh? They still haven't opened?"

 I said as I walked to the man, leaning on the wall as I kept my eyes on the entrance that was close at hand 

"Ah! You must have come here before! But yea they haven't opened. I'm Stallion by the way!"

"lloud with double l. Did anyone announce their opening time perchance?"

"Nah not really, we're all just waiting here after all we die if we leave the city!" 

"Oh? You also guessed coming here will get you free ammo?"

"Bro didn't you notice it?!!"

At this point I was totally confused, Stallion didn't let me wait long though, actually, someone else informed me.

"Most of the players in our faction are pro players, dude, though it's to be known if that's helpful at all!"

He was tall, definitely taller than me and the only feature I saw was longer ears so I'll assume he's an elf. He also has light skin but with a buzz cut

"Putting aside the fact that factions are randomized, how did you get that info?"

"On the World Chat"

"Which world chat?!!"

"The One on your mobile!!"

I took in a deep breath as I did a fierce staring contest with the elf, bro fucking looks at me with amusement 

"Which mobile?!!"

"Check your pockets" 

"Argh!! Fuck my life!"

I immediately started tapping around my pants and annoyingly found a mobile in the lowest fucking pocket. The mobile was brought out and I watched as the screen lit up with app icons in it like forum, friends, music, vtube and every other thing in a new mobile.

"You can play games in this?" 

I wondered 

"yea, azrath is cocky to allow us access to the net and all in the game!! Right let's add friends''

And with that, the elf was beside me and became my first in-game friend, I also added Stallion and for the rest of the minutes set up my phone as we waited for the door to fucking open.

"Woah!! Guys you won't believe this!!"

A sudden voice broke the silence as we all looked at the fox demi human jumping around, with a few people voicing their inquiries the man finally spoke 


With that everyone engaged with their mobile while I was a bit confused, I was going to voice it out and simply decided not to bother when the doors swung open and a black-skinned male came out with three red horns attached to his head as he said 

"welcome to hell noobs!! First off I don't repeat myself, secondly, once you enter through these doors don't even think about leaving till you've completed the training!! And lastly ( deep breath ) GET YOUR FUCKING ASSES IN!!!" 

The twenty-plus snipers quickly got in before the male locked the doors as only one thought prevailed in my mind. 

'how.... How fucking long is the training!!'

stats are so confusing to write!!😭🤘🏾

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