
Arya's pov 

My eyes opened as Lynn woke me up that we'd arrived back in Aria, the jet landed at Starr household so we had guards escort the Charming sisters back to their place as I set off back to the apartment, Lynn stopped me though 

"You sure you won't stay for the night? it's late."

"Not. I have to log in to AZRATH so bye!"

With that, I drove off into the night sky. The drive was long but I got there eventually. Going to my room I stopped by my mother's room hearing moans coming from it as I rolled my eyes and wanted to fucking puke 

'No one and I mean no one wants to hear that!'

I washed up and soon I logged back into the game. I have been gone for more than twenty-four hours, time to enter the tower again.

My eyes opened in the game and I noted the continued absence of my roommate which prompted me to get my equipment and put it on. With all that done I prepared to use the token to go before the door opened and I stared blankly as Aqua stepped in.


She said with a teasing smile on her face as I sighed with annoyance 

"You've seen me before haven't you?"

"That is correct though I did technically move out."

"Pretty sure your sister would be worried if you hadn't "

"And my fiancee?"

There it was again, that fucking teasing smile. I'm dead serious I've not seen someone look so pure while teasing someone!

"Maybe a tiny bit. Just a bit."

She laughed at that as her eyes registered what I was wearing with curiosity 

"You made that? Impressive."

"It wasn't that hard honestly though."

"Because you're a genius. There's no other player blacksmith in our faction yet, too hard apparently "


"Mm. They've practically given up on it. That's what the forum says anyway."

I didn't know what to think of that because this method was way easier than traditional techniques but guess I was wrong.

"Are you free Aqua?"

"Want to abduct me"

"How did you know!"

"Haha! Where are we going, fiancee?"

I didn't talk and simply threw her the token and she went silent accessing it

"There's such a place... Interesting."

"So interested?"

"Mm sure. I'll warn you now though I have no damage so I can only heal you."

I blinked twice not trusting what I just heard, so I asked her to repeat it 

"I'm a medic technically but like no damage. Non-existent."

"I might not understand the other classes that much but I'm pretty sure medics can cause damage with a secondary weapon?"

She didn't say anything to counter me and simply brought out her mobile and after a second showed me the screen which showed her race info


You're the most revered being from the other world, Supreme God Altea welcomes you


Reverence from all residents

Immunity to all damage 

Total Brt x 1000


Total STR x 0

I was flabbergasted as I voiced it out 

"The fuck is this! You're like OP!"


"You're useless to me though."

I shouldn't have said that, my head was complaining about why I said that when she hit me at the back of my head, hard I'll tell you and I wasn't wearing my helmet yet so it hurt but thankfully I wasn't wearing it I guess if not she would have gotten injured. Would that even hurt her?

"That's rude Arya. You don't say your fiancee is useless! Hmph!"

I didn't know if she was mad or annoyed and I didn't think twice about it but simply brought out my race info on my mobile and showed it to her 

DDD - Strengths 

Large dragon wings for flying with defensive properties 

50% permanent stats increase every time the player kills 1,100,000 beings 

31% damage increase when attacking while flying 


              - Weakness 

Immune to all heals

"I didn't mean it in that aspect sorry but you're useless to me, all medics are"

"This is bad though!"

"Well maybe. Used to it though."

Aqua didn't say anything and simply browsed through her bag for a while before she burst out laughing she brought out a gun and showed it to me 

"No longer useless fiancee."

I simply looked at the stats in wonder as I was shocked 

"Where did you get this? This? Can you even use this? Isn't this! Ugh, I'm so confused. How did you get this!"

Aqua seemed to be very much loving my performance as she was smiling happily as she said 

"The residents. They gave me a lot of gifts when I entered and yes I can use it, probably a hidden stat about my race though. So admit it, am I useless?"

"With this fucking weapon you're the most useful person to me in the game! Thank you "

"Hmph! You're welcome."

Eye of DaeMon - curSed (grey)

HEal - 10000

Requirement -


1000 BRT


Eye of DaeMon comes from the far ends of Annil, during the era of the massacre of healers Eye of DaeMon was tampered with to kill others going against the heavenly principle of saving lives only due to that Eye of DaeMon was cursed from taking lives making it a weapon that harms all things that accept healing and vice versa. 

CurSe -

Loses 5% BRT permanently for every life taken

Loses 100 BRT for every shot taken 

"The curse... It won't affect you?"

"As long as I don't kill, the other is negligible and temporary as well."

"Do you need a special kind of ammo? Cursed perhaps?"

"I don't think so. It is a medic weapon, cursed or not so the ammo is probably the same."

"Then should we test it?"


With that said I took out my dagger and nicked my neck, the part that's to be covered with the helmet and blood started to trickle out. Aqua was shocked by what I did before she hurriedly put in ammo and shot straight at me, a smile blossomed on my face when I felt the wound closing and checked my status. No injury.

I quickly moved to her and hugged her in my arms and twirled her around as she locked her arms around my neck, i dropped her soon and ruffled her hair as I said 

"You are my lifeline in Azrath Aqua!"

"Don't ruffle my hair!"

She brushed it back in order before replying to me 


I burst out laughing at that, she was so

"That's cocky Aqua."

She simply smiled and said nothing and simply raised the token with a raised eyebrow

"Alright, let's go."

She handed me the token and I held her hand before crushing it and we teleported to the entrance of the third floor 


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