
Chapter 17


My rest was no rest at all.
I had constant nightmares of getting crawled on by spiders.
And to be honest, that’s exactly what’s happening, just under my skin.

When I wake up, I feel awful.
I’m still tired, but I’m pretty sure I’ve slept far more than usual, or at least tried to.
And I had no food which contributes to the strain put on me.
I get up and put on the white dress, the first dress I was given here, for today, then sit back on my bed and contemplate if I shouldn't just try to make a run for it, to escape the future of getting locked in a room together with "my" spiders!
But all the things I experienced until now are speaking against the feasibility of this approach.
Still, I’m scared.
And starving.
A state the remaining spiders inside me don't like very much.


"Hello, Nerysi!!!" (M)


This sound of approaching forced privacy intrusion is easy to recognize.


"Masiabi?" (N)


What does she want?


"Talisa said we shall go today to your brood, but I thought you would first like some food! Those idiots didn't give you anything yesterday, right? This is inexcusable. Hunger is the enemy!" (M)


She entered without bothering to ask and hands me a large sac full of this liquid.


"Don't worry it consists only of forest creatures. You must be very hungry. I could always drink the reservoir empty when I have mine." (M)


There is no reason to hold back and my hunger drives me to empty this sac.
And so I do!

It empties fast, but as soon as I've finished, Masiabi hands me a second one from who knows where.
She seems to have anticipated my state and brought some extra portions.
And I need them.
After the third, I grow full and stop gulping it down.
It is strange how I don't grow tired of drinking this stuff.
I mean, it's normal to have enough of a dish if you don't have any variety, yet I have no problems satiating my hunger with only this liquid.
Apparently, I don't really crave any different food.
The only thing is, I would like to try some of my favorite dishes again.
The encounter with Akasia's tea leaves told me that my sense of taste still works like before, so they should be enjoyable.


"I thought of something." (M)


That's a bad sign!


"We need to do this thing with the room, but I promise I’ll try my best to help you endure it. What I thought of is a little reward for your efforts." (M)

"Reward?" (N)

"How about today we go out together?" (M)


That sounds to me now like a far and distant world.
I could go back out.


"Just a little stroll, but I thought you could feel a little entombed inside here!" (M)


I really want to!


"I... I would like to." (N)


Why does Masiabi have such a strange expression?


"C-... CUTE!" (M)


And she embraces me.


"What a wonderful look you just had! Absolutely precious! So adorable! So sweet!" (M)


I nearly forgot how she is.
Thanks for the reminder.
So it is more of a stroll with a walking source of offenses.
It takes a while, but finally, she settles down and I get free.


"Okay, I'm ready now! We can get going!" (M)


Who said that I am ready?
But the problem is that she is not just taller, but also stronger than me by far.
So she simply drags my reluctant self with her.
Since I cannot get my arms free from her grasp, I am forced to stumble along behind her, while I give my all to go against her pull.
I am absolutely aware, with my new sense, of where this room full of horrors is located and how we get closer with each of her steps.


"You know, if you don't like to walk by yourself I can also carry you in my arms!" (M)


I'm going!
I'm going!

It was not far in the first place, as for some reason they wanted to have them close to me.
But directly in front of the room my fear again overcomes me.


"Can... Can we not just say we were here and go to another place?" (N)

"No can do! Talisa can be very gruesome if you ignore her." (M)


That she has a sadistic side was clear to me when she told me I will get locked in a room with spiders.


"I really don't want to go in there." (N)


My fear grows uncontrollable and my itch starts.
At the same time, I notice how the spiders in this room are starting to run wild.


"Huh, you really must hate this. Even your familiars can feel it." (M)

"So I can stay out?" (N)

"Nope!" (M)


She pulls the threads to open the doorway and gives me a push from behind.
I stumble forward into the room and instantly feel how all the attention is centered on my person.
All entities inside here are gazing at me.
I fall down on my knees, grab my shoulders, and can just look scared around.
Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and notice Masiabi behind me.


"And? Do you want to say something to them?" (M)

"Talk to them!?" (N)

"Yes, they understand far more then you seem to think. It's not like they are angry at you for neglecting them. To be honest, they can just love you. They might not like your attitude towards their kind, but they would do absolutely anything for you." (M)

"I don't want them to! They should just leave me alone!" (N)


Promptly all the spiders retreat to the walls of the room.


"See! But you should take this back. They try to fulfill your orders, yet when they are opposed to their natural desires, they become seriously disordered. Right now your order to stay away from you stands against their instincts to protect you." (M)

"But I don't know what I'm supposed to do!" (N)

"Just say you take it back for now." (M)

"Okay! I take it back." (N)


The spiders immediately start moving again.
They come a little closer, but feel my aversion and don’t approach me directly.


"So, we should just maintain this distance. There is a table there." (M)


I try to focus on the table and ignore the swarming horrors around me.
If I'm right they have grown a bit.
And that doesn't help at all!

I come to the table and notice a book on it.
It is the book I started learning how to read with.


"Talisa said while you’re just sitting here you could also proceed with your reading lessons and that I should use this chance too. Such a tyrant!" (M)


Taking any possible distraction I try under these distressing circumstances to read the book.
Masiabi is helping and obviously, she had a thorough education.
She can read fluently and points out any mistakes I make.
Still, I don't know what makes me feel more threatened, the spiders, or Masiabi and her occasional approaches on me.
Things being like this I cannot concentrate at all.
I feel constantly threatened and the spiders become wilder with my growing fright.
After ten minutes, I become nearly unresponsive and just try to blend everything out.
However, this weird sense makes me frustratingly aware of what happens around me.
After twenty minutes I start to shiver and my eyes are tearing up.


"Are you alright? You look really bad." (M)

"It's too much for me! They’re looking at me and will come any moment to tear me apart! This itch is driving me crazy and I'm locked in here!!!" (N)

"They wouldn't do such a thing! They are-" (M)

"My brood! I know! As if I could forget when everyone is constantly reminding me! I am no spider! I am not made for this!! Why is everyone trying to turn me into someone else when I am not suited for this?!" (N)

"You are suited. You have a very gentle side and all you need to do is to share it with them. If you can just hold out a little longer, it will be a great help to you!" (M)


It doesn't get any better and after half an hour Masiabi aborts it and pulls me out of the room.

The spiders became too distressed by my feelings, and I was past my limit and about to break.
I couldn't take any more.


"Huh, you really have some issues! But today was just to get started, so it should be fine." (M)

"I can‘t do this! It was terrible! It‘s just too much to force me to do this! Sob!" (N)


Now that the pressure is gone, my bottled-up feelings gush out all at once.
I sob, cry and shout and shiver all over.
I’m not sure if I’m more relieved that it’s over for now, or terrified because I have to do it some more later.


"You gave your best and more isn't necessary. Just don't give up. You did well for most of the time and it will gradually become better. Also, even if you didn't make it fully through I promised you a reward. It might calm you down to get out." (M)


Yes, outside.
That would be great.


"Let me just quickly send a note to Talisa or I'll get into trouble." (M)


She quickly writes something on a piece of paper that she took from the table where I just trained to read, and puts a bit of distance between us.
I instantly see why.
A large spider carrying a bag comes and Masiabi gives her the note without a word, takes the bag, and the creature leaves again.

Then we get on our way.
Considering my current state, Masiabi avoids the gathering hall and leads us along a smaller passageway.
She also drives the occasional spiders, of all different sizes, immediately away.
I get a hunch about how vast this place is.
And ask myself how this system of ways came into existence.
To distract my strained mind, I ask the question out loud.


"How did you get such a home?" (N)

"This is easy. Many spiders are able to carve into the sand and for the stone we use acid. There are constantly spiders tasked to expand this place." (M)


After some time, I perceive how the walls are starting to get less covered and the grey structure behind becomes visible.
In some places, I can see roots growing through the ceiling.

Finally, it becomes brighter than before.
I think this is the exit.
Yet before I can walk through there I get grabbed by my shoulder.


You’ve been inside the entire time, right?" (M)

"Yes, why do you ask?" (N)

"Then don't forget to avoid looking into the sky and by no means should you look directly into the sun." (M)

"Why?" (N)

"It will hurt your eyes!" (M)


Isn't she exaggerating a little? I mean, yes, when you are accustomed to dark places your eyes will hurt when you suddenly change to places with much light, and especially when you go outside.
But to be this concerned?
It was always rather bright in those caves with all the white and these shining stones.
There shouldn't be more than a slight sting.
I move to the exit and truly some light enters.
Real sunlight!
Yet the passage leading out of here is rather small.


"I thought the entrance would be bigger to such a large place?" (N)

"This is just a small one. The tunnels extend through the whole forest and beyond! There are far bigger ways out!" (M)


This underground network more and more appears to be like a kingdom.
Queendom with multiple queens?

In anticipation, I move closer to the light before me.
It is really bright, but that might be the contrast to the cave.
Nonetheless, I eagerly start to rush forward into it.


"Wait!" (M)

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh!" (N)


This hurts!
Even closing my eyes isn't completely cutting the pain off!
Why does sunlight hurt so much?
I'm grabbed from behind and get pulled back.
It becomes a little darker and my pain-tearing eyes start to recover.


"Didn’t I just say you should be careful? After all this time below you need to adjust first to the light outside!" (M)

"Why does it hurt this much? It‘s just sunlight! It shouldn't be like this! I was used to going out!" (N)

"Wait! You... you don't know?" (M)

"What don't I know?" (N)

"Your eyes. You were in dark vision mode the whole time. It's very dark in our place compared to the outside and your eyes strengthen the bit of light in here." (M)

"Dark vision? My eyes? When did that happen?" (N)

"Maybe when they started to leak acid?" (M)


Yes, I'm a spider monster.
I forgot for a moment.
Searing pain is not good for your thinking ability!


"So I cannot go out?" (N)

"Nah! You just have to wait until you are accustomed. Might still hurt a bit, but nothing excessive." (M)


So I wait at the border where the sunlight enters and find the process a little painful.
However, I am now accustomed to the sensation and can handle it.
After five minutes I think I am able to go out.
Finally, I can leave the spider nest!


"And? Ready for our trip?" (M)


Right, the giant hunting spider is coming with me.



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